Dangers of Vegetarian & Vegan Diets Long-Term



  • ihateroses
    ihateroses Posts: 893 Member
    As for animal rights: Seriously? Why don't we start with starving children and make our way from there.
    personally, i don't know any starving children. i have never seen a starving child. i'm not denying that it's an actual problem, but i've never seen it myself. most of the children i see are obese or overweight, more often than not.
    There are millions of them around the world. You don't personally know all of those farm animals, either.
    no, but i have seen farm animals and i have seen animals being treated cruelly. have you ever seen a bull being castrated? would you appreciate your balls being cut off with no anesthetic?

    ...you just compared starving children to a bull being castrated.....:huh:
  • alicebud
    alicebud Posts: 72 Member
    Vegetarian >>>>>>Vegan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    Shakira is not a vegan. But, still makes me wanna dance. :smile:

    “I lasted for one month,” she says. “I tried, I really tried. Yeah, I gave it a go. I was living in Spain on a farm, and someone gave me four chickens. I named them and they became very close to me. And then I couldn’t eat them.

    “I was like ‘Okay, if I cannot eat these chickens because they actually have names and they are my friends, I am not going to be able to eat any chicken again. So I became a vegetarian. I didn’t last – but I did not eat those chickens. Those chickens survived.”

  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    As for animal rights: Seriously? Why don't we start with starving children and make our way from there.
    personally, i don't know any starving children. i have never seen a starving child. i'm not denying that it's an actual problem, but i've never seen it myself. most of the children i see are obese or overweight, more often than not.
    There are millions of them around the world. You don't personally know all of those farm animals, either.
    no, but i have seen farm animals and i have seen animals being treated cruelly. have you ever seen a bull being castrated? would you appreciate your balls being cut off with no anesthetic?
    I wouldn't appreciate that. I also wouldn't appreciate having to watch my child slowly starve to death and suffer horrible pain while I also starved to death because I didn't have enough food to feed myself or my child. In that context, kill the bull so my child and I can live.
  • MarincicS
    MarincicS Posts: 265 Member
    Makes no difference to me, i am an omnivore, but how do you decide who deserves to be food? Like it or not, plants are also living organisms that respond to stimuli like light, gravity and touch. In fact, some groups even believe plants can feel pain. Take the Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology, for instance. This Swiss group recently came out in defense of our leafy green friends in a report on “the dignity of the creature in the plant world.” They argued that plants deserve respect and that killing them arbitrarily is morally wrong.

    Let the rabbits wear glasses!! :glasses:
  • angelashay42
    For those of you arguing that pigs are as intelligent as dogs and "would you eat your dog", you obviously have not been to Korea.

    I think its great if you are vegetarian, or vegan. But the idea that it is a "choice" for everyone is very narrow minded. Its a big world and the arguments for vegetarianism are only valid in the western world (if that).

    Its a personal choice.

    As for animal rights: Seriously? Why don't we start with starving children and make our way from there.

    ...in my opinion :)

    The main staple of Asian diets are rice, vegetables, legumes, and fish. Very little red meat is eaten by the poor in Asia.

    There are several other cultures that believe in vegetarianism. Much of the population of India, Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thaiwan refrains from eating meat. So to say that vegetarianism is an American thing is ignorant.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    I wouldn't appreciate that. I also wouldn't appreciate having to watch my child slowly starve to death and suffer horrible pain while I also starved to death because I didn't have enough food to feed myself or my child. In that context, kill the bull so my child and I can live.
    if you're living in some world where the bull is the only edible thing and you are starving, fine. in that case, i would eat the bull too. but you've lost 54 pounds so far, which implies that you were at least 54 pounds overweight, which then implies that you are not starving.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    no, but i have seen farm animals and i have seen animals being treated cruelly. have you ever seen a bull being castrated? would you appreciate your balls being cut off with no anesthetic?

    ...you just compared starving children to a bull being castrated.....:huh:
    i feel like i didn't make any comparison. i said that i have seen animals being treated cruelly and then gave an example: a bull being castrated.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    I am a vegetarian who cares about animals a great deal. Having said that, the ignorance and small-mindedness of some of the vegetarians/vegans in this thread is pretty sickening. Self-righteousness is an unattractive quality.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Makes no difference to me, i am an omnivore, but how do you decide who deserves to be food? Like it or not, plants are also living organisms that respond to stimuli like light, gravity and touch. In fact, some groups even believe plants can feel pain. Take the Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnology, for instance. This Swiss group recently came out in defense of our leafy green friends in a report on “the dignity of the creature in the plant world.” They argued that plants deserve respect and that killing them arbitrarily is morally wrong.

    All of life is precious.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I wouldn't appreciate that. I also wouldn't appreciate having to watch my child slowly starve to death and suffer horrible pain while I also starved to death because I didn't have enough food to feed myself or my child. In that context, kill the bull so my child and I can live.
    if you're living in some world where the bull is the only edible thing and you are starving, fine. in that case, i would eat the bull too. but you've lost 54 pounds so far, which implies that you were at least 54 pounds overweight, which then implies that you are not starving.
    Me being overweight has no relevance to the millions of people around the world dying of starvation. If I have to choose between worrying about human beings dying of starvation, or ethical treatment of other animals, I'm going to worry about the humans first. Same when I think about the fact that people are being slaughtered over in Syria because they DARED try and rebel against cruel dictatorship, compared to how ethically the chicken I'm eating for dinner was raised.
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    no, but i have seen farm animals and i have seen animals being treated cruelly. have you ever seen a bull being castrated? would you appreciate your balls being cut off with no anesthetic?

    ...you just compared starving children to a bull being castrated.....:huh:
    i feel like i didn't make any comparison. i said that i have seen animals being treated cruelly and then gave an example: a bull being castrated.

    Bulls are castrated for aggression purposes and to keep breeding stock in check. And they are done as babies, not as full grown bulls. Not done just to be mean. And you know what, most of those balls are also eaten!
  • kbeckley11
    kbeckley11 Posts: 203 Member
    As for animal rights: Seriously? Why don't we start with starving children and make our way from there.
    personally, i don't know any starving children. i have never seen a starving child. i'm not denying that it's an actual problem, but i've never seen it myself. most of the children i see are obese or overweight, more often than not.
    There are millions of them around the world. You don't personally know all of those farm animals, either.
    no, but i have seen farm animals and i have seen animals being treated cruelly. have you ever seen a bull being castrated? would you appreciate your balls being cut off with no anesthetic?

    ...you just compared starving children to a bull being castrated.....:huh:
    Not only does she compare them, but she finds the castrated bull to be the worse offense.
  • passionategal
    Moderation in all things.
  • jaymek92
    jaymek92 Posts: 309 Member
    no, but i have seen farm animals and i have seen animals being treated cruelly. have you ever seen a bull being castrated? would you appreciate your balls being cut off with no anesthetic?

    ...you just compared starving children to a bull being castrated.....:huh:
    i feel like i didn't make any comparison. i said that i have seen animals being treated cruelly and then gave an example: a bull being castrated.

    Bulls are castrated for aggression purposes and to keep breeding stock in check. And they are done as babies, not as full grown bulls. Not done just to be mean. And you know what, most of those balls are also eaten!
    rocky mountain oysters are just a whole nother level of yuck. i have no problems with balls as long as they stay INSIDE of the *kitten*.
  • angelashay42
    I am a vegetarian who cares about animals a great deal. Having said that, the ignorance and small-mindedness of some of the vegetarians/vegans in this thread is pretty sickening. Self-righteousness is an unattractive quality.

    Standing up for what you believe in and expressing your beliefs on a public forum is not self-righteous. You obviously have a different belief. Why don't you enlighten us?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Any "diet" can be unhealthy in the long term if you don't pay attention to getting a good balance of the nutrition that your body needs.
    A long term diet of McDonalds cheeseburgers and Coke is probably more "dangerous"!
  • passionategal
    I'm a vegetarian and actually feel better now than I did when I ate meat. I think all diets have their weak points - for me it is iron. For protein I eat beans and other legumes. People think you can only get protein from eating meat but this isn't true. A vegetarian/vegan or anyone else who chooses a restricted diet has to do their research. If a person does their research they can reap the benefits of their diet :)
  • passionategal
    Agree completely! I eat mostly vegetarian, but a balance of fish, shrimp and lean meat keeps me feeling healthier, stronger and more energized.
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    I think we shouldn't bash a particular way of eating until we've tried it.

    I personally have tried a vegetarian lifestyle and could not deal with it because it made me feel horrible. I also can't eat a lot of carbs because my liver does not process them properly. I also can't eat gluten. So, I guess I get most of my energy from meats.

    I respect the ideas behind the vegetarian and vegan people because a lot of it has to do with their opposition to animal abuse. Some just do not like how they feel when they eat meat. I am sure there are a multitude of other reasons. My friend decided to go vegan because he was disgusted they used beef matter in some fruit pies he used to eat. He is happy and healthy.

    Nobody likes their way of eating or doing something questioned or attacked. It is very obvious that people get very sensitive about these issues on here.

    Do what works for you. Listen to your body. This should be a site for support, not bashing of other's ideas.

    Also, I think a lot of it boils down to genetics and other habits we may have... and fate, luck, or whatever you want to call it.

    Thank you for this!
  • albinogorilla
    albinogorilla Posts: 1,056 Member
    I am a vegetarian who cares about animals a great deal. Having said that, the ignorance and small-mindedness of some of the vegetarians/vegans in this thread is pretty sickening. Self-righteousness is an unattractive quality.

    Standing up for what you believe in and expressing your beliefs on a public forum is not self-righteous. You obviously have a different belief. Why don't you enlighten us?

    There are people on here claiming that the lives of chickens and cows are more important than those of human beings. You really don't see any problem with that?