Who has a dog?



  • Aleciajones
    Aleciajones Posts: 153
    We have two, a wolamute (Alaskan malamute timber wolf hybrid) and what we were told was a lab rottie, but she's only 40lbs so thinking mini pinsher. Big girl needs at least a mile walk daily or she gets into things things she shouldn't.
  • catelabow
    catelabow Posts: 77 Member
    My shepherd mix and hound mix love walking and running. They are sometimes hard to manage, so I do a mile or two neighborhood loop with them tugging every which way, then I drop them at home and go on my own run.
    One of them is aggressive and pulls towards all stimuli, the other is afraid and pulls away. You would think that combination would keep me in perfect balance...
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    Me. Meet Lily, my cocker spaniel pup.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I have two doggies.

    This is my little Jessie Dog... I rescued her from a pound when she was just a little puppy that completely fit in my hand.
    From what I know, shes as Lab - Collie - rhodesian ridgeback mix

    And this is Sasha Bear... I adopted her from a very close friend.
    Shes a full rottweiler, but small for a rottie... so I call her a runtweiler.

  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    My babies (I have a 12 year old Cocker Spaniel and a 1 year old Shih-tzu mix) definitely keep me active. I love them to bits & pieces!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have a 4 year old lab/pit mix that we got from the SPCA when she was a puppy. She's not a great runner, so I do that on my own. But, I get two good walks every day in with her and she's my constant companion when I'm home.

    I want a pitty so bad. Beautiful dogs.

    My neighbor has a red-nosed pit who is just the sweetest thing. She and a friend bought him from a breeder who was about to sell him (in a bar!) to people who were going to use him as a bait dog for their fighting pits because PJ was the runt of the litter. That story makes me so angry, especially because I know this dog so well and he's just so sweet.

    The people she bought him from and the people they were going to sell him too should be effing crucified.


    He's a little hyper, but just SUCH a love.
  • willidewbaby
    willidewbaby Posts: 26 Member
    have a husky and a weimie that have ran as many miles as we have. The guilt of no exercise with the dogs is what keeps us going.
  • Squiggs67
    Squiggs67 Posts: 178
    We have a 1.5 year old border collie that we rescued last spring. We love him and he gets us out every day!!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    My corgi was having allergies and chewed her paws up, so I had to take her to the vet Monday to get a cortizone shot and antibiotics. Now that we refilled her flea medication, she'll heal right up, but the vet said she was overweight and needed to lose 5lbs. I am making it a point to walk her more now, my poor little meatloaf.
  • sarahsedaii
    sarahsedaii Posts: 39 Member
    I have a shelter dog. She is part pit and part italian greyhound. During the summer she helps me loose a lot of weight. I hate that in the winter we are both too cold to go outside!
  • woodsk67
    woodsk67 Posts: 88
    CHow Chow here and yes a definite calorie burner.
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    I have pugs. There is a saying about pugs, "never walk your pug farther than you want to carry them", and it is true....lol.

    LOL....and some more LOL'ing....funny! I can totally see that!
  • lauraashley85
    lauraashley85 Posts: 30 Member
    I have 2 dogs (a beagle and a basset hound). When I am feeling tired and trying to find an excuse not to walk after work they kick me in the butt and get me moving. Especially since as soon as I walk in the door from work they pace back and forth between my sneakers and the closet where their leashes are kept. How can you look in those sad eyes and not take them for a walk? They are my walking buddies, napping buddies and hide and go seek buddies...oh and I tell them all of my secrets too (they never judge lol) ...definitely a womans best friend!!
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    I have a little Yorkie Bella she will be a year old in June!!! I love her to death and she just loves going on our evening walk!
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    I have 2 American Bulldogs that are about 75lbs each. D-O-G and Avalon. They are quite the workout!!!!!
  • TKHappy
    TKHappy Posts: 659 Member
    We have a English Bulldog! :) They tend to be very lazy and don't like a lot of exercise BUT that shortens their life so we walk her three times a day. When her and I go for walks (because shes a slow poke) I do walking lunges and then when we are about a block from the house we race back to the door....sounds silly but does wonders for my thighs and her health! :)
  • joeylu
    joeylu Posts: 208 Member
    I have 2pits that i rescued and they give me a work out when we go walking. Love them:heart:
  • sarahjean222
    Can I get some Boxer love in this post? I have a 1 year old Boxer who NEVER runs out of energy. I have started running with her and she still wants to go further than my 3 miles. I'm hoping I can reach her level of energy before she gets old enough to reach mine.
  • zoedallas
    zoedallas Posts: 116 Member
    I have two rescues. Both are flat-coated retriever mix. I love, love, love my dogs !
  • PeaceLoveVeggies
    PeaceLoveVeggies Posts: 682 Member
    I have two doggies.

    This is my little Jessie Dog... I rescued her from a pound when she was just a little puppy that completely fit in my hand.
    From what I know, shes as Lab - Collie - rhodesian ridgeback mix

    And this is Sasha Bear... I adopted her from a very close friend.
    Shes a full rottweiler, but small for a rottie... so I call her a runtweiler.


    They are SO CUTE!!