Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    You look so good....NOW! (Geee, thanks!)

    Are you losing weight because of Jennifer Hudson? (Ranted about this yesterday, she is not the Black woman weight loss goddess)

    You had surgery right? (Contrary to popular belief, people can lose large amounts of weight sans bariatric surgery!)

    LMAO at the Jennifer Hudson comment and your response!!!!
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    How'd you do it?

    me: uhh, eat less and exercise?

    Pet peeve because people are just wanting a magic fix-it or an "easy button". They already know the answer, they just don't want to hear it.
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    "I bet you're hideous naked, now"


    O M G!!!!! WHY would anyone say that??!?!?!!
  • cobarlo14
    cobarlo14 Posts: 582 Member
    I was telling a coworker about my bike ride in may that i am training for. Shes asked "so how often do you exersize, have you lost any weight?" Really captain obvious

    I guess the 95 lbs was just water weight.(heres your sign)

    Too funny!!!!

  • kimi131
    kimi131 Posts: 1,058 Member
    "Hey, Size 6! I call you size 6 instead of what I really want to call you, which is *itch."

    "You're getting so skinny I just want to vomit all over you."

    Both comments were made by people I would also consider thin. I just want to respond with, I didn't just wake up this way. I worked my @$$ off to get here.
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    "You look great still."

    Still?? really? So I was supposed to gain it all back over the weekend?

    "Now I have to hate you because you are smaller than me."

    Um ok - go for it. Dont whine to me when you cant fit into your jeans anymore because you put on the weight I lost

    Do not lose any more because the men will be all over you like white on rice.
    (I still have NO clue what the last one is supposed to mean)
  • alexveksler
    alexveksler Posts: 409 Member
    "... You look skinny, are you sick?"

    Geez, NO - I am not sick. I am just losing weight, so I don't get sick, you moron. :)
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    a coworker called me the "incredible shrinking woman"....

    And I have had other people in my office tell me that I give them motivation to never quit.

    But i noticed that folks in my office have been careful not to say anything unless I'm talking about it first (diet and fitness related conversations).
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    My number one pet peeve is "Girl! How much more weight you tryna lose? Your not trying to get too much smaller are you?"(Thinking if I'm doing it the healthy way what does it matter)


    "Dont lose anymore weight. Your gonna start to look anorexic or sick" (I'm in a size 6. Thats far from sick looking)
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Your face looks thinner!

    oh i hate this one! what they mean to say is the rest of you is still fat.... lol

    Not at all - it means you've lost so much weight I can even see it in your face! The rest of your body is covered in clothes, and I'm not looking there!
  • Ebwash89
    Ebwash89 Posts: 180 Member
    now that I'm mantaining I hate the "oh cummon, you could eat like 5 donuts, you don't need to lose anymore weight"....yes I realize this, that is why I am MANTAINING but if I binge out I will gain which I do not want. It takes effort to mantain!

    Yesss!! I cant stand that!! People think that you can just eat whatever after you lost weight. Thats what got you fat in the first place. Ugh!!
  • oohh2Bskinny
    I agree... I have lost 13 pounds, my pants are falling off and no one at work has mentioned a thing.... funny as there is a woman, who I feel was already thin, who has lost weight and everyone seems to notice!! It is ok though, I'm doing it for me, not for the comments or for others approval.
  • healthyliving_girl
    healthyliving_girl Posts: 290 Member
    Uh...maybe I'm the only one, but I'm happy when people notice. LOL.

    I have had a couple people say, "You're disappearing." or "Don't lose anymore or you'll be too skinny." It doesn't really bother me. I just joke that sadly it's my *kitten* that seems to be disappearing. LOL.

    Anyhow, they have their opinions and I do think they are well meaning. I think it's just weird for people who are so accustomed to seeing us one way - for, in many cases, years - and then to see a drastic change.
  • Charisse1011
    Charisse1011 Posts: 84 Member
    Your melting away.....
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 331 Member
    My ex husband always said I looked scary skinny....keep in mind - I've NEVER been skinny....I think the lowest he EVER saw me at was 180...I'm 5'9"...and at 183 again now...there's plenty of meat on these bones!!!! NO JOKE...I could easily lose another 10-15...but I'm taking it 5 at a time...

    Some people...I don't care!!!! I'm doing this for me!
  • MikeG2
    MikeG2 Posts: 97 Member
    Right now, I'd be thrilled if ANYONE said something as simple as "something is different about you". But so far no one has said one word. That's kind of depressing to me. But then I try to remind myself that I'm doing this for me, my children and my husband, so that I can be healthy and feel strong enough to function every day. Oh well...

    It will come soon. I did not get any comments until about 20 lbs. Then EVERYBODY started talking.
  • rbear713
    rbear713 Posts: 220 Member
    Sometimes compliments can come out twisted, it's not like anyone really thinks you lost a literal ton of weight, it's just how people talk. Some of these so-called "skinny people" making the comments may be former fat people themselves. Maybe they're just asking you if you feel better because they felt better when they lost weight. Other people may be complimenting you because they're jealous and failed at dieting themselves.

    But point is, no matter how idiotic people's comments are regarding your weight loss, most people are just trying to be nice. Even if you suspect the compliment may be coming from a mean place, just be the bigger person by being nice back- smile, and say "thanks" and walk away.
    this is what i try to keep in mind - most people don't understand how much of your day is consumed by your weight and your program and your goals, etc....they really are only trying to be nice....and its just a passing thought to them - I try to remember that they aren't thinking about my journey 1/1000th as much as I am - so they may inadvertently come off as rude, harsh, or otherwise...I take it with a grain of salt....

    My mother recently said "Wow, you look younger and older all at the same time!" I didn't know how to react to that one at first, but when I told myself she was only trying to be nice (she is my mom after all - she has to love me, right!?) I came back with, "Thanks Ma - I'll take the younger part - we can ignore that old reference you just made...."

    On second thought, maybe she was just getting back at me for telling her on her 60th birthday - "Wow, mom, you're officially old now. How does it feel?" That was a schmuck line if I ever heard one....sheesh, the nerve of some peo....errrr I mean me.

    *Chuckle* We all think wonderful thoughts that come out terribly wrong sometimes. Take it with a grain of salt.... Sometimes love has teeth too - kinda like a puppy bite - love can hurt! But that doesnt mean its not love....
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    He's almost 14, so he'll get over.
    - you're too hard, I want my comfy mommy back

    would break my heart and I dont even know any children :(

    HAHAHA ok got it!!
  • Nadddy
    Nadddy Posts: 21
    I had a girl at work pat my stomach and tell me she can see a differance. I just looked at her like she was crazy, no words could come out.
  • iluvmycats
    iluvmycats Posts: 29 Member
    Right now, I'd be thrilled if ANYONE said something as simple as "something is different about you". But so far no one has said one word. That's kind of depressing to me. But then I try to remind myself that I'm doing this for me, my children and my husband, so that I can be healthy and feel strong enough to function every day. Oh well...

    16 lbs down is a fabulous thing!!