"Spike Day" Nonsense



  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member

    Now I will listen to this. First thing I look at when I listen to someone is their physique.

    So you say 1 meal is sufficient? What I took from the read is the one day SPIKE is all around good

    One meal in place of their normal evening meal.

    I don't like the piece as well as it assumes that everything in the metabolism is controlled solely by leptin and it is on rats as I say. We are not rats, there are LOTS of hormonal difference between humans and rats.

    Also science and its lingo is often misunderstood as significant changes in science is/are often measure in single digits e.g. a statin drug (forget its name) claimed it help 34% people live longer. In reality it helped 1 extra in 100 (2 in 100 died as opposed to 3 in 100).

    Lyle also regularly changes his mind LOL :laugh:
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member

    Now I will listen to this. First thing I look at when I listen to someone is their physique.

    So you say 1 meal is sufficient? What I took from the read is the one day SPIKE is all around good

    One meal in place of their normal evening meal.

    I don't like the piece as well as it assumes that everything in the metabolism is controlled solely by leptin and it is on rats as I say. We are not rats, there are LOTS of hormonal difference between humans and rats.

    Also science and its lingo is often misunderstood as significant changes in science is/are often measure in single digits e.g. a statin drug (forget its name) claimed it help 34% people live longer. In reality it helped 1 extra in 100 (2 in 100 died as opposed to 3 in 100).

    Lyle also regularly changes his mind LOL :laugh:

    I been in the game for a bit. Started at 14 I am 34. I lift hard and heavy.
    @180 I can push some weight. I am knocking on the door of single digits. I started back in 2010 at close to 28%

    I can't say this enough. The 1 day refeed/Spike/Cheat Day/Whatever you want to call it
    SATIFIES ME TO NO END!! I do my longest workout of the day that day and the day after I am strong through the roof.

    So I am unsure of the posters intentions nor do I care as I really like to go with what works and what people have done.
    I will advise ppl to have the day. Why not? Its fun and its also rewarding. Plus Football Sundays are now THAT MUCH BETTER

    I do believe that 1 meal works too. As I have done that for yrs as well
  • theoneandonlybrookie
    theoneandonlybrookie Posts: 341 Member
    Thank you for posting this! I did NOT know this, or, I should say, I didn't know that we should eat at maintenance for a couple of weeks as opposed to a day or two. It does make sense, though.

    Great info! And as a librarian, I especially appreciate how well you cited your sources. :smile:
  • jj3120
    jj3120 Posts: 358
    Bump: Interesting read!
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Matt, would it be safe to assume the clients you work with would not be over eating 1000's of calories during their once a week cheat meal?

    I would not lump a cheat meal in with a spike day. To me most cheat meals would add 500-700 calories. You are supposed to double your food intake on a spike day, which would effectivly wipe out "my" weekly calorie deficit.
  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Thanks for posting!
  • bionicrooster
    bionicrooster Posts: 353 Member
    I don't do cheat days or spike days ever. But every couple weeks or so I take a few days and go up to my maintenance number, sounds like without knowing it I was on the right track. The articles listed here will help me adjust that, thank you for posting.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    So.. What I get from this is I am the exception
    I like that.

    I tend to not over thinkg things Or maybe I'm just a big ole dummy jock!

    Anyway I had great sucess with spiking and it also mentally helped me understand that if I did binge and I did fall off it was ok.
    Personally, I been in this game a long time. I am 34. I built a great phyqiue over the yrs. I built it, ruined it and built it again.

    Its a great tool to have in the aresnal. You should try it and give first person feedback

    I doubt you're the exception to anything. To the extent that the Spike Day diet works, it's because it results in a net negative calorie balance.

    One-person anecdotes often represent the classic "coincidence, not cause" situation.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Thanks for the info. It never occurred to go into maintenance for a week to keep metabolism burning. How often would one do this?

    I do 1-2 weeks at maintenance every 3 months. It really helps keep my sanity intact, not to mention it lets my body adjust. I'm down 103 lbs and working on the last 40....I strongly suggest incorporating this especially for some one who has 50+ lbs to lose.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    Matt, would it be safe to assume the clients you work with would not be over eating 1000's of calories during their once a week cheat meal?

    I would not lump a cheat meal in with a spike day. To me most cheat meals would add 500-700 calories. You are supposed to double your food intake on a spike day, which would effectivly wipe out "my" weekly calorie deficit.

    It is not set TBH. I often find people will lose less weight by not having a cheat meal than having a cheat meal. For instance this chap here below last week put away about 5000 calories in single cheat meal and lost 2lb the following week at 170lb....

    8 weeks fat loss

    If FAT loss does start to halter I'll control their cheat meals however. Rarely have to do this.

    I often find that the nerds and meat heads sometimes to battle it out showing they know the best. The reality is both are needed because both put in the work that the other often cannot...
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    Thats solid some solid progress. Well done there. I did free-for all weekend and gained 20lbs. 270.1 thursday morning. 291.8 this morning. I fail.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    That's not be btw - that is a chap I'm coaching in for a NABBA UK comp in April. The same method worked with this chap here...

  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    One of the big issues is with studies like well is the non-comparative of dieting styles utilized and so insulin resistance etc react to increase levels of carbs/fats etc etc etc.

    It also ignore the body types.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Great info in this thread!!
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Matt, would it be safe to assume the clients you work with would not be over eating 1000's of calories during their once a week cheat meal?

    I would not lump a cheat meal in with a spike day. To me most cheat meals would add 500-700 calories. You are supposed to double your food intake on a spike day, which would effectivly wipe out "my" weekly calorie deficit.

    It is not set TBH. I often find people will lose less weight by not having a cheat meal than having a cheat meal. For instance this chap here below last week put away about 5000 calories in single cheat meal and lost 2lb the following week at 170lb....

    If FAT loss does start to halter I'll control their cheat meals however. Rarely have to do this.

    I often find that the nerds and meat heads sometimes to battle it out showing they know the best. The reality is both are needed because both put in the work that the other often cannot...

    Nice Work MATT!!! NICE!

    What protocols was that "chap" following. Chap. Love it
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Thats solid some solid progress. Well done there. I did free-for all weekend and gained 20lbs. 270.1 thursday morning. 291.8 this morning. I fail.

    PHRAK!!! NO WAY YOU GAINED 20 lbs!! OMG. Your my ideal!!!
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    He uses moderate carbs, moderate fats and high protein. Ratio is 50p:25f:25c.
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    He uses moderate carbs, moderate fats and high protein. Ratio is 50p:25f:25c.

    And eating at a deficit?
  • clrobin
    clrobin Posts: 1
    I'm just starting diet mode again after a 3 week at low calories and 2 weeks at normal calories. I gained 5 pounds during this break, after losing 35 pounds since October. I hope the maintenance phase truely is resetting my metabolism, cause the increase is frustrating.
  • Matt_Wild
    Matt_Wild Posts: 2,673 Member
    He uses moderate carbs, moderate fats and high protein. Ratio is 50p:25f:25c.

    And eating at a deficit?

    Correct, 300-400 cals.