Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    My mom: "Quit working out its not good for your bones"

    Some guy I used to work with: "You look so good now, before you looked pregnant."

    My sister: "OMG! You lose weight so quickly!! How are you doing it??!"
    Me: "I watch what I eat and I work out every day"
    Her: "I wish I could do that, I need to lose 10 lbs by your wedding!!" [1.5 months left]
    Me: "Better start watching what you eat then"
    Her: "I can't do that, I wish!!" [Eats cheeze whiz and hawaiian roll sammich] :grumble:
  • JinkySue1
    JinkySue1 Posts: 3 Member
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    I also hate "don't lose TOO MUCH weight..." Why? Because then you'll feel like you need to lose some too? People, even with the best intentions can be such dummies.

    Haha, this!

    Someone told me not to lose more weight cause I'd be "too thin".. uhh, thanks for your concern but I'm making that decision, especially when it's obvious theres lots left to lose! Ugh..
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    I've had several people tell me have you lost weight?? Yes....Oh I can definitely tell in your FACE! UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I hate that....I have lost 16 pounds and it did not all come from my face LOL and I actually didn't have a chunky face before so I just don't understand why that is the only thing people notice :/
  • stacymama5
    stacymama5 Posts: 391 Member
    I was telling a coworker about my bike ride in may that i am training for. Shes asked "so how often do you exersize, have you lost any weight?" Really captain obvious

    I guess the 95 lbs was just water weight.(heres your sign)

    Too funny!!!!
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    And the winner sister-in-law. When I had just begun to lose my weight and I told her my goal weight, she looked at me and snottily replied "What do you think you are going to look like you did when you were in your twenties?" Why I never looked at it that way, really all I wanted to do was get healthy...but now that you mention it sure I'll try. It has been my biggest motivation and now I am 35 lbs down and five to go to reach goal. Thank you:laugh:
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    Me personally, I am waiting on someone to ask me if I'm on crack!!! At this I will smile, hug them and say "no but thank you,,,you have made my day!"

    My ex used to spread rumors around my old work that I was on crack because I had lost like 30 lbs after I dumped him!!
    Really, people, CRACK?!
  • mlb929
    mlb929 Posts: 1,974 Member
    I never thought of you as fat before, but you look really little now.
  • butterflyliz32
    butterflyliz32 Posts: 124 Member
    I lost 40lbs a couple of years ago and am now trying to maintain. There are some absolutely astounding things that people (usually skinny people!) have said to me while I was losing weight.

    "Wow, if you lose any more weight you'll be a model"

    "You've lost a ton of weight" (Me: "uh, I think 'ton' may be the wrong word..") "Yes you have! You've lost a TON!"

    "So how much weight did you lose exactly?" (Me: "That's kinda personal") "So like more than 30 pounds?"

    Anyone else want to share their own version of "Idiots Say The Darndest Things"? :)

    I don't get annoyed by the comments, so much - more the fact that they feel the need to make my weight a topic of conversation. If I mention that I am losing weight and they want to comment, that is fine, but otherwise, stick to the weather.

    I used to be about 40 lbs heavier than I am right now (like 5 years ago). I have been pretty much at the same weight for a year or more. Certain people, EVERY TIME I see them, tell me how much weight I have lost and that I look great. What I want to ask is, "What the hell do I look like in your mind, because I haven't lost a pound in months!" And these are people that I see on a regular basis. I guess they store a mental picture from the older, fatter days.

    But I really do appreciate the nice comments. It just gets to me sometimes. I remember going to a movie with a friend one time and I was wearing a pretty cute top. She complimented me on the top, followed by, "It's so nice that they make cute clothes in your size." Thanks. Pfffft.
  • trinawynne75052
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Should you be eating that? Hmmm I lost 56lbs without knowing what to eat! Because I've changed my lifestyle I'm never to have a treat lol. I love all comments except this one. Drives me a little bit crazy ha ha x
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Ha Ha - I only call people idiots when the tell me I have GAINED weight! You know - like I am too stupid to know I have gained weight.
  • chelsey202
    chelsey202 Posts: 24 Member
    I lost 40lbs a couple of years ago and am now trying to maintain. There are some absolutely astounding things that people (usually skinny people!) have said to me while I was losing weight.

    "Wow, if you lose any more weight you'll be a model"

    "You've lost a ton of weight" (Me: "uh, I think 'ton' may be the wrong word..") "Yes you have! You've lost a TON!"

    "So how much weight did you lose exactly?" (Me: "That's kinda personal") "So like more than 30 pounds?"

    Anyone else want to share their own version of "Idiots Say The Darndest Things"? :)

    You get mad when people try to compliment you on your weight loss? Even awkwardly, they're trying to be nice and you're taking it in a way they clearly didn't intend. I've read multiple posts now about how cruel people can be making anti-fat comments at strangers; you really have no reason to complain.

    (there was a post about 'did you have surgery' though; that one IS rude)
  • kaylaCdewire1311
    Right now, I'd be thrilled if ANYONE said something as simple as "something is different about you". But so far no one has said one word. That's kind of depressing to me. But then I try to remind myself that I'm doing this for me, my children and my husband, so that I can be healthy and feel strong enough to function every day. Oh well...

    I know the feeling! I've only lost a little, but I can tell... so why can't anyone else!?
  • nemsmom
    nemsmom Posts: 48
    I get asked daily if I'm sick. My reply is "NO!" I'm working very hard for this, don't give illness any credit at all.

    I have MS, when I lost 30lbs the year I was diagnosed, which I started losing before I was diagnosed, everyone said, "Well I hope you lost this weight in a good way and not because you're sick!" I know they meant well, but I worked very hard to lose that weight! Now I"m doing it all again, but I want to get down to a healthier weight than that even.

    The other thing was that people would argue with me that I COULDN'T lose anymore weight because I looked sick. Um just because you can see my collar bones finally doesn't mean I'm sick! I still had rolls on my stomach, I wasn't so big on losing weight at that point, more firming things up but jeez!

    I know that none of it was said to be mean, it just came out wrong. It was hurtful though, like they were trying to take away the pride I had for the hard work I had done!
  • mattemery
    mattemery Posts: 38 Member
    Nice comments are welcomed, but not really necessary anymore. Here are the things I HATE, but bite my tongue, because I assume they mean well, but I don't see how.

    "Don't get too skinny"
    "Are you sick?"
    "Are you still healthy? It looks like you are getting unhealthy"

    And my ALL TIME FAVORITE.... on the occasions I choose to indulge in something like a bite of ice cream, piece of candy, etc....

    "Are you supposed to be eating that?"
  • ampa916
    ampa916 Posts: 189 Member
    when I was in high school I lost around 50lbs, (but I only weighed around 188lbs at my lowest) my dad went on and on about how I really shouldn't lose anymore, he was getting worried I wasn't eating etc...

    This coming from the same guy who told me I could stand to lose some weight, I wasn't even down to a healthy weight at that point!

    I had a lot of people say I shouldn't lose anymore, but I think that was because they just weren't used to seeing me smaller. I just hate when people assume they know what is safe/healthy for you even if you explain (like I did) that the weight loss was Dr. helped and monitored!
  • mattemery
    mattemery Posts: 38 Member
    I've had several people tell me have you lost weight?? Yes....Oh I can definitely tell in your FACE! UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I hate that....I have lost 16 pounds and it did not all come from my face LOL and I actually didn't have a chunky face before so I just don't understand why that is the only thing people notice :/

    Just think of it as there way of saying, "You look great!!!! and I'm not even saying that because of your new smoking hot body. I'm just looking at your face! I swear to God. I'm only looking from the neck up!"
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Where would you rather they looked? LOL.
    I've had several people tell me have you lost weight?? Yes....Oh I can definitely tell in your FACE! UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I hate that....I have lost 16 pounds and it did not all come from my face LOL and I actually didn't have a chunky face before so I just don't understand why that is the only thing people notice :/
  • btanton27
    btanton27 Posts: 186 Member
    Your face looks thinner!

    oh i hate this one! what they mean to say is the rest of you is still fat.... lol