Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • Nicolette_Karls
    I think part of how we view comments made by others depends on how far into our weight loss journey we are. I'm not entirely sure how much weight I've lost, as the only scale on my campus is one from the 1800's, but I get a little touchy with some comments.

    I think the three things that bother me the most are:
    1) My boyfriend constantly touching my stomach and telling me I look sexy. I haven't lost any weight off my's all come off my thighs and arms. Thanks for pointing out the one area that won't shrink (though I know he means well).
    2) People who hear that I'm on a diet (and have been for a few months now) and say that I don't look any different. I cut out so much junk food and have taken to many steps to be healthier; no need to bash me.
    3) I know this is a little crazy, but whenever I go shopping with my sister (who is a head taller and fits her twig-self into a size 0) and she says "wow, those pants look really slimming on you." As I stand there holding my size 7 jeans because I can't fit into the size 3's I have at home.

    I don't know, I think if I weren't so trapped in the middle of my weight loss, I would feel better. For the most part, I just nod my head, but sometimes people say things that they don't really think out all the way.

    On a positive note: congrats to all the amazing weight loss stories people are telling on this post! Keep up the good work, and whatever people say, as long as you are happy and healthy that's all that matters :wink:
  • smittenmikish
    "You look so great now!" --- Now??

    "Being thinner makes you look younger... you look like you are 16!" ---- :huh:

    "Oh you are finally losing your baby weight..." ----ummm... thanks?
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Its not that I don't appreciate the compliments, but I wish people would talk about something else with me. Trying to explain what you did to lose the weight, and listening to their stories as to why they cannot find the time to exercise is getting a little repetative.
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I found it a little amusing when people decided to help me watch my diet after i lost 40 lbs without their help. "Should you be eating that"? - That's my all time favorite.

    True Story!!


    I've had a few people sit there and say, "You know, avocados have a lot of fat and calories." I just looked at the last person that said that and said, "You know, that bacon double chili-cheeseburger you're eating has a lot of sodium, calories, and trans fat." They shut up and let me finish eating my salad rofl
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member

    I'm not sure where I said or even implied that I hate all compliments. I started this post for people to share particular things that people have said that may be really off-base or insensitive.

    I think it was the word "idiots"...and that I've read a few of these before and am feeling overly sensitive this morning.

    But, I'll play....Here's something I found odd that a friend said, I'll call it "Odd things people say"

    My friend who has lost a bit of weight and runs with me every now and again has frequently asked me why I'm trying so hard to shed pounds. "You look fine" She says. I don't wanna look "fine", I wanna look "good". ...and my jeans are screaming at me every morning when I try to put them on.
  • plzlbsbegone
    There are some people out there who do say things to be mean. Sometimes, people suck. They are jealous and try to bring you down a peg. Sometimes people say dumb things because they are dumb. Some say things to be nice, becuase they are nice. Sometimes people misunderstand what was said. Really only you and that other person are going to know what was really meant by it.

    I like when someone aknowledges my weight loss, with a nice, simple comment "You look great."
    When someone says "You look so much better now!", thats below the belt. Why tell someone you look good "NOW' as opposed to, "you look great"? It's either to take a dig or pure stupidity, either way, don't let it bother you!
  • Crashley04
    I'm in the same boat. I need someone to notice (besides the hubby) :(
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    I have had the "You're not sick, are you?" I nicely explain that I'm working out and watching what I eat. They really do mean well, and are geniunely concerned that I'm not ill, which is nice.

    Although my favorite is my mom, who told me (and has for years) that I will never be "little" because of my bone structure. I know it's coming from her own neurosis (she's always been overweight), but I really want to tell her to stop, and let's just see what my body is actually capable of. It would be amazing to see what we can accomplish when no longer held back by excuses.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    if men are so stinking obsessed with titties- why do they always have this obnoxious urge to touch our tummies?
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    My boss now calls me a skinny b1tch.

    And that's meant as a compliment...!
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    LOL @ Yoovie

    I think men can't make up their minds what parts they like best. Boobs, butts, legs, etc. Women are just a buffet of goodness I guess.
  • rmqt
    rmqt Posts: 78 Member
    Such a funny topic. My mom taught us one NEVER comments on a person's appearance, especially weight loss, unless the other party brings it up first.
  • carrietehbear
    carrietehbear Posts: 384 Member
    I don't mind most comments people say that I look good. What bothers me is when people tell me they are proud of me and then turn around and complain when I'm calculating my calories or criticize me for turning down sweets or other unhealthy food. Or when people give crazy nutritional advice. (did you know that eating fruit and veggies are bad for you? Someone really told me!)
  • Dawn3218
    Dawn3218 Posts: 80
    I like it when people make comments when I lose weight. I can't imagine someone that would be annoyed by it... They must be annoyed by a lot of things then.

    Bust your booty to lose 100 pounds and then have someone say "Omg you've lost so much weight! I bet youre just HIDEOUS naked now lolol!"

    I bet you felt like ripping their throat out with your bare hands!! That is a totally insensitive, utterly stupid , really nasty thing to say to someone who's battled to lose weight. Some people can be so hurtful because they dont THINK before they open their mouths...... :flowerforyou:
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member

    I don't know. I read one of those "don't say to moms of twins" lists. It had things like, "Don't say they are a blessing," "Don't tell me how you wished you had twins, " etc. Well, they ARE a blessing and I DO wish I had twins. I prayed for twins so hard with my last pregnancy. I knew I couldn't have any more, and would have loved twins. So I'm not lying. And I'm usually holding open a door for the mom or helping her in some way, while complimenting her on her lovely babies.

    People are way too sensitive.

    I was pregnant with twins last year. It was pretty freakin' awful x 1,00,000 lol. It WAS a miracle and I did think it was amazing but it's just one of those things that you pretty much **** 5 bricks when the OBGYN asks if you know how to count and then turns the monitor towards you and it's like...of course I know how to count? Wait... one.... tw - -!

    It was pretty funny to see the look on peoples faces when they asked when I was due and I said, "May." and it was, like, October. I looked probably 7 months along at 2 and I really wasn't all about the bed rest. I think the only time I ever got sensitive about it was when people would obviously sarcastically say, "Good luck with that." or would try to feel my tummy after I lost them because they 'forgot'. I was always like wtf are you doing?
  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    I feel awkard when people compliment me about it...

    at the same time, I'm kinda like HEY LOOK, I LOST X LBS!!

    but then when I get a compliment I'm like waiiit... you thought I was fat before?

    someone said "you DO look better" the other night & I got a little pouty. lol
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Such a funny topic. My mom taught us one NEVER comments on a person's appearance, especially weight loss, unless the other party brings it up first.

    AND AGE!!! My mom too! She told me if you ever notice someone trying hard to lose weight- offer them a compliment on their overall existence!

    She always said the same thing to her friends that were losing weight- she would give them a little hug, kiss their cheek and say You look so lovely.

    Not 'today', not 'now' not 'your weight loss' not 'your outfit'

    Just YOU. You look lovely.
  • NikkieLite
    NikkieLite Posts: 126 Member
    I have a very loving and supportive friend who keeps calling me "Skinny lady!" and responding to my NSVs with "That's cause you're all skinny now." She's definitely saying it to be sweet but it just annoys me because I am very, very far from skinny.
  • renkath
    renkath Posts: 91 Member
    LOL I think people are clueless.

    My biggest pet peeve is when they ask...

    How do you feel?? DO you feel great?....Uhh, i am the same person I was before. Sure, I feel fine, but nothing much has really changed.

    That one just annoyed me no end. Like they think I have somehow changed my whole personality while losing weight. I am still me!!!

    I haven't lost a lot of weight but enough that I do feel different - stronger, more energetic. Sure, I am still me, but I DO feel great.
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    Right now, I'd be thrilled if ANYONE said something as simple as "something is different about you". But so far no one has said one word. That's kind of depressing to me. But then I try to remind myself that I'm doing this for me, my children and my husband, so that I can be healthy and feel strong enough to function every day. Oh well...

    Amen to that sister!! I would be so happy to hear ANYTHING, I don't know what I would do. I thought the first person that said something I would give a big hug. No hugs yet!!