Beautiful Blue Team WEEK 3



  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    So i did my step aerobics class on Saturday and I was just a tad sore today, but nothing bad, so i thought i would try out a new class call Fat Burn.

    Damn that kicked my butt, i felt like i was with the trainer again and i burned 900 calories in an hour.
    I was feeling energized so we decided to work on the landscaping. Pulling weeds, planting flowers, laying mulch, splitting hostas, digging, etc. I CAN'T MOVE, I hurt so bad. I think i did way too much today. On the bright side. My landscaping looks great, and with all the work outside i bet i burned an additional 500 calories at least.

    I hope i can move tomorrow to do my cardio. I really want to hit the 50 pounds lost by Wednesday. Have a great Memorial Day everyone. Oh and don't forget your water.:drinker:
  • chosen
    chosen Posts: 31
    :ohwell: :ohwell: well i did my first c25k this morning and i could only do three minutes of the jogging , i am so dissapointed but at least i did a brisk walk for the rest of it. I guess i will just keep working on it. Boy I did not realize how out of shape I really am!!!

  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Carrie, never weigh yourself at TOM. I did a couple weeks ago and cried LOL!! Men have it so easy, they don't even realize...

    ngwife, I do that too sometimes... let my groceries dwindle down to nothing. I hate it. Unfortunately, not much I can do about it some months haha. Hope you are able to get all you need today.

    to those of us feeling out of shape... hang in there. It WILL get easier and you WILL amaze yourself if you just keep plugging along. I had not worked out seriously in over 5 years and started in March of this year. I was so angry with myself for "letting myself go" but had health issues and still do but now I can ignore them haha. My point is, right now, it feels like giving up. Don't! Just keep exercising and the fitness and results will come. Promise. (I got my fitness back but need my results LOL)

    I'm going to exercise right after I catch up on here.. I have some momentum going and DO NOT want that to go away, so I'm going to hit it hard, followed by another day of good eating and drinking tons of water hehe. I'm on a roll, can't help myself... think this is the longest I've gone feeling this good and getting this much benefit from it... makes me happy! :bigsmile:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    Hello!! :flowerforyou:

    Things are getting weird here. TMI WARNING... I'm having some girl issues. I'm on the depo shot, had some spotting a few weeks ago (it's near time to get the shot) and now my nips are too sore to touch and I can tell my hormones are going nuts!! I researched and I'm either pregnant, ovulating, PMSing like never before or going through menopause. LOL, so... I'm afraid to take a pregnancy test... I guess we'll see....

    On a lighter (denial) note... I've lose another pound. :drinker: :glasses:
  • ShariStickler
    ShariStickler Posts: 17 Member
    Alapointe - We are all cheering you hit that 50lbs this Wednesday. You have so much to be proud of. Keep the hardwork & dedication up!!!:drinker:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    Hello!! :flowerforyou:

    Things are getting weird here. TMI WARNING... I'm having some girl issues. I'm on the depo shot, had some spotting a few weeks ago (it's near time to get the shot) and now my nips are too sore to touch and I can tell my hormones are going nuts!! I researched and I'm either pregnant, ovulating, PMSing like never before or going through menopause. LOL, so... I'm afraid to take a pregnancy test... I guess we'll see....

    On a lighter (denial) note... I've lose another pound. :drinker: :glasses:

    Egad Leigh, that's enough send anyone off the wall!:noway: Don't worry, it's probably just PMS. I gardened yesterday as my rest day, and was STARVING! I carbed out so bad at 830 at night, up I'm again.
    For the last 10 pounds, I have struggled and struggled. I get it down a bit, then boom-sabbatoge myself or something.:sad: Today it is pouring, Islept in, and now need to get motivation to do something.:ohwell: I'm, also sore and stiff.....
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    For the last 10 pounds, I have struggled and struggled. I get it down a bit, then boom-sabbatoge myself or something.:sad: Today it is pouring, Islept in, and now need to get motivation to do something.:ohwell: I'm, also sore and stiff.....

    I have been doing the same thing! I feel like I gain and lose the same weight again and again. Keep pushing through it! I know you can do it!!! We'll get through it together! :flowerforyou: The biggest thing for me is telling myself that I DESERVE to be happy and healthy. For some reason, that's really hard for me to accept!
  • jacqueline0821
    jacqueline0821 Posts: 667 Member
    So I went and did a 2 mile walk/run today with my dad. I ran the first mile without stopping. The second mile I walked and ran a little. I am still getting over my cough so that didn't make it easy. But I burned a bunch of calories. I just hope that the scale shows it this week for weigh in.

    I am already stressing about school for the summer semester. I have to do a 8 observations in different classrooms and school is almost ending for the elementary schools. Which means I am going to be super busy. I know that once I get these observations done I will have a more relaxed semester.

    Hope that everyone is having a healthy week.

    :heart: J
  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I exercised for 2 hours and burnt 1020 cals. Now of course I could eat EVERTHING in site! I'm craving Costco Gourmet cookies. One of biggest weeknesses.:sad: I just shoved a wad of sugar free double bubble in my trap, that should keep me busy for a bit anyway.....
    I definitly need a buddy support plan for this last 10. It's making me insane!:devil:
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    Well, hubby and I got into a fight today via text and e-mail. It's been brewing for the last few days. I'm really mad because I woke up motivated. I worked out and was feeling really good and being sweet to him and in one sentence, he just crashed my whole day. It's not really that he's being a jerk or anything like that, it's just that I'm frustrated with him because he doesn't seem to get it no matter how much we talk things over.

    Anyway, this delayed my grocery shopping and therefore, I ended up having a bag of popcorn for dinner. The good news is that the "movie theater butter" popcorn is gone from the house! I bought it long before I started this and I have no intention of buying it again. Even more good news is that I did the 30 Day Shred today and I have about 750 calories left to redeem myself this evening. I really wanted to buy the special memorial day cookie cake at the grocery store but I knew if I bought anything from the bakery, it would be gone tonight - and there's no one here to share it with! So, I just enjoyed the sweet, sweet smell of cookies, cupcakes and donuts and went on my merry shopping way...

    hmo... Hang in there. Those gourmet cookies are calling my name, too. :ohwell:
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    Lastnight was a wonderful night. I was bad very very bad. I got a little drunk. :drinker: But hey I don't do it often at all and I only had to walk accross the alley so I didn't drink and drive. :flowerforyou: It felt good to go out and just have fun. I'm going to work my buns off tonight with the wii active tonight however. Its raining here so no running outside. Then Tomorrow will be my first morning getting up and trying the morning thing to see if I can get out of this slump. We can do this blue. GO BLUE. :bigsmile: :heart:
  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Posts: 871 Member
    You guys are my heroes. :flowerforyou: Really. No matter how bad things get, I can always come here for a smile. And, it helps to see others are going through this struggle and keeping up with life, too. :heart: I had a bit of a binge the past few days... but, tomorrow is a new day. I am starting a new workout routine this week and am so excited. Just a few short months ago I couldn't have even imagined myself having a workout routine. Now... it feels weird to go more than a day without exercise.

    More power to you guys!!!! It's going to be a great week. :drinker:
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Hello Blue team,
    New person joining the team.

    I also had a bad sat night.

    I knew it was coming, sorta a boys night (semi stag) before I go to the wedding in Italy.
    Food was BBQ Ribs, grilled Asparagus, and mashed sweet potatoe.

    I did get a good workout in on saturday, weight training and some cardio, and tried to keep some calories open for the evening food and drink.

    Sunday was my rest day, thank goodness. Drinking lots of water to get that alcohol out.

    Monday, back on track, tempted to look at the scale to see how bad I did, but I know the scale is not my friend.
  • AZWildcatnNC
    AZWildcatnNC Posts: 178 Member
    Well, I'm frustrated and this is going to be a bit of a rant. I'm having a particularly hard time with IBS right now and my body is basically acting like a sponge. It's also been extremely painful so my mental state is crud too. Doesn't seem to matter what I eat - even oatmeal is causing pain. I've been suffering with this for years, but it always plays havoc with any weight loss plan as I seesaw back and forth with my weight and lose my motivation and focus. I'm hoping this time will be different, but here I am - sure I'm going to post a gain this week. It's always 2 steps forward, 3 steps back. How can I be successful it my own body is rebelling against me? :cry:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well my weekend has been a bit out of sorts. I fell asleep at 6:30 last night and got up at about 10:30pm. I started to read a book I bought a long time ago called 'Loving Yourself'. Took a break from it and watched a movie...went back to bed at about 5am and slept on and off all day.

    I managed to finish the book by this afternoon. :noway: It was a big eye opener and I think it was perfect timing that I happened to come across it in the move. Something clicked with me a little while ago and I was able to sit back and say I'm done blaming myself for my ex-bf's problems. I've felt, for the last 2.5yrs, that I should be able to fix it, or I should be able to do something to help, but it finally registered that it's HIS life and HIS choices...not mine. I feel like I've had a weight lifted off of me and feel a bit more at peace with the whole situation.

    Since I slept most of the day I'm headed to the basement to start week 2 of P90x. Not only do I need to get my routine started, but I need to do something to get rid of some energy so I can get to bed at a decent time tonight. :laugh:

    I hope you all had a lovely weekend, and I'll try to catch up on all these posts in a bit. :flowerforyou:
  • LostinCali
    LostinCali Posts: 155
    Seems a lot of us had rough weekends! I'm so sorry for those of you who are hurting... mentally AND physically. *hugs all around* Chin up, don't beat yourself up if you slipped a bit this weekend, just remember tomorrow's a new day. Can't change the past, so focus on the present, right?!

    Has anyone noticed since working out and eating better the sex drive is better?? That's surely happening to me and it's great but scary at the same time hahaha. Maybe it's just cause I feel better about myself being that I am doing good things for myself by exercising and eating what I should, etc. Hubby's sure not complaining hehe.

    For those of us who did well this weekend, congrats and keep up the good work!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey lovely ladies. Just finished up burning about 350 calories this am. Off to shower and make some eggs and bacon for breakfast. I'm sooo glad I pushed myself out of bed this morning!!! :bigsmile:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I want some COFFEE and I want it now! I need it badly this morning. Last night I did week 4 day 2 of couch to 5k then added in about 45 more minutes or jogging and walking - about a total of 5.5 miles....I am pooped! It feels good to do it and know that I did but it wipes me out! Today will probably be just week 4 day 3 and stop there.... I burned almost 800 calories so that was cool....I made macaroni and cheese for supper as a treat since I had a bunch of calories to eat...I've been doing good on water...had a nice long weekend.

    Having windows put in my house today - in the room right above my office - that noise should be fun...

    Happy Tuesday!
  • j_g4ever
    j_g4ever Posts: 1,925 Member
    This was my first morning up to workout. WOW I feel great. I'm glad now the dogs got me up. I have exercised burned 534 calories and I plan on walking/jogging 3 miles today at some point. I got laundry started, the kids up and ready for school and they are off. I ate. I thought I would be more hungry right away in the morning but my belly waited till after my exercise. I was surprised and thrilled all at the same time. I'm loving the wii active. I'm doing the 30day challenge. You do two days in a row and the next day is your day off. So tomorrow is my morning off. I will just keep going like that. I'm starting to feel tired now however but maybe this will mean I won't sleep as late. And since I got a start on the laundry that means less work for me today. :bigsmile:
  • Carrie6o6
    Carrie6o6 Posts: 1,443 Member
    Phew! I dont feel so bad now that I know some of you are having problems too! I always get too hard on myself.

    For the last 2 days ... Well maybe this entire week... I have not really been watching my eating.. and then the last 2 days kinda been binging... I LOVE TOM :grumble: :noway: I PMS REALLY bad! My husband said theres this thing called "Midol" any of you heard of it or used it before? Im hoping it will help with my horrible mood swings and my "NEED TO EAT EVERYTHING" mode.

    Happily I didnt gain as much weight as I thought!