Skinny gossip



  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Look, if you want to spend your time criticizing other women's bodies why don't you join up at SG?

    This is really not the place for it.

    I think we were mostly objecting to the claim "anyone in their right mind would love to have her body". People don't have to be out of their minds to not want to look a particular way.

    Would you like for me to list all of the reasons I would not want to have your body? What if I included references to farm animals?

    I don't care what prompted it, it's still completely inappropriate.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I also would never have a body like Kate Upton and would not try to strive for that either, My waist is 23 inches and my booty is 34 inches, so I have a very small waist and a curvy body shape. Kate Upton has a straight body type, without waist definition and without a booty, but she has large and pretty breasts (she also has a very pretty face). I wouldn't want to trade my body for hers. I like my body, and I am a dancer. But, I still think Kate Upton is incredibly beautiful and attractive (and I enjoy looking at her), I think women are beautiful and I like the variety in how they look. I agree that I don't like when people put down slender people (like I said I weigh 100 pounds and my BMI is below 18.5). But, I also feel absolutely no need or desire to put down anyone's body. Most of the aspects of our body shape are genetic. Fitness is something we can work on and improve the look of our body and have our best body, but the basic shape of our bone structure, distribution of where we carry our healthy fat, and even how our muscles develop is all an aspect of genetics. And as we get older and have babies that is (in my opinion) not something to be insulted. You are only young for a very short time. And as you grow older you don't only see changes in your body, you also experience further growth in the development of the judgement centers in your brain which is a very good thing (unless you are doing something to short circuit that process).
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    I'm sorry I offended women everywhere. I am not sorry for finding her body unattractive and saying it out loud and going against popular opinion.

    I still think binge eating disorders and compulsive overeating should be treated more like the eating disorders that have the symptom of severe weight loss. Much more important than being butthurt about my feelings about someone's body.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Damn right I'm butthurt, and I'm not sorry about it either.

    You go ahead and feel like a rebel and "go against popular opinion" and call large breasted women cows, but I'm not comfortable with it and I'm going to say something against it. If you're going to go around insulting people, you have to expect to come across a few of us who aren't afraid stand up and call you out when our feelings are hurt.

    And if you feel so strongly about the ED thing, then why are you posting pictures of healthy women and criticizing their shape and waistline? Where is the logic there? You keep posting these inflammatory comments and then interject your feelings about CO needing the same treatment as anorexia. Maybe if I didn't have to read a bunch of infuriating BS before I got to those comments I might give a ****.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I'm sorry I offended women everywhere. I am not sorry for finding her body unattractive and saying it out loud and going against popular opinion.

    I still think binge eating disorders and compulsive overeating should be treated more like the eating disorders that have the symptom of severe weight loss. Much more important than being butthurt about my feelings about someone's body.

    It's like you are in a completely different conversation. Yes, binge eating disorder is an eating disorder. I agree with that. I'm not sure what that has to do with anyone here, though. Just because we are on a fitness site does not even mean we have binge eating disorder. I'm not even here to lose weight.

    Also, no one is butthurt. Get over yourself.

    To everyone else, I would personally not stoop to the level of the ladies over at SG. Just because they are sad people that sit around insulting models while they do nothing with their own lives, does not mean any of us need to resort to putting down anyone's body. That would be doing what they want. They want people to stoke the fires of their boring dramas in a meaningless life.

    I have compassion and hope for healing for anyone that has any kind of eating disorder. But being an awful person is a separate issue, and having an eating disorder does not excuse that behavior.
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    Oh good grief...apparently somebody got their panties in a wad because someone celebrating being "overweight" instead of "morbidly obese." I mean seriously, when someone hits that goal marker, why not celebrate with them instead of being a jerk about it.

    My opinion: There are people from all spectrums of life here. The point of these forums is to get support in your journey to fitness. Some people's journey takes longer than others. And some people are judgey and jerky, but at the end of the day, it's the internet... take what helps you and let the rest roll.

    I will say that I hope that no one ever finds me to be rude or judgmental because that is not my intention at all. I hope that I can help others along the way, and that I can take the information found here and use it to help me.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I've never heard of the site, but I can certainly understand the attitude. I often wish there were a forum for people like me, people who've never been overweight, but because of injury and or getting older need to work now to maintain their weight. I'm tired of being accused of being ancient, decrepit or having an ED because I weigh in the low 100s, or today, 99, and used to weigh in the low 90s.

    And yes, at times I'm surprised by the weights people give as their goal weights -- they look quite high -- but its their health not mine.

    Finally, some of the advice I see regularly posted would result in people staying overweight.

    Even though their goal weight may look high to you, it may just be a starting goal. For example, when I weigh in at 190, my "goal" was 160. Then when I got there, my "goal" was 140. Now that I am almost to that mark, it may or may not go lower, depending on my fitness level when I get there.

    And some of the advice can be "if-fy" as to if it is good advice or not. I try to look at people's history on the site, and whether they have reached their goals and maintained them before accepting what they say as truth.

    I hope that you are able to use the information and advice here to meet your goals also.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
    Also, no one is butthurt.

    I totally am. At least I think so. That's what the bullies call people when they've hurt someone's feelings on the internet, right?
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Also, no one is butthurt.

    I totally am. At least I think so. That's what the bullies call people when they've hurt someone's feelings on the internet, right?

    Don't let her get you down! :heart:
  • crimsoncat
    crimsoncat Posts: 457 Member
    I've never heard of the site, but I have seen plenty of posts suggesting eating disorders when there really didn't seem to be much call for it. (I've also seen some that did sound like eating disorders might be a problem). People are people. Some more judgemental than others. You just gotta take what support you can get and ignore the rest.

    I second this. People on the internet (both on this site and others) can be mean.

    I try to live by this rule: "There is a human behind that username, act like one yourself"
  • Vune
    Vune Posts: 673 Member
    Ya got me. I made some really unnecessary comments about someone who is laughing all the way to the bank. She's not overweight. I never said her breasts were bad. I said she was known for them, and made the obvious cow/ milk comparison. I will add that they suit her particular figure. It's like I was just saying what my eyes were seeing. She obviously has great self esteem, which cannot be found in a gym or in a bag of cheetos. I'd rather look at Candice Swanpoel.

    And I've tried to change the focus of the conversation to something I find much more interesting than Kate Upton and what is or is not aesthetically pleasing several times during the course of this thread. Anorexia has been touched upon many times. I thought it was important to touch upon the other side of eating disorders, which probably do affect quite a few people on this website, if not the people most interested in this thread. I thought it was important to touch upon the similarities between people. I wanted to talk about brains more than bodies. I tried. You got me to really talk about bodies, and not everything I said was nice. Time to go and not say anything at all now.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    I'm sorry I offended women everywhere. I am not sorry for finding her body unattractive and saying it out loud and going against popular opinion.

    I still think binge eating disorders and compulsive overeating should be treated more like the eating disorders that have the symptom of severe weight loss. Much more important than being butthurt about my feelings about someone's body.

    But did you have to say it in such an aggressive manner? She's not a farmyard animal, anymore than you are a bug (I hate the stick insect tag given to very thin people).

    You didn't. No more than we needed to know your waist measurement is only three inches smaller than hers. I don't know what hers is. I don't care if you're actually 580 pounds and acting out an online fantasy of being 90lb or whether you are the perfect healthy weight for your height, you do not need to be verbally violent about another person to say she's not someone you aspire to look like.

    I don't want to look like her either. Or like Audrey Hepburn or anybody else, for that matter. I want to look like me, but the healthiest me there is. I don't need to make mean comments about people on either end of the ED spectrum to make myself feel good.

    Maybe it's because I'm older and grumpier, but that kind of **** was bad enough in the schoolyard, why the frack should it be condoned in adult life?
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    The trend in the US and many other western cultures is to be overfed. Being overweight is just as much a symptom of disordered eating as being underweight. Fat pride is seems to be more dangerous than Vlada's thigh gap when you really consider it...
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    For the record, reading over this site makes me sick to my stomach. It is very much a pro ana site even though it claims to not be and most of the stuff I was reading on there was appalling. The site should be shut down for exploting those with eating disorders.
    By whom and with what authority? If there were some legal agency that shut down businesses or organizations for exploiting peoples' weaknesses or problems, then they'd be shutting down the entire fashion industry, all those stupid tabloids and magazines by the supermarket registers, fast food restaurants, casinos and lotteries, the tea party, I could go on all day...
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    Wow, I just went to check it out...that's tragic.
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    I've rarely found a topic people feel as strong about as weightloss... when my mother used to preach her (current) weightloss strategy, as if there was nothing else, I got to a point where i had to call her on it and tell her to shut up. - being usually easygoing and respecting my parents very much, that shocked her nearly to tears.

    people who are 'fat' see people who are 'skinny' and neither group understands being in the other's shoes.
    i had a friend who was anorexic, and when she finally got treatment, it broke my heart seeing her go 'plump' during recovery, because i knew it must feel much more horrible to her, than it would have to the average me.
    another friend of mine probably doubled her weight in the last 5 years, not being skinny to begin with, I look at her and don't understand.
    i'm in the middle and don't think i understand either group.

    yeah, i'm guilty, i've told people on the forum what i thought about eating 1 banana all day. and no, my weight loss goal doesn't fit bikini model type (don't i wish, but i see that as unrealistic).

    however, IMO - it's an online forum. people will be meaner, more pragmatic/idiotic than in real life. if you take anything that's written online personally, you deserve what you get.
  • Sqeekyjojo
    Sqeekyjojo Posts: 704 Member
    Ya got me. I made some really unnecessary comments about someone who is laughing all the way to the bank. She's not overweight. I never said her breasts were bad. I said she was known for them, and made the obvious cow/ milk comparison. I will add that they suit her particular figure. It's like I was just saying what my eyes were seeing. She obviously has great self esteem, which cannot be found in a gym or in a bag of cheetos. I'd rather look at Candice Swanpoel.

    And I've tried to change the focus of the conversation to something I find much more interesting than Kate Upton and what is or is not aesthetically pleasing several times during the course of this thread. Anorexia has been touched upon many times. I thought it was important to touch upon the other side of eating disorders, which probably do affect quite a few people on this website, if not the people most interested in this thread. I thought it was important to touch upon the similarities between people. I wanted to talk about brains more than bodies. I tried. You got me to really talk about bodies, and not everything I said was nice. Time to go and not say anything at all now.

    Takes courage to say you think you were wrong or out of line.

    I applaud you.
  • holothuroidea
    holothuroidea Posts: 772 Member
  • luckyjuls
    luckyjuls Posts: 505 Member
    Can't say I'm surprised. The name of the website sounds like it's straight out of Mean Girls: The College Years.