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Would you date someone whose religion is different than your



  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    It depends on the religion. I was raised Methodist (very laid back)... but I haven't been to church in years. Doesnt mean I don't believe or want to believe.. i lean now towards agnostic, I want proof but I want to believe.

    I've dated a Jewish girl before and a Catholic girl before, and even as a "Christian" that caused problems, since both were fairly strict and both situtations were "we can date, but never marry" so of course they didn't last long... what was the point?
  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Religion is one of my top 4 or 5 things I look for in someone long-term. Not in the sense that it has to be exactly the same, but in the sense that we need to agree on what we're going to do (if we're at the point where we're discussing marriage, children, etc).

    While I don't think it's extremely important to be EXACTLY the same, I think it's important to agree on the level of importance faith will play in our future. My boyfriend and I don't agree exactly on faith, he was raised Catholic and I was Agnostic (well, technically Buddhist, but that's a long story), but it's not an issue in our relationship because we're both open to raising our kids (should we have any) with a more open attitude.

    No one can answer this question for you personally, but it sounds like it's a bit of a deal breaker for you.
  • Gdzgal771
    Gdzgal771 Posts: 152 Member
    first of all--religion is rules and regulations..Christianity is a relationship with Jesus Christ. scripture tells us to not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. GOD knew relationships would be a challenge and even more so, a marriage.He didnt tell us the things He did to keep us from having fun but to protect us. find someone that believes as you do--no-- actually ask the LORD to help your man find YOU- that will treat you as the princess you are!!! HUGGZ n GOD BLESS!!!
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    Well..now my ex has changed his tune a little, and says he'd allow his children to go to church.
    And you believe him, that's cute.

    gee, thanks.

    Thank you (everyone else) for your responses! Keep them comin'!
    Do you think I'm joking? Honey. Think about it for a few seconds. He didn't suddenly do a 180 on his beliefs. He's telling you what you want to hear to get you back. Open your eyes OK?

    That's not necessarily true. As people get older they tend to change their views. Perhaps something opened his eyes...
  • EllieMo
    EllieMo Posts: 131 Member
    I doubt I'd actually be able to maintain a romantic relationship with anyone deeply religious, as I am a passionate atheist who disagrees with the whole basis of religion. The relationship would never survive the heated debates!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Well..now my ex has changed his tune a little, and says he'd allow his children to go to church.
    And you believe him, that's cute.

    gee, thanks.

    Thank you (everyone else) for your responses! Keep them comin'!
    Do you think I'm joking? Honey. Think about it for a few seconds. He didn't suddenly do a 180 on his beliefs. He's telling you what you want to hear to get you back. Open your eyes OK?

    That's not necessarily true. As people get older they tend to change their views. Perhaps something opened his eyes...

    Agreed. And sometimes it takes losing someone to make you realize some things are less important than you once thought.
  • SinIsIn
    SinIsIn Posts: 1,865 Member
    As long as I wasn't forced to go to church ... sure.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I didn't read the multitudes of pages... but to be honest, no I didn't and no I wouldn't (if that ever came up again in the future)... the reason being that my faith is a big part of who I am and how I want to raise my children and just over all live... Also, when I date, I date to find someone to spend the rest of my life with... not just to "hang out" with for a while and see how it goes... There are enough problems in marriage already, why would I want to invite yet another conflict into it?

    With that said, I do have friends of different faiths and backgrounds... but I don't have to physically live with them or make the hard life choices with them.
  • runbyme
    runbyme Posts: 522 Member
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Interesting. I'm kind of in the opposite situation. My boyfriend is really religious (but not obnoxious about it) and I'm agnostic. I think a lot has to do with how you view religion. I view it as kind of silly and hard to believe (no offense to religious people, because I respect and understand your right to believe in it), but I don't think it's a bad thing. Religion can teach a lot of good things. My boyfriend is a way nicer person than I am, and a lot of that comes from his faith in God and people. If we had children, the deal is this: if he's willing to get the kids up and take them to church, then he can. I refuse to go, and once the kids are old enough to decide, they don't have to go. Also, they aren't going to Catholic school, because I'm not paying thousands of dollars a year on that shiz.
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    If it's going to create conflicts in the relationship or create conflicts and differences of opinion with raising children, I think it's a bad idea.

    I'm a Christian, and my fiance had always identified himself as "agnostic." When we had our pre-marital counseling with the pastor at my church and my fiance talked to him about his beliefs, my pastor said he doesn't think "agnostic" describes him and said he should call himself a "seeker of truth" (lol). My fiance believes in God, has no problem with me taking his daughter to church, he'll say her bedtime prayer and dinner prayers with her, etc. Christianity is just not something he has found for himself yet, and he has no desire at this point to become active in church. It's not something that has created problems with our relationship or child-rearing though, because he is open to discussing religion and open to discussing how we will raise his child and our future children in the church. We have a minister marrying us, will have a Bible verse and prayer read during the ceremony, etc.

    One of my friends though is Christian dating an athiest. She has a child from a previous relationship and discussed with him wanting to say a night-time prayer with her daughter and asked on nights that she wasn't home, if he would say it with her daughter. He flat out refused, said he wasn't going to "lie" to her, etc. I told her that his beliefs are his own business, but if he's already dictating how she'll raise her own daughter faith-wise (who has a father she spends weekends and holidays with, so it's not like the other parent isn't in the picture), that there will be even more problems when they have children together.
  • CDP114
    CDP114 Posts: 2 Member
    i'm wiccan and married to a hindu. and when we have kids they'll be taught about all religions and all festivities, and given a choice.
  • Sepheara
    Sepheara Posts: 208 Member
    Hey all,

    I didn't read the whole thread so I'm sorry if this is posted elsewhere. My mom is Pagan, and my step dad is Christian. They both realize that many religions have similar core values, and don't let it come between them. My youngest brother lives with them still, and they go to church every sunday. When they were discussing where to go they had a hard time untill they had head of the Unitarian Universalists. Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion that embraces theological diversity; we welcome different beliefs and affirm the inherent worth and dignity of every person.
    They welcome everyone of all faiths so my mom and stepdad can each practice what they believe and my brother can be exposed to multiple bliefs, so that he can think and form his own opinions and not be close minded.

    So basicly, after seeing my mom and step-dad work through a combination like Pagan/christian I am willing to say that no, I would not let something like religion come between me and another in a relationship.

    also in case anyone was interested: http://www.uua.org/index.shtml
  • montiy
    montiy Posts: 32 Member
    As a Christian, I believe it's VERY important that you (when dating, seeking a mate, etc) choose a person that is a Christian, as well. Scripture commands (2 Corinthians 6:14) that you not marry an unbeliever, and if you're serious about following that command, I'm not sure if it makes sense to be dating an unbeliever. So, I very strongly encourage you to seek dating relationships only with Christian men...so that your relationship with Christ can remain the central and guiding relationship in your life. Don't compromise that just for the sake of companionship; trust that God will provide the right relationship for you (and, thus, your family)...in the right timing. :)
  • If religion is important to you then your husband should understand this and respect this. You have a right to a say in how your children are raised. I'm an atheist and my wife is a devout Lutheran. She takes the kids to church with her on Sundays but I teach my kids critical thinking and reason. One thing I never do is try to undermine what my wife is trying to do with them. In fact, I've promised her I'll never do this because I love her and want her to have the opportunity to share some of her religious views with her children because I know it's important to her. I have MAJOR problems with people who infuse religion into politics, I'd put my foot down on this one thing. Fortunately, my wife is not one of those types of people.
  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
    I believe in God (but do not go to church) aka spiritual more then religious.. I was engaged to an atheist.. We respected each other's view. Really I think we all at a certain age decided for ourselves our own beliefs about religion.
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    i dont follow any specific religion, so what i care most about is whether we share the same beliefs and viewpoints.
  • katiew00t
    katiew00t Posts: 164
    I'm very religious. In the past, I've tried to be "accommodating" to differing beliefs for the sake of the relationship.This usually ends badly, as the person making the concessions winds up being the doormat for the more dominant personality. Keep in mind this goes beyond holding to a particular credo. Your beliefs also color your core values, and if there's a conflict that arises because of this (and mark me, it will, eventually) then one party or the other feels they are compromising their values.

    I'm also somewhat perplexed...if I read your OP correctly, you indicated you had moved on and already gotten into another relationship. So why are you contemplating looking elsewhere? Your ex had his "at bat"...he swung, he missed. Consider the impact such a move would have on your current partner. And I agree with the woman on the first page... he's telling you what he thinks you want to hear in order to have you back. Chances are likely he would renege on this arrangement once he got his way.

    how did you get that I was in another relationship? Cuz I'm not...
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    My husband and I are not very religious, so for us, it didn't matter that much while we were dating. I am more religious than my husband. He follows the "we're experiments from another planet" philosophy while I follow the "there is a higher power" one. We both went to church when we were younger. We both agreed we would expose our children to different religions that interested them throughout her childhood and they could come to their own conclusions.

    Now that being said, our daughter goes to a Christian daycare center and they teach the children about the Bible. She comes home singing church songs and telling us all about Jesus. I take the lead in these situations. My husband ignores her songs and comments. I agree with her when she tells me things like "Jesus is in our hearts" and I sing the songs if I know them. This works out well for our family. I think it's because at the core, we both know that regardless of what religion we raise her in (if any in the long term) she'll grow up and out and have her own ideas anyway.

    Considering your situation, my questions would be - How important is religion to you? Can you both agree on an approach with your children and that it may potentially be that you lead the way and he isn't involved at all? And are you ready to accept that no matter who you marry or how you raise your children, your kids could grow up to be Buddist, Muslim, Agnostic, whatever? You can start them down a path but it doesn't mean they will stay on it.
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    I was brought up in the Church of England going to Church every week and on every religious occasion, however, once I began to study religion at school I decided that wasn't the path for me and I didn't actually believe in God.

    I chose to marry abroad in a civil ceremony and I have not had my 2 children christened, despite disapproval from my mother, as I did not want to be a hypocrite. Despite all this, I have no objection to my children going to Church with their grandparents and when they are old enough to decide if they want to continue with that path, I will support them in their decision. I also have friends from other races and cultures which I encourage my children to learn, along with our own.

    If your boyfriend truly loves you, and you love him, you will have to learn to agree to disagree and compromise, which is what relationships are all about. I do believe that people can marry other religions/faiths/races and, with compromise can live a long happy life.

    Good luck to you whatever you decide :flowerforyou: