You wouldn't dat eme when I was fat... why should I date n



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    I've had similar thoughts like these, but I'm fighting them out. When it comes down to it, attraction is partly a physical thing, and if I wouldn't have been attracted to myself before (I would not have been), then I can't be offended that someone else wasn't. Besides, a good friend pointed out to me that more than just my body started to change when I started to lose weight. I'm more confident, I'm happier, I'm a little more outgoing in some ways, and I have more energy. It's not just the weight itself that holds off the attraction, but several other things as well. Besides, if health is important to him, maybe knowing that you're willing to take care of yourself and be healthy factors in, too. Could be a million things.

    Or it really might be the very simple truth that you're hotter or cuter or prettier now that you've lost weight, and he likes the new look. Sounds like a pretty flattering thought to me. :)

    It's not too far off from imagining that a guy was always around you, but he wore disheveled, dirty clothes, never took care of his hair and let it go scraggly, etc. Many women wouldn't be attracted to that because to them, it doesn't look good (and it might say a lot about him). But if he decided to wash his clothes and wear things that flattered him, wash his hair, and get a hair cut, he'd likely get a lot more attention. Doesn't make those women awful because they didn't notice or weren't attracted before. He just wasn't what they were attracted to at that point. Not necessarily the same thing as being overweight, but still.

    Not to mention that it's hard to be attracted to your intelligence, your rapier wit, or your adorable, bubbly personality from a look across the gym.

    Anyway, my thoughts are - take it as flattery (and wonderful proof of how well you're doing) and don't hold it against him. :)
  • CookieCrumble
    CookieCrumble Posts: 221 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss first of all.

    Secondly... it's really not clear from what you posted in your OP that he's attracted to you at all. Unless there are other things that you haven't said, it's really just a huge leap to conclusions as far as I'm concerned.

    He's smiled - you're at the same gym, perhaps he hadn't started his workout yet or had just finished. I don't notice people (male or female) during my workout at all, but I'll smile if someone makes eye contact and I see them.

    He's used equipment near yours - perhaps you're on his favourite machine. I get used to using a specific bike or cross-trainer and am quite disconcerted if someone else is on it - using the next one along is making the best of a 'bad job' for me.

    Do you think you might be really overreacting? Has this man actually said anything other than friendly conversation to you? Asked you out on a date? Dropped to one knee to propose? I think you should stop carrying your overweight baggage with you now that you've lost it and treat other people as if they're not judging you on it because they probably aren't.

    I've seen your follow-up post and if that is any indication, I really don't think you're going to be bothered by this man in future. He'll be backing away, I think, as you sound very, very fixated on your heavy body rather than what you are now. That's extremely unattractive - not just in look but in attitude.
  • Loislaine61
    Perhaps he admires your commitment and sees your progress. Just because he didn't notice you before is not a reason to write him off now. You could be missing out on a great friend.

    I understand when you say " you didn't want to date me then, why do I want to date you now", but I hope you'll be a little forgiving of others.
  • slightlycrunchy
    slightlycrunchy Posts: 42 Member
    I see this has already been resolved but I just wanted to say wtf at all these "you should be flattered" comments or comments about him staring being a compliment or whatever. It made her uncomfortable! Regardless of his motivations or whether or not it was a change made by her weight loss, staring and creeping up on someone is rude and can be creepy. Women don't exist to be stared at and we don't have to be flattered because some guy feels like following us around to stare at us. If it makes her uncomfortable, that's what matters, not his intent behind it.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    Also : "oogle" isn't a word, guys. Ogle.


    oooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle. It's more fun that way :P
    But seriously, thanks for the correction. God only knows how long I've been putting an extra O in there. How embarrassing.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    for the record today at the gym "mr Biceps" was there. So when I was working out in the areobics room alone we came in to do some skipping which of course made me a feel alittle awkward. So I turned around and asked if he'd like to take a picture so I could get on with my workout, He laughed and said "well not exactly the ice breaker I was hoping for" I told him he was making self conscience and if he wanted to talk to me he should have just said something rather than stalking me while I'm trying to workout. I asked him if he wanted to go for a coffee after the gym. He said sure. While at coffee I told him what I thought about the not noticing me before and he said he did and that he was impressed with the changes to my body. I asked if he would have agreed to coffee 40 lbs ago and he said he couldn't really answer that cuz it didnt happen.

    If I was at a gym and went into a room to "skip" and you were there, I'm not sure if you own the aerobic room, or if when you are in there nobody else is allowed to go in or what. But if I went in a room to skip rope or whatever and the guy in front of me asked me to take a picture, I would be offended by them and tell them I didn't realize they owned the room and would have left, you would left a really bad impression on me with that attitude.

    I guess you didn;t read the beginning of this thread, I said he always uses the same or nearby machines., I just felt awkwardly stalked so I said something turns out my hunch was right. He also told me I seem unapproachable because I am so into what I am doing and have an air of classiness that says "step away" hahahaha. Anyways, today we chatted rather than stare and he spotted me on some machines that I probably wouldn;t attempt by myself so alls good. Still not sure he's a guy I would consider dating but he makes a good gym mate.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    I see this has already been resolved but I just wanted to say wtf at all these "you should be flattered" comments or comments about him staring being a compliment or whatever. It made her uncomfortable! Regardless of his motivations or whether or not it was a change made by her weight loss, staring and creeping up on someone is rude and can be creepy. Women don't exist to be stared at and we don't have to be flattered because some guy feels like following us around to stare at us. If it makes her uncomfortable, that's what matters, not his intent behind it.

    Thank you.
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    for the record today at the gym "mr Biceps" was there. So when I was working out in the areobics room alone we came in to do some skipping which of course made me a feel alittle awkward. So I turned around and asked if he'd like to take a picture so I could get on with my workout, He laughed and said "well not exactly the ice breaker I was hoping for" I told him he was making self conscience and if he wanted to talk to me he should have just said something rather than stalking me while I'm trying to workout. I asked him if he wanted to go for a coffee after the gym. He said sure. While at coffee I told him what I thought about the not noticing me before and he said he did and that he was impressed with the changes to my body. I asked if he would have agreed to coffee 40 lbs ago and he said he couldn't really answer that cuz it didnt happen.

    If I was at a gym and went into a room to "skip" and you were there, I'm not sure if you own the aerobic room, or if when you are in there nobody else is allowed to go in or what. But if I went in a room to skip rope or whatever and the guy in front of me asked me to take a picture, I would be offended by them and tell them I didn't realize they owned the room and would have left, you would left a really bad impression on me with that attitude.

    I guess you didn;t read the beginning of this thread, I said he always uses the same or nearby machines., I just felt awkwardly stalked so I said something turns out my hunch was right. He also told me I seem unapproachable because I am so into what I am doing and have an air of classiness that says "step away" hahahaha. Anyways, today we chatted rather than stare and he spotted me on some machines that I probably wouldn;t attempt by myself so alls good. Still not sure he's a guy I would consider dating but he makes a good gym mate.

    Actually, other than mentioning staring one time, there is nothing here that sounds like he was creeping on you. You even described him as very attractive:

    The last couple of days i notice that this guy, who is very attractive probably early to mid 30s, Is always there at the same time as me. He stares at me and uses machines close to mine. I smile and go about my business, He has been going there since I started and never gave me the time of day before, when I would maybe see him once a week. Now I just feel like he's taking notice because i've dropped some weight. Should i be flattered or am i right to be a little preturbed by this new found attention?

    It sounds like you were more ticked that he ignored you before and now that you have lost weight he's paying attention to you. No mention of being stalked and you even asked if you should be flattered. Most people aren't flattered by being stalked. Very odd.
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    I have a thread going which suggests you women aren't any different.

    Isn't it natural to be attracted to someone who'

    the audacity! sheesh God forbid you think someone is attractive based on their umm looks! :noway:

    I'm telling ya, I've really had it. The next woman that encourages me and compliments me on how much progress I've made losing weight, my working out and how I look, I'm really gonna tell her off!

    yea people cant just go around thinking other people are attractive. there are some real creeps and pervs out there. be careful.

    I just know I'm not attractive and, dammit, I hate being patronized.
  • Mallory0418
    Mallory0418 Posts: 723 Member
    Okay I have a rant. I go to a male dominanted gym only because it's close to home. I go i do my thing and i leave. I am not there to pick up guys or socialize. there are plenty of skinny fat girls wearing lulus and a ton of makeup for the hot bods to oogle.

    The last couple of days i notice that this guy, who is very attractive probably early to mid 30s, Is always there at the same time as me. He stares at me and uses machines close to mine. I smile and go about my business, He has been going there since I started and never gave me the time of day before, when I would maybe see him once a week. Now I just feel like he's taking notice because i've dropped some weight. Should i be flattered or am i right to be a little preturbed by this new found attention?

    god you are a mean spirited b!tch!!! you were fat, now your not get over yourself. i can't stand women like you!!! just becuase you lost 40 pounds you think your *kitten* doesn't stink anymore. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. YOUR STILL FAT!!!

    I'm sorry but you're saying SHE'S mean spirited with a rant like that? That was completely over the line and says a lot about you and your character, not her. WOW.
  • hapoo100
    hapoo100 Posts: 940 Member
    Okay I have a rant. I go to a male dominanted gym only because it's close to home. I go i do my thing and i leave. I am not there to pick up guys or socialize. there are plenty of skinny fat girls wearing lulus and a ton of makeup for the hot bods to oogle.

    The last couple of days i notice that this guy, who is very attractive probably early to mid 30s, Is always there at the same time as me. He stares at me and uses machines close to mine. I smile and go about my business, He has been going there since I started and never gave me the time of day before, when I would maybe see him once a week. Now I just feel like he's taking notice because i've dropped some weight. Should i be flattered or am i right to be a little preturbed by this new found attention?

    god you are a mean spirited b!tch!!! you were fat, now your not get over yourself. i can't stand women like you!!! just becuase you lost 40 pounds you think your *kitten* doesn't stink anymore. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. YOUR STILL FAT!!!

    I'm also offended, your grammar is terrible. You are using "your" in situations where "you're" is the correct usage. You aren't capiltalizing words, you spelled "because" wrong, and you are mean.
  • kimbly71
    kimbly71 Posts: 188
    god you are a mean spirited b!tch!!! you were fat, now your not get over yourself. i can't stand women like you!!! just becuase you lost 40 pounds you think your *kitten* doesn't stink anymore. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. YOUR STILL FAT!!!

    Wow! You sound like a delight to be friends with. Troll much??
  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
    Okay I have a rant. I go to a male dominanted gym only because it's close to home. I go i do my thing and i leave. I am not there to pick up guys or socialize. there are plenty of skinny fat girls wearing lulus and a ton of makeup for the hot bods to oogle.

    The last couple of days i notice that this guy, who is very attractive probably early to mid 30s, Is always there at the same time as me. He stares at me and uses machines close to mine. I smile and go about my business, He has been going there since I started and never gave me the time of day before, when I would maybe see him once a week. Now I just feel like he's taking notice because i've dropped some weight. Should i be flattered or am i right to be a little preturbed by this new found attention?

    god you are a mean spirited b!tch!!! you were fat, now your not get over yourself. i can't stand women like you!!! just becuase you lost 40 pounds you think your *kitten* doesn't stink anymore. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. YOUR STILL FAT!!!

    I'm sorry but you're saying SHE'S mean spirited with a rant like that? That was completely over the line and says a lot about you and your character, not her. WOW.

    Both are out of line , neither of you are qualified to judge someones character from a few paragraphs from the internet , it is not correct to make assumptions and then from them take a stereotype.
  • Farfourah
    Farfourah Posts: 899 Member
    Okay I have a rant. I go to a male dominanted gym only because it's close to home. I go i do my thing and i leave. I am not there to pick up guys or socialize. there are plenty of skinny fat girls wearing lulus and a ton of makeup for the hot bods to oogle.

    The last couple of days i notice that this guy, who is very attractive probably early to mid 30s, Is always there at the same time as me. He stares at me and uses machines close to mine. I smile and go about my business, He has been going there since I started and never gave me the time of day before, when I would maybe see him once a week. Now I just feel like he's taking notice because i've dropped some weight. Should i be flattered or am i right to be a little preturbed by this new found attention?

    god you are a mean spirited b!tch!!! you were fat, now your not get over yourself. i can't stand women like you!!! just becuase you lost 40 pounds you think your *kitten* doesn't stink anymore. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. YOUR STILL FAT!!!

    I'm sorry but you're saying SHE'S mean spirited with a rant like that? That was completely over the line and says a lot about you and your character, not her. WOW.

    Both are out of line , neither of you are qualified to judge someones character from a few paragraphs from the internet , it is not correct to make assumptions and then from them take a stereotype.

  • slightlycrunchy
    slightlycrunchy Posts: 42 Member
    Okay I have a rant. I go to a male dominanted gym only because it's close to home. I go i do my thing and i leave. I am not there to pick up guys or socialize. there are plenty of skinny fat girls wearing lulus and a ton of makeup for the hot bods to oogle.

    The last couple of days i notice that this guy, who is very attractive probably early to mid 30s, Is always there at the same time as me. He stares at me and uses machines close to mine. I smile and go about my business, He has been going there since I started and never gave me the time of day before, when I would maybe see him once a week. Now I just feel like he's taking notice because i've dropped some weight. Should i be flattered or am i right to be a little preturbed by this new found attention?

    god you are a mean spirited b!tch!!! you were fat, now your not get over yourself. i can't stand women like you!!! just becuase you lost 40 pounds you think your *kitten* doesn't stink anymore. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. YOUR STILL FAT!!!

    Holy crap. Wtf is this comment?
  • minnesota_deere
    minnesota_deere Posts: 232 Member
    Okay I have a rant. I go to a male dominanted gym only because it's close to home. I go i do my thing and i leave. I am not there to pick up guys or socialize. there are plenty of skinny fat girls wearing lulus and a ton of makeup for the hot bods to oogle.

    The last couple of days i notice that this guy, who is very attractive probably early to mid 30s, Is always there at the same time as me. He stares at me and uses machines close to mine. I smile and go about my business, He has been going there since I started and never gave me the time of day before, when I would maybe see him once a week. Now I just feel like he's taking notice because i've dropped some weight. Should i be flattered or am i right to be a little preturbed by this new found attention?

    god you are a mean spirited b!tch!!! you were fat, now your not get over yourself. i can't stand women like you!!! just becuase you lost 40 pounds you think your *kitten* doesn't stink anymore. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE. YOUR STILL FAT!!!

    I'm sorry but you're saying SHE'S mean spirited with a rant like that? That was completely over the line and says a lot about you and your character, not her. WOW.

    Both are out of line , neither of you are qualified to judge someones character from a few paragraphs from the internet , it is not correct to make assumptions and then from them take a stereotype.

    agreed, sorry i was out of line, after reading her responses it really set me off! felt bad for the dude and the way he was treated.
  • ahunkofmexican
    Truthfully if i was the guy at the gym , and after reading all the pages of this RANT i would not be interested in you or seek you out again. Very hard on yourself and him for me to see a lasting relationship. Good luck with the next guy that makes a mistake and takes interest in you.
  • slightlycrunchy
    slightlycrunchy Posts: 42 Member
    Truthfully if i was the guy at the gym , and after reading all the pages of this RANT i would not be interested in you or seek you out again. Very hard on yourself and him for me to see a lasting relationship. Good luck with the next guy that makes a mistake and takes interest in you.

    Newsflash: Not every woman lives her life worrying about or based around what will or will not make guys interested in them.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I guess you didn;t read the beginning of this thread, I said he always uses the same or nearby machines., I just felt awkwardly stalked so I said something turns out my hunch was right. He also told me I seem unapproachable because I am so into what I am doing and have an air of classiness that says "step away" hahahaha. Anyways, today we chatted rather than stare and he spotted me on some machines that I probably wouldn;t attempt by myself so alls good. Still not sure he's a guy I would consider dating but he makes a good gym mate.

    Nope I read the whole thing. You must not have felt too threatened by this supposed stalking if you went on a coffee date with him.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Truthfully if i was the guy at the gym , and after reading all the pages of this RANT i would not be interested in you or seek you out again. Very hard on yourself and him for me to see a lasting relationship. Good luck with the next guy that makes a mistake and takes interest in you.

    Newsflash: Not every woman lives her life worrying about or based around what will or will not make guys interested in them.

    Where was that implied? The OP's rant and stance is ridiculous, honestly. Attraction begins with looks 9 out of 10 times and if someone overweight was something that guy didn't find attractive, it stands to reason that he would not notice her. The amount of venom and spite in this thread is insane. Although he may have been leering, staring or whatever, he didn't do it to upset her.