Are Fit women the most hated group in America?



  • ThaRealNicki
    ThaRealNicki Posts: 328 Member
    Im a little late into this, the pic is gone but I know exactly what your talking about I see it on my FB ALL THE TIME!!

    AS an over weight woman I will say a lot of it is jealousy because it seems to hard to be what is attractive to normal society so to make themselves feel a bit better they look for reassurance in disrespecting something they are not and the people just like this "jealous " person follow suit....Another big thing with it is that, it does seem so far away from what they are and they figure theyll never be there so build themselves up with false confidence when 7x out of 10 they would rather be in the same realm as "the girl on the right" ....AND THEN,,,,,there are women out there who are truley happy with being heavier! Its not often when you find a woman who is heavier to be 100% happy with themselves but these women are out there!!! As a heavier chick myself I USED TO HATE ON THE SKINNY CHICKS EVERYTIME!!! Purely because I was ashamed of myself and that dream seemed so far away and not achievable! NOW, I respect anyone (women and men alike) who go through the trials to be fit and stay fit, the people who treat their bodies as temples and respect themselves. the only time I hate on anyone now is if they are rude to me or talk **** about me or give me mean looks! in other words UNLESS im provoked I do not judge by size or beauty I judge by personality because no matter how big or small you are, you personality will determine if your actually attractive

    I know ILL probably get a lot of hate for this but get over it and stop being in denial all the time, being honest with yourself isnt the end of the world. If your heavier and HAPPY inside and OUT NO COMPLAINTS I APPLAUD YOU!!! If your FIT and WORKING IT NO COMPALINTS I APPLAUD YOU!! DONT HATE! APPRECIATE!!
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    There are I think way more obese people in the United States than fit people, so it is the norm being fit seems to be out of the norm...
    Actually, that's a gross exaggeration. Something like 30% of adults are obese, so they (actually 'we' until a couple days ago) are not a majority.

    Percent of adults age 20 years and over who are obese: 33.9% (2007-2008)
    Percent of adults age 20 years and over who are overweight (and not obese): 34.4% (2007-2008)

    My math says 68.3% of Americans are overweight (as of 2008, and you know it gets worse every year). That would be the majority, so I think it is fair to say that "overweight" is more normal than "fit", and therefor may be the cause for the perceived "skinny bashing".

    It doesn't make it right, mind you, but just a theory.

    Being overweight doesn't mean you aren't fit. Four years ago I lost 50 pounds to get down to the top of the "normal" BMI range which is something like 175 for a 5'11" person. I was too thin almost gaunt. Had I stopped ten or even fifteen pounds sooner, I would have technically been overweight but wouldn't have looked it and I was very fit.

    Personally, I think BMI is way too general. That's why this time my plan this time is to not go as skinny as before.
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    You can sum it up like this:

    Morbid Obesity: Dangerous to your health both short-term and long-term and shouldn't be encouraged
    Anorexic/Underweight/Malnourished: Dangerous to your health both short-term and long-term and shouldn't be encouraged

    Only one of these body types enjoys glamorizing by the media, Hollywood and the fashion industry. There is nobody out there that looks to obese women with envy and tries to emulate them. However, the opposite is true. That's why there is a backlash against the images of current Hollywood celebs and others showing off their often unhealthily underweight bodies. An overweight but not morbidly obese woman is often going to be more healthy then her malnourished counterpart. Yet, the size 0 wunderkind is the one that is put up as the female ideal. This is a disturbing part of our culture.

    It kind of reminds me of the old Kelly LeBrock commercial quote, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!" Ironically, Kelly LeBrock found herself on Celebrity Fat Camp a few years ago.
  • Trail_Addict
    Trail_Addict Posts: 1,350 Member

    Personally, I think BMI is way too general. That's why this time my plan this time is to not go as skinny as before.

    I totally agree with you here. I've got a 32" waist, and can see definition in muscles throughout my body, but I think I still fall under "overweight" according to BMI.
  • DAM_Fine
    DAM_Fine Posts: 1,292 Member
    You can sum it up like this:

    Morbid Obesity: Dangerous to your health both short-term and long-term and shouldn't be encouraged
    Anorexic/Underweight/Malnourished: Dangerous to your health both short-term and long-term and shouldn't be encouraged

    Only one of these body types enjoys glamorizing by the media, Hollywood and the fashion industry. There is nobody out there that looks to obese women with envy and tries to emulate them. However, the opposite is true. That's why there is a backlash against the images of current Hollywood celebs and others showing off their often unhealthily underweight bodies. An overweight but not morbidly obese woman is often going to be more healthy then her malnourished counterpart. Yet, the size 0 wunderkind is the one that is put up as the female ideal. This is a disturbing part of our culture.

    It kind of reminds me of the old Kelly LeBrock commercial quote, "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful!" Ironically, Kelly LeBrock found herself on Celebrity Fat Camp a few years ago.

    Not all size 0s are anorexic/malnourished/underweight, but if you mention that you are a size zero or, god forbid, double-zero, you are immediaely lumped in with those that are unhealthily underweight. I am in good health, fit and a size zero or double zero. I am 5'1" tall and 107 pounds, so it's not unexpected. But as soon as people hear size zero, the comments begin, and they are NOT pleasant to hear!

    The worst thing is, I am now the size I was in my 20s - when I was a perfect size 8. It's not my fault they keep moving the sizes to accommodate the egos of women who don't want to admit they are no longer as trim as they were when they were younger. If they put the sizes back to where they were when I was younger, would that make me less anorexic/malnourished/ underweight?

    Misperceptions and assumptions are king - reality appears to account for very little.
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Simply put:

    Humans are selfish, jealous, irrational, and emotional beings whose behavior is usually driven by a desperate, fundamental need to belong to the in-group, preferably in a superior position but really, any will do in a pinch.

    The OP's perspective, that of the opposition, and those of everyone else on this site can generally be categorized thusly.

    None of this is a surprise.
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    From my experience, the friends of mine that have posted pictures like that on FB are overweight, and I don't think that they are doing to it "skinny bash" as to make themselves feel better about their own situation. Looking at the fit woman in the photo seems like something that is completely unrealistic and un-obtainable when you are overweight. So, hearing that Marilyn Monroe was a size 14 means that maybe, just maybe, they are hot and desired as well. Make sense?

    Nobody should ever bash anyone on their appearance. I have had friends who are morbidly obese who struggle daily with their weight issues, and I have had friends who are severely underweight who struggle with their weight issues. In particular, I had a friend in college who was a size 00 who could NOT gain weight. Ever. And she was picked on just as much as the girl in our class that was morbidly obese. It really is a no win situation. It is unfortunate that in our society today, that we haven't moved past these issues (size, race, sexual orientation, gender, religion - whatever). Very sad that when certain people feel crappy about themselves that they have to lash out at someone who doesn't deserve it. "Can't we all just get along?"
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member
    Andi, thats exactly what your friends are doing! Putting down skinny girls to make themselves feel better about their own situation! That is skinnybashing. And a person has to be pretty pathetic to make others feel bad about themselves in order for them to""" feel better about their own situation."""
  • Ripken818836701
    Ripken818836701 Posts: 607 Member

    Personally, I think BMI is way too general. That's why this time my plan this time is to not go as skinny as before.

    I totally agree with you here. I've got a 32" waist, and can see definition in muscles throughout my body, but I think I still fall under "overweight" according to BMI.
    Back in Jan. while at the doctors a nurse came into the exam room while I was waiting for my Dr. and went over my BMI with me. She told me that at 6"1 and 217-218 lbs ( 3-4 lb.'s more than I weighed in my profile pic.) I was obese!! She then started making suggestions about how I could lower my BMI. and had me sign and date a form. I got pissed because I had just spent the entire past year busting my *kitten* in order to not be considered obese so I took off my shirt (was going to have to anyway) and asked her to please point out on my body were she thought I could lose enough fat so I wouldnt be considered obese. BMI Is a Joke!!
  • AndiJoy812
    AndiJoy812 Posts: 236
    Andi, thats exactly what your friends are doing! Putting down skinny girls to make themselves feel better about their own situation! That is skinnybashing. And a person has to be pretty pathetic to make others feel bad about themselves in order for them to""" feel better about their own situation."""

    Agree...I just don't think they are doing it consciously. It's more of a "this is a random skinny girl I don't know" type thing vs saying it about a "real" woman they know. I am not excusing it...just can be empathetic. Agree that nothing like this is OK. I hate the "I'm notfat, I'm fluffy" kind of things, too.'re fat. So am I...that's why I'm here!
  • avalonms
    avalonms Posts: 2,468 Member
    Back in Jan. while at the doctors a nurse came into the exam room while I was waiting for my Dr. and went over my BMI with me. She told me that at 6"1 and 217-218 lbs ( 3-4 lb.'s more than I weighed in my profile pic.) I was obese!! She then started making suggestions about how I could lower my BMI. and had me sign and date a form. I got pissed because I had just spent the entire past year busting my *kitten* in order to not be considered obese so I took off my shirt (was going to have to anyway) and asked her to please point out on my body were she thought I could lose enough fat so I wouldnt be considered obese. BMI Is a Joke!!
    The nurse was wrong. 6-1, 218 is not obese according to BMI, it's overweight. Also, BMI is not a good indicator for persons that do a lot of weight training. At least they were wrong about that and not something that matters, like reading your x-ray.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Simple answer: Fat bashing is not okay. Skinny bashing is.

    I must be living in a completely alternate reality. I don't know, maybe America is different but fat bashing is the most (or only) acceptable form of discrimination here. I see people fat bashing on the internet every day. Not to mention all the negative stereotypes associated with being overweight - laziness, gluttony, greed, lack of willpower. What stereotypes are associated with people of a healthy BMI? That they eat healthy, workout, they take care of themselves, etc. etc. Doesn't matter whether that's actually true or not, this is still the assumption of most people.

    Really,because when I was a t a normal weight I was told to eat a hamburger daily,called anoreix,called vain,had a bumper sticker stuck on mailbox that said I hate skinny *****es ect
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I don't think bashing anybody on the basis of their physical appearance, either overweight or skinny is acceptable.

    However, if I had to choose one to stamp out then it would be fat bashing because there are simply more advantages in the way a person is perceived generally if they are slim.

    Fat people and slim people aren't really in the same starting position.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member

    Personally, I think BMI is way too general. That's why this time my plan this time is to not go as skinny as before.

    I totally agree with you here. I've got a 32" waist, and can see definition in muscles throughout my body, but I think I still fall under "overweight" according to BMI.
    Back in Jan. while at the doctors a nurse came into the exam room while I was waiting for my Dr. and went over my BMI with me. She told me that at 6"1 and 217-218 lbs ( 3-4 lb.'s more than I weighed in my profile pic.) I was obese!! She then started making suggestions about how I could lower my BMI. and had me sign and date a form. I got pissed because I had just spent the entire past year busting my *kitten* in order to not be considered obese so I took off my shirt (was going to have to anyway) and asked her to please point out on my body were she thought I could lose enough fat so I wouldnt be considered obese. BMI Is a Joke!!

    Maybe she just wanted to take a look at what was under that shirt? The last time I was a healthy weight according to BMI, all of my ribs stuck out and I looked like I was very ill. My skin color was horrible, my skin and hair looked aweful. I am not looking to the BMI scale to get me to my healthy weight this time.
  • livinginwoods
    livinginwoods Posts: 562 Member
    Fit woman are the most admired in America

    This!!! Not the most hated. Fat women are hated. I have had things thrown at me, names called by strangers, refused service to me, dirty looks and laughed at and was even told by a car salesman I was to fat for a car I was going to buy. All for being fat. AND all by ADULTS.
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    Fit woman are the most admired in America

    This!!! Not the most hated. Fat women are hated. I have had things thrown at me, names called by strangers, refused service to me, dirty looks and laughed at and was even told by a car salesman I was to fat for a car I was going to buy. All for being fat. AND all by ADULTS.

    All that except the car thing and rewstraunt thing happened to me when i was thin,also dirty looks,vandalism to my house ect it is not exclusive to overweight and just because those things happen to the people that are overweight does not excuse it been done to those who arent
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    I did a search for the mosted hated group in america #1 Athiest #2 tea party:laugh:
  • IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym
    IpuffyheartHeelsinthegym Posts: 5,573 Member
    Andi, thats exactly what your friends are doing! Putting down skinny girls to make themselves feel better about their own situation! That is skinnybashing. And a person has to be pretty pathetic to make others feel bad about themselves in order for them to""" feel better about their own situation."""

    happens all of the time and its sad.

    This!!! Not the most hated. Fat women are hated. I have had things thrown at me, names called by strangers, refused service to me, dirty looks and laughed at and was even told by a car salesman I was to fat for a car I was going to buy. All for being fat. AND all by ADULTS.

    I'm sorry that someone thought that any of that was acceptable behavior, because its not. Just as its not acceptable for someone to tell a smaller person to eat a cheeseburger, etc. We really need to start respecting others a little more.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    People will always find something in others to try to exploit. Even "perfect" people get razzed on by people who are just plain jealous.
    For me, it's about not worrying what someone thinks about me. While I'm physically fit, I get razzed on ALL the time by friends and family about the crappy wardrobe I have. I'm not into fashion and wear sweats, tank tops and t shirts, and shorts to just about every occasion. Drives my wife nuts.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal & Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Chipmaniac
    Chipmaniac Posts: 642 Member
    I don't think bashing anybody on the basis of their physical appearance, either overweight or skinny is acceptable.

    However, if I had to choose one to stamp out then it would be fat bashing because there are simply more advantages in the way a person is perceived generally if they are slim.

    Fat people and slim people aren't really in the same starting position.
    Bingo! This is exactly correct. If a thin person feels sad, they can find solace in the fact that they will have many benefits in our thin-obsessed society.