Dangers of Vegetarian & Vegan Diets Long-Term



  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    I think that if you know how to properly supplement your diet, a vegan/vegetarian diet is fine.

    however i know for a fact that men and woman respond to vegan diets very differently.
    woman require more fats than men do. vegan diets include little to no fats.
    which is why a lot of woman that go on vegan diets often will have a host of health problems including the loss of there period, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, ect. there have also been studies showing that woman on low fat diets for extended periods of time were more prone to dizzy spells and fainting, even on a reasonably high calorie diet.

    I think every body is different though. And everyone has the right to control what they want to eat. weather it be for ethical reasons or just personal taste.

    i don't think vegan or vegetarian diets are especially healthy, in comparison to a diet that fully encompasses all healthy aspects of every food group. but thats just my opinion.

    Id also like to add that humans have digestive enzymes specifically designed for digesting protein. I assume thats for a good reason. :P

    I can kind of sympathize with the veggies though. I was raised vegan till i was 14, and still can't stomach a glass of milk due to the fact I'm lactose intolerant. Which i assumed was caused by being raised vegan.
  • kbw414
    kbw414 Posts: 194
    Vitamin A is only in animal foods, huh? Lol.
    Tell me then how I ate only plant foods yesterday and logged in over 600% daily value in Vitamin A. Ever heard of kale? Carrots?

    And vitamin D? Technically you don't need to consume it in your diet if you get outside frequently enough. Your skin can produce more than you need in one day after only 10 minutes of sun exposure.

    If you want to consume animal products, that's your right and your business. But it's foolish to post an inflammatory and inaccurate post to attack others who choose to eat differently than you do. I don't see why people on MFP are always attacking vegans and vegetarians--I don't usually see vegans and vegetarians attacking those who choose to eat meat...
  • southernpurplevegan
    southernpurplevegan Posts: 48 Member
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    The inability in animals to reason is why they do not have rights. I wish vegans cared as much about human beings as they do about my food supply.
  • angelashay42
    I became a vegetarian 2 years ago. I've never really liked the idea of eating dead flesh. It has always grossed me out but I (ignorantly) thought that it was the only way. That's how my family ate, so that's how I ate. However, as I learned more, met new people, and did some research about healthy alternatives, I realized that I could have a balanced, full diet without the blood and the flesh and carcasses of animals who deserve to live just as much as I do. Pigs are as intelligent as dogs. They have feelings and they families. Would you eat your dog?

    I think it's ignorance and poor upbringing that leads most Americans to blindly eat burgers made of questionable meat by-product served by a scary clown man.

    so now people that eat meat are ignorant and have a poor upbringing............I am loving this topic!!! Good thing you guys care so much for the poor little animals, and think so little of your fellow man..........

    Have you every seen a cow rape and pillage and torture other pigs then burn a village to the ground?
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    You know you're not going to change anyone's mind so why bother posting this? Are you just bored or something?
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member

    ...however i know for a fact that men and woman respond to vegan diets very differently.
    woman require more fats than men do. vegan diets include little to no fats.
    which is why a lot of woman that go on vegan diets often will have a host of health problems including the loss of there period, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, ect...

    I know for a fact than there are other fats besides animal fats! Nuts, seeds, oils, avocados, flax, etc... :noway:
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    And what would you guys do if we where in the ice age??? Where vegen sources weren't really available? you're "natural" instincts is what will drive you.

    Thankfully I live in 2012 in non-ice-age conditions, so this point is irrelevant.

    it amazes me how you go out of your way to be so exceptionally *****y.
  • LPCoder
    LPCoder Posts: 404 Member
    Animal protein can be broken down in the body to form all amino acid groups. It is a complete protein.

    Plant proteins are not as complete. Vegetarians need to vary the type of plant proteins they ingest in order to get the full compliment of amino acids that the body needs. Beans and rice is a popular staple in many cultures, because the proteins found in them complement each other and form a complete protein. Be cautious that the quality of the plant proteins is important as well. If the plants are refined, or the plants are cooked in such a way that the process strips it of nutrients, then there is a danger of not satisfying your amino acid requirements.

    Likewise, the hormones injected into US meat supply, and the practice of fish farms, often leads to other problems for the body.

    There is nothing wrong with choosing either lifestyle; I see it more as a spiritual, religious, or mental health choice. If going vegan/vegetarian feels right to you, do it! If you prefer a bit of meat, go for it! Just make smart choices and eat only what your body needs.
  • WanderingMe
    WanderingMe Posts: 216 Member
    I eat meat, but am a very big supporter of vegetarian/vegan diets IF the person has educated themselves in how to get all the nutrients they need. I know that those diets can be detrimental if someone hasnt done any research on how to go about it properly, but if they have, then the benefits of such a diet can be substantial
  • angelashay42
    The inability in animals to reason is why they do not have rights. I wish vegans cared as much about human beings as they do about my food supply.

    So that means that infants and mentally challenged people have no rights?
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    It's very relevant, you're designed to hunt. That's the point. I personally don't care if someone is a vegan/vegeterian or not. That's not what my points are about. My points are on the hunting of animals.

    The way I hunt and the way the lion hunts are incomparable. I can't catch a deer/gazelle with my bare hands, and I certainly don't eat it bleeding and raw from the carcass. Man is the most pitiful hunter of the animal kingdom.
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member

    ...however i know for a fact that men and woman respond to vegan diets very differently.
    woman require more fats than men do. vegan diets include little to no fats.
    which is why a lot of woman that go on vegan diets often will have a host of health problems including the loss of there period, dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, ect...

    I know for a fact than there are other fats besides animal fats! Nuts, seeds, oils, avocados, flax, etc... :noway:

    i also said both vegan and vegetarian diets can be healthy if all nutrients is supplemented properly.

    most vegan diets DO tend to be super low fat. hence the reason why 'a lot' not all woman, tend to suffer from some of those healthy issues. -___-+
  • KaylaTie
    KaylaTie Posts: 63
    Hmmm, I've only been a vegetarian for 8+ years but you changed my mind! *sarcasm* There is no point to a post like this...you're not changing anyone's mind you just look like a douche.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    it amazes me how you go out of your way to be so exceptionally *****y.

    Can't please everybody :)
  • WanderingMe
    WanderingMe Posts: 216 Member
    I am vegetarian. I have also eaten meat for years. And I also maintained a healthy vegan diet for two years, several years ago.
    They're are benefits and drawbacks to all three.
    What is the universal benefit of all three is that if you have the access to your needed nutrients there are a variety of ways that you can meet your nutritional needs. We are lucky to be animals that have the privilege in determining what and how we eat considering our culture, environment, and the number of variables we must adapt to given our situations.

    Very well put. Hats off to you
  • Ghlt4
    Ghlt4 Posts: 241 Member
    I don't want to draw fire from vegans and vegetarians but I've never met a really healthy looking one! I always assumed that they just weren't balancing their meals right. But maybe it's because strictly vegetarian eating goes against that fact that we are meat-eating animals.
    If you are healthy and a vegatarian more power to you. BUT isn't it a good idea to keep an open mind particularly when it comes to your health? Also I'm not against vegetarian meals..I find them delicious and eat them a lot.

    Brendan Brazier, triathlete, vegan.

    Chad Ochocinco, NFL athlete, vegetarian.

    This tofu is delicious.

    This exactly!!! And WWE World Champion Daniel Bryan, and MMA fighter Jake Shields, who I believe has recently taken up a full vegan diet!

  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    The inability in animals to reason is why they do not have rights. I wish vegans cared as much about human beings as they do about my food supply.

    So that means that infants and mentally challenged people have no rights?

    Logical fallacy
  • plushkitten
    plushkitten Posts: 547 Member
    Animal protein can be broken down in the body to form all amino acid groups. It is a complete protein.

    Plant proteins are not as complete. Vegetarians need to vary the type of plant proteins they ingest in order to get the full compliment of amino acids that the body needs. Beans and rice is a popular staple in many cultures, because the proteins found in them complement each other and form a complete protein. Be cautious that the quality of the plant proteins is important as well. If the plants are refined, or the plants are cooked in such a way that the process strips it of nutrients, then there is a danger of not satisfying your amino acid requirements.

    Likewise, the hormones injected into US meat supply, and the practice of fish farms, often leads to other problems for the body.

    There is nothing wrong with choosing either lifestyle; I see it more as a spiritual, religious, or mental health choice. If going vegan/vegetarian feels right to you, do it! If you prefer a bit of meat, go for it! Just make smart choices and eat only what your body needs.

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    You know you're not going to change anyone's mind so why bother posting this? Are you just bored or something?
    Pretty sure it was just posted as a response to the "Eating meat gives you cancer and you will die horribly" topic.