Who has a dog?



  • Vaibhav_ace
    Vaibhav_ace Posts: 93 Member
    Loads of fun, and best running partner ever. Although now the temps are starting to rise, he seems to be getting slower on our runs.

    He did try to kill me yesterday by sticking his nose in my arm pits while I was doing lying triceps extension. Almost dropped 50lbs on my face.
  • Andrea681
    Andrea681 Posts: 178 Member
    My pup Lucy keeps me active as well. We go for walks daily (even in the rain, which it does a lot in WA) and go for hikes on the weekend. She's a rescue mutt but sometimes I wonder, who rescued who? She is the best dog.
  • AdoraK
    AdoraK Posts: 724 Member
    I have a 4 year old Beagle named Daisy. We are her 4th owners. She was abused and when we got her she would not play and only ran around in circles.

    Now she loves to play and has tons of room to run around in. We have had her for 2 years. It took 1 year to get her confortable with us.
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member
  • rrhennen
    rrhennen Posts: 60 Member
    We have three dogs. Living on 10 acres gives them plenty of room to run and play, so no formal workouts needed. But I can tell a big difference in my German Shepherd when we go for runs! She is all working bred and has a pretty high drive. The great part of country living is she can go off leash. Ari loves to stop and check something out along the ditch, let me run a good ways up, and then spring past me. :)
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    3 here: lab/dalmation mix, lab/shepherd mix (both from the pound) and a 16 year old German Shepherd found on the road. Rosie is too old to go for a walk and it kills me to leave her behind. I do spend a lot of time kicking soccer balls, throwing tennis balls and walking to get them when they can't find them right now. I walk the younger ones on the weekend.

  • bademasi
    bademasi Posts: 180 Member
    I have a blond long haired Chihuahua. He is overweight because my husband gives him people food. He is also allergic to grains. So I feed him grain free food. He loves to walk. When I get my walking shoes.... he is ready and excited to go. He swishes his long furry tail and ignores all the other neighborhood doggies. He is also my fur baby.

    I have an African Gray Parrot too. I have a travel see thru cage for her. I am going to get a child umbrella stroller and strap her in with the travel cage and take her for walks too. She talks up a storm. Its going to be fun to take her on her own walk. This will give me two walks at a time. lol

  • sjmgde
    sjmgde Posts: 381 Member
    My baby is 7 and is a boxer and you cannot even say the word walk without him freaking out. He looooooves his walks and when i do not give them to him he literally throws a fit and become destructive until i bring him. He will get in the gargbage and than look at me or he will pee on the floor REAL naughty behaviors but thank goodness i talk him so he stays happy and i get my work out in :)
  • Stella_Leigh
    Stella_Leigh Posts: 189 Member
    I have a dog that I rescued from the local pound. He is great. He is my fur-baby!

    What I only realised this week is the amount of calories he makes me burn. I take him a huge big walk at the weekend and take him out 3 times a day for 20mins. I ordered a new HRM and I think I will see exactly what effect it has over a week.

    Looking at my weight loss over the last couple of months it looks like I now have my diet at a maintain level but walking the dog is making the difference.

    Yay to the dogs!

    I have two dog-daughters, one of whom is my running buddy. She's a great dane so it doesn't take much for her to trot along while I jog and it's truly amazing what great motivators our furry companions are. Yay dogs! :bigsmile:
  • Mad4282
    Mad4282 Posts: 171 Member
    7 year old shelter mutt here! He is the best running partner in the world!
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    I have a pound puppy too that loves to walk and run, and she often walks me! :)
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    I have 4!!! But I'm a lazy pet parent. We have a fenced in back yard so mine go out on their own. But, none of them are over weight so it's doing fine for them.

    And nice job rescuing. 3 of mine are rescues.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    We have 2 small older dogs who are good walkers, but we recently got a pitty puppy (my pic). I can't wait until she grows up enough to run with us!! So excited for my new doggie daughter!!
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    3 mini doxies here! They're SO much fun on walks in the park - and runners always get a laugh when 3 10-12 pound doggies are trying to murder them - all on a 3-way hot pink coupler leash :smile:

    They love my healthier lifestyle!

    Where did you get the three way coupler? I have a two way and I have to have an additional leash for my other pup. My doxie is a tweenie.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    I have had 2 pits in my life and they were the sweetes of all! my first one (who broke me because I was afraid at first but I fell in love after the first week) she was a red nose pit her coal ALL white very sweet and a great playmate for my boys we had her for 7years. I also had a blue pit her name was Sam but she passed away at only 7months.

    This was the white pit her name Lala

    I have a pit, also a rescue, got her from a truckdriver when she was 2 months old. He was too lazy and/or stupid to housebreak her and she was peeing in his truck, so he stuffed her in the tiny toolbox UNDER the truck. About 1 foot square and 98 degrees outside....:mad: I offered to take her "temporarily" to train her and then I wouldn't give her back, LOL. My mom was afraid of pits until I got this dog and I have had her for 5 years now and I can't tell you how many times my mom has said that her mind has been totally changed about pits because this dog is just the sweetest, most loving, loyal, goofy dog you ever saw!

    I also have 4 other dogs, an Australian Shephard (from an internet rescue site), a Lab/beagle mix (found on the interstate), a boxer (also found wandering the highway), and I just recently found the sweetest little beagle/daschund that somebody abandoned at a gas station. He is so crazy that I laugh so hard til I'm cryin' sometimes!

    It's all in how they're raised. I knew a few growing up and when I was born my parents already had a white German shepherd who was VERY gentle (but big, of course) so I got very used to all kinds of dogs. I've never met one that scared me.

    Pits look tough, but the last time PJ was in my house, my little minpin was going crazy barking and growling and PJ was using me as a shield to keep away from her. lol

    My other friends have a rotty. He's HUGE, but he thinks he's a lap dog. I think he has the biggest head I've ever seen.
  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    I love my two monsters (in my profile pic). We got the little brindle one last May from a rescue, and then we got the tall blonde one from a rescue this past November. I never had dogs before so I was completely unprepared when I fell madly in love with them. We like to take them on the trails in a nearby park, and they give us quite a workout! We keep a 14-15 min/mile pace for 2 hours on average (lots of hills), and everyone naps VERY well when we get home. Unfortunately, I no longer have any outdoorsy shoes or black socks because they both seem to have an appetite for them. :ohwell:
  • Ireshgurl
    Ireshgurl Posts: 559
    I have a 4yr old APBT (rednosed fawn) that we adopted when she was 3 months old and we just adopted a 10 wk old APBT (blue nosed fawn brindle) a couple of weeks ago. Since my husband is OH SO HELPFUL (and it was his idea to get the puppy) i walk each dog in the am for atleast 10 mins and then the little one another 10 mins or so at night and the big girl gets a longer walk/run in the evening also. I love my furbabies and they help to keep me motivated.
  • woodsk67
    woodsk67 Posts: 88
    We have 2 small older dogs who are good walkers, but we recently got a pitty puppy (my pic). I can't wait until she grows up enough to run with us!! So excited for my new doggie daughter!!
    She is Adorbale!!!!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have two adopted pups: a 13 year old Jack Russell Terrier and a 3 year old Aussie Shepherd-Poodle mix. They keep me active!
  • Firefighter_Jay
    Firefighter_Jay Posts: 426 Member