Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • lindalou4850
    lindalou4850 Posts: 217 Member
    You have lost a lot of weight, are you sick??? what if i said "Yes I am dying" how would they feel then??
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I found it a little amusing when people decided to help me watch my diet after i lost 40 lbs without their help. "Should you be eating that"? - That's my all time favorite.

    Lol I think it's hilarious when people do that, actually. I just smile knowingly and say I can eat anything I want. Everything in moderation. :)
  • JoolieW68
    JoolieW68 Posts: 1,879 Member
    I want to add this- I've noticed that MEN make eye contact now & are generally nicer - hold doors, chat me up ... I guess most women would be pleased with this but IT MAKES ME MAD!
    I'm the same 'fatty' who was invisible last year. LOL I'm still invisible.
    HOW can I be invisible at 200 lbs and MORE visible now?! grrrr

    I'm SO with you on this, I have noticed the same thing. I see the same people day after day at work who previously would not make eye contact when we passed in the hallway, now will be very friendly. Really says a lot about them, I think.
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 756 Member
    You look so good....NOW! (Geee, thanks!)

    Are you losing weight because of Jennifer Hudson? (Ranted about this yesterday, she is not the Black woman weight loss goddess)

    You had surgery right? (Contrary to popular belief, people can lose large amounts of weight sans bariatric surgery!)

    LOL.. THIS!! I've been compared to JHud more than once. I'm like "No, I want to get healthy.. I don't want to have an alien shaped head."
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    Honestly, I don't look to take comments the wrong way. I welcome comments like "You look great" because I know they mean it. Clearly they see I have worked very hard and made lots of sacrifices because you know what? I needed to make those changes and sacrifices to get to where I am now.

    I don't know how else to take a 'skinny fat' comment other than negatively. I don't know how else to take a comment (true story) "are you turning into one of them anorexics now?" other than negatively. I can't imagine anyone means anything nice by these comments.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member

    I'm not sure where I said or even implied that I hate all compliments. I started this post for people to share particular things that people have said that may be really off-base or insensitive.
  • Daella
    Daella Posts: 19 Member
    I lost 40lbs a couple of years ago and am now trying to maintain. There are some absolutely astounding things that people (usually skinny people!) have said to me while I was losing weight.

    "Wow, if you lose any more weight you'll be a model"

    "You've lost a ton of weight" (Me: "uh, I think 'ton' may be the wrong word..") "Yes you have! You've lost a TON!"

    "So how much weight did you lose exactly?" (Me: "That's kinda personal") "So like more than 30 pounds?"

    Anyone else want to share their own version of "Idiots Say The Darndest Things"? :)

    I thought those were all pretty nice things for people to say, yet you call them idiots? Harsh.

    I think it kinda depends on the mood you're in/angle you look at it. At first, I thought they were relatively nice. However, that's the way my family would say it also. But, I can ~also~ see how it can be...almost rude? But when it comes to weight talk, people don't always know how to say what they mean without looking like a fool.
  • wolfehound22
    What people say never bothered me, but it always made me wonder, man did I look that bad before lol.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member

    I'm not sure where I said or even implied that I hate all compliments. I started this post for people to share particular things that people have said that may be really off-base or insensitive.

    Oh come on negative nelly, I am sure when people say we're less of a fat *kitten* they mean it in the nicest way possible...
    (I'm being sarcastic) I get what you're saying all the way!
  • Daella
    Daella Posts: 19 Member
    I have recently lost a little over 20lbs but I am down a total of 45lbs since the beginning of 2011. People at work didn't really say anything to me and friends only said encoraging things like "I am so proud of you for accomplishing your goal!" But my family is the worst about these kind of comments. Like my mom said to me a few months ago, "Wow, you almost look as good as you did in high school." and then the other day she said "You're really started to get some muscle definition, aren't afraid of getting bulky and ruining all your hard work?" and I said, "What? How does becoming ever more fit ruin my hard work?" Her response, "Well you'll look big in clothes again."

    My grandmother is like that too. She goes "Oh my, where did you get that butt? Not from MY family.." Or "Where did my skinny girls go. :cry:"
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    You have lost a lot of weight, are you sick??? what if i said "Yes I am dying" how would they feel then??
    Sudden weight loss is a symptom of many cancers.

    Be thankful that they care enough to ask.
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    "Don't you think you should slow down?" Wtf, why? I'm eating right and just working out like I have never done before. Not like I'm losing 100lbs in a month.

    "Look how THIN she's getting!" (My mother in law says this to everyone at her house every single time I come over.) I say thanks but then it sparks an hour long conversation about what I've been doing with people asking me all sorts of questions just to tell me, "Oh, you shouldn't do that!!!" *****es, please. I eat healthier than they do.

    "You don't need to run as much as you do. You look great but it's bad for you." What? Really?? I do a 16 minute mile with hills and a 10 minute mile on level ground. The most I've gone so far is 2.25 miles in one run and I don't even go for more than 30 minutes yet. And since when is running bad for people?

    The most annoying thing recently is people, who sit on the couch all day, trying to give me advice on the marathon I'm doing in January. Yes, I know that 26.2 miles is a butt ton. Yes, I know I'm "too out of shape to do a marathon" RIGHT NOW. But I won't be too out of shape to do one with 9 months of training... Yet the first reaction when it comes up in conversation that I'll be doing one is, "OH WOW! THAT'S AWESOME!" followed by all the negatives.

    I think people are just jelly at this point because they're being one upped by a heifer.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member
    You have lost a lot of weight, are you sick??? what if i said "Yes I am dying" how would they feel then??
    Sudden weight loss is a symptom of many cancers.

    Be thankful that they care enough to ask.

    I disagree and would be more inclined to say they'd be asking out of nosiness rather than concern
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    Since I'm not obese and much smaller than my coworkers whenever I mention weight loss I get the good ol' eye roll and "if you lose anymore you'll waste away" crap. I don't know if I've ever heard anything encouraging. Sad.
  • 81Katz
    81Katz Posts: 7,074 Member
    You have lost a lot of weight, are you sick??? what if i said "Yes I am dying" how would they feel then??
    Sudden weight loss is a symptom of many cancers.

    Be thankful that they care enough to ask.

    and sudden weight gain could be a sign of someone eating too much crap, but most people don't go around telling their loved ones "Gee, you've put on a few haven't you?" "Wow, if you gain anymore you're going to explode". "Wow, pretty soon we're going to have to grease you through the doorway." Why don't we say those things? Right, because it's insensitive and hurtful.

    See how that works?
  • MOS3
    MOS3 Posts: 134 Member
    Most people like to sabatoge you... like oh your getting so skinny, you shouldn't lose anymore weight.
    I say no, I just need to lose a few more friends like you......LOL

    Totally love this response - I am gonna use it (if you don't mind) cos I am getting this all the time. Even to the point I am getting paranoid incase I am too thin. (I'm not - 5 ft 6 and 142lbs and fit in to a UK 12) . My only worry is I am nearly 49 so don't want to look too thin for my age.
  • pfamilygal
    ^^^ I know, right? Lately, all I read are these blogs about "stupid things people say to: "mothers of twins", "mothers with new babies", "civilans to soldiers" and now those that have lost weight...the list goes on and on....I'm afraid to open my mouth for fear of insulting or offending someone with my stupidity. Sheesh

    Then you probably don't know how to say something nice. Compliments are simple, they don't come in the form of making assumptions.

    I don't know. I read one of those "don't say to moms of twins" lists. It had things like, "Don't say they are a blessing," "Don't tell me how you wished you had twins, " etc. Well, they ARE a blessing and I DO wish I had twins. I prayed for twins so hard with my last pregnancy. I knew I couldn't have any more, and would have loved twins. So I'm not lying. And I'm usually holding open a door for the mom or helping her in some way, while complimenting her on her lovely babies.

    People are way too sensitive.

    I had a co-worker say, "Wow, T, you look so nice now that you'd lost the fat. I mean, your face was always nice, but now your body matches!" Umm, thanks?

    I'm just glad folks notice. I usually just smile at their attempt and say, "Yup, I'm working towards a healthier, stronger me! Thanks for noticing."
  • vanessairene
    vanessairene Posts: 104 Member
    I lost 25 pounds before I found MFP (not I'm here trying to lose the last 20) and my favorite was:

    "Wow you're losing weight! Is everything alright?" I might add this came from the same person who would describe me to people as "could be super pretty, but had a weight issue"

  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    yes I agree with you I almost gave up a couple of weeks ago and then I saw a friend i havent seen for a long time and she made a comment like you look great and asked what I was doing, and that was enough for me now to give up and get going again. so I love when people complement me on my weight loss. :-)