Pet Peaves??? I CANNOT STAND...



  • kissy28wv
    kissy28wv Posts: 74
    When people cut their fingernails in public. It's disgusting.

    Also, when people chew with their mouth open. Or talk with their mouth full.
    I left a home health job cause the woman chewed with her mouth open and smacked her lips! Huge pet peeve. Ever watch food network and see the cooks taste something with their mouth open? I want to reach into the tv and smack them.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    I CANNOT STAND... when you are at a park, your kid is going DOWN a slide, the way it was meant to be used....and some uncontrolled, unparented kid is GOING UP IT!!!!!!

    when will someone just tell kids that there are RULES and to stop being creative!

    HAHAHA seriously. I was an up-climber. And now I'm successful, live in a nice home, and do work that I like doing for a living. And that I get paid well to do.

    Honestly, the parents of the kids doing the "right" thing on the slide should encourage their kids to go up the slide sometimes too.

    People who don't realize the rules are there for a purpose. What happens when some poor little kid coming down gets flipped off the slide, by the "cowboy" coming up, and breaks their neck?

    Yes, one of my pet peeves is people who have no consideration for others.
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    Cell phone users in the gym.. hate it.
    Slow drivers in the passing lane that WON'T MOVE OVER!
    Parents who bring their kids to happy hour and let them sit at the bar. (And then give you "a look" if someone says something innapropriate for young ears!)
  • kbmnurse
    kbmnurse Posts: 2,484 Member
    Knock him over. LOL
  • k1mcat
    k1mcat Posts: 68
    "supposUBly" <ugh~ eyes rolling>
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    - Going into a clothing store that is plastered in 30% off signs, and having a salesperson come up and tell you, "just to let you know, everythign is 30% off!"

    - Bad table manners. Surely you can wait 20 seconds until your mouth is empty to tell your story.

    - Text talk.

    - Vague facebook status updates.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    People who spell "peeves" incorrectly.

    You stole my peeve.
  • anastasiawildflower
    anastasiawildflower Posts: 197 Member
    Being a barista, I have a few.

    "What sizes do you have?"
    -We have small (12oz), medium (16oz), and large (20oz) just like any other coffee shop or restaurant with minor exceptions! And if you say you want a "tall" coffee, I will accept it, but if you yell at me for making you a small, you're an idiot. The only coffee purveyor who uses the word "tall" is Starbucks and it is a small, I would know, I have worked for them.

    When someone orders 7 drinks and I whip them up for them with mistake and they don't tip, that is extremely rude. I don't expect a tip every time, but when my service is stellar, a dollar would be nice. Trust me, your baristas know which ones do not tip and while we can get over it, we still don't feel like you value our efforts.

    When you are standing in front of the counter and completely ignoring me or treating me like I don't know what I am doing. I am a barista because I love coffee and probably know more about it than you do. I am trying to provide you a service but this is becoming impossible considering the ignorance.

    Outside of being a barista, I dislike anything our housemates do:
    -walk like baby elephants
    -always slam the doors, even the gd fridge
    -leave dishes in their side of sink for over 2 weeks and slowly try to put them on our clean side
    -treat their beautiful dog like a thing to have and not like a big puppy that she is
    -whine about their lives when they are both almost 30 and are not willing to change any of it
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    People who litter. I'd just like to grab that cigarette butt, beer can or McDonald's wrapper and shove it up into their netheregions.
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    People who think they can go the speed limit on the interstate when it's snowing and icy. Like.. "the speed limit is 65 and that's how fast I'm going to go". A lady just got killed last week here in western WA when we were having a freaky sleet storm on I-5. Most of the traffic had slowed down, but she was still going the speed limit. She broke loose in her SUV and slid right under the front of a big semi. That was the end of her. And.. that's how people get killed on the side of the road.

    I lived in Alaska for over 20 years and you often heard of people getting killed when their car stalled on the side of the road and there was no other traffic. What happens is; there you are stuck well out of the lane of traffic. There is almost NO traffic say, between Anchorage and Fairbanks. Okay, so ONE car comes along and smashes into the stalled car and driver. The only other car on the road. The way that happens is; when you first see the car stalled on the side of the road, you slow down AT THAT TIME, not when you get right up near them and slam on your brakes (or if you are going too fast and just let up on the gas). Then you have no control over where your car is going to go. Is an extra 15 seconds going to ruin your life? How would you feel if you killed someone or caused someone to get killed? Sometimes I wonder if people even give a *kitten* any more.
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658

  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    When a professor sends out a study guide, you spend all day working on it, and then they send out an email that oh whoops, half those topics aren't going to be on the test -.-
  • lalaloses
    lalaloses Posts: 22
    ... when people use there phones at the movie theater, even for a so called emergency. I have never heard anything that would even remotely count

    and if you post your "movie phone emergency" and it does not involve the president calling you for the code to launch a nuclear war or a dead child, I will mock you. :laugh: :devil:

    THIS! I hate it when people text or USE IPADS during a movie! It's BRIGHT. gah
  • delilah47
    delilah47 Posts: 1,658
    Guess I'd better get out of here. Too many "entitled" people with no consideration for others. ME ME ME. Nobody else matters. Maybe I'm just grouchy today, but someday all you "mememe-s" will get a rude awakening and realize the earth doesn't revolve around you and your whims.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    People who spell "peeves" incorrectly.

    ^^^^ This
    People who use '^^^^ This' instead of just saying 'I agree'. Lazy.
  • cabinlover31
    I absolutly HATE when people where pajama pants and slippers to the store!!!!
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    When people don't recognize irony.
  • darthbambi
    Noisy eaters! I'm not even sure why I hate eating noises so much, but when someone chews and munches so loudly the neighbours can hear it and talks with half a chicken in their mouth, I have to excuse myself and leave the room. Just can't handle it.

    Also, I generally have a hard time dealing with close-minded people and bigots with whom you can't have a rational debate.

    That's about it, though. No, wait - I hate people who drive through huge, muddy puddles at full throttle when you're walking on the sidewalk and are inevitably going to get soaking wet.
  • mukamom
    mukamom Posts: 207 Member
    Clean laundry that is sitting on the bed that needs to be folded when I am really tired and ready to go to bed. Not sure why this one bothers me so much.

    ME TOO..My husband helps with household chores while I am at work (he is disabled), and he will just dump the clean dry clothes on the bed. Which I never find until I am ready to go to bed. Grrrrrrrrr:mad:

    I really hate to say anything, since he is helping out. :heart: