You know you're serious about losing weight when....



  • DDsMrs
    DDsMrs Posts: 107 Member
    .... when you are having a bad day and that ooey, gooey, chocolatey warm chocolate chip cookie is daring you to eat it because it will make you feel better so you take on that dare by taking a huge bite out of it, BUT, you realize and say to yourself "What the hell am i doing???" and promptly spit every last chewed morsel in the garbage! HELL YEAH I'M SERIOUS!!
  • crobertson87
    crobertson87 Posts: 34 Member
    When you keep MFP logged in all day on your work computer
    When you plan your entire 'eating day' before 7 am to make sure you will come in under goal
    Having to 'search' for a healthy snack that will use up those pesky left-over calories so you meet goal before exercise
    Going to the grocery store way more often than you ever did before, because the majority of your purchases are FRESH! not PROCESSED!
    When you still 'do Jillian' when you get home at 10:30 after a 16 hour shift :)
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I know RIGHT! I thought about that recently too! I thought wow I used to crave big macs and extra large fries soda and chocolate bars. And now I crave chicken salad, turkey sandwiches, milk and dark roasted cocoa almonds YUM! I totally turned down a donut today and the guy said, oh come on you know you want it...and I reeeeeally didn't! WOW! Not even a little bit! hehe

    LOVE IT!

    When you stop eating all the junk, you start craving healthier things. I LOVE it! Just yesterday, I was craving chicken tacos from taco bell and I remembered back when I first began...I used to get the beefy cheesy buritto thing and my friend would always point out how bad it was and would encourage me to eat chicken tacos instead. I would be like ew no...I don't really like those and they don't fill me up, etc etc...and NOW look at me...I CRAVE the things! And the thought of eating a beefy cheesy burrito makes me kind of queasy...because thinking back it literally did make me kind of sick after eating them. Ya know?!

    Nice. :)
  • Lizabee84
    Lizabee84 Posts: 353 Member
    When you are excercising at work so you can burn off your morning calories
    when you change up your dogs diet and treats to healthier stuff
    when i forget about facebook and play on mfp
    when a midnight snack is fruits and veggies instead of cookies and icecream
    when you tell the lady at starbucks that they made your skinny mocha frappe to (so i only drank a few sips)
    when you skip Pizza Hut to eat grilled chicken and a salad
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I really wish there were "like" buttons on here. hehe
  • chicago_dad
    chicago_dad Posts: 357
    when you view a slice of bread as "cheating",
    when you have turkey slices, lettuce, and tomato for lunch,
    when you only eat big calorie meals when you put in big calorie work-outs
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    When you are excercising at work so you can burn off your morning calories
    when i forget about facebook and play on mfp

    these! me too!!
    FAVORED1 Posts: 81 Member
    Love that! and so very true... I was a cake lover! Now I will toss it in the trash . ;0)
  • Jlpeil
    Jlpeil Posts: 3
    ...when looking at the number of calories a delicious food item has actually turns your stomach.
    ...when your 8 & 10 year old kids are checking the calorie content before you do.
    ...when the thought of MFP not being available scares you!
    ...when you are looking forward to the next exercise dvd that will kick your butt-and love it!
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    you stop eating once your belly is full instead of when the plate is empty. :)

    This was a big one for me being taught to clear the plate all my life. Luckily even though I myself have followed this for years, I have never made my children do so.
  • dzilobommo
    dzilobommo Posts: 73 Member
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    when you guess how many calories you think something is, and you're actually pretty dern close if not dead on accurate! LOL

    My kids test me sometimes when we go to restaurants. LOL
  • Cindym82
    Cindym82 Posts: 1,245 Member

    - yoga mat and hand weights are always out in the livingroom instead of the coffee table (pushes to the side to make room)
    - everyone else is eating ice cream cake and I'm drinking my protein shake
    - 4 boxes of girl scout cookies are still full packaged for weeks in the kitchen
  • AveryWays
    AveryWays Posts: 150 Member
    You find alternative options to food you're craving for... i.e. You soo want a chocolate dessert but not the 500+ calories. You get your fix in decadent Yoplait chocolate raspberry mouse for only 100-150 calories?

    You want that apple pie and settle for baked sliced apples with cinnamon!

    Everything you see when you eat outside that's taste good and within caloric reasoning, you try to make @ home- (Pret A manger- has awesome selection that's low cal and taste yummy from wraps, salads and parfaits).

    You find better sources of carbs other than pasta (sweet potatoes, yuca, plantain, and rice!) when you're carb loading for your long runs during the weekend.

    You find ways to make over recipes to suit your healthy lifestyle!
  • hollyberry2012
    When you look at your poop in the toilet and say "There better be some FAT in THAT!

    When your stomach growls for attention, because MFP is getting all yours!

    When you look down at the dust particles on the treadmill as you are breathing heavy and walking and say..I wonder (gasp) if those are my (gasp) fat cells falling off?

    When you dust off your scale in case it could possibly add weight to your total.
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    You sit outside a fast food restaurant for ten minutes with a laptop finding free wifi so you can look up the macros, then drive down the street to actually order it.

    You carry a bag of about $50 of groceries around with you, because you spend so long at work and you do most of your cooking there.

    You argue about a protein cabinet... yes.. devoting a whole cabinet to protein.

    You go to a Subway, order a sandwich without half the normal stuff like cheese and sauces... just to put it on yourself at home (of course, to more precisely measure your macros).

    hahahaha, I do the same thing with my Subway sandwiches!!!!
  • harrietk94
    harrietk94 Posts: 33 Member
    Haha this is all so good!

    - when you spend your money on a heart rate monitor
    - When you look forward to doing Insanity
    - find myself precutting various veggies and planning all my meals!
    - when you feel fresh and healthy compared to feeling stodgey puffey faced and heavy
  • twinmomtwice4
    twinmomtwice4 Posts: 1,069 Member
    When you look at your poop in the toilet and say "There better be some FAT in THAT!

    When your stomach growls for attention, because MFP is getting all yours!

    When you look down at the dust particles on the treadmill as you are breathing heavy and walking and say..I wonder (gasp) if those are my (gasp) fat cells falling off?

    When you dust off your scale in case it could possibly add weight to your total.

    Oh. My. Gosh. This cracked me up!!!!!!!
  • mm3898
    mm3898 Posts: 138 Member
    you would rather workout than go drink margaritas and eat chips & salsa on a gorgeous Spring day. hmmm, wait a minute! Maybe I can do both??

    Everything in moderation, right? I'd do both!!! :laugh:
  • laineyluma
    laineyluma Posts: 358 Member
    People who are trying to lose weight at your job come to you to ask how many calories their orange is, and you know the answer right off the top of your head.
