Your 3 best investments for fitness?



  • sarahgilmore
    sarahgilmore Posts: 572 Member
    Readiog al lthe other responses, i feel like I misinterpreted the question. LOL my ideas are total budget ones. Oh well. :laugh:
  • plethorax
    plethorax Posts: 33 Member
    1. A really well-balanced bicycle for commuting to work

    2. Bikram yoga classes

    3. Enough running socks. Yes, not shoes, socks. "Oh, I guess I won't go to the gym, I don't have any clean gym socks, better stay home and do laundry." None of that.
  • Virginia90
    Virginia90 Posts: 317 Member
    1. My Polar FT4 - it was only $60 on Amazon, and I really like knowing exactly how long I've worked out without having to guess, and I find the calories burned to be pretty accurate - I like eating back about half my exercise calories, so that's another big reason I love it.
    2. My Brooks Adrenaline GTS 12s - they are the one pair of shoes that really make my feet feel good while running. They are definitely the reason I am able to continue to run.
    3. My RunDouble C25K Running App on my phone by CoolRunning. It was $1.60, and it not only coaches my C25K run each day, but it tracks my miles ran, speed, etc. with the GPS in my phone. It's pretty neat!

    Eventually I'd love to invest in an elliptical or stationary bike...or maybe some weights!
  • StephTheBookworm
    StephTheBookworm Posts: 177 Member
    My personal trainer
    My gym membership
    My HRM - Polar FT4

    When I first started working out, I was using my Wii and Gold's Gym Dance workout exclusively, so those get some credit too. :)
  • AMS58
    AMS58 Posts: 183 Member
    1. Gym Membership (love the classes - pump, step and balance)

    2. Good comfortable walking shoes (New Balance)

    3. Pedometer (keeps track of my day to day movements)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Good food
    Gym membership
    Good shoes
  • student94
    student94 Posts: 120 Member
    1. Gym membership.
    2. iPod nano. It clips on to my gym clothes!
    3. Measuring tape, so I can track my progress in inches lost instead of pounds.

    I just ordered a Polar FT4 HRM (for under $60!), and I'm hoping to love it half as much as everyone else seems to.
  • Masachapa
    Masachapa Posts: 79
    1. Gym membership.

    2. Great running shoes.

    3. An MFP account so that I'm able to recieve support
    when needed and am able to reciprocate with others!
  • runningdiva77
    1. nutrition... MFP

    2. running! sign up for a 5k race to get you motivated... then go from there!

    3. invest in a personal trainer.. pull the money from somewhere, or at least a gym membership. :)
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    1. body bugg

    2. my Brookes Running shoes

    3. Good workout clothes
  • Degren
    Degren Posts: 80
    1. a good sports bra

    2. properly fitted running shoes

    3. a set of accurate kitchen scales

    I agree
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    1.) iPod- for the music you will be rocking out to during exercise

    2.) Body By Vi Protein Powder

    3.) A gym membership!
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    -A blender for.. well smoothies

    - MFP -Granted I lost some of the weight BEFORE MFP.. but this place is just riddled with people who have the same aspirations, share recipes and motivating stories, and.. well.. a lot of stuff!!

    -An MP3 player and GREAT earbuds to help you drown out the grunters, moaners, and awful gym music.
  • maybethistime70
    1. My Nike+ sensor-I use it when I run or walk
    2. My new bicycle that inspired me to want to train for RAGBRAI this year
    3. X-box Kinect and dance games. This is what got me moving and I still like to use it when I'm not outside playing. :)

    I am doing a sprint tri this year....then i think RAGBRAI next year....great goal! :)
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Gym membership and attendance
    Comfortable sneakers
    Time to learn about the food you put into your body so you can make good choices.
  • canroadrunner
    canroadrunner Posts: 203 Member
    Itunes card to buy the rocking tunes for the Ipod (hand me down from son). Seriously, I can't help but move when Drive By by Train is blaring.

    HRM to see how many calories burned through exercise so I can eat them back. I was seriously underestimating.

    Digital scale. I'm very accurate in my food intake.
  • MMarvelous
    MMarvelous Posts: 1,067 Member
    1. Measurable goals
    2. Tools - sports bra, sneakers, MFP, gym, HRM
    3. Faith in myself
  • mrpurdy
    mrpurdy Posts: 262 Member
    1. My BodyBugg
    2. Omron full body composition monitor and scale
    3. Brooks Adrenaline running shoes
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member

    MP3 player.

    Good socks. I'm amazed at the difference a good pair of socks can make.
  • daphnegetnfit
    1 Watch what you eat

    2 I joined Curves

    3 I walk at less 30 min's a day even if it is in the house going from room to room

    Did you read the original post? None of these are investments :)

    I would say they are all investments, Curves definitely costs money; watching what you eat and walking is an investment towards your goal.