OMG!! Almost punched this guy @ gym!



  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    OMG! Are you serious?? My jaw dropped when I read that! WOW.. I am speechless..

    IKR... I mean I live in a teeny town in mid-missouri, Im sure the men here think woman shouldnt even be allowed in the gym, but most dont voice it. This guy was outrageous.

    There is your problem, you are in missouri ;)
    Seriously though, as a male, I would never think that, nonetheless say that. It sounds like he is just an idiot.
  • rayleansout
    rayleansout Posts: 234
    WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP, I practicly live at several different gyms including the Y, I have never seen this happen, what a jerk.. He would have been politely asked to leave if this happened anywhere I workout including the Y, especially the Y.
  • sassylilmama
    sassylilmama Posts: 1,495 Member
    You are better than me I would have gone off on him so bad he would have balled up in the corner crying. *kitten*
  • motherofgrace
    Good on you girl!
    have the confidence to be over there and then that happens. Me I am still working on it.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    Wow I swear!!! WTF! That just pissed me off to read. Some people too... I swear.
  • elcieloesazul
    elcieloesazul Posts: 448 Member
    What a patriarchal misogynist . :explode: I would have dropped that 35lb dumbbell on his foot and not-so-quietly reminded him that not only can women lift weights, but they ALSO have suffrage now in the US.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    OMG I'm sorry that happened :( That guy sounds a douche!!! I would've complained to the manager about him.

    The gym I go to male dominated as well (limited cardio, and mostly free weights) I've been there nearly 2 years and only seen another female there around 5 times. None go regularly that I know of.

    The worst comment I've had (not that bad) was when I was doing lat pull downs on the one downstairs with the freeweights (there are 3, 1 downstairs, and 2 upstairs with the weight machines) So this guy comes over and tells me that I should use the one upstairs as that's more suited to women, and the one down here is for men. I might hurt myself, or something like that :/ - The ones upstairs are EXACTLY the same. No difference except most of my training is downstairs so it's easier to use that one.
    That was just ignorance more than rudeness though, I just said "ok then" or something similar, and carried on. All the others guys at my gym are really nice, I talk to a few about their training and vice versa, and I even ask them to spot me now :D

    I hope you don't have to experience that rudeness again :)
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member
    Good on you girl!
    have the confidence to be over there and then that happens. Me I am still working on it.

    You should do it!! I cant believe the difference my 3 short sessions has made.. I still like my cardio, but every time I push that weight my confidence grows with my muscles!! 34lbs ago I would have apologised to this jerk and left!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    Wow. Just wow. Unbelievable. I'm super proud that you stood up for yourself. Oh, and
    huge beefcake roidrage looking fool

  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    I probably would have punched him in the face lol
  • Wildheart_Baby
    Wildheart_Baby Posts: 44 Member
    I'm hoping you reported this clown to the management, that's a form of harassment, next time offer to buy him a neck.
  • gracefulotus
    Good on you for standing up for yourself. But, I would also consider complaining to management as this is not okay. It doesn't create a friendly environment for women. Some days I feel very inhibited, it's hard enough to ignore the fact that I'm outnumbered by men, and that maybe "today" I should stick to the cardio machines. It takes a lot of courage to go, no, I've paid my dues I'm entitled to go over to the bench and use it just as much as anyone else in the gym. I'd like to think that the men in my gym are intelligent enough to not care, and at the most feel impressed with my form and my committment.
    I bet you worked out really hard after that incident. I can just imagine the blood rushing to my head in rage if that had happened to me!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    WHAT A BUNCH OF CRAP, I practicly live at several different gyms including the Y, I have never seen this happen, what a jerk.. He would have been politely asked to leave if this happened anywhere I workout including the Y, especially the Y.
    x 2 especially at the Y!! I agree.
    I didnt report him.. I was too shocked to! However, if it happens again, to me or anyone else, I will report it. I came home and begged my hubby to go with me next time, he didn't seem to keen on the idea though..:grumble:
    Reporting it will help others in the future and yourself as well. It's the Y! Of course they want to hear about it, they have standards (least in our areas) and in not reporting it nothing will be done about it.

    Can't be too many members if you live in a tiny town in MO, probably easy to pick him out next time. Sadly sounds like a pretty back wards area.:noway:
  • ginnylee74
    ginnylee74 Posts: 398 Member
    So I cant believe that in this day and age, there is still stereotyping going on at the gym. I went to the Y today to do some strength training... I was doing some bench presses.. now Ive JUST started adding strength to my workouts, so Im still only doing 35lbs.. Im proud of my 35lbs press... I plan on increasing it soon, but I know it looks kinda dumb to those guys who can bench press a gajillion pounds.

    So Im happy benchpressing away with my Ipod and this huge beefcake roidrage looking fool taps me on my shoulder.. so I put the bar up and pull my earphones out and say "Yes?"... Well he points to the treadmills and says "The cardio section is over there, where those girls are" so I say "Thanks, I knew that already though, today is my strength day"... so he actually has the balls to say to me "Little girl, this is the MENS area... I think you are lost"... So, I gather up my courage... look him in the eyes and say "NO, this is the 'everyone who pays to be here' area". He stood there looking at me like he might pick me up and carry me to a treadmill... and we have our little wild west stare down and he walks off muttering something about "knowing my place"...

    I couldnt believe it!! Is this 2012 or what?? Any other of you lady weight trainers deal with this kinda crap?

    I think you said the right thing. I would imagine that he was a bully in school.:explode: He still is. I agree, that you should write to management and let them know what happened. First of all, you want this noted so it's not going to happen again and be a he said, she said situation. I applaud you that you are doing so much to get yourself healthy and not letting some bully intimidate you. Keep up the good work. :drinker:
  • motherofgrace
    Good on you girl!
    have the confidence to be over there and then that happens. Me I am still working on it.

    You should do it!! I cant believe the difference my 3 short sessions has made.. I still like my cardio, but every time I push that weight my confidence grows with my muscles!! 34lbs ago I would have apologised to this jerk and left!

    I do a little here and there, but I get very self concious whne there are other people (especially men who are all over the weights)
  • coraliethomas
    coraliethomas Posts: 336 Member

    I think you said the right thing. I would imagine that he was a bully in school.:explode: He still is. I agree, that you should write to management and let them know what happened. First of all, you want this noted so it's not going to happen again and be a he said, she said situation. I applaud you that you are doing so much to get yourself healthy and not letting some bully intimidate you. Keep up the good work. :drinker:

    Thank you! Im going back on monday for some more... :) And yes, I will report it.
  • kriggs1976
    kriggs1976 Posts: 117
    This is precisely why I love working out at Planet Fitness, Everyone is welcome.

    There is no time period to report offensive behavior. I would let it be known, very well known.
  • Taryn1627
    Taryn1627 Posts: 120
    I work out at planet fitness so this hasn't ever been a problem. They guys there usually will offer to help you out if you ask! But seriously, what a D-Bag!!!
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    The Y takes sexual harassment ver seriously . There is a strict non discrimination policy. He could be banned. I would have had his rear end tossed out.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    They have cameras at the gym, I think Im going to go in there tomorrow and tell them about it, hopefully they can rewind the footage and see who it is! Ive never seen him there, but its only the 3rd time Ive ever been in the free weight area.

    YES!! Do it!! They don't want to lose your membership and you could end up taking other members with you if you leave (your husband for one). You might not have thought of this one: the guy really might have "roid rage" due to his use of substances to be extra beefy. The gym doesn't want to risk injury to other patrons with a powder keg like this working out there and I'd be shocked if they were not grateful when you turn him in. That and it's possible that the guy could learn something about women from all this (I am such an optimist with such silly faith in humanity...)