40+Club-Making it Work



  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member

    Cardigirl, ok, so you measure one cup of dry oats, boil 4 cups of water and put the oats in there. Once cooked then you measure one cup and that is your serving? And in the morning you still have to cook that cup of oats some more? I am sorry but I feel so dumb when it comes to preparing steel cut oats. That is the reason I have not bought it again. I do like old fashioned oats but I know steel cut is better. I like peanut butter in my oatmeal but it adds more healthy fats to it than protein. Stiring, glad you are liking the PB in your oatmeal, I love it. I just had some for breakfast.

    Have a great day!!! :flowerforyou:

    Alf, yes, measure 4 cups of water, bring it to a boil and stir in one cup of dry oats. As it cooks it will give you approx. 4 cups of oatmeal. I eat a serving when I first cook it, then refrigerate the rest, and when I want a second serving the next day, I measure out about a cup, pour some milk on it, cover it with plastic or a lid and "nuke" it for about 60 seconds, stir, and "nuke" some more. You really don't need to "cook" it again after cooking it for 30 minutes on the stovetop. :smile: Just rewarm or "nuke" in a microwave.

    I also read online that if you like creamier oats, you can use 3 cups of water and 1 cup of milk to cook the oats in. I might try that the next time I make a batch.

    Have fun with the cardio kickboxing class. I love all the kicking and boxing I get to do with my trainer. Sure puts me in a good mood for the rest of the day.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    You ladies are sure flexible! I would pull something within 1 minute! :laugh:
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Thanks Cardigirl, I bought more steel cut oats. I can't wait to make it again. Do you have the total calories in the database? I bought it from the bulk bin and did not write down the nutrition info. :noway:

    Sing alerted me that this thread is reaching its maximum point. It is time to post a new one. Sing will start it tomorrow morning so please be on the lookout. We do not want to lose anyone. I am sure it will have 40+ somewhere...

    I went to my kickboxing class. Wow, what a difference not overtraining makes. Last week I did ChaLean in the morning and then went to the class in the evening and I was soooo tired, only burned 330 cals in 60 mins. Well, today I skipped the am workout and had much more energy, although I could have eaten less before going, and burned 422 in 60 mins. Not bad!!

    Have a great evening everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
  • annaliza
    annaliza Posts: 809
    Good evening everyone!!!

    I have the worst coworkers, I swear!! We were talking about running and I mentioned black toenails (happens to runners who run long distances). He looked at me and said that I didnt' need to worry about it because I was never going to be a serious runner anyways :noway: It really irratated me because this is a 300lb man who does not eat right or exercise telling me that I wasn't a serious runner (Im currently training for a 5k).

    Anyways, I might try those steel oats....they sound delicious!

    Sing, great job in upping your protien! And, congrats on booking your trip. I don't even know where those places are and right now I'm too tired and lazy to look them up...will do that tomorrow, I think :smile:

    Stiring, I wish I could get my husband involved in exercising but, alas, it just isn't to be. I think that is great! Hows the increased cal intake going?

    Well, off to bed soon everyone. I ran 3 miles today in the humidity and am tired. I still have two tests to create for finals tomorrow. Hopefully that wont take too long,
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member


    Since we are quickly reaching the 500 post cut-off for this thread, I'm going to start a new one and hopefully y'all will find it....

    Go to:

    "40+ Club- Summertime Fun"

    Sorry, I'm not too good with catchy names!!

    See you there!!!!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    :smile: I WANT YOU!!! :smile:

    :glasses: TO GO TO THE NEW THREAD :glasses:

    :drinker: 40+ Club - Summertime Fun :drinker:

    :happy: See you there!!! :happy: