Publicly humiliating someone is mental.



  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    And this is why I'm ashamed of the human race and I like animals better.

    you're great.

    It's been a while since I've lost hope for humans. And I'm talking in a general term, because there are good people out there, but history has proven that humans are the one species that have no compassion for anything or anyone. It enjoys hurting, killing, destroying. :sick:

    we can sum it up and blame video games? haha

    Unfortunately, no. My husband is a big gamer and one of the kindest best men I know.

    Unfortunately, *kitten* are just going to *kitten* all over the place. Nothing you can do about it, but do realize that it's not you. They are so full of anger, hate, bitterness, etc., that it spills out of their mouth.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    What an *kitten*. I would have humiliated him right back in front of the friends he was trying to look cool in front of if I was there. I'm so sorry. Hugs.
  • michellebd1980
    OMG, if I had been with you I would have gone up to that *kitten* hat and gave him a verbal lashing! I've had experiences like that as well and I, too, was not wearing anything revealing or too tight. I've had people (men and women) out of nowhere say things like damn she's fat or point at me and laugh. I've said something to defend myself, always giving a verbal lashing and tell them they have no room to talk. I can't stand people who have the gumption to sit there and say something like that to a complete stranger and think it's ok! Seriously stupid as EFF!
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    The guy probably has a microscopic weenie and has to use tweezers to pee - he makes up for it by putting women down... don't let people like that get to you - from your picture, you look beautiful, so flaunt it with confidence :-)
  • katherinemm31
    My father was like that. Ironically he was the one that got me into my bad eating habits as a child. When I was a kid he cut my hair into a boy's cut because he said I was too stupid to know how to wash my hair properly, then made fun of me because he said I looked like Jim Carrey. When I went into middle school and really began getting big he would come in my room, slap my stomach and butt and laugh as it jiggled then "ground" me from sweets only to later sit right in front of me wherever I was in the house and eat a whole pint of ice cream by himself. Oh, by the way he was a diabetic. In public he'd tell me I embarrassed him for looking the way I did (my mother's overweight so he blamed her even though he was always forced on diets to lose his gut) and several times until I moved away at 15 that no man would ever love me or want to be with me sexually because I'd make them lose their boners. My dad also loved to laugh at women he deemed fat or ugly in public.

    :cry: Sorry. I recognize some of your father's behavior. It does a number on you until you decide you're not going to take it anymore.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    That's really awful! Back in the fall I was out running (after having already lost about 30 pounds) and some guys driving by in a car yelled out "Work it girl! Thunderthighs!!!" I was appalled, but was grateful that it happened later on in my journey b/c I think if it had happened early on I would have given up! So sorry this happened to you! Fight back and show them that you can do this!
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    They are what known as scum. Although they closely resemble(?) human beings, they aren't actually human and thus their opinion is invalid. What you need to remember is; do you really care what someone like HIM thinks?
  • xgg2rs
    xgg2rs Posts: 128 Member
    I probably would of ended up getting into it with the guy if I had been there. You just have to ignore morons like that, you have done so well on your goals so far and I am sure some day he will be one of the guys trying to check you out as you walk by.
  • DogsK
    DogsK Posts: 94
    Remember this; you are actively doing something to improve your health. You have identified an area that could be improved and taking steps to do it. He on the other hand can or will do nothing to address his problems (and yes, they are his problems) Whilst you continue to improve he will always remain a social throw back, incapable of actually earning anyone's true respect. As a bloke, I have no time for morons like this person was. Be proud of yourself dor you are way better than he can ever hope to aspire to
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Last night, for the first time in MONTHS I got up the courage to dress up, go out to dinner in a nice restaurant and have a glass of wine at one of the popular casino bars. People were everywhere, there were huge events yesterday.

    I was wearing nothing revealing, unfitting, or skintight. Have to say I at least looked nice.
    The only thing making me stand out a little is I wore a pair of heels.. after 2 years.

    Night was going fine, I felt great.
    Walking by on the way to the bar a guy yelled "That's why fat girls should never come out."
    I felt so disgusted I no longer wanted the drink and went home.

    This happens even after I lose over 25lbs, could've easily discouraged me altogether.
    What kind of people who even have thoughts like that, have the balls to actually make it heard?
    Anyone else experienced this while doing nothing wrong?

    The appropriate response is to yell back, "Sorry about your tiny penis! Have a good day, though!"

    Odds are he feels self conscious about something.
  • djlindstrom
    I'm sorry that you experienced that. People like that are trying to make themselves appear better than they are at the expense of others. Just know that your beauty radiates from inside... something he does not have or will ever understand.

    Chin up, head high, and know that you are better then them every day! :heart:
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    Last night, for the first time in MONTHS I got up the courage to dress up, go out to dinner in a nice restaurant and have a glass of wine at one of the popular casino bars. People were everywhere, there were huge events yesterday.

    I was wearing nothing revealing, unfitting, or skintight. Have to say I at least looked nice.
    The only thing making me stand out a little is I wore a pair of heels.. after 2 years.

    Night was going fine, I felt great.
    Walking by on the way to the bar a guy yelled "That's why fat girls should never come out."
    I felt so disgusted I no longer wanted the drink and went home.

    This happens even after I lose over 25lbs, could've easily discouraged me altogether.
    What kind of people who even have thoughts like that, have the balls to actually make it heard?
    Anyone else experienced this while doing nothing wrong?

    And some people still say that fat people never get criticised or teased about their weight.

    Ignore him, people like that are deeply insecure and miserable. Have you ever met a person who is truly confident and happy with themselves who says things like that? I haven't.
  • nicehormones
    nicehormones Posts: 503 Member
    My father was like that. Ironically he was the one that got me into my bad eating habits as a child. When I was a kid he cut my hair into a boy's cut because he said I was too stupid to know how to wash my hair properly, then made fun of me because he said I looked like Jim Carrey. When I went into middle school and really began getting big he would come in my room, slap my stomach and butt and laugh as it jiggled then "ground" me from sweets only to later sit right in front of me wherever I was in the house and eat a whole pint of ice cream by himself. Oh, by the way he was a diabetic. In public he'd tell me I embarrassed him for looking the way I did (my mother's overweight so he blamed her even though he was always forced on diets to lose his gut) and several times until I moved away at 15 that no man would ever love me or want to be with me sexually because I'd make them lose their boners. My dad also loved to laugh at women he deemed fat or ugly in public.

    Anyway, people who say things like that are generally the lowest form of human life who are either so opinionated or so down on themselves they feel the need to knock someone else down a few pegs so they can go up a few. It hurts, it's always going to because no one likes being made fun of, but to me personally it's twatrags like them that motivate me to show them I'm not just "some fat chick" and I'm not going to let them stop me from the ultimate revenge--becoming healthy and gorgeous and turning my head when they come 'round with sweet nothings. You were better than him before he even opened his mouth.

    :( I think we might have the same father.

    And I agree with the second paragraph.
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    o hun youre beautiful, dont let anyone tell you otherwise!! he clearly is an *kitten* and probably hasnt been laid in ages!! haha
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    The guy who said that is an immature douche.
  • Leesseebee
    Leesseebee Posts: 216
    that was horrible, you are a pretty pretty girl and while it is hard, pity the rotting insides that man must have to need to put other people down to feel good and try and shrug it off. it has happened to me too-chin up-we will be the stronger for it.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    At 120 pounds riding a bicycle in shorts and a tank I was pointed to because Im ugly and obviously single apparently. Believe me it doesnt matter what you are. Idiots will still come up with something.
  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    And this is why I'm ashamed of the human race and I like animals better.

    you're great.

    It's been a while since I've lost hope for humans. And I'm talking in a general term, because there are good people out there, but history has proven that humans are the one species that have no compassion for anything or anyone. It enjoys hurting, killing, destroying. :sick:

    we can sum it up and blame video games? haha

    Unfortunately, no. My husband is a big gamer and one of the kindest best men I know.

    Unfortunately, *kitten* are just going to *kitten* all over the place. Nothing you can do about it, but do realize that it's not you. They are so full of anger, hate, bitterness, etc., that it spills out of their mouth.

    Yup, it is not video games, I play too and I'm not like them. Besides, humanity is way older than video games lol
  • minadeathclutch
    minadeathclutch Posts: 375 Member
    At 120 pounds riding a bicycle in shorts and a tank I was pointed to because Im ugly and obviously single apparently. Believe me it doesnt matter what you are. Idiots will still come up with something.

    wow.. this is so sad! :( i cant believe people have the freakin balls to ruin someone elses day for no reason!!
  • Tamz36
    Tamz36 Posts: 20
    I'm so sorry to hear this happened to you. What a jerk!!! You are so much better than that. Don't let that creeper get you down. Unfortunately this happens pretty often. You did great!!! ☺