I ate more than my allowance in one meal



  • seonf
    seonf Posts: 24 Member
    Hi mate, good for you. As long as your burn it off in the Gym treat yourself every now and then. As long as it isn't every day. diets are meant to be broken occasionally.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member
    I find all of the know-it-alls, preachers, and judges to be pretty humorous. Personally, I congratulate the OP for knowing that it's OK to have a treat now and then, and also for working so damned hard that it won't affect him adversely. My occasional treat is sushi. But the thing is that my workouts are now so intense that I can have it now and then, enjoy it thoroughly (yes, even the all-you-can-eat), and know that it still fits within my allotted calories for the week WHILE maintaining my deficit!

    As long as it doesn't become a habit, and I continue to work as hard as I have been, having occasional treats doesn't hurt a bit. Relax, people. Stop taking yourselves so damned seriously! Live a little. Live....and let live.

  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Having everything you are craving in one sitting is not going to help. There is a reason why you need 5 or so meals a day.

    Who said that was his only meal of the day??

    Well, you may just be right. If he had his other meals he would be sitting on 4000 cals then for the day. Way to go.

    EDIT: Yea, and I already anticipate your next post, don't worry. As said earlier, if that is how other people do things, not my problem. It goes against everything. I'll just do what I do and then everyone is happy. :)

    Look, the OP doesn't eat this every single day, obviously, or he wouldn't be over 30 lbs down. Did you even read his post, that this was a one time treat after an extra special hard workout and a history of hard work on his behalf? Or are you so thickheaded words don't make it through? You think everyone has to do it exactly as you do to be successful? What exactly is the "everything" this goes against? That people that work out hard and eat right can't indulge once?

    Congrats, OP!! Way to go!
  • tgzerozone
    tgzerozone Posts: 160
    Having everything you are craving in one sitting is not going to help. There is a reason why you need 5 or so meals a day.

    Who said that was his only meal of the day??

    Well, you may just be right. If he had his other meals he would be sitting on 4000 cals then for the day. Way to go.

    EDIT: Yea, and I already anticipate your next post, don't worry. As said earlier, if that is how other people do things, not my problem. It goes against everything. I'll just do what I do and then everyone is happy. :)

    Look, the OP doesn't eat this every single day, obviously, or he wouldn't be over 30 lbs down. Did you even read his post, that this was a one time treat after an extra special hard workout and a history of hard work on his behalf? Or are you so thickheaded words don't make it through? You think everyone has to do it exactly as you do to be successful? What exactly is the "everything" this goes against? That people that work out hard and eat right can't indulge once?

    Congrats, OP!! Way to go!

    Yea, so if your an alcoholic you can drink yourself into a stuper every now and then as well? As I said, go for it.
  • G30Grrl
    G30Grrl Posts: 377 Member

    Yea, so if your an alcoholic you can drink yourself into a stuper every now and then as well? As I said, go for it.


    Speaking as a recovering alcoholic, this is NOT the same thing AT ALL.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Yum. And good for you, planning it into your workouts. That's good stuff right there. I've gotten bad about accounting for larger meals, thanks of the reminder that just because I want a cheeseburger, my day doesn't have to be ruined.

    tgzerozone - You are judging without providing facts. You're just commenting so you can say "tsk tsk, you shouldn't have done that, it was bad." Why? No, really, why? What exactly are you trying to accomplish by scorning his methods? OP has already reported that he saw a loss, so obviously this didn't ruin everything forever. I don't see a single thing that you could say that he hadn't already accounted for or explained in a previous post.
  • MoLove2025
    MoLove2025 Posts: 135 Member
    Just remember moderation....this article his helpful in solutions for that.

  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    Having everything you are craving in one sitting is not going to help. There is a reason why you need 5 or so meals a day.

    Who said that was his only meal of the day??

    Well, you may just be right. If he had his other meals he would be sitting on 4000 cals then for the day. Way to go.

    EDIT: Yea, and I already anticipate your next post, don't worry. As said earlier, if that is how other people do things, not my problem. It goes against everything. I'll just do what I do and then everyone is happy. :)

    yeah ... I wasn't going to have just one meal. that's crazy talk. I had breakfast (roughly 500 calories), lunch (roughly 400) and then worked out to burn 1900-plus. then a cliff bar right after. helping of triscuit minis when I got to work, then dinner, then a 200-calorie snack after shift. for the day, I was at 3,318. my goal after calorie burn was 3,642. so I still went to bed with calories to spare.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    As said, if you want to eat your calorie allowance (or half of it if that helps) in one sitting, go for it.

    I split mine into several meals (As any nutritionist as well as myfitnesspal would tell you). Meaning, I would've maybe had 500 cals instead of the 1800 and I still would've had a treat.

    and if I only ate 500 calories, I would have been looking at a deficit at the end of the day of 1600. not really enough for my body to go on. I'd prefer to go through this without starving myself.

    and for calorie burns, just to add, I hit 855 in 65 minutes last night on the elliptical. also a weight/age input figured in. incline of 10, cross country program with repeated hills peaking at 15. if you push yourself, past what is comfortable, you will get higher burns. and, as a result, you can then go and enjoy life rather than spending the day in a food prison trying to convince yourself that you are happy being there.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    if you push yourself, past what is comfortable, you will get higher burns. and, as a result, you can then go and enjoy life rather than spending the day in a food prison trying to convince yourself that you are happy being there.

  • tinkermommc
    tinkermommc Posts: 562 Member
    if you push yourself, past what is comfortable, you will get higher burns. and, as a result, you can then go and enjoy life rather than spending the day in a food prison trying to convince yourself that you are happy being there.

    Wow! Well said!

    After all the posts saying you shouldn't eat that stuff. I had to fit a shamrock shake into my day. All I did was take the kids on a walk (144 calories) and then I split a large 3 ways with the kids(330) came in with 10 calories left and it was delicious!!

    I'm curious on all the haters, I noticed the trend with the bars, those with weight losses support you and those without well for the most part are the haters. I wonder if they are denying themselves deliciousness and struggling so it makes them bitter...
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    It's stuff like this that explains why so many people are overweight
    I don't know if you consider 30+ lbs a lot, but I do. The OP is making good progress using this strategy, it might not work for everyone but it's working for him. I don't get onto posts about how someone managed to stick with their diet for a year without failing and call them a food nazi or tight *kitten*, that would be rude.
    You have to eat 5 meals a day or more or you'll gain weight, and burning that many calories is all muscle
    I'd argue the scientific merit of this claim, but setting that aside there are people who do have success eating fewer large meals daily. I also don't call people who eat like that cows for grazing all day or people that do short, light workouts p***ies because, you guessed it, that would be rude.
    That's gluttonous
    You have every right to that opinion, but if you think one largish (that REALLY isn't that big) meal is gluttony do you send hate mail to the man vs food guy? How about Micheal Phelps, who is the extreme case of exercise hard and eat your FACE off? Do you picket all you can eat buffets? And again (although in this case some people do and I think it sucks) I don't get on pages where people complain about having trouble getting to 1200 calories and call them anorexics.

    You don't have to agree with his diet, but there are better ways to communicate that without being obnoxious about it. But then again,
    If that is how other people do things, not my problem.