Crazy food habit you had as a kid



  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    American cheese and yellow mustard sandwiches on white bread. Jelly and fluff sandwiches on white bread. Cream cheese sandwiched between saltines. I didn't eat milk. The only vegetables I ate were corn on the cob and plain iceberg lettuce - I hated salad dressing.

    Since I included tomato sauce with my hate of veggies, when eating (plain cheese) pizza I would peel off the cheese, scrape off the sauce, and reassemble.

    I don't know how my poor mother put up with me. I also don't know how I was such a skinny child.
  • ThePunkHippie
    Eating raw bacon. I learned it from my mom

    Vinegar on plain potato chips (tossed like butter on popcorn)
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I would put mustard on toast then sprinkle sugar on it,it was really good
  • tracymarie2012
    tracymarie2012 Posts: 163 Member
    My fave samich as a kid (still am one) was/is a toasted, peanut butter(skippy) and bacon samich dipped in Heinz ketchup....that was comfort food.
  • jbuntu
    jbuntu Posts: 54 Member
    I hated seeing any food wasted (still do). Just had to be in the clean plate club. Guess that came from all that harping about the starving kids in China. I still have a hard time throwing away old leftovers.
  • darkmouzy
    darkmouzy Posts: 227 Member
    mine was ketchup. had it on everything almost haha
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    This would be hard to explain but I will try it anyways.

    In India, we have a bread called "Paratha" (AKA khubz tawak if you speak arabic) which is made by frying a rooti (Imagine a middle ground of pita and naan). Its usually used in the morning. Paratha with milk+sugar tea is a normal breakfast there. However Paratha is usually supposed to be crisp. Except I hated it that way so my mother would literally get up early, and cook it early for me and put the paratha in a small box so that the paratha would get some moisture and would become soft (like a pancake). I miss my mother and all those little things she used to do for me.

    Also, growing up near the sea, we used to eat fish alot. Except I hated fish (and still do) so she would always make something special just for me. When she got sick from cancer, she would order my older sister to make me something on the side (my sister still to this call me out on that :))

    RIP mom
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    Cheese Sandwiches heated up in a microwave.
    Not grilled cheese, but just cheese heated up haha

    haha!! My son will only eat cheese toast (toast with cheese made in toaster) but not grilled cheese (toast with cheese in frying pan). lol
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Cheese Sandwiches heated up in a microwave.
    Not grilled cheese, but just cheese heated up haha

    I did this!

    I also went through a period of wanting to eat pasta with my fingers, and my parents said I only could if there was no sauce on it, so I decided to just not eat the sauce. I also ate spaghetti dry.

    I also put salt in kool aid but that was a mistake.
  • shaelataylor
    shaelataylor Posts: 224 Member
    dipped my bread in grape juice? my brother had a much better one...he ate ranch dressing, cheese, grape jelly sandwiches. yes, all ingredients on the same sandwich. haha
  • javajunki
    javajunki Posts: 32
    My younger brother and I would get up in the middle of the night and try to make a sandwich the other one wouldn't eat. jelly/pickle, or peanutbutter and powdered sugar, nothing really gross as we had to eat it if the other one didn't, but seriously lots and lots of sweet in the middle of the night..
  • mrmarkfr
    mrmarkfr Posts: 10 Member
    Without the ranch dressing, that's called a chip buttie in England
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    I used to eat Mayo sandwiches and dried seaweed! It would also take me about a day to eat an apple. My grandmother would get mad at me all the time and throw them away because she thought i didnt want it anymore!

    *Oh wow! I completely forgot that I used to eat sticks of butter! My mom would get sooo mad because she would go to use the butter and my little teeth marks were on it. Hahah I was so cute. I did this when I was 2-3.
  • Meeperslove
    Meeperslove Posts: 118 Member
    Lets see.. My mother would make us peanut butter mixed with Mayonnaise and banana sandwiches. I still mix corn with mashed potatoes. I used to hide ice cream sandwiches and eat them on the bus to school for breakfast.
  • openskybeach
    openskybeach Posts: 294 Member
    Eating raw bacon. I learned it from my mom

    Vinegar on plain potato chips (tossed like butter on popcorn)

    Gross! no offense lol. My mom would bite butter sticks and eat pieces of raw hamburger meat as she cooked with it. UGG!! Luckily it always grossed me out so I never did it. Hehe.
  • downsizinghoss
    downsizinghoss Posts: 1,035 Member
    I still put ketchup on my scrambled eggs.

    But when I was a kid I would stack 4-6 slices of american cheese on top of each other, melt them in the microwave and then cover them with ketchup!
    When I was particularly hungry, I would stick a couple of hotdogs under the stack.

    Oh, and mayo sandwiches.

    basically added ketchup or mayo to anything and everything
  • nutandbutter
    My different foods could not touch each other, and I ate all of one before I'd start another.

    How is that crazy? It's the only sane way to eat.

    Also, sugar sandwiches. Yummm.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    dipped my bread in grape juice? my brother had a much better one...he ate ranch dressing, cheese, grape jelly sandwiches. yes, all ingredients on the same sandwich. haha

    You just reminded me of another one. I would dip white bread into coca cola and eat it. I was convinced this made it taste like "chocolate bread".
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Peanut butter and bologna sandwiches. Also, I would eat salami by popping out the white fat bits first.
  • turbophoenix
    Chicken nuggets dipped in honey!