hmmmmmmmm. a bit confused



  • original_cake_face
    original_cake_face Posts: 131 Member
    I believe i never said that I cook with olive oil.. I said to use olive oil.. Now if you would like to know what I cook with its grapeseed oil . Your welcome.
    And I have already apologized for coming across the way i did.. perhaps i should write a couple few hundred more times again...

    The problem is, you posted a snarky topic and then left it for hours for everyone to reply to. Which they did.

    And who the heck uses vegetable oil for things other than cooking? Are people putting vetable oils in salad dressings? I haven't seen it. And vegetable oil is the cheapest oil my grocery store sells. Period. I'm 25 years old without a college degree. I make more than most in my situation, but I still have to budget. Vegetable oil is cheap, easily accessable, and though it may not have the antioxidants that olive oil has, it isn't killing me.

    Remember this: When you post your opinion you're going to get other opinions in response. You're coming across as very condescending, and that's why people are responding the way that they are. People diet differently, and people eat differently. Just because someone doesn't eat like you doesn't mean that they are wrong. Yes, people eat Taco Bell and McDonald's.. But that doesn't mean they're unhealthy. As I said before, they key is moderation. One Taco Bell Taco isn't going to raise someones risks for heart disease and stroke. Eating them every day will. But not one. I suggest you step down from your high horse and live and let live.
  • scsksouthern
    scsksouthern Posts: 23 Member
    Please everyone except my apologies...I just expressed an opinion and it came across the wrong way...

    Yes, it did, but I know you meant well. You are probably really health-conscience, and sure, you would like everyone to take care of themselves as you do, but MOST of us are struggling just to eat as healthy as we can MOST of the time, and if we go into it thinking NEVER another taco bell, well, we consider that TOO MUCH deprivation. Don't you agree that it's really great when people are trying to find a better way, even if it isn't necessarily your way, and of course they are going to be better off in the end, even if once in a while I eat a Hostess Twinkie...? : ) Apology accepted! LOL
  • chefabitino
    I believe i never said that I cook with olive oil.. I said to use olive oil.. Now if you would like to know what I cook with its grapeseed oil . Your welcome.
    And I have already apologized for coming across the way i did.. perhaps i should write a couple few hundred more times again...

    The problem is, you posted a snarky topic and then left it for hours for everyone to reply to. Which they did.

    And who the heck uses vegetable oil for things other than cooking? Are people putting vetable oils in salad dressings? I haven't seen it. And vegetable oil is the cheapest oil my grocery store sells. Period. I'm 25 years old without a college degree. I make more than most in my situation, but I still have to budget. Vegetable oil is cheap, easily accessable, and though it may not have the antioxidants that olive oil has, it isn't killing me.

    Remember this: When you post your opinion you're going to get other opinions in response. You're coming across as very condescending, and that's why people are responding the way that they are. People diet differently, and people eat differently. Just because someone doesn't eat like you doesn't mean that they are wrong. Yes, people eat Taco Bell and McDonald's.. But that doesn't mean they're unhealthy. As I said before, they key is moderation. One Taco Bell Taco isn't going to raise someones risks for heart disease and stroke. Eating them every day will. But not one. I suggest you step down from your high horse and live and let live.
    have already posted that I came across in the wrong way about a 1000 times I guess everyone just reads what they want. I can't apologize anymore.

  • original_cake_face
    original_cake_face Posts: 131 Member
    I have been reading some of the posts in RECIPES, and I was quite surprised on some of the ingredients in the recipes..
    people are using vegetable oils? WHY? OLIVE OIL is so much better and better for you.. some have posted TACO BELL!!!!!!!! really? ONLY 140 calories per taco.. Seriously? TACO BELL.....yeah there may be ONLY 140 Calories but what else is in there? common people this is not just about counting calories, you should also practice to eat healthier. what good is it if you count calories but adding junk in your body?

    Can I get some support on this.

    Hey! Idea: Why don't you worry about YOU and I'll worry about ME.

    And, FYI, any oil pressed from a vegetable is "vegetable oil." This includes olive oil.

    WOW!! um.. olive is a fruit NOT a vegetable.. They grow on trees not plant...sorry to have burst-ed your bubble.....

    Grapeseed oil is a vegetable oil.
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    OP, many, many people reply to threads having only read the original post. This is part of teh interwebz and isn't really going to change. So you're probably (unfortunately) going to get chided a few dozen more times when you've already apologized for your tone. The easiest way to let a thread like this die is to simply stop responding -- people who write once won't see your response anyway, and people who read all the way to the end will see that you already took it back.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    While olive oil my be Healthy for you it is not always in a persons budget to use it or they may prefer a different type. I personally view recipes as an outline and adjust them to my personal tastes. If you don't care for what is in them develop ones that you like or tweek the ones you don't to your liking.

    If a person choses to eat fast food, soda, meat, vegs ect it is up to them and their food calorie allotment. None of my business. This journey is about learning what works for you.

    I use grapeseed oil to saute with Costs just as much as veg oil. I do watch my budget..I know that $$$ spent on fast food, if you shop wisely you can feed your self for a week...

    Really I feed myself and family very well. I saute with broth I make myself from chickens I have raised. I personally do not eat fast food , drink soda or booze of any kind, have not for years. I also do not think the way I feed myself and my family is the only way to do.
    Excuse me while I go back to rendering my pig fat from the pigs we raised into lard. Yes I do use lard from time to time and have a perfect cholesterol level : )
  • Coyla
    Coyla Posts: 444 Member
    So you've given up gummy bears and taco bell for life?

    I wouldn't do that. And, since I can (and did) lose a massive amount of weight without doing that, I like to spread the word to others that they don't have to set themselves up for failure with a whole lot of restrictions.

    Just hit your calorie numbers. That's all it takes. You don't even have to exercise. I am living proof.

    This ^
  • luvdooney33
    Some people are picky. If a taco's what they want, who are we to judge?

    exactly!!! it may not be the healthiest but its better than a deep fried item,, and plus everyone knows that healthy food is usually a lil more expensive and if your on a diet / budget.. its the way to go
  • madtownjeremy
    In other news, the Fresco Chicken soft taco at Taco Bell is AWESOME. :)
  • butterfly10398
    I personally don't feel its realistic to completely cut junk food out of your life cold turkey... If you do, you are going to end up craving it and going on a binge... Sure you need to make healthy choices, but slipping up and having a taco when you are craving it and its within your calorie limit, is no the end of the world.... Its about making small sustainable changes in everyday life that way when you are completed you have learned enough from your JOURNEY THERE that you don't end up gaining all your weight back and then some...
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    I agree with you Chef! Taco Bell is crap, it doesn't matter if it's 140 calories.
  • scsksouthern
    scsksouthern Posts: 23 Member
    You're right chef, people eating taco bell ain't gonna make their goals unless they are real real discipline. We gotta eat right too or the exercise is pointless.

    You need to read what you wrote here and admit that you are wrong... "people eating taco bell ain't gonna make their goals" and "we gotta eat right too or the exercise is pointless". Man, I know LOTS of trainers/athletes/skinny people who have the occasional taco bell fix, and if people are active (sports, exercise, etc.) and eat right MOST of the time, then the exercise most certainly isn't "pointless". You and the chef been drinking way too much olive oil!!!

    I have already 6957847364058392 times.

    Sorry, that post was meant for someone else (someone on your side)... I don't have this "quote/reply/post" thing down yet. Computer ILLITERATE I am... And, I have read your apology and responded to you that I accept it! I know you didn't mean to start another war---especially one about oil and taco's!
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    Oh my god, you people need to CALM DOWN! Why does everyone always have to jump down someones throat when they mention ANYTHING! I think he was just trying to make a point that olive oil is healthier for you, and Taco Bell is not good for you.
  • HikeRunLift
    Please everyone except my apologies...I just expressed an opinion and it came across the wrong way...

    No need to apologize dude. People here are hostile and hungry and always look for a chance to prove someone wrong over the internet.

    I understand what you're saying about Taco Bell. It's not "healthy" food and sure the hell isnt quality. But regardless, if you have self control and track your calories, you can eat it and still lose weight. If you're aware of the *kitten* that goes on within the fast food industy, it's really much "safer" not to eat it. But if you're in dire need of calories and are on a budget, then it's a last resort tool.

    Last month.. I ate Jumbaco. (google it if you're not sure what it is) Sad to say, I woke up with a fast food hangover. My body did not like the after effct
  • scsksouthern
    scsksouthern Posts: 23 Member
    Oh my god, you people need to CALM DOWN! Why does everyone always have to jump down someones throat when they mention ANYTHING! I think he was just trying to make a point that olive oil is healthier for you, and Taco Bell is not good for you.

    I agree with what you are saying--- I know he meant well, too, but once the first person takes offense to a comment, well, all hell breaks loose and it's hard to stop a run-away train! He's already apologized a buzzillion times over and tried to explain himself, BUT..........
  • ashditty2
    ashditty2 Posts: 7 Member
    i think its important to be realistic about weight loss, if you give up everything constantly and all at once, you will start to hate your life choices... weight loss and health is a life long battle and journey for most of us... saying you will never eat at a fast food place ever again in your life is unrealistic, doing so in moderation and with portion and health in mind will ensure you are still successful... there is more than one way to get fit and healthy...
  • JPPNole
    JPPNole Posts: 6
    FWIW, I agree with you Chef, but I think you just came off sounding a little too frustrated. Your passion is appreciated by me, but no one wants to be barked at. Having said that, I totally agree with you about olive oil over vegetable oil. I have eliminated fast food restaurants from my food options along with sodas, sweets, all "white" carbs. I am doing it because I HAVE to eat healthy to ward off type-II diabetes. A calorie deficit (only) each day will not cut it for me. I have been in such poor health ( the past 2 years especially) missing work, low-energy, etc. I got a MOST SERIOUS WAKE UP CALL on Feb 29th when someone checked my blood sugar after I complained of feeling lousy for several days in a row and my blood sugar was way, way out of control. It got my attention and I immediately changed my diet the next day (joined this site on Mar 9th), started walking and that blood sugar number decreased significantly one week later. Now, another 10 days since and I haven't felt this good in I don't know when. Very motivating to just eat "mostly" clean. I'd sort of forgoten how good whole foods can taste. I have lost approximately 10 lbs and can already feel a difference with simple tasks like getting up from the couch or bending over to pick up something from the floor. Simple things, I know, to you younger people, but when you reach 51 (...and I will tomorrow), these are struggles for the obese. I weigh 260ish right now and I still have a long way to go to reach my goal of 185-190, but I am on the right path "for me". I have completely stopped drinking sodas (my biggest daily vice for years). I drink mostly water and green tea. I do like the Body For Life idea of having a cheat day once a week, or Tom Venuto's BFFM 2-3 indulgences a week method. You need that somtimes for your sanity. If you have a small amount of weight to lose, say 5-10 lbs than simply cutting your calories will work fine. Sorry so long friends...peace!
  • hazev74
    hazev74 Posts: 252 Member
    each to their own!!!
  • jamiesadler
    jamiesadler Posts: 634 Member
    It is not a sustainable lifestyle to cut out everything that is bad for you. At least not for me or anyone I know. You have to learn to live with the good and bad foods and when and how much of each to eat. This is why so many people gain weight back. Once you stop dieting and go back to eating the bad stuff all of the weight returns.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I can't support you on this one. The first time around I lost 30lbs eating junk food and staying within my calories (junk or not). Some people are here to be healthier, some are here JUST to lose weight. We who are now seeking health shouldn't look down at those who are just seeking to lose.

    Everyone is in different stages. Good for you that you're at the point where you want a healthy lifestyle... but those who aren't ready have just as much right to be calorie counting and without being ridiculed.