


  • NWCountryGal
    NWCountryGal Posts: 1,992 Member
    The only time i really do cardio/aerobic anymore is when I take a walk and I don't even wear my hrm. I am loving the weight-training and now realize there is no need for aerobics. Never liked them so it is good news for me:)
    Losing weight is a numbers game.
    Calories in vs calories out, depending how it swings you will lose or gain, keep it even.......stay the same

    I am down 50+ lbs in my time here with little to no cardio in the traditional sense. once a month I run two miles.

    I lift weights, sometimes in a slow powerlifting fashion, lots of rest and heavy weight. Sometimes, in a circuit training fashion, 4 exercises done in rapid succession with no rest in between. That is my cardio.

    To each their own, but there are many people on here that think you need to spend 2 hours a day on a treadmill to lose weight, and that is not the case. I work out for 45 min, 3 times a week, sometimes 4 but rarely. That is it.

    The beauty of the calorie counting game is that you dont need to exercise at all to lose weight. You should obviously for your health, but its not necessary to lose weight.

    It does depend on your goals..........I have no desire to look like a marathon running for extended periods would be pointless for me. If your goals are cardio based, such as lowering a 5k time, or running a half marathon, then that is a different circumstance entirely.

    Long story short, if you hate cardio like me.............dont do it. Lifes to short to be wasting time doing things you hate.