Fashion show at the gym??????



  • xo_morgan
    xo_morgan Posts: 298
    i dont have any matching bras and pants. but i do like to make sure that i look alright. i never do my make up but i also dont wear baggy shirts or baggy pants. and this is my own personal preference considering that i work out completely by myself. My gym is at my work and we badge in so no one is working there to even let me in. i usually go at 10pm when no one else is there so im not trying to "impress" anyone at all but myself. I feel better when im well put together :smile: i sweat just the same in my cute clothes as i would in baggy ones.
  • csparon
    csparon Posts: 200 Member
    I DID NOT want to go to the gym this morning! It took every bit of energy I had to get out of bed (while the hubby slept). I threw on some old cut off sweatpants and tee-shirt. I didn’t brush my hair, just threw it in a bun and am pretty sure I had mascara under my eyes from the day before… BUT I WENT and I had a great workout!
    While I was on the elliptical I looked around and saw all these women that could have been on the cover of “Shape” magazine with their cute yoga pants and matching sports bras, hair in 2 perfect pigtail brides and I am pretty sure some of them had make up on. I just started thinking how much thought people give to getting ready for the gym. I do have to clarify that I don’t always look as bad as I did today, but for me it was about getting there not about what I looked like while I was there… What are your thoughts, do you give a lot of effort to your appearance when you go workout?

    I believe if you still look cute after your workout, you didn't workout hard enough. So no, usually I do not bother :) I may still have makeup on from when I was at work, but I don't do anything special for the gym.
  • jennapony
    jennapony Posts: 73 Member
    I wear workout clothes (yoga capris and tank tops) to the gym for the same reason I rarely wear makeup; I sweat out about 2 liters every workout.

    HOWEVER, I have recently started wearing waterproof mascara to the gym and doing my hair a little nicer than usual.

    There is a reason for this though . . . His name is Andrew and he works at the gym ;)
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I workout before I go to work so it makes it easier when I rock my gym clothing like this

  • loseweightjames
    While I was on the elliptical I looked around and saw all these women that could have been on the cover of “Shape” magazine with their cute yoga pants and matching sports bras, hair in 2 perfect pigtail brides and I am pretty sure some of them had make up on. I just started thinking how much thought people give to getting ready for the gym. I do have to clarify that I don’t always look as bad as I did today, but for me it was about getting there not about what I looked like while I was there… What are your thoughts, do you give a lot of effort to your appearance when you go workout?

    this is why i don't go anymore. I'm married and don't need to catch another mate ;)

    going to the gym is for show for 99% of people. After all how often do you see really fat people at the gym?
  • hazelbliss6
    hazelbliss6 Posts: 253 Member
    My gym outfits look like I am TRYING to look bad, so I am like most people here- I go there to sweat. That being said, If I do get hit on-- red faced, sweaty, wore out gym clothes, hair flyaways and all-- then I feel even more flattered. :blushing:
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    I've always heard that you should invest in clothes that you think you look good in to work out in... they says it motivating to feel "sexy" while you are doing it.

    I do old t's and gym shorts anyways. lol. I have thought about going to buy some workout shirts though - tshirts are gross when soaked with sweat. Thinking about getting some with wicking material.
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    While I was on the elliptical I looked around and saw all these women that could have been on the cover of “Shape” magazine with their cute yoga pants and matching sports bras, hair in 2 perfect pigtail brides and I am pretty sure some of them had make up on. I just started thinking how much thought people give to getting ready for the gym. I do have to clarify that I don’t always look as bad as I did today, but for me it was about getting there not about what I looked like while I was there… What are your thoughts, do you give a lot of effort to your appearance when you go workout?

    this is why i don't go anymore. I'm married and don't need to catch another mate ;)

    going to the gym is for show for 99% of people. After all how often do you see really fat people at the gym?

    Really think it depends on the gym... if you are going to a chain, big named gym... it may be a popularity contest. But I work out at a county owned rec center - and there is a hodgepodge of people there. I prefer it that way myself!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Yes I have seen this and I do tend to put on my better looking gym clothes to the gym. No makeup unless I go straight from work I try to quickly use a make-up remover wipe.

    One thing I will not wear and I learned my lesson in the worse way is no light gray pants! I sweat profusely and umm that's not attractive being all sweaty down there. I'm also not trying to get holla'd at and I don't like when others try to (trainers?!?) . . . I'm in and out the gym in my zone.
  • fieldsy4life
    I do look like I'm sponsored by Under Armour when I go - but I don't gel my hair or anything (unless my hair is still gelled from the previous evening's festivities, of course).

    I did apply some Polo Black before the gym last night, but that was for the benefit of the rest of the gym, not me! ;)
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    I guess you could say I am part of the fashion show. Eye makeup is still on because I workout after work, and I rock tight-fitting clothes that are bright, fun colors because that's what I feel most confident in. And yes, I usually have matching hoop earrings. Not for anyone else but myself. Doesn't mean I work out less hard though. I bust my *kitten* every day. And I think I look pretty damn good doing it, haha :wink: I'll say that when I was 270 pounds I never would've imagined working out in anything other than baggy, oversized clothes. I enjoy my body now. Why not rock what I've got?! :drinker:
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    I have been to the gym after work so I normally arrive in a suit and hills and then I change. Now I am thick so when I go and buy my clothes I may have solid pants, but when the top is colorful it will still match what I have on. I have on a scarf that matches as well. I dont think it is a fashion show, but at times, if I dont feel good then I wont give a good workout. Now I have seen some prissy women at the gym. I am not one of them as I am a I go to get my workout in. I just try to be color coordinated.
  • NeedANewFocus
    NeedANewFocus Posts: 898 Member
    I dont put a lot of thought into what I'm wearing to the gym. It's t-shirt and shorts. I consider the shoes I'll wear depending on what I'm training (ie. running vs lifting). That's about it.

    I do enjoy people watching and do it just about where ever I go. hence, i find it interesting to notice people who, as it seems, took time to look good at a gym. Is there intent? Maybe....who knows.
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    Well there usually is a lot of cleavage, great legs, short shorts , round booties and sensual stares and poses . Hmmmm wait a min am I talking bout my pals or my gym?!??
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I come in one way and come out looking another!!

    But yes, I do pick out cute clothes for the gym. I'm usually in shorts and fitted tees. I'll match them and my socks. I wear my hair in a pony tail. I will sometimes put some lip gloss on.
  • rochedavis
    rochedavis Posts: 6 Member
    I agree with the other members when you're going to work out early in the morning who cares about matching workout clothes. I just go and do my workout. I focus on my appearance after the workout after I get home. Then I strut my stuff.
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    When I went to the gym, I usually went after work (I do home workouts now with jogs outside - it's cheaper that way). I wash my face before my workout, not because I didn't want to look like "one of those girls," but because by the end of the workout, I felt like I had mud on my face ("you big disgrace!" sorry couldn't help myself), and I hate that feeling. Honestly. If I could workout and have my face stay in tact with the makeup I already have on without feeling like my pores are being suffocated to death, I would, but I can't... so I don't.

    Also, if I had the extra money to buy cute matching workout clothes, I would. They can get expensive! And I'd rather spend my money dining out than on workout clothes, to be honest.

    Anyways, my whole point is that it feels good to look good. If you have the money and patience to do it... why not? You have to look at yourself in the mirror while you're working out... why not think (while you're staring vainly in the mirror and checking your form), "Damn I look good!" instead of, "Damn, I have another hole in my armpit... I should probably swap shirts at some point in the future."
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    While I was on the elliptical I looked around and saw all these women that could have been on the cover of “Shape” magazine with their cute yoga pants and matching sports bras, hair in 2 perfect pigtail brides and I am pretty sure some of them had make up on. I just started thinking how much thought people give to getting ready for the gym. I do have to clarify that I don’t always look as bad as I did today, but for me it was about getting there not about what I looked like while I was there… What are your thoughts, do you give a lot of effort to your appearance when you go workout?

    this is why i don't go anymore. I'm married and don't need to catch another mate ;)

    going to the gym is for show for 99% of people. After all how often do you see really fat people at the gym?

    WHAT! my gym has all shapes and sizes of people. 99% of the people are there to work out 1% is there for show or to get a mate.
  • jsapninz
    jsapninz Posts: 909 Member
    My basketball coach always said "look good, feel good, play good." :)
    I DO feel more motivated when I look good, but hey, if you have to chose between looking good and skipping the gym, then just go being a yucky mess and get it done.

    However, i think it is ridiculous how some women seem to "primp" for the gym, I have even seen some putting on makeup before they work out....that is kind of pathetic.
  • 7memyselfandI
    I too am on board with those who have makeup on because I work out after work, and I love wearing my yoga capris and tank top not only because I've worked hard to look as good as I possibly can, (gotta be truthful, it feels good to look your best, and it feels frumpy to look frumpy) but mostly because it is the most comfortable for me personally. They keep me cooler, plus clothes that stay in place are a must when you are working hard, so there is no time spent fussing and fidgeting with loose clothing. Again, this is what works for me to get the best workout I can :)