Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    ^^^ I know, right? Lately, all I read are these blogs about "stupid things people say to: "mothers of twins", "mothers with new babies", "civilans to soldiers" and now those that have lost weight...the list goes on and on....I'm afraid to open my mouth for fear of insulting or offending someone with my stupidity. Sheesh

    Then you probably don't know how to say something nice. Compliments are simple, they don't come in the form of making assumptions.
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I lost 40lbs a couple of years ago and am now trying to maintain. There are some absolutely astounding things that people (usually skinny people!) have said to me while I was losing weight.

    "Wow, if you lose any more weight you'll be a model"

    "You've lost a ton of weight" (Me: "uh, I think 'ton' may be the wrong word..") "Yes you have! You've lost a TON!"

    "So how much weight did you lose exactly?" (Me: "That's kinda personal") "So like more than 30 pounds?"

    Anyone else want to share their own version of "Idiots Say The Darndest Things"? :)

    I thought those were all pretty nice things for people to say, yet you call them idiots? Harsh.

    You realize that a ton is two thousand pounds right?

    It's called hyperbole: an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    It's called hyperbole: an extravagant statement or figure of speech not intended to be taken literally

    Oh okay let me try one:

    "You looked like a whale before"
  • mrsknotts
    mrsknotts Posts: 115
    My mom said she thought I had an eating disorder at thanksgiving so that was nice
    my friends at work I think try to sabotage you by encouraging bad behavior. Like a box of doughnuts.. They'll say one won't kill you. Go for it" I'm not letting them stop me
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    Most people like to sabatoge you... like oh your getting so skinny, you shouldn't lose anymore weight.
    I say no, I just need to lose a few more friends like you......LOL

    Like this one LOL!!!
  • Ronm71
    Ronm71 Posts: 1 Member
    I always get, "Are you sick? Why have you lost so much weight? You are too skinny!"
  • lbigham1
    lbigham1 Posts: 132
    I found it a little amusing when people decided to help me watch my diet after i lost 40 lbs without their help. "Should you be eating that"? - That's my all time favorite.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    When people are eating and I do not want to eat what they are eating and the "live a little" comments start. Of course my life must suck and clearly I must never have fun ... ever ...because I do not wish to consume a 3000 calorie bowl of pasta. Or nosh on a 1000 calorie dessert.

    *slaps forehead*
    Silly me. :huh:
    To be a fun person I have to eat crap. Gotcha.
  • jenniferillene
    jenniferillene Posts: 34 Member
    I think its great when others aroud u say something to you about weight loss. Uve been working hard to lose it, why not take in a couple comments?! Understandable someone may say something totally out there that u may twist another way, but some people dont know what to say in that situation. I would rather hear a few comments then nothing at all. If its a comment u dont really take in well, just laugh it off and smile and hold your head high and know youve done a great job and say "Thanks!"
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I like it when people make comments when I lose weight. I can't imagine someone that would be annoyed by it... They must be annoyed by a lot of things then.

    Bust your booty to lose 100 pounds and then have someone say "Omg you've lost so much weight! I bet youre just HIDEOUS naked now lolol!"

    If that bothers me, I must be entirely too sensitive. MY BAD.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I found it a little amusing when people decided to help me watch my diet after i lost 40 lbs without their help. "Should you be eating that"? - That's my all time favorite.

    True Story!!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    When people are eating and I do not want to eat what they are eating and the "live a little" comments start. Of course my life must suck and clearly I must never have fun ... ever ...because I do not wish to consume a 3000 calorie bowl of pasta. Or nosh on a 1000 calorie dessert.

    *slaps forehead*
    Silly me. :huh:
    To be a fun person I have to eat crap. Gotcha.

  • Ahluvly
    Ahluvly Posts: 389 Member
    As of today I've reached the 14.3lbs mark, my first stone off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've had some lovely comments but people in general are just saying I'm looking really well and fit, and they can really tell on my photos that the healthy eating and regular work outs are paying off!
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    ^^^ I know, right? Lately, all I read are these blogs about "stupid things people say to: "mothers of twins", "mothers with new babies", "civilans to soldiers" and now those who have lost weight...the list goes on and on....I'm afraid to open my mouth for fear of insulting or offending someone with my stupidity. Sheesh

    Then you probably don't know how to say something nice. Compliments are simple, they don't come in the form of making assumptions.

    They weren't things that I had said, but they were things that most people would say or that I had heard that were not meant in a harsh way. I just found that people seemed to be trying to take a simple comment from someone and turn it around. Sometimes people are trying to make polite conversation, that's all.
  • altweimann
    altweimann Posts: 13 Member
    I understand some of you thinking that any comment is a good comment. But I have lost 40 pounds in total and I did goes through a period where everyone that knew me well would say things that made me mad. It's how they deliver what they are saying makes you feeling like it a attack on you. My sister started by saying" if I had the time like you I could of lost weight like you did". Then the comments of "you work out 6 out of 7 days a week, isn't it time to stop working out so much". My thoughts are ,you workout to keep a good healthy lifestyle and everyday is some different muscle group and the intensity is different each day. My mother in-law said 'If you get any skinner we will be able to see through you. But how she say it with the judgment in their eyes .I'm a size 10 ,I'm not skinny by any means. I am looking good these days. I would of liked them to say you are looking fit or healthy or looking good. Be happy for my efforts. Now that I have maintain my weight the comments are gone.But they will ask me questions on health now. I like that they are looking at me as someone they can come to and talk about health.When the comment come you just say thank you and not let it stand in your way.You know whats best for you.
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I love it that people always ask "What did you do to lose all that weight?".

    I'd like to say: "I was contacted by aliens who needed my fat for an intergalactic science experiment. Since I had so much, I donated it all."

    What I do say: "I got off my fat *kitten* and quit eating crap all day long". I don't say in a snarky way, but a more matter of fact way. I find it interesting that they almost lose interest in what I've said when I don't give them the alien answer, though. Like I did something illicit or illegal or surgical.

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    For those who think I'm being "harsh", the problem is that people don't know how to give a simple compliment. You know what kind of comments I don't mind? "You look great". That's all you have to say. You don't need to ask me my exact weight, or allude to the fact that I was a real fatass before (40lbs doesn't warrant "you lost a TON"). I got a lot of "you're anorexic now" comments. Yeah, there must be something wrong with me for not reveling in the attention.

    Saying "a ton" is usually never meant literally in weight loss circumstances....

    Also, who cares if you were or weren't "a real fatass before"? Clearly you decided to start losing weight for a reason.
    What matters is where you are at now.

    I would try not to put so much into what is probably just harmless comments. Just my two cents.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I want to add this- I've noticed that MEN make eye contact now & are generally nicer - hold doors, chat me up ... I guess most women would be pleased with this but IT MAKES ME MAD!
    I'm the same 'fatty' who was invisible last year. LOL I'm still invisible.
    HOW can I be invisible at 200 lbs and MORE visible now?! grrrr
  • Kristy0728
    "You look good, compared to how you looked before anyway..."
    "Great start, but you have a ways to go. Right?"
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    My mother (meaning well) Oh you look great now, I can see your chin, couldn't really see it before..
    and another gem from my mother, after about 10lbs, oh you can really notice, your boobs and stomach kind of became one when you were sitting down... Umm HELLO, it's still ME you're talking about, just because you're talking about how I looked a couple of months ago it's still offensive!