Amazing things people say when you're losing weight



  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    "but you really dont need to lose anymore, besides you have had 2 kids you know"

    I wanna look hot for the sake of looking hot, having kids has nothing to do with it, I wanna look hot for me and my self esteem
  • AmyNaylor7205
    AmyNaylor7205 Posts: 45 Member
    A couple of years ago I had lost like 30 pounds over a 6 month span. I was very active and taking dance classes at school. I hadnt seen my sister in about 4 months and when I saw her for the first time since then she said I looked like I was on drugs!!! She hurt my feelings so bad. Later, she apologized and said she was just a little jealous! lol
  • christibam
    christibam Posts: 478 Member
    I have one but it isn't really mine.

    My little brother: "Mom! Your butt looks like Christi's now..."
    Mom: "Umm... is that supposed to be good or bad?" :evil look:
    Brother: "GOOD! GOOD! I SWEAR! GOOD!"

    I'm a little confused as to why my brother is looking at either of our butts but hey lol. He doesn't think before he talks sometimes.
  • SARgirl
    SARgirl Posts: 572 Member
    I had a guy at work say to me "So did you give up eating?". I knew what he meant though and he's a nice guy, so I took it as a compliment!
  • betaleonis
    betaleonis Posts: 178
    I like it when people make comments when I lose weight. I can't imagine someone that would be annoyed by it... They must be annoyed by a lot of things then.


    You may not be able to imagine it, but some people (me included) are very sensitive about remarks being made towards our weight. Its not that we don't understand that the givers of such comments have good intentions, and its not that we may find it "annoying" - personally, it just makes me feel very uncomfortable.

    You might try to imagine being over 200lbs for most of your middle school, high school, and adult life and the amount of cruelty you can indure during that time and then feel "uncomfortable" about people saying you look good! Not trying to be rude or anything but they are compliments! Be happy that people even take an interest in ya! :)

    Everyone has to endure cruelty in their life. Its up to them how they deal with it - and, personally - compliments or not, those comments make me uncomfortable. That doesn't mean that I get annoyed, or upset with the person giving such comments. Its just the emotion that is triggered as a result of that kind of interest.. and it would be lovely if I didn't feel that way, but I do. Its wonderful that you can accept those comments, kudos, but its a tad insensitive to imply that those who don't are clearly "annoyed by a lot of things, then".
  • RosieWest8
    RosieWest8 Posts: 185 Member
    My only small annoyance is people at the office. I work with all women. I’ve commonly been referred to as ‘the skinny one’…etc. Which isn’t the worst thing in the world to be called! =D But, I am ‘officially’/medically considered ‘overweight’ for my height. So at the office, when I’m eating healthy foods, or keeping an eye on my portions…others can see it.
    They will ask, ‘Why are you watching what you eat?’ or say something like, ‘You DEFINITELY don’t need to lose weight!’. Heaven forbid I actually tell any of them HOW much weight I want to lose….I made that mistake and the co-worker I told looked like she was about to freak out. I know that the reason they are saying these things is b/c they don’t think I LOOK like the amount I weigh…which is a good thing =D. My answer back to them is simply, “ I do need to lose weight, I’m overweight for my height.”……and I can tell that they think I’m crazy or something…Like I’m one step on the scale away from an eating disorder…when I’m just trying to be healthier (and look better =D ). I feel like people should just trust me when I say that I could stand to lose some poundage, and wish me luck.

    P.S. My goal weight is literally smack-dab in the middle of my height’s ‘healthy weight range’, so the amount of weight I want to lose isn’t a psychotic amount.
  • TriumphNow
    TriumphNow Posts: 526 Member
    I appreciate the comments. There have been time that I felt uncomfortable with "Hey Skinny" or "Every time I see you you're getting smaller and smaller". I know they meant it as a compliment but I just wasn't comfortable with myself. The only time I get a little offended is when people ask me "Are you OK? Have you been sick?" I just nicely say, thankfully I'm not sick. This a result of a lot of hard work...exercising and eating healthy. This questions is just a little irritating because I know how much work I've done and I know I don't look sick.
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    "but you really dont need to lose anymore, besides you have had 2 kids you know"

    I wanna look hot for the sake of looking hot, having kids has nothing to do with it, I wanna look hot for me and my self esteem

    or when i didn't work out and was in bad shape a friend of mine used to say "well, you are a working mom, when would you have time to work out? it's ok if you're heavier"... she meant it to be taken like she was giving me a break or a pass... but it just was annoying because why couldn't i try to lose weight? just because i'm a working mom doesn't mean i need to be heavy. this woman saying it is a stay at home mom with 3 kids. i guess she thinks she has more time than i do but i don't know how she possibly could to work out. she also looks amazing! those kids keep her busy!
  • MJ7910
    MJ7910 Posts: 1,280 Member
    I appreciate the comments. There have been time that I felt uncomfortable with "Hey Skinny" or "Every time I see you you're getting smaller and smaller". I know they meant it as a compliment but I just wasn't comfortable with myself. The only time I get a little offended is when people ask me "Are you OK? Have you been sick?" I just nicely say, thankfully I'm not sick. This a result of a lot of hard work...exercising and eating healthy. This questions is just a little irritating because I know how much work I've done and I know I don't look sick.

    oh yeah and i had a coworker who said "oh are you sick, or is something wrong, or were you trying to lose weight?" i think he was truly concerned if i was sick but it kind of rubbed me the wrong way.
    also these guys who serve in our work cafeteria at work keep telling me they like women with meat on their bones and not to get too skinny and looking me up and down and making comments about i've lost too much... get a life dudes... just because i don't want "meat" on my bones or whatever doesn't mean i can't lose weight and still be a healthy weight for my height. i think the problem is that anyone in shape is seen by them as too skinny.
  • ladyfingers39
    Such a funny topic. My mom taught us one NEVER comments on a person's appearance, especially weight loss, unless the other party brings it up first.

    AND AGE!!! My mom too! She told me if you ever notice someone trying hard to lose weight- offer them a compliment on their overall existence!

    She always said the same thing to her friends that were losing weight- she would give them a little hug, kiss their cheek and say You look so lovely.

    Not 'today', not 'now' not 'your weight loss' not 'your outfit'

    Just YOU. You look lovely.

    I love that, brings tears to my eyes actually. Love it.
  • MikeG2
    MikeG2 Posts: 97 Member
    I met someone we hadn't seen in a while and she was concerned and relieved to hear that I wasn't sick (i.e. cancer or some other serious illness). I found it quite amusing because the person is known for being straightforward/blunt at times.
  • chasingbabes
    My FAVORITE ever................."WOW! You have lost like 1,000 pounds!" :noway:
    "No........actually only 32, but thanks." (I think) :ohwell:
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    What I hate hearing the most is maybe you can get off of all your meds and you won't need your infusions after you lose all the weight. Really, because lower weight is the ultimate cure for rheumatoid arthritis? No, it isn't. Even when I was lighter before the steroids I still hurt like hell and I assume I will continue to do so.

    Recently I lost 35 lbs in 35 days with the appropriate amount of food, calories, nutrition, and exercise... people noticed and said wow you must hurt a lot less... no actually I hurt really bad today and if anyone can remove my hands and feet I would feel much better and weigh even less.......

    Okay, that was a rant. I understand totally where you are coming from though.


    You mean my MIL is not the only person who thinks the cure for RA is just go on a diet. I swear that one annoys me to no end. I have told her so many times, Um when I was at my lowest of 76 kilos I still hurt all the dad gum time, infant worse. But no Jackie all you have to do is loose weight and your RA will go away. Oh and you shouldn't be on all those meds they are bad for you. I had an allergic reaction to my infusion in Oct of 2010, her response was, "you just need to quit taking all your meds they are too dangerous". And don't get me started on explaining that pusing til everything hurts isn't good and in fact can cause more joint damage.

    Sorry just had today I know where you're coming from and it does suck. I'm not on a diet so I can quit taking the pills and infusions. I am changing my lifestyle so I can be healthier longer despite my screwed up immune system.

  • Kebby83
    Kebby83 Posts: 232 Member
    When I was obese I didn't look people in the eye, was shy and took most comments as an attack. As I lose weight I gain confidence and happiness - attractive traits. So tge girls offended by men looking at them now - I bet you are a more attractive person now. As a teenager I knew a girl 200lbs overweight but overrunning with confidence -men loved her. Attitude (positive) is attractive.