skinny girl hatred? love?



  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    I can't wait to be a hated skinny girl!!! That's why I'm on this

    You should want to be a liked skinny girl. ;)

    I don't need to be liked because of appearance. Thats what my personality is for. :) My point is that I would be flattered to be hated because I was skinny.

    When I get skinny, people can hate me all day. I'll be at the mall shopping and not giving a &%#@! :glasses:
  • boredgeek
    I think some of the "hate" is caused by the fact that someone that natural puts on weight easier is constantly told to lose weight as they grow up and they see the skinny people around them seemingly not doing anything to be skinny.

    I ate better than a few of my friends growing up and they ate just as much or more than I did. Same activity, same foods, same amounts. But I got fat, and they stayed thin.

    Then we get the "just exercise and eat better fatty!" approaches left right and center, as if it was the simplest thing in the world. For some it is, for a lot of others it isn't. I have been fat since I was 16 years old. I am now nearly 30. I am working towards being smaller, but I will never be skinny, because I don't want my life to revolve around getting skinny. I will be happy with a 220-240lb body at the end of it all.

    But anyways, does this excuse hate towards ALL skinny people? No. But those skinny people that do nothing to be skinny tend to be the loudest and most offensive towards fat people. Unfortunately it gets stereotyped into all skinny people.
  • KaydeeMehl
    I used to be a hated skinny girl, but i think i was only hated because i was the biggest b*tch in school lol. I was originally really big, then i lost alot of weight and i became a hated skinny girl. I used to say all the time that people just hated me because I was "skinny and beautiful." It also didnt help that with my skinniness I became very sexual!!!

    now that in a bigger girl trying to go back to skinny, i know now better than ever i dont want to be who i used to be. I want to be beautiful inside and out and not because of being judged by how i look. but because its what makes me happy. i dont want to judge people either..

    I was and am going to be a skinny girl with big boobs :)
  • LauraMacNCheese
    LauraMacNCheese Posts: 7,198 Member
    I said it yesterday & I will say it again today...

    Fat bottomed girls make the rockin' world go 'round.

    However, I have no hatred for non-fat bottomed girls...unless they're twatwaffles (my new word).
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    being proud of their "curves" (which is usually just putting fat nicely)

    Curves and fat are not synonymous! Some people's hip bones actually do protrude more than others which causes their shape to appear more curvaceous (whether they are a size 6 or a size 16 they will still have curves).

    Even though you qouted me, it seems that you missed the word "usually". & If you had also read the whole post but somehow missed the meaning, I'm talking about large women ("fat") that say they have curves. I'm not talking about curvy women as far as body structure (because then they would just be curvy, not large or fat), I'm talking about fat women who claim it is "curves."
  • 2kidsandadonut
    2kidsandadonut Posts: 140 Member
    I think boredgeek summed it up best. Those of us who have struggled all our lives to be thinner hate when skinny people feel more superior to us. I however, laugh because my sister is a skinny girl and was all her life while I have always been big but I always got the guys (not that my sister is not beautiful she is) but because I've always believed I was more beautiful because I accepted myself and you never EVER heard me say "does this make me look fat?" because the answer is always "YES".

    All my life my mother, grandmother, friends, everyone always said 'you are so beautiful if you lost weight you would be even more beautiful" While skinny girls think they are pretty just because they are skinny. No it is about attitude more than looks guaranteed I could snag a man faster than a skinny girl why? not because I'm that pretty but because I've had to work on my personality more than my hair. Point is be nice but I don't want to hear about how fat you feel in your size 3.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    My husband has gained 43.5 pounds since we been married. Honestly, he looks great. Yeah if he toned it up and made it into muscle he'd look better, but he don't look too thin anymore. I do think there is a fine line between thin and healthy. I don't want to be "Skinny" I want to be fit and healthy. I want muscle, I don't want to look like a bag of bones..
  • insatiable_need
    insatiable_need Posts: 127 Member
    I'm with you on feeling that GENERALLY I find skinnier people more attractive than overweight people. Also, overweight people do usually look better when they lose weight (with the exception of when they lose too much weigh and it just doesn't "look right" on them to be that thin even they are still a healthy weight, but that isn't what we're talking about here).

    I have no problem with someone taking pride in his/her size as long as that person is not trying to come off as superior to others. For example my ex-friend lost a lot of weight, starting dressing like a hooker (and acting like one), then looked down on "fat people" for "not having self-control" (HER words, not mine). Apparently she forgot that SHE use to be overweight. That's when I get angry.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I'm with you on feeling that GENERALLY I find skinnier people more attractive than overweight people. Also, overweight people do usually look better when they lose weight (with the exception of when they lose too much weigh and it just doesn't "look right" on them to be that thin even they are still a healthy weight, but that isn't what we're talking about here).

    I have no problem with someone taking pride in his/her size as long as that person is not trying to come off as superior to others. For example my ex-friend lost a lot of weight, starting dressing like a hooker (and acting like one), then looked down on "fat people" for "not having self-control" (HER words, not mine). Apparently she forgot that SHE use to be overweight. That's when I get angry.

    (Bold area) That's awful, and that is something I can't stand.
  • ninakir88
    ninakir88 Posts: 292 Member
    Something I noticed though...
    Older people (like 45+) don't look all that great skinny. They look younger and better with a little meat/muscles to them. From what I observed (not everyone of course) older heavier people have less wrinkles so maybe thats why.
  • CherryOnionKiss
    CherryOnionKiss Posts: 376 Member
    nothing wrong with being skinny or being one should hate on the other for it though

    different strokes for different folks:wink:

  • newmommy0813
    in some aspects of this statement i want to tell the person who started this to KICK ROCKS!!
    Skinny,Thick, Fat are all GREAT we as women are always going to hate on someone ie it might be weight, attributes( butt. boobs), who someone associates with. i think that if your simply thinking that someone is hating on you for your weight PLEASE so being so small minded!!! thanks
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    Checking back in for torn off skirts.
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    we as women are always going to hate on someone ie it might be weight, attributes( butt. boobs), who someone associates with.

    I would have to agree to disagree with the above statement and change it to this: We, the women who have VERY LOW SELF ESTEEM, not ALL women are SOMETIMES going to hate on someone else, because we are not secure with ourselves.

    ETA: "Compete with yourself. There is no reason to be jealous of anyone else. I say we congratulate and motivate, rather than hate." <3 me
  • budhandy
    budhandy Posts: 305 Member
    as you can tell from my pics I am far from skinny or a girl for that matter lol, but I can say MFP have changed my perseption of skinny people. I can admit I used to be very green about it. Then I learn they have to go through as much as us big people to get healthy. Thank you MFP for helping me grow as a person:drinker: