Fashion show at the gym??????



  • Mechel79
    Mechel79 Posts: 99 Member
    I am like many of the other posters- I go to the gym right after work generally have makeup on and half the time forget to take my earnings out when changing. It is not that I put effort in my appearance when I go workout usually it is just a matter of circumstance. I do have matching gym clothes and that just has to do with MY personal preference.

    To me ppl should wear whatever “floats their boat” to the gym, if it means baggy T’s and a tutu or jeans and heals- a ciascumo il suo.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I don't really care what I look like. But I also don't really care what other women there look like.
  • beckylawrence70
    beckylawrence70 Posts: 752 Member
    I workout at home so don't have to worry bout that.........but I gotta say IF I did go to a gym, I'd get myself ready, sorry, I care about what I look like.....
  • furbutt
    furbutt Posts: 74 Member
    I get up at 3 to go to the gym so all tha tI do is brush my teeth. I once had a guy say to me " Its like a before and after" since he sees me when I first get to the gym and then after I shower and get ready!
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Some women wear makeup no matter where they are, I don't believe that means they aren't dedicated to their workout, or that they are there to meet men. Just some women only feel good when they are "together" I figure you are all there for the same reason. No need to make fun of each other.
  • MaggieMay131
    MaggieMay131 Posts: 211 Member
    I don't exactly put a ton of effort into how I look at the gym, but I won't lie, all my gym clothes are pretty cute and matchy-matchy. It helps that almost everything I own is at least partially hot pink.

    And, as strange as it sounds, since I go to the gym after work I usually still have makeup on, and when I'm done and all sweaty and red faced, I feel like I look really hot. I'd do me.

    Edited to add: Just because my gym outfit is usually pretty cute, doesn't mean I'm not there to work hard. I bust my *kitten* in the gym, I just happen to be color coordinated while I'm doing it :)

    Same here. I enjoy having cute workout stuff, and pretty much everything I own is either hot pink, black, or yellow. So no matter what I put on it's going to match. And I go after work as well so I still have makeup on. I do not, however, put makeup on before going on a Saturday morning lol.

    I will also add: not that I TRY to look cute for anyone, but I DID meet my husband at our kickboxing class. So it's possible to meet your soul mate while kicking *kitten*.
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    I look like crap when I go to the gym. Hair thrown up in a ponytail, and the first workout clothes I grab out of my drawer. I don't care. By the time I leave I'm going to look even worst anyways, being one big sweaty mess, LoL.

    It doesn't bother me that some women seem to get ready to go to the gym and try to look cute and manage to do so. That's their prerogative. I probably would have done the same a few years ago if I had been going to the gym at the time.
  • Fat2FitChick
    Fat2FitChick Posts: 451 Member
    I want to look good no matter where I am or what I am doing. My clothes are always cute! Now makeup, probably not but some waterproof mascara and eyeliner and I am good to go.

    Shouldn't bother you if you don't care what you look like and others do. It's all about what works for them! You can still knock it out the park on the elliptical and be cute doing it!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I pretty much do what you do - fall out of bed and out to the gym - pretty much the only thing I do to get ready is brush my teeth.

    However, if I go in the daytime or evening, I will have make up on - just like I do not see the point in putting make up on and doing my hair before I go I am not about to take it off before I go also (although I probably should as I am sure it is not good for my skin!).
  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member
    Most of my gym sessions are straight off the train after work - I usually look a state. It's embarrasing as I see people I know from my secondary school there all the time - the guys in my year that I didnt like. Most of the time I do just think - I dont care - Im here to sweat - which I do! But I do feel better if I am wearing make up.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    I usually go after work, so I will have makeup on still, if I go in the morning then I don't bother. However, I love nice workout clothes and trainers! So I am always dressed in lululemon and I love my Nike Free's with pink laces! I worked damn hard for this body and I like to see it in the mirror when I am lifting. I go to a female only gym so no ones there to pick anyone up anyways. I could give a rats *kitten* what anyone else is wearing! So long as I look hot....for me!
  • i have shoulders like a line backer (to me anyway) i don't feel feminine in a big bulky t-shirt that doesn't wick away the sweat like under armour does. I throw the hair in a ponytail and get red faced but do put some effort into my outfits because i'm not a "cute gym bunny" heck i just gave my daughter my only pair of yoga pants because they looked better on her then me. so for me it's about self-esteem.
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    If your hair and makeup still looks hot after a workout you did not give it your all.
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    If I worked out in a gym I think coordinating outfits would be motivation for me. :D If I go I get to wear this cute zip up and yoga pants? I'm in. Also being put together might be just party of their daily ritual, something they would do anyway whether or not it's workout time.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    I wear makeup, my clothes look good and match, my hair doesn't usually look bad, and I work hard. I see no problem.
  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    SergeantSunshine_reused Posts: 5,382 Member
    If your hair and makeup still looks hot after a workout you did not give it your all.

    Mine does. And I bust my *kitten*
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    It always surprises me... But I suppose if a) you're single and b) you've got it.. flaunt it?

    There was a woman at my old gym who would wear halter neck tops with tights (YES! TIGHTS!) and leg warmers before leg warmers came back in.

    And all her jewellery too
  • msgingerc
    msgingerc Posts: 38
    As my sister-in-law says: "I go to the gym to look good, not to look good at the gym."

    I couldn't care less what I look like when I'm working out!
  • i work out at home................i can't afford to go to a gym.
  • modernmom70
    modernmom70 Posts: 373 Member
    If your hair and makeup still looks hot after a workout you did not give it your all.

    I think I look hot when I AM all sweaty and disgusting in my "cute" workout clothes!