Your 3 best investments for fitness?



  • donaldonaldonald
    1. Kitchen scale- $20
    2. MFP app- I think it's free
    3. Decent shoes- $100
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    1. HRM my best friend, i dont have time to go to the gym, mainly cause i have no one to watch my kids + i see it a waste of money when you can set one up at home and its always there which brings me to point 2
    2. My mini home gym and exercise dvds. Not much in my home gym but it does the job and my fav dvds are Michelle Bridges
    3. Some good workout gear clothes shoes etc. You have to feel comfortable when you workout! Not that working out is at all comfortable lol.
    SSAHM Posts: 172 Member
    1. Kitchen scale- $20
    2. MFP app- I think it's free
    3. Decent shoes- $100

    = health and fitness- priceless lol
  • stablesong
    stablesong Posts: 224
    I'm broke so I try to do everything on the cheap side, and even my fitness investments have been very inexpensive, but have helped me get so much healthier. I haven't lost much weight, but I have gained endurance and stamina, muscle, willpower, confidence, and my math skills have gotten better from keeping track of my food intake in my head when I'm away from my laptop!

    Gym membership - $40 for the year, over two years, but I share it with my sister so it's really much cheaper.
    A good pair of running shoes - $30 or so because I have the feet of a small child.
    Probably better food. I'm making a real effort to eat fresh fruits and vegetables instead of canned stuff or fast food loaded with crap.

    I was lucky enough to already have a food scale lying around my house and good gym clothes.
  • bigtone34
    bigtone34 Posts: 136
    My top three are:

    1. Good pair of shoes.

    2. Polar heart rate monitor

    3. Food scale
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    An mp3 player. Boredom drives me off the machines faster than fatigue. I love the heart rate monitor with alarm 'cause it makes me adjust my speed on the ski machine . Since my body can be quite lazy, the alarm keeps me working at a cardio pace. And, of course the ski machine. I had one years ago, and lost it in a move. Got this one at a thrift store for a measly $10. Since lots of people buy stuff and then don't use it, keep trying the thrift stores and yard sales for really good deals on something you want. Good luck! Sounds like you have a really good start on fitness already.
  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    1. My garmin fr60w hrm, I love knowing exactly how many calories I burn when I work out, and it tracks my distance when I'm running
    2. Protein powder, even though I teased my hubby when he first started taking it I now see the major benefits it has
    3. My vibrams. BEST SHOES EVER!!! They're so comfortable, I would never take them off if that was realistic.
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    1. Awesome workout buddy
    2. Squat rack
    3. Trek Bike
  • orangecrayon
    orangecrayon Posts: 293 Member
    1. MFP.. even tho i didn't really invest anything. its by far the most important.

    2. gym membership

    3. dip belt

    I completely agree on the first two. But for my third? Haha my sports bras. What can I say? ;)
  • amsparky
    amsparky Posts: 825 Member
    1. heart rate monitor - don't trust the machines
    2. good shoes - especially if you run
    3. whatever helps motivate you on a regular basis - for me, it's a subscription to Health magazine
  • theberard
    theberard Posts: 25 Member
    1. Ballet Workout book, which gave me a structured workout I could stick to.

    2. Heart Rate Monitor

    3. FitBit Ultra! love it!

    Of course, MFP started it all :)
  • heddylyn
    heddylyn Posts: 173 Member
    Heart Rate Monitor
    Good pair of running shoes
    Food Scale
  • megancolette
    1. gym membership
    2. well fitted sports bras
    3. good shoes
  • mwcraig34
    mwcraig34 Posts: 359 Member
    1 Watch what you eat

    2 I joined Curves

    3 I walk at less 30 min's a day even if it is in the house going from room to room

    Did you read the original post? None of these are investments :)

  • entropy83
    entropy83 Posts: 172 Member
    1.) Polar Ft7
    2.) Stability control running shoes- a must for these knees! I don't run but I walk a lot in the city and of course work out!
    3.) Workout videos- is awesomeness (I hate people seeing me sweat because I am fountain of fury.)
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    A good pair of running shoes is worth every penny (if you're into running)

    A YMCA membership is available in your area, more bang for the buck than a private gym (in my opinion)

    Anything to track distance, time, calories, whatever you want to track will be worth it's weight in gold.. Garmin, Nike+, fitbit whatever you prefer.
  • vlaura
    vlaura Posts: 93
    1. Chocolate Protein Powder
    2. Kitchen scale
    3. Personal trainer

    In no particular order.
  • skierxjes
    skierxjes Posts: 938 Member
    1. Good shoes
    2. Polar HRM
    3. Confidence in myself that I won't die.

    ETA: There's a tie for 3rd with a digital kitchen scale
  • gollyitsmolly
    1. My 6-pack bag cooler! Obsessed. I will skip my workout if I'm hungry but now I'm never hungry ;-)
    2. Yurbuds...other headphones always fell out and I'd spend half my workout fiddling with them.
    3. The race fee for the first tri I did a few years ago that got me hooked!
  • CarolinaButterfly
    1. zumba
    2. thigh master (for working out at my desk) boxer (puppy... very hyper)