40+Club-Making it Work



  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Aren't we all the travelers!! I am just back from a California family wedding. It's been a while since I have checked in but its great to see everyone's progress. I have my first week of no loss but I'm not going to feel too bad about that considering i have gone down 1 to 2 lbs. a week until now. This week i will be focusing (and not traveling) so that will help. I need to keep my eye on the goal. My daughters wedding -July 11. I have gone DOWN a size as well. Yes, sizes are deceiving but the too big clothes I used to wear are not! Can't spend too much time here now, and tried a couple attempts before but i JUST WANTED TO SAY HI AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK EVERYONE!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Alf, I know the area somewhat, and it is a pretty safe area. As in any metro area, be vigilant, but enjoy!! Yes, LGA is more convenient to the city center...but...LGA airport itself is the PITS :huh: Thanks for paying your respects to the many who lost their lives at the WTC. I still can't believe that 343 FDNY lost their lives there. There is a pullup bar at the FDNY academy made from the WTC steel frame. They never forget their brothers. This is how I feel about our brave military men and women.

    Have a great night, all!


    I did 15 miles in 55 mins on my road bike tonight...almost 700 cals!!!
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Sing... Welcome back from your vacations. I hope you had a fun a relaxing time.:smile:

    Alf... Have a great time in NY. I'm actually quite jealous, I have been wanting to go for years.:wink:

    Annaliza... I'm sorry to hear about the unprofessionalism going on at your work place. They really need to think before they act on things like that. Hope you have a much better week though.:happy:

    As for sizes, yes it is true that they are making them bigger than when we were younger but I'm still excited to be a size 4 rather than a size 12 :tongue:

    My trip to Yosemite was fun. It wasn't as hard as hiking up to the top of upper Yosemite falls (altho my husband wants to do that again next Monday):ohwell: Not that I really mind BUT it was an extremely hard hike.:tongue:

    I have heard that the hike out of the Grand Canyon isn't as bad as I am making it out to be in my head. Has anyone here done this hike?
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    We went to the Grand Canyon on our honeymoon 25 years ago. (Slept in a pup tent: what was I thinking???) We did the mule ride half way down the canyon. It took until lunch time to go half way. The trails were very narrow and the edge was the edge with a long way down. We have friends who have hiked it but it was 15 years and many pounds lighter. Don't know what the trails are like now. Good luck!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Back from river aerobics, also went with hubby to gym and did weights. For some reason all the "sit and blabs" were at the gym: two people using a piece of equipment but one just sitting on the equipment and talking to the other one. Three different sets of them tonight. I gave up on the last hamstring curl set. We did ask to work in a couple of times. Had a great workout at the river. We used kickboards held in front of us for even more resistance going against the current. Saw a hummingbird in the lantana beside the river. We get hummingbirds in our Four-o"clocks that bloom at 8:00 at night by our front porch. Night all. Glad you are out there! TexMs (short for Texssippian)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!!!

    Just a quick note to all who wished me well on my vacation to CA. We had a great time visiting with my brother-in-law. We drove up the coast to visit Hearst Castle...WOW...what a place!!! We stayed overnight in Cambria at a womderful B & B (J. Patrick House). The room had a wood-burning fireplace...very romantic :heart: .

    Another day we went to the Reagan Library in Simi Valley. A highlight was seeing the older retired Air Force One displayed IN the building! All in all a very interesting visit.

    A pleasant surprise was Orange Co. John Wayne Airport. Really nice and civilized, no hassles. We flew there because we got really good airfares from PHL. My brother-in-law is only 6 miles from Burbank, but no decent flights from the East Coast.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    We are a bunch of travelers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sing, it sounds like you had a great time!! I like CA, so many interesting things to do and see there. And it is a beautiful State. Tron, my husband and I want to go to the Grand Canyon. We will consider it next year since we have other plans for this year already. I am sure the sights at Yosemite are breathtaking.

    I finished the second phase of ChaLean Extreme this morning and did abs. Tonight I am taking a Krav Maga Cardio Kickbox class :noway: I really hope I am not very sore tomorrow morning for my trip to NY. Any of you have taken this type of class? I signed up for 6 wks through our school district adult community education center.

    I have a question and my husband will probably be upset if he knew I am asking you. You know he agreed to eat like me and I have been preparing his meals. Well, it is mostly clean foods, now he is in bed with a lot of stomach pain and runs to the bathroom. :noway: I feel bad for him. He says his body is retaliating because he is not feeding it the junk food he was eating. :laugh: And he might be right. :noway: What do you guys think? I am the opposite, when I eat greasy yucky foods I get an upset stomach.

    Have a wonderful day!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have not be here for a couple of days. I am back to work. YEAH. Doing well, still on the medication that makes me loopy.

    :flowerforyou: alf, I am like you when it comes to eating healthy. Give me something greasy and I will be sick. But your husband may be right. His system isn't used to it and he could just be going through a cleansing. This would be good.

    Sing...I live close to Fairborn, Ohio where the Air Force Museum is located. There is a hanger there with several old Air Force One planes there. It is my favorite display. They even have the one where L. B. Johnson was sworn in. Of course, you know somewhere they have the hanger full of alien bodies.:laugh:

    :flowerforyou: tron, my husband did the Grand Canyon hike when he was in college. He did it in one day. Everyone told him that it couldn't be done in only one day so he had to prove them wrong. This was about 30 years ago. But he could probably do it again today.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Swiss, is that Wright-Patterson AFB? Alien bodies & Jimmy Hoffa!!

    Alf, maybe your husband's "distress" is the addition of a lot more fiber in his diet, via fruits, veg, and grains. I agree that greasy food upsets my stomach.
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    ALF: Wow - I bet you're glad to be heading out of town right now :laugh: Seriously though - your husband should really watch what he is eating for possible culprits. It could be the high fiber (it is actually better to ease into whole grains and I think a lot of people give up on eating healthy because they dive in too quickly and end up with all the excess gas other stomach ailments). He could be having gall bladder issues (fiber can be as tricky as grease with the gall bladder) has he been eating a lot of nuts (diverticulatis). Hopefully, it will all work itself out before you return from your trip. I always suggest yogurt for what ails the stomach. Make sure it has live culture. I used to get sick every Caribeean vacation until I made sure to start my day with fresh yogurt.

    Swiss: sorry to hear the medicine is still making you loopy. I've finally weaned myself off of all my postop meds and am actually not minding the minor aches and pains.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Tron, I had to come back to PA to warm up! It was not what I expected for southern CA. Great sleeping weather, though! Actually, we were glad it wasn't the typical 95 degrees. I like the heat, but my wife doesn't do quite so well.

    Duffy, How are you doing? I haven't talked with you for a while!

    Has anyone heard from Aprilvet? I hope you're still around!

    Stiring, men have trouble with clothes too! I can try on a pair of Dockers slacks in my size (32)...some fit fine and some are snug. It can become frustrating!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,813 Member
    singfree, I was wondering what you were thinking of our California weather last week. Did you get the thunder storm? We had a thunder storm where I live (in the South Bay region) last week, and that was the first lightening and thunder I've heard in LA since we got here nearly a year ago. Very unusual. And, yes, this is our 'cooler' part of the year.

    alf, I echo what others have already said about the change in diet for your husband. I would suggest your husband change his diet more gradually...especially if he was eating a significantly different diet before. If nothing else, a slower change might be able to help him figure out the source of his problems. I hope he feels better soon. And have a great trip to NYC. :drinker:

    tron, you've got me suggesting to my husband that we go walk the Grand Canyon! :laugh: I don't know what I was thinking when I did that. I doubt we'll do it because if it requires something like camping....I'm not in for that. As much as I love nature, I'm just not a camper. :blushing:

    Texssippian, those river aerobics continue to sound great! I wish I could try that just once.

    Swissmiss, thanks for checking in. I hope you eventually adjust to this medication.

    Did a great aerobics session this morning. Still eating well. Feeling really strong and healthy lately. Hope this finds everybody doing well today. :flowerforyou:
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    String & Alf... You really should go see the Grand Canyon. Its so beautiful. We have actually been 3 times. The first time was the best though. We did an adventure tour where you first take a small plane across the canyon, then go in a helicopter down the mountain (my favorite), catch a pontoon boat and up and down the river, ride the helicopter back up the canyon, catch a bus and go where now they have the new glass bridge that hangs over the canyon (they were building it when I was there) and have a delicious lunch on the edge, and lastly fly back to the other side. It was SO much fun. If any of you have a facebook (I do to share pic's with family) let me know and you can add me to see some of the pics if you want. :happy:

    Now onto sad news. I gained 1.5 pounds back. :cry: I'm hoping its bloating from the salt in the last two days. After our hike at Yosemite the only place open was a pizza spot. We didnt pack anything because we were running REALLY late. And then yesterday we went to a BBQ where salt was added to everything. I cut salt out of my diet completely. I'm just so upset with myself because I am having such a hard time losing it that any weight gain I have just makes me furious with myself:angry::explode: :sad:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Tron: Please don't let that little bitty weight gain get to you. I can fluctuate up to 4 lbs for any various reasons. Since I made goal, I selected 5 lbs gain as my oh crap what now weight gain amount. When I was losing, there were times that I had a 2 lb gain one week and the next was done 4lbs. Don't let the scale mess with you. You know what you are doing right, just keep doing it.

    Sing: Yes, long time no see. I am doing much better. This week I'm back to running and I started ChaLean Extreme. So far so good. The neck is a little stiff but the Doctor did say I would have a period of stiffness as I'm building up bone over the surgery site. All in all I feel 200% better than before surgery. I've picked my next couple of runs and will do a 10 miler and a half this fall. Thank goodness Michigan is perfect for summer running. Glad to hear your trip was a success. We are headed west in a few weeks and I can't wait. Doing Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Cody, Devil's Tower, Mt. Rushmore and the Badlands. I was trying to talk the kids into some more challenging hikes. Maybe we will compromise as a family and mix it up a little.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Stiring, no we didn't have a thunderstorm where we were. We were at Hearst Castle on Tue & Wed., then Simi Valley on Friday. Maybe it was on one of those days. Most days had some chances of showers, especially in the mountains.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Off I go to NYC!!! Wish me luck, there is bad weather out there...Talk to you on Sunday or Monday!!!! Take care!!! Annette :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Oh, reached my weight goal this morning, 125lbs!!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Way to go Annette!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: CX must really be working for you. Enjoy the trip!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Morning!!

    Alf, way to go on your goal weight! Hard work pays off!!

    Duffy, thanks for the update. Your Western trip sounds great!

    Tron, please don't sweat the weight gain. I think sodium is the culprit. You will shed that in no time!

    I'm really watching my food intake this week to see what happens. I'm upping my protein a bit and limiting carbs to about 35% (usually 45-50%). I'm trying to bike 15-20 miles daily for cardio and 45 mins weight training daily. If I skip a day I feel guilty!!
  • duffyzmom
    duffyzmom Posts: 644 Member
    Sing: Good luck with your diet changes. I have a very hard time decreasing my carbs when I'm training hard for a long run. Do you supplement during your rides? When I get into my traning runs of over 10 miles I have take in some carbs or I totally crash. I have no idea how long it takes you to do the 15-20 miles. I have a biking phobia (seriously I think I took one fall too many as a kid). Friends keep trying to get me to do a Tri but there is just no way.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Duffy, I usually eat my main meal in the early afternoon, so I don't feel too full for my ride. Otherwise I take only a 24 oz water with me. Yesterday I did 16 miles in 57 mins. The route is rolling hills with a few flat stretches. I burned around 700 cals. I'm pretty spent at the end of the ride since I push myself to keep the HR high. Then I will have a little something to eat & drink. I'm normally a high carb guy, but I want to see how going from 45 % to 35% will affect my weight and performance...I'll keep you posted.