OMG!! Almost punched this guy @ gym!



  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    Good for you standing up for yourself! Can you believe the first time I ever get up the nerve to bench press, an old fat guy came over and told me that I had the bench headed the wrong way and he thought I might hurt myself. I was SURE I had it right but it
    made me flustered and I just mumbled something. Well, ends up he was WRONG and I don't know if he was messing with me or just dumb, but wish guys like that would mind their own business.
    BTW, keep it up! I started benching around the same as you and am up to 55 lbs now...which still isn't alot, but it's a start...:wink:
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    That must have been a really scary experience. I would've been scared and mad at the same time. I'm glad my gym has nice members and staff. Makes me want to come every day. Kudos to you on standing up for what you believe in. =)
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    That is insane! I belong to they Y as well and the only person who makes me feel unwelcome in the weight room is a girl who grunts and yells "f**k" when she is lifting. He was probably just trying to flirt with you and it came out horribly wrong. Some people lack social skills!
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    Report him and his actions and as to be compensated for the harassment. You should get free time at the gym or something for that.
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    OMG! Are you serious?? My jaw dropped when I read that! WOW.. I am speechless..

    Same here...what year is he living in?! Ugh!
    Way to go for putting him in his place...he needs a reality check. beefcake :grumble:
    It was probably the next machine in his circuit and he wanted to force you off of it.
    I say you find out what machine he uses before that one and hop on the bench press every time you see him start to head over to it... lol
  • BeckaT79
    BeckaT79 Posts: 216
    Reading that just made me angry! You handled that beautifully, I would not have been that kind whatsoever....
  • tawny7
    tawny7 Posts: 276 Member
    Wow...that's awful! While I am intimidated in the free weights area of the gym I have never encountered anything like that!! The guys are all respectful and even helpful at times.
    I'm sorry you had to deal with that. If it happens again I would definately report him. A gym membership is too expensive to put up with crap like that!!
    Oh...and to me 35 lbs is great!! I'm slowly getting back into lifting after surgery last year. :smile:
  • vestarocks
    vestarocks Posts: 449 Member
    Did you point in the direction of the nearest zoo and tell him that that's where the gorillas belong.

    Just keep on truckin'. I don't know what I would have done if i were in your shoes. Well done you. On one hand I'd be tempted to report him, on the other hand I'd want to show him that I won't be intimidated and keep going.

    I applaud your coolness!
  • sydleibert
    sydleibert Posts: 8 Member
    Wow. I have a terrible temper. I would've been yelling and cussing at him and insulting him he would've gone crying to his mom (cuz he obviously won't get a girlfriend with that type of attitude). I have a quick temper though and I don't let anyone try to intimidate me or talk down to me. It doesn't end well for anyone who tries.
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    They have cameras at the gym, I think Im going to go in there tomorrow and tell them about it, hopefully they can rewind the footage and see who it is! Ive never seen him there, but its only the 3rd time Ive ever been in the free weight area.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I didnt report him.. I was too shocked to! However, if it happens again, to me or anyone else, I will report it. I came home and begged my hubby to go with me next time, he didn't seem to keen on the idea though..:grumble:

    Don't take your husband with will just reinforce to that guy that you are a weak woman that needs a man to protect you. You did the right thing - I think you handled it great! Just do the same thing next time, and every time, and report him if he makes you uncomfortable.

    What a douche!
  • wwww1199
    wwww1199 Posts: 271 Member
    I think I would have kicked him in his tiny steroid filled balls. LOL
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    I didnt report him.. I was too shocked to! However, if it happens again, to me or anyone else, I will report it. I came home and begged my hubby to go with me next time, he didn't seem to keen on the idea though..:grumble:

    this makes me sad, that you were left feeling undermined like this. You don't need your husband. You can do this on your own. You know you can, because you were doing it, until that idiot came along. Don't let him take a single thing away from you, the silly twit.
  • smurfee11
    smurfee11 Posts: 33
    Yes, thats why i train at home!!! sorry though he was a jerk!
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    You sh**ing me?? That made me angry just reading it.
    Way to stick up for yourself!
    I'd have tried to get em right in the balls, I mean, he WAS right there. :grumble:

    She may have missed know what 'roids do to certain parts of the anatomy....:)
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    Wow I would've been so pissed off! **** people like that.
  • RCadence
    RCadence Posts: 79
    He takes the word DUMBELL to a whoooooole new level!
  • sweet110
    sweet110 Posts: 332 Member
    Some people have problems. He clearly has a lot of them. Poor thing. Poor, poor thing.

    But I would report him. I'm not a confrontational person...I don't think it usually helps much. And if he was just being unfriendly or giving you "the eye" or otherwise being unpleasant, I'd say to ignore him and blow it off. It would suck, but that's life. People are rude.

    But he interrupted your workout, and TOLD YOU TO LEAVE because of your gender. That's beyond rude. That's harassment. Can you imagine if someone came up to a person and said "the black section is over there. This is the white's area." The ceiling would have caved in.
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    What a freaking A_HOLE! Sorry that happened to you.
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    That's awesome that you stood up for yourself. You are absolutely right though. You all pay the same membership fees so you have every right to every area.......minus the men's change Double thumbs up for dropping the hammer on him so to speak....