Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • Nicmeglau
    Nicmeglau Posts: 11
    Most people like to sabatoge you... like oh your getting so skinny, you shouldn't lose anymore weight.
    I say no, I just need to lose a few more friends like you......LOL
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    I have recently lost a little over 20lbs but I am down a total of 45lbs since the beginning of 2011. People at work didn't really say anything to me and friends only said encoraging things like "I am so proud of you for accomplishing your goal!" But my family is the worst about these kind of comments. Like my mom said to me a few months ago, "Wow, you almost look as good as you did in high school." and then the other day she said "You're really started to get some muscle definition, aren't afraid of getting bulky and ruining all your hard work?" and I said, "What? How does becoming ever more fit ruin my hard work?" Her response, "Well you'll look big in clothes again."

    I was telling my father a while back that I was starting to lift heavy. He thought it was great. Was so happy about that. :smile:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    oh wait- this is about amazing things?

    I was accidentally happened upon by my BFF in Union Sq this last Thursday- its very rare for me to come across anyone I know randomly in NYC as its, you know... slightly large? But I heard him call out "Hey Skinny!" to get my attention.

    that pretty much made it all worth it.
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Sometimes compliments can come out twisted, it's not like anyone really thinks you lost a literal ton of weight, it's just how people talk. Some of these so-called "skinny people" making the comments may be former fat people themselves. Maybe they're just asking you if you feel better because they felt better when they lost weight. Other people may be complimenting you because they're jealous and failed at dieting themselves.

    But point is, no matter how idiotic people's comments are regarding your weight loss, most people are just trying to be nice. Even if you suspect the compliment may be coming from a mean place, just be the bigger person by being nice back- smile, and say "thanks" and walk away.
  • tifferzb1206
    tifferzb1206 Posts: 19 Member
    You look so good....NOW! (Geee, thanks!)

    Are you losing weight because of Jennifer Hudson? (Ranted about this yesterday, she is not the Black woman weight loss goddess)

    You had surgery right? (Contrary to popular belief, people can lose large amounts of weight sans bariatric surgery!)

    THIS! I hate the "oh you're trying to get all JHud on us." Um no ma'am! I've lost 50lbs before JHud. This is not about her, or YOU for that matter.

    I also hate "don't lose TOO MUCH weight..." Why? Because then you'll feel like you need to lose some too? People, even with the best intentions can be such dummies.
  • jenalderman
    jenalderman Posts: 411 Member
    I get asked daily if I'm sick. My reply is "NO!" I'm working very hard for this, don't give illness any credit at all.
  • drellbell
    drellbell Posts: 23
    My EX husband is jealous :), he keeps asking me so how much do you weigh now or what size shirt are you in now?

    Sometimes I think people don't know what to say, like when I had my twins, the first question out of peoples mouths was are they twins? Ummmmm they are dressed exactly alike, same car seat same blankets heck even the same size lol, I think that people just want to either start a conversation about what your doing or why your doing it and they just say the silliest things.

    So far the only one I have heard was when my grandmother called and said so I hear your losing a ton of weight thats great, she had spoken to my aunt who saw a pic on FB and called her. I would take each compliment as a good one, no matter how silly it sounds, cause I'm sure they don't mean to say anything negative it just sometimes sounds that way

    Great job on your weighloss goals
  • Nerdybookgirl
    Nerdybookgirl Posts: 105 Member
    Your face looks thinner!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    But point is, no matter how idiotic people's comments are regarding your weight loss, most people are just trying to be nice. Even if you suspect the compliment may be coming from a mean place, just be the bigger person by being nice back- smile, and say "thanks" and walk away.

    Unfortunately, there are also many people who never had a weight loss situation to handle and when they see you have moved from the fat side to the fit side, they try to chastise you for ever thinking it meant you could be one of them.
  • kathyhull
    kathyhull Posts: 327 Member
    People are trying to say nice things, let you know they notice your weight loss and hard work, but a lot of the things they say either come out wrong or, because we who have been overweight may be a little sensative, sound a little hurtful. You just have to laugh it off. Sometimes they don't say anything at all because they're worried that you're losing weight because you're sick or something. I found it amusing when my dad said "now don't go getting too skinny" - I'm not even in the healthy weight range yet. And, everytime I tell my best friend I have another 20 or so to lose, she gets very upset - "that's not a reasonable goal" and "you won't be able to maintain such a low weight". I think that's because she's struggling with maintaining her healthy weight as she ages and she's projecting those struggles on to me. No worries, I'm going to get healthy if it KILLS ME!
  • VeganInTraining
    VeganInTraining Posts: 1,321 Member
    now that I'm mantaining I hate the "oh cummon, you could eat like 5 donuts, you don't need to lose anymore weight"....yes I realize this, that is why I am MANTAINING but if I binge out I will gain which I do not want. It takes effort to mantain!
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    For those who think I'm being "harsh", the problem is that people don't know how to give a simple compliment. You know what kind of comments I don't mind? "You look great". That's all you have to say. You don't need to ask me my exact weight, or allude to the fact that I was a real fatass before (40lbs doesn't warrant "you lost a TON"). I got a lot of "you're anorexic now" comments. Yeah, there must be something wrong with me for not reveling in the attention.
  • MrsHallum07
    MrsHallum07 Posts: 60 Member
    I have heard, "Are you losing weight, cause you look good? Did you have that surgery too???" I look at them, smile & say no. I just started exercising & watching what I ate. I can't believe now that so many ppl think that is the only way to lose weight. No offense to anyone who has done the surgery, plz forgive me if you got offended. :smile:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    For those who think I'm being "harsh", the problem is that people don't know how to give a simple compliment. You know what kind of comments I don't mind? "You look great". That's all you have to say. You don't need to ask me my exact weight, or allude to the fact that I was a real fatass before (40lbs doesn't warrant "you lost a TON"). I got a lot of "you're anorexic now" comments. Yeah, there must be something wrong with me for not reveling in the attention.

    NO WAY Im on your side!!!!
  • LastMinuteMama
    LastMinuteMama Posts: 590 Member
    I lost 40lbs a couple of years ago and am now trying to maintain. There are some absolutely astounding things that people (usually skinny people!) have said to me while I was losing weight.

    "Wow, if you lose any more weight you'll be a model"

    "You've lost a ton of weight" (Me: "uh, I think 'ton' may be the wrong word..") "Yes you have! You've lost a TON!"

    "So how much weight did you lose exactly?" (Me: "That's kinda personal") "So like more than 30 pounds?"

    Anyone else want to share their own version of "Idiots Say The Darndest Things"? :)

    I thought those were all pretty nice things for people to say, yet you call them idiots? Harsh.

    ^^^ I know, right? Lately, all I read are these blogs about "stupid things people say to: "mothers of twins", "mothers with new babies", "civilans to soldiers" and now those that have lost weight...the list goes on and on....I'm afraid to open my mouth for fear of insulting or offending someone with my stupidity. Sheesh
  • lauraemthomson
    lauraemthomson Posts: 68 Member
    Totally agree with you.... Dont lose to much a famous one!
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  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I have heard, "Are you losing weight, cause you look good? Did you have that surgery too???" I look at them, smile & say no. I just started exercising & watching what I ate. I can't believe now that so many ppl think that is the only way to lose weight. No offense to anyone who has done the surgery, plz forgive me if you got offended. :smile:

    Just be like "YES I had my entire stomach removed, plus a couple of useless organs. Thanks for noticing"
  • Ashalena
    Ashalena Posts: 162
    I like it when people make comments when I lose weight. I can't imagine someone that would be annoyed by it... They must be annoyed by a lot of things then.

    I know that's right, girl! I will talk to anybody about how I've lost weight and how I did it in a HEALTHY way.
  • bemott
    bemott Posts: 180
    Someone recently said, There's something different about you. I can't pinpoint it.
    Then she said, You look PRETTY.
    Oh wow, so you can't be pretty when you're 10 lbs heavier? Give me a break.
  • iamfranniefierce
    iamfranniefierce Posts: 305 Member
    LOL at that J.Hud comment....keep up the gr8 work!