Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • sarahp86
    sarahp86 Posts: 692 Member
    Oh I've had my fair share of idiotic comments. I was accused (at the gym ) of being bulimic. Yep thats how I did it. Where has bulimia been all my life? Then the other other day work I brought in a cake for my co worker because it was her birthday. Well my kids were with me because I was off that day. So anyway, I have this one co worker who is an insecure b**** and is always trying to sabotage my weight loss by trying to make me eat fast food. Well the birthday girl asked my daughter if she wanted a piece of cake and this ***** says outloud 'no she can't have any cake, her mom is probably counting her calories too'. Oh I was livid. I let it go but I'm still really mad

    What a jealous b*tch! I'd be so angry! How dare she say that in front of your children and make out that your healthy lifestyle is a bad thing!! Ahe is an absolute ****!!!!

    What I dislike is when people ask how much weight I want to lose and I say another 60lbs or so and I get " but you'll be sick looking!" "you're tall you can carry it!"

    I'm 6' and 242lbs. My goal weight is 175lbs which means I'd be a UK size 12/14! I just tell them now I'm not weighing myself and I'm just trying to get fit! I feel like a fat mess, I'm not fit and I don't feel attractive at this size!

    My parents tell me they're proud of me but follow it up with "don't give up, you've a long way to go!"

    However I do like getting compliments because it motivates me to keep training and eating right. I just say thank you and one of the lads I work with told me that i've motivated him to start training again which I was really pleased with.
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
  • Cheri_Moves
    Cheri_Moves Posts: 625 Member
    I *mostly* appreciate the comments and compliments. Although, There are times when I notice i am EXPECTING them because I hear them so often, which is sooo not good! Bad, bad me! Some of you may know what I am talking about :wink:

    A few good ones are:
    *My dad said, "When you turn sideways, you disappear!"
    *Co-workers mainly try to tell me I shouldn't lose anymore and when I tell them my goal, they roll their eyes or give me more of their uninformed opinions. They do not know my weight, BMI, BFP, MM, or anything for that matter!!! They dont understand what "Training" is because most of them dont even exercise. EVER.
    *Family and friends are jealous which is very hard for me. I love them and I have not changed. I want to encourage them in their aspirations and goals as well.

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  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    I've had several people tell me have you lost weight?? Yes....Oh I can definitely tell in your FACE! UGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I hate that....I have lost 16 pounds and it did not all come from my face LOL and I actually didn't have a chunky face before so I just don't understand why that is the only thing people notice :/

    Just think of it as there way of saying, "You look great!!!! and I'm not even saying that because of your new smoking hot body. I'm just looking at your face! I swear to God. I'm only looking from the neck up!"

    HAHA That is true! I will try to take it as a compliment!
  • Runningirl7284
    Runningirl7284 Posts: 274 Member
    Your face looks thinner!

    oh i hate this one! what they mean to say is the rest of you is still fat.... lol

    YES that is how I feel!
  • babyblooeyes
    babyblooeyes Posts: 67 Member
    What I hate hearing the most is maybe you can get off of all your meds and you won't need your infusions after you lose all the weight. Really, because lower weight is the ultimate cure for rheumatoid arthritis? No, it isn't. Even when I was lighter before the steroids I still hurt like hell and I assume I will continue to do so.

    Recently I lost 35 lbs in 35 days with the appropriate amount of food, calories, nutrition, and exercise... people noticed and said wow you must hurt a lot less... no actually I hurt really bad today and if anyone can remove my hands and feet I would feel much better and weigh even less.......

    Okay, that was a rant. I understand totally where you are coming from though.

  • catniph
    catniph Posts: 11
    What I hate hearing the most is maybe you can get off of all your meds and you won't need your infusions after you lose all the weight. Really, because lower weight is the ultimate cure for rheumatoid arthritis? No, it isn't. Even when I was lighter before the steroids I still hurt like hell and I assume I will continue to do so.

    Recently I lost 35 lbs in 35 days with the appropriate amount of food, calories, nutrition, and exercise... people noticed and said wow you must hurt a lot less... no actually I hurt really bad today and if anyone can remove my hands and feet I would feel much better and weigh even less.......

    Okay, that was a rant. I understand totally where you are coming from though.


    Sorry to hear about your pain :( feel free to rant away...
    One of my friends has RA and until the last year or so she was very slim and still in pain and on lots of meds (she had eating disorders in her past, so at some points she was very, very thin)

    She has now put on weight due to changes in her medication and being unable to move about as much now (she used to be a very bouncy person who would be dancing the night away whenever possible, but the medication she was on was making her blood toxic so she had to come off it, and nothing else has worked to ease the pain for her - she actually has recently had to walk around with a stick to ease her worst ankle, although that hurts her wrist. Can't win, poor thing)

    The worst thing about all of it was that at her recent birthday drinks, a person close to her said to me "Oh well, it's not *really* her birthday - maybe when she's lost a LOT of weight we can celebrate properly"
    Like, because she's overweight we can't celebrate her birthday... Didn't you know that only skinny people are allowed birthdays!

    This person has made comments about my friends weight before - such as "She's putting on weight - we can't have that now, can we?", never mind that she is in loads of pain and her immune system is shot so she's been in bed with a chest infection for 2 weeks, on top of the rest of what she has to deal with!

    So yeah, people can be rude both ways!

    Some of the stuff people are quoting is pretty rude, and sometimes it is the tone of voice which says it all, but I do agree that some of the things can be more hurtful depending on how we feel ourselves.

    When I lost weight before, I personally didn't mind when people said I looked healthier, or better or fitter or any of those things, because I know that at my heaviest I did look pretty unfit, I was unhealthy and I am a happier, better person when I am not heavily obese.
    I also know that when I was at my heaviest I didn't really want to go out and buy a new wardrobe of new clothes, so maybe I wasn't looking my best either!

    However if anyone had said I looked prettier when I had lost weight, I might have felt a little differently; sure, if you gain weight around your face (I do!) then your features may be slightly less pronounced than when slim- but not to the point you look ugly!!

    And no one actually came out and said "Yeah you looked awful before." or "Oh you were soooo fat!" I mean - I was, but it would be very rude of anyone to say so!

    I think that in an odd way, the worst thing was from my mum - after I'd lost about 28lb (through which she had been very supportive and encouraging...), she said that she was glad I was now a healthier weight as "I was worried about you", but I don't see that as a rude thing, it was just bad that she hadn't said something before- my father has lots of heart problems so she was right to worry that I might end up like him if I hadn't lost weight.
    I told her that if I got that large again to just come out and say something, and I promised not to be angry!
    I did put a bit of the weight back on at Christmas and I did get a gentle reminder from her! Which may be why I haven't got quite that large again and am now trying to get back on track!
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 314 Member
    Are you losing weight because of Jennifer Hudson? (Ranted about this yesterday, she is not the Black woman weight loss goddess)

    LOL...okay, that made me giggle a bit!

    That was pretty good.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I was told these gems today

    1. "It isn't worth changing your diet because the advice keeps changing all the time"

    2. "You can eat as much chocolate as you like as long as you drink a lot of water to detoxify the fat"


    1. NO IT DOESN'T

    2. NO YOU CAN'T

  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I went from about 98 kg to 63kg after going back to old habits and having a baby I went back up to 92 kg and losing weight again. I love to hear comments like "wow you look great" or "the weight is really coming off" it's super motivating for me.

    The one thing I didn't like the last time I lost weight was that I did it by signing myself up for a marathon. So all I did was run, I was thin with almost no tone. Someone said "you looked better when you were fat" Thankfully there was someone there with more tact and slapped him on the back of the head and he said "what she looks like a death camp survivor" those are harsh words to hear when you've been running your butt off for 7 months and trying to eat in a way that your body has the fuel to run like that.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    "You're wasting away"

    Er...only when hell freezes over will there be any danger of that happening!
  • lanfred01
    lanfred01 Posts: 17
    You look so good....NOW! (Geee, thanks!)

    Are you losing weight because of Jennifer Hudson? (Ranted about this yesterday, she is not the Black woman weight loss goddess)

    You had surgery right? (Contrary to popular belief, people can lose large amounts of weight sans bariatric surgery!)

    AHHHHH!!!!! I soooo hate that one. My favorite "wow you look like J. Hud now". Why? Because I'm loosing weight and I'm a singer/actor. It's like the "go to" black girl celebrity.
  • tonihayden
    I wudnt know....I just get called fat so I wud love it if anyone said anything the least bit nice to me these days or gave me any credit for trying instead of telling me how selfish i am for wanting to take time out each evening to exercise...............
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    Are you losing weight because of Jennifer Hudson? (Ranted about this yesterday, she is not the Black woman weight loss goddess)

    LOL...okay, that made me giggle a bit!

    I am so tired of the Jennifer Hudson commercials! Although, at least she isn't "nails on a chalkboard annoying" like Marie Osmond! All the diet commercials get on my nerves a little. I watch too much TV.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    You ever notice when people gain weight everyone notices and some are negative about it; yet when people work their *kitten* off you have people that are negative about it. Like wow your too skinny, you need to eat. I think there are just some people that will not be satisfied with anything in life. Don't take it personally keep working hard! :)
  • runfrommygenes
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    I was told these gems today

    1. "It isn't worth changing your diet because the advice keeps changing all the time"

    2. "You can eat as much chocolate as you like as long as you drink a lot of water to detoxify the fat"


    1. NO IT DOESN'T

    2. NO YOU CAN'T


    Ever notice the people that know the least are the ones that talk the most?
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    Are you losing weight because of Jennifer Hudson? (Ranted about this yesterday, she is not the Black woman weight loss goddess)

    :laugh: hahahah wtf... I'm going to die. Someone really said this!?!? :laugh: I mean, I am totally losing weight because of Marie Osmond, but c'mon...
  • Erinslove
    Erinslove Posts: 139
    I found it a little amusing when people decided to help me watch my diet after i lost 40 lbs without their help. "Should you be eating that"? - That's my all time favorite.

    The other night at dinner my father-in-law embarrassed me so bad (although I know he wasn't trying to be a jerk) by offering all the guests gelato and then announcing "Erin, I am not offering you any b/c of your diet." Ummm, thanks. But since I am 38 I think I will decide what I eat. And, how do you know I don't have the calories left for gelato?
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member
    hahah it isn't super nice to be told you've lost A TON and things of that nature. But people are genuinely trying to be complimentary, I think. I find it frustrating when people badger me to stop losing weight and tell me I'm "losing too much", "getting too thin", etc... I have never been "thin" in my LIFE. And I don't have body dysmorphia, I was just 5 the last time I was at a healthy weight for my age/height. But telling people that I'm trying to be healthy, not skinny usually shut them up.

    The only other well-meaning thing people say that has anything to do with my weight and bugs me to no end is "you have such a pretty face!" Yes, I do have a pretty face. SO SAY I'M PRETTY. That covers it! Thanks.