im so tired of people who...



  • sobriquet84
    sobriquet84 Posts: 607 Member
    you cannot be a dumb b!tch and go up to a woman who works sooo hard and tell her she looks like a man.. the same way you dont go up to a fat person and call them a pig..

    Except people DO go up to fat people, and call them worse than just a pig. If you want to be all bulked up, that's your choice, but it's also everyone else's choice to react to that however they want. Is it really worth freaking out on everyone?

    But she is not bulked up, she has a solid amount of muscle and very little fat. It is the low body fat that makes her muscles look big, but I bet her arms are much smaller then most fat peoples' arms.

    Yeah and how much you wanna bet she doesn't have a monthly menstrual cycle?

    seriously just... just leave.. reading your post have brought my IQ down 30 pts.. everyone in this threat became stupier with ur posts.. LOL

    Did I also affect your typing and spelling skills?

    Look, you opended yourself up to honest feedback by creating a thread in the first place. If you don't want to hear people's responses, don't ask for them. Believe it or not, I am very educated and knowledgeable in the area of health and fitness, and several years ago when I went overboard with my desire to be as lean as possible, I actually DID lose my menstrual cycle for about 8 months when got down to 16% body fat (I was doing a bodpod test once a month). I'm not as naive as you'd like for me to be. My family is full of athletes, even a couple ex pros in their sport. Just because I gave my honest opinion after you asked for it by creating a thread doesn't mean I'm immediately the bad guy here. Grow up.
  • My1985Freckles
    My1985Freckles Posts: 1,039 Member
    Fit does not immediately imply "muscly" as indicated in the photos that you posted. Just because I am not "muscly" like the photos that does not mean that I am "skinny fat" or "fat" or a "pig" or "ugly."

    ok.. did I say ALLLL women who are skinny fat are ugly? pig? fat? wtf.. where are you getting this from??

    You stated that the poster said ALL FIT women scare her... She said muscly women scare her and there is a difference.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    Why does there have to be competition?

    Soft and curvy. Hard and toned? Something in between soft and hard? It's all good so long as the organs inside that body are nice and healthy. And yes, you can have a 'skinny fat' person who is perfectly healthy and a muscular person who is not healthy. It can happen. Either way, all healthy body shapes are beautiful, whether they're 'ideal' or not. And yes, even some overweight bodies are beautiful! (although I admit there is a limit...)

    Let's just all calm down... shall we?
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I think it's absolutely awesome when women are out there getting muscles and becoming stronger.

    Thank god the days of weak, fragile, helpless, dumb women stereotypes are going out the window. It's been a STUPID gender role for centuries.

    But I have to say... your post was down right rude and beyond childish to call people a b-word over and over. Sorry but others are going to have a different opinion then you and be just fine. So yeah... learn how to debate correctly. :indifferent:
  • shedoos
    shedoos Posts: 446 Member

    Why does there have to be competition?

    Soft and curvy. Hard and toned? Something in between soft and hard? It's all good so long as the organs inside that body are nice and healthy. And yes, you can have a 'skinny fat' person who is perfectly healthy and a muscular person who is not healthy. It can happen. Either way, all healthy body shapes are beautiful, whether they're 'ideal' or not. And yes, even some overweight bodies are beautiful! (although I admit there is a limit...)

    Let's just all calm down... shall we?

    ^This. I would think this would be the one place where all body types would be welcomed and appreciated.
  • cekeys
    cekeys Posts: 397 Member
    **** sorry for the confusion.. these pics arent of me.. im not that amazing looking :p im working to get there tho***

    This is the most confusing thing to me about this whole thread.
  • liftandcycle
    you cannot be a dumb b!tch and go up to a woman who works sooo hard and tell her she looks like a man.. the same way you dont go up to a fat person and call them a pig..

    Except people DO go up to fat people, and call them worse than just a pig. If you want to be all bulked up, that's your choice, but it's also everyone else's choice to react to that however they want. Is it really worth freaking out on everyone?

    But she is not bulked up, she has a solid amount of muscle and very little fat. It is the low body fat that makes her muscles look big, but I bet her arms are much smaller then most fat peoples' arms.

    Yeah and how much you wanna bet she doesn't have a monthly menstrual cycle?

    seriously just... just leave.. reading your post have brought my IQ down 30 pts.. everyone in this threat became stupier with ur posts.. LOL

    Did I also affect your typing and spelling skills?

    Look, you opended yourself up to honest feedback by creating a thread in the first place. If you don't want to hear people's responses, don't ask for them. Believe it or not, I am very educated and knowledgeable in the area of health and fitness, and several years ago when I went overboard with my desire to be as lean as possible, I actually DID lose my menstrual cycle for about 8 months when got down to 16% body fat (I was doing a bodpod test once a month). I'm not as naive as you'd like for me to be. My family is full of athletes, even a couple ex pros in their sport. Just because I gave my honest opinion after you asked for it by creating a thread doesn't mean I'm immediately the bad guy here. Grow up.

    oh okay that makes total sence.. she is fit.. she has no menstrual cycle.. lets even bet on it..
  • ewells2420
    I think it's absolutely awesome when women are out there getting muscles and becoming stronger.

    Thank god the days of weak, fragile, helpless, dumb women stereotypes are going out the window. It's been a STUPID gender role for centuries.

    But I have to say... your post was down right rude and beyond childish to call people a b-word over and over. Sorry but others are going to have a different opinion then you and be just fine. So yeah... learn how to debate correctly. :indifferent:

    Sorry but on anverage men are physically stronger then woman. This isnt sexism, its genetics. And ive met plenty of dumb woman. So they arnt all gone.
  • stacyfoo
    stacyfoo Posts: 47
    i don't think it's a manner of opinion.. it's a matter of manners. why would you walk up to ANYONE and say anything that could be construed as rude? if you're not gonna say anything nice, don't say anything at all.
  • ncole3
    ncole3 Posts: 164
    I want a toned body like that.....forget those haters!
  • jennifer52484
    jennifer52484 Posts: 888 Member

    Just because you dont say it, doesnt mean youre not still a bad person. If you think it, might as well have the 'balls' to say it.

    It does however mean you have tact. Everyone has opinions, NOT everyone has the ability to keep them to themselves. There is a difference between helpful and hurtful.
  • NegativeX
    NegativeX Posts: 16
    /bring on the fit woman


    **** the haters...
  • liftandcycle

    Just because you dont say it, doesnt mean youre not still a bad person. If you think it, might as well have the 'balls' to say it.

    It does however mean you have tact. Everyone has opinions, NOT everyone has the ability to keep them to themselves. There is a difference between helpful and hurtful.

    THANK YOU! this all im trying to say..
  • liftandcycle
    i don't think it's a manner of opinion.. it's a matter of manners. why would you walk up to ANYONE and say anything that could be construed as rude? if you're not gonna say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

    ANOTHER THANK YOU! this.. is the point of this post!
  • zombilishious
    zombilishious Posts: 1,250 Member
    I'm with you! I have a ways to go, but still my ultimate goal is about the #2 pic. It drives me nuts that my co-workers constantly make comments to me about how "ewww.... I'd never lift weights, I don't ever want to bulk up and look like a man" ... I'm in a female dominated office. To each his own, but I'm losing steady inches and weight, I eat alot, my butt stands at attention higher than the skinny women, and I can carry a box of paper up a flight of stairs to my office :)
  • TamImbrogno
    TamImbrogno Posts: 72 Member
    Everyone has different opinions on whats attractive and whats not. Why bother worrying what people think if you are happy and secure with who you are? I have nothing against ripped women...just not my thing.
  • turbophoenix
    Totally. There is this girl at my gym that has a ROCKIN' body and, even better, she's super nice and helpful. But a lot of the guys and some of the girls say she looks like a dude.

    IMO they're usually just jealous. :grumble:
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Whatever happened to having your own opinion? YOU might look like a dude to some people, if so, they have a right to think that.
    ^^^This...rude or not. If people are allowed to post THEIR OWN opinions then why can't everyone? None of the photos you posted look like men @OP. But I've seen some that look quite manly. No point getting all butt hurt over it. If YOU like what YOU look like then get over it. No one can tell you how you should look. We're not in high school anymore. Brush off what you think is rude and get on with your life.
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Women typically suck. I avoid them even though I am one. :bigsmile:

    ^^ This. Except my pole sisters, they rock. (Seriously, until I started pole I only had one close female friend, now I have far more.)
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Whatever happened to having your own opinion? YOU might look like a dude to some people, if so, they have a right to think that.

    does this also mean I have the right to go up to a fat person and tell them flat out that they look like a pig? Im not saying you have to be sexualy attracted to fit women! im sayign its rude to be a stu!pd B!TCH and tell a woman that she looks like a man! DUHHHH!
    Someone needs a hug...But to answer your question, Yes you have that right. Is it okay to do that? NO. But chances are they already know they are fat anyway without you pointing it out.
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