Vegetarian group. Kick-off WEEK 1



  • vmkirby
    vmkirby Posts: 23
    As long as your not vegan, try what I had for lunch today. It was awesome!! (First time trying it, so I'm excited. :bigsmile: )

    Take 1/2 of a whole wheat pita pocket and stuff it with baby spinach, fresh mozzarella (watch your portions!), tomato slices, shredded carrots, sprouts, and pesto (portion control, again...a little goes a long way). I lined it with the spinach leaves, then smeared the pesto on it, then added the rest, with the carrots as a last-second garnish. I had that with about 4 whole grain crackers and a handful of red grapes. It was such a nice lunch to be tossed into the middle of subbing for 1st grade today! It was extremely portable, and the pita didn't get soggy with the spinach working as a buffer.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Nope, not a vegan. Thanks for sharing! That sounds really yummy :smile: I need to go grocery shopping so I can try all of these new foods!
  • monteig
    monteig Posts: 65 Member
    I found this recipe in the book "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" which had lots of great healthy vegetable-based recipes in it.

    Sweet Potato Quesadillas
    Makes 4 servings
    Each serving = 170 calories, 9 grams of fat, 15 carbs

    2 medium sweet potatoes
    1/2 onion
    1 clove garlic
    1 tablespoon oregano
    1 tablespoon basil
    1 teaspoon cumin
    chili powder to taste
    olive oil for saute (can use Pam or other substitute)

    Cut sweet potatoes into chunks, cook in steamer basket or microwave until soft, then mash.
    Chop and saute garlic and onion in a large skillet. Add spices and then sweet potato, mix well (add a little water if it is too sticky.)
    Turn burner very low to keep warm without burning.

    4 flour tortillas (or whole wheat)
    4 oz brie cheese
    2 - 3 leaves swiss chard (or other leafy green)

    Pre-heat oven to 400. Spray oil or Pam on a large baking sheet, spread tortillas on it to lightly oil one side, then spread filling on half of each. Top with brie and shredded swiss chard, then fold tortillas to close. Bake until browned and crisp - about 15 minutes. Cut into wedges for serving. Enjoy!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I've technically been a vegetarian my entire life as I have never eaten beef or pork. I was a vegan for 5 years but gave that up when I became pregnant 5 years ago.
    I have one human child and 3 fur kids.
    I am only hoping to loose about 8 pounds...excess baby weight....and some from drinking a little too much.
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    welcome! looks like you're starting off pretty well! I see you already lost 2lbs! Way to go :smile: Keep up the good work.


    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • CourtneyTree
    Hi, good for you! I also know that most of my weight I want to loose is from drinking to much! oh well, live and

    How is everyone doing?
    The weather on the island has gotten SOSO humid. Today hubby and I went out for a run and I could barly make 1.5 miles, I was dieing at the end! It felt like running in a sauna. I think we will be making some trips to the gym to run, if we keep getting a late start like we did today...

    After a weekend of eating horrible, I really thought I was going to be up in weight, but I guess my 11 miles last week paid off, I was .5 lower on the scale!!! :happy:

    Today I have some tofu that has been sitting in the fridge covered in a mix of herbs on one side, and some grinded walnuts on the other! I cant wait to cook it up , cut up some fresh veggies and make a grilled sandwich!

    My oldest son has strep throat, so im making him some chicken veggie noodle soup. I will eaither eat that (I know SHAME on me for the chicken, but I break rules sometimes :tongue: ) or I will have leftovers of the tofu or some lemoney pasta from last nights dinner.

    Hope everyone is staying focused, cant wait to hear what you are all up to!
  • BeesBella
    BeesBella Posts: 24
    Mind if I join ?

    Goal weight loss in lbs - 17lbs

    # of Kids (or do you want kids)- None atm .... after med school am wanting 3

    How long have you been a vegetarian or vegan? - 18 years (all my life)

    Age- 18
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    Today I have some tofu that has been sitting in the fridge covered in a mix of herbs on one side, and some grinded walnuts on the other! I cant wait to cook it up , cut up some fresh veggies and make a grilled sandwich!

    What kind of herbs are they and are they fresh or dried? I'm looking for some new recipies. Both my DH and daughter are I really have to keep portions for myself kinda small or they won't get eaten. Have any ideas?
  • CourtneyTree
    The tofu slices were sitting in fresh herbs. (Thyme, lots of basil, parsley and fresh pepper) I threw all of those in the food processer w/ a garlic clove and a tiny drizzle of EVOO , just to hold it all together!

    IF you use a whole block of tofu, you can just slide it all but one portion for the day, into a ziplock baggie and keep in the fridge for a few days!

    I have the same issue as you, It was very easy for me to make the switch to vegetarian life, but im finding it alot harder w/ the kids. So they still eat meat, while I TRY to make meals that are geared around meat for them, and some type of sub for me and hubby (even though he groans about it sometimes too) The more I learn on small portion controll (going from cooking for a family of 5, to vegetarian just for myself) I will let you know what I come up
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    How's everyone doing so far? It's Week 2 now! Hope all is well! Stay motivated :smile:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    I'm doing pretty well. If you all follow the dinner board, you'll know that I had some lovely spicy shrimp and roasted asparagul last night. I've lost .5 pounds this far. Hopeing that I'll loose that other .5 later this week. It'll be so tough on Memorial Day. We're a big military family so it and the 4th of July are major holidays here. I'm sure that my father-in-law will be making me some bbq fish while all the others eat burgers...but it's those sides that do you in. It'll be hard to resist the chips and cold beer. :grumble:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Glad to hear you're doing well Maid! Your dinner sounded really yummy! haha I hear ya on the holidays of the summer! My family does a HUGE picnic for Memorial Day. Lots of fatty foods and delicious homemade desserts! I'm going to have such a hard time resisting my grandmothers pies! Ah! lol Good luck with everything and stay motivated! :flowerforyou:
  • CourtneyTree
    Hi everyone, I have been doing well. I have not weighted in recently. Maybe some time on the weekend.
    I have really been cutting down on my drinking! Hopefully it will help shed some LBS!
    My oldest son has been sick w/ strep throat, and I feel like I MIGHT be getting it. I hope not, mostly because my FAV "sick food" is Cinnabon. LOL I never ever eat them, because im really never sick, but when I am, I must have a Cinnabon with extra, I suck...haha

    Anyway, The weather has gotten really nasty, the humidity is up to around 90%, and thats nothing compared to how it will be , come July/August! Uuuuggg...

    Anyway, I think today im going to get a bunch of dinner prep done for the next few days. I have had NO time latly, so dinners have been healthy, but quick.

    Last night I made, Roasted red pepper pasta w/ asparagus and eggplant! YUM!!!
  • n_fekete
    n_fekete Posts: 5
    I am looking to lose 10 lbs..5lbs lost so far but haven't lost anything in the last 2-3 weeks. I can only seem to stay in my calories when i exercise adn am not able to do that everyday.

    No kids only 2 cats

    Ive been vegeterian for about six years

    Im 31.

    This post is great, I like hearing what others are eating, I am not creative adn end up eating too few veggies and too many sweets.
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I haven't weighed in for a few weeks, because I know my weight is going up and I figure it will be discouraging. Its all muscle mass since I started taking protein supplements to help with my daily running/biking, but until that evens out I figure its not worth the headache. I'm still losing body fat and that's whats important. I've been using a measuring tape instead :smile:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I've been doing pretty well with eating healthy.:smile: I def need to bump up the exercising tho. I get in at least a half hour of walking or something of the sort, so I guess that's good, but more would def be better. I'm stuck at 158 and the scale/measurements aren't budging. :ohwell:
  • CourtneyTree
    KIDV- I understand where your comming from. My scale has been stuck too. But I cant totally blame that, I have a few good days, then I go off my diet and ir totally kills it! It has been SO hard, w/ the weather getting so warm and beautiful, we have been going to lots of BBQ's and things like that.
    I also have to bump up my excersize, I tend to take Frid-Sundays off. So now im thinking of going to the gym in the mornings after brining my kiddos to school to do about 5 miles or so on the bike, and to do some strenght training, then after I get the kids when school is over, I will take them to the gym w/ me (they LOVE to play basketball while I work out) then I can get my run in and the boys can get their excersize too! =) Hopefull that will kick the scale into shape and get it moving!
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Courtneytree that's a great idea! Not only are you getting exercise but you're children will as well and I think that's great :smile: Plus, basketball is a lot of fun :happy: I'm not sure what my problem is. :ohwell: I haven't been going over my cals at all since I started MFP. I was doing some research on weight loss plateaus and found a few things:

    It was helpful.
    After looking online for some reasons/ideas, I ended up posting a thread and one of the girls on here sent me a link to an old thread:

    She said that she over ate for a day (healthy food) just to see if her body would kick itself back into gear. It actually worked for her. :smile: So, yesterday I thought I'd experiment with it just to see what happens. I'll let you know if I break my plateau. :smile:

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    Hello everyone :smile: Haven't seen many posts lately...thought I'd see how everyone was doing :happy:
  • CourtneyTree
    I know, I never check in here around the weekends. I always tend to cheat on my diet on weekends, which puts me in a funk... I am also getting annoyed at entering ALL the foods I eat a day. I make homemade meals ALL day long, and it get tiring adding in all those ingredients.
    Today I did well! Did a 2 mile run and ate pretty well today!
    I still have 313 calories remaning and its 6pm, after dinner!!! But with that said, im sure I will drink most of those calories (vodka and juice) and I will probably have a late night snack of Jiffy Natural and celery or some carrot sticks w/ mustard...
    Oh well, I still will stay with in my 1200 cal range :drinker: