im so tired of people who...



  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    People's tastes and preferences are as varied as the many different people there are in the world. That's great. Otherwise, we'd all be listenting to the same music and driving the same kind of car. Chasing the same woman. Whatever. Variety. Gotta love variation.

    While I agree that whoever made the comment that set you off was insensitive, I don't think daring everyone to knock the chip off your shoulder is the best avenue for garnering alliance.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    sorry, but your first photo DOES look like a dude.

    a woman is not "supposed" to look any certain way, just as long as she's healthy and takes care of herself.

    i think YOU'RE the one that's hatin. sorry, just callling it like i see it.

    What? If that first picture looks like a dude, you must think men are all skinny, she looks fit for a woman but that would be one skinny man.
  • Emabo
    Emabo Posts: 125 Member
    sorry, but your first photo DOES look like a dude.

    a woman is not "supposed" to look any certain way, just as long as she's healthy and takes care of herself.

    i think YOU'RE the one that's hatin. sorry, just callling it like i see it.

    I agree. Also, I think there is a difference between looking bulky and toned. You pretty much said that woman who don't have extremely noticeable muscles are skinnyfat and fragile. There are many steps in between this where you can be fit, toned, and still look quite feminine. I have no problem with the bodies in those photos though. I am just saying.
  • jessicae1aine
    im not just defending fit women, im not defending fat people, this is a post against haters, people who have to be rude to other people...

    I'm still not really cool with that idea. Just because someone has a different opinion than you, or because their opinion is offensive to you (and whose to say yours isn't offensive to them, they're just not saying so?), doesn't mean they're a hater.

    Do I find muscly women attractive? Not at all. As a matter of fact, they scare the hell out of me.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    While I agree that whoever made the comment that set you off was insensitive, I don't think daring everyone to knock the chip off your shoulder is the best avenue for garnering alliance.

    Given this last sentence RoadDog, I feel that if you are not working at the State Department you may have missed your calling. Clearly you have a knack for diplomacy!
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    1. People have their own opinions/tastes/feelings about everything and are entitled to them.
    2. Some people need to learn to be tactful and/or to keep said opinions to themselves.

    ^^^ This ^^^ When you can't say nothing nice...

    There are certain things that I find attractive and things that I don't... but it's not my place to say them out loud to be snarky or an asshat... Unless it's banter back and forth.
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Photos 1 and 3 are comepletely unattractive to me (not that I'm into women lol). Pic 2 is fantastic. There's definition without complete absence of fat.

    OP, I think you really need to learn what the term "skinny fat" refers to. It does not in any way shape or form refer to a woman who is thin without a ton of muscles showing. It refers to a person who is "light" weight-wise but has a TON of excess skin.

    My personal goal is to be slender and strong, but not to have overwhelming muscles like those in 1 and 3. Do those women work hard. Absolutely! I just don't think it is very attractive and don't think my hubby would want me to look like that.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    sorry, but your first photo DOES look like a dude.

    a woman is not "supposed" to look any certain way, just as long as she's healthy and takes care of herself.

    i think YOU'RE the one that's hatin. sorry, just callling it like i see it.

    What? If that first picture looks like a dude, you must think men are all skinny, she looks fit for a woman but that would be one skinny man.

    Well, without anything to gauge real size in that photo, that first pic could EASILY be a photo of my husband. He's 6-3 and has a 32 inch waist. Plus, there's no feminine traits that I can see, except for maybe the absence of a bulge in the pants.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Photos 1 and 3 are comepletely unattractive to me (not that I'm into women lol). Pic 2 is fantastic. There's definition without complete absence of fat.

    OP, I think you really need to learn what the term "skinny fat" refers to. It does not in any way shape or form refer to a woman who is thin without a ton of muscles showing. It refers to a person who is "light" weight-wise but has a TON of excess skin.

    My personal goal is to be slender and strong, but not to have overwhelming muscles like those in 1 and 3. Do those women work hard. Absolutely! I just don't think it is very attractive and don't think my hubby would want me to look like that.

    You are wrong on your definition of skinny fat. Skinny fat is having a low or healthy weigh for your height but a higher the "healthy" BF%.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    While I agree that whoever made the comment that set you off was insensitive, I don't think daring everyone to knock the chip off your shoulder is the best avenue for garnering alliance.

    Given this last sentence RoadDog, I feel that if you are not working at the State Department you may have missed your calling. Clearly you have a knack for diplomacy!

    Raised 3 girls. You know how many teenage boys you have to deal with and still try to avoid the penitentiary? I'm becoming adept at "Conflict Resolution."
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    You look fantastic, hard work and dedication right there. Dont let the haters bring you down.
  • Tuffjourney
    Tuffjourney Posts: 971
    Oh my, I have been called many a fat insults. But, to be honest, never from a woman. Always a male will throw that in my face, such as a "fat effing biotch". They always will throw in the the fat or pig or something related to weight to hurt more. But again, never from a woman. :grumble:
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    *sigh* I cannot wait to finish building my castle in space.

    People in the world need to stop worrying so much about what others look like, and be more concerned with improving themselves. Inside and out.

    Now I have judged the human race and found it wanting. I hope you're all happy! :sad:
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    sorry, but your first photo DOES look like a dude.

    a woman is not "supposed" to look any certain way, just as long as she's healthy and takes care of herself.

    i think YOU'RE the one that's hatin. sorry, just callling it like i see it.

    I agree. Also, I think there is a difference between looking bulky and toned. You pretty much said that woman who don't have extremely noticeable muscles are skinnyfat and fragile. There are many steps in between this where you can be fit, toned, and still look quite feminine. I have no problem with the bodies in those photos though. I am just saying.

    Personally, I enjoy embracing a waist to hip ratio only given to women. Toned and fit? Hell yeah. So muscular that you lose your feminine shape? Nah, not my cup of tea. I respect the hard work, takes incredible guts and dedication, but with everything, there is such thing as too much of a good thing.
  • liftandcycle
    im not just defending fit women, im not defending fat people, this is a post against haters, people who have to be rude to other people...

    I'm still not really cool with that idea. Just because someone has a different opinion than you, or because their opinion is offensive to you (and whose to say yours isn't offensive to them, they're just not saying so?), doesn't mean they're a hater.

    Do I find muscly women attractive? Not at all. As a matter of fact, they scare the hell out of me.

    I could say some really rude things to you.. but I wont.. bc even tho I have my opinions Im not gonna say them.. unlike some other people who like to tell fit women that they scare the hell out of them.. I dont like hurting peoples feelings.. good luck with your 2012 resolution!
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    *sigh* I cannot wait to finish building my castle in space.

    People in the world need to stop worrying so much about what others look like, and be more concerned with improving themselves. Inside and out.

    Now I have judged the human race and found it wanting. I hope you're all happy! :sad:

    And thanks for all the fish.
  • bethybear8990
    Oh my, I have been called many a fat insults. But, to be honest, never from a woman. Always a male will throw that in my face, such as a "fat effing biotch". They always will throw in the the fat or pig or something related to weight to hurt more. But again, never from a woman. :grumble:

    I have had the exact opposite experience. (aside from my step dad commenting on my "fat *kitten*". For me, it seems like women know how much that comment hurts and use it as a weapon more often. Then again, maybe I just have great guys in my life.
  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    you cannot be a dumb b!tch and go up to a woman who works sooo hard and tell her she looks like a man.. the same way you dont go up to a fat person and call them a pig..

    Except people DO go up to fat people, and call them worse than just a pig. If you want to be all bulked up, that's your choice, but it's also everyone else's choice to react to that however they want. Is it really worth freaking out on everyone?

    But she is not bulked up, she has a solid amount of muscle and very little fat. It is the low body fat that makes her muscles look big, but I bet her arms are much smaller then most fat peoples' arms.

    Yeah and how much you wanna bet she doesn't have a monthly menstrual cycle?
  • liftandcycle
    you cannot be a dumb b!tch and go up to a woman who works sooo hard and tell her she looks like a man.. the same way you dont go up to a fat person and call them a pig..

    Except people DO go up to fat people, and call them worse than just a pig. If you want to be all bulked up, that's your choice, but it's also everyone else's choice to react to that however they want. Is it really worth freaking out on everyone?

    But she is not bulked up, she has a solid amount of muscle and very little fat. It is the low body fat that makes her muscles look big, but I bet her arms are much smaller then most fat peoples' arms.

    Yeah and how much you wanna bet she doesn't have a monthly menstrual cycle?

    seriously just... just leave.. reading your post have brought my IQ down 30 pts.. everyone in this threat became stupier with ur posts.. LOL
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