Sloppy Women at the Gym



  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    Body hugging workout clothes bother me. By that I mean I get sweaty and the clothes stick to me or they bunch up and its uncomfortable.

    I do like my pants to reach nearly to the ground and have a boot-cut/ slight flare to them, that makes me feel cute when I'm on the treadmill or when I'm stretching so my pants don't show skin past my ankles.

    For tops though I don't want to bend over and have rolls gathered for everyone's viewing. I have no problem tucking in a shirt so it doesn't slid up when I'm in downward dog. I like the swish of the front of a slightly-baggy shirt as it moves forward and back from my belly when I'm running.

    And I NEVER wear makeup. Its just gross when I'm all sweaty. Wiping your face on a towel and leaving a streak of foundation on it is not cute. And it's a reciepe for clogging pores and getting pimples.

    AS for hair, mine is mid-length, not long enough for a ponytail, so I end up with a ton of clips and barrettes, which are not cute. But that's a necessary evil for function over form.

    I'd rather see someone in baggy clothes than wearing something too revealing for their body shape. That being said, food stains and I-can-smell-you-five-feet-away is not cool.

    It boils down to comfort.
  • AlSalzman
    AlSalzman Posts: 296 Member
    It boils down to comfort.

    Fashion < Potential for Unplanned Testicular Compression.

    I'd work out in a pickle barrel before I'd go to the gym in something that was gonna bind up The Twins. If you think my dishevled apperace in distracting, wait until I fly into a beserker rage because I racked my 'nads squatting and start flinging 25lb plates at anyone on a treadmill.
  • tobiwood1977
    What is it with all these threads lately? Why do you think that anybody really cares what you're wearing or what you look like. If you were in my gym, other than giving you a brief smile if I saw you, you wouldn't register AT ALL. Maybe that's what bothers you?

    You sound very smug and dismissive of other women so I guess if they're dismissive of you, what goes around comes around.

    Really, get over yourself - wear what you want, do what you want, anybody who takes any notice of that is shallow and anybody who thinks that stuff like this matter is just as shallow. Sorry, but these threads are just too much.

    MFP... do you think you could start a new 'NARCISSIST' section for these threads? Pretty please? I thought this was about workout technique and was keen for tips... no such luck!

    i think you posted what a lot of people are thinking here!~
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm all about looking cute to help myself feel better about my day. I dress up for work in the typical office slacks, blouses, etc. and it took a long time for me to wear anything to work out except sweats and baggy tshirts. Sometimes, when I'm feeling down, I'll put on what I consider cute, but it's all for me... for how I'm feeling... for my motivation. If I ever had a problem with someone else working out it would be in some of my workout classes where women come in with freshly curled hair or freshly dyed hair from the salon and get all ticked off when they get sweaty. It's none of my bees wax, but I don't want to get on equipment or mats or whatever that has someone else's sweat/hair dye combo all dripped on it. Yuck-a-doodle!
  • Pashen4fit
    I love to look cute at the gym as well, I actually go out and purchase outfits on a regular
    My problem is my hair its a mess once I start to sweet
    But I don't go there looking like I am in a beauty pagent

    However I do see people that do. This one lady comes in every morning put on her bright red lipstick, combs her hair down, put on her bra top sprays perfume and get her work out on :-) .........However I watched her for a while and I always tell her how cute she look and SUPRISE she was honest she said she was look for a man (LOL)
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Really, there is nothing wrong with dressing to feel good about yourself. I like to wear matching bras and underwear, not because anyone is going to see them, but because it makes me feel good. Even around the house, with no one around, I still wear matching tops and bottoms because that's what makes me comfortable. Some days I just don't care, and I would never judge anyone else for what they were wearing.

    Anyone who feels the need to trash someone for feeling good while looking good is either insanely jealous, or so insecure with themselves that they need to knock you to justify their rule that you NEED to look like hell at the gym. If you wanna dress down, then do what makes you happy, that doesn't mean anyone has to listen to your **** for wanting to look confident.
  • 0lightasair
    0lightasair Posts: 42 Member
    What is it with all these threads lately? Why do you think that anybody really cares what you're wearing or what you look like. If you were in my gym, other than giving you a brief smile if I saw you, you wouldn't register AT ALL. Maybe that's what bothers you?

    You sound very smug and dismissive of other women so I guess if they're dismissive of you, what goes around comes around.

    Really, get over yourself - wear what you want, do what you want, anybody who takes any notice of that is shallow and anybody who thinks that stuff like this matter is just as shallow. Sorry, but these threads are just too much.

    MFP... do you think you could start a new 'NARCISSIST' section for these threads? Pretty please? I thought this was about workout technique and was keen for tips... no such luck!

    i think you posted what a lot of people are thinking here!~

    Frankly I don't see the harm in chit-chatting on such topics. The thread is ill categorized, yes, but it's a far stretch to say such threads (or people?) don't belong on MFP. Considering MFP tries to promote social bonding, sometimes talking abouts things that are not calorie this and repetition that can be helpful IMO.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I say keep wearing it. I certainly don't mind and am always accepting new accounts in the spank bank.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Ok maybe I should have explained myself more.
    When people wear big over sized clothes they generally don't feel good about themselves, heavy or thin. They want to hide.

    There is a whole lot of gray area between dolling up in makeup and designer workout gear and big, oversized, baggy clothes. I wear running shorts (not tight, but they fit and are relatively short), a sports bra and a tank top.

    I have a friend who wears sweatshirts and long pants because she thinks it helps loosen up her muscles. I'm not going to argue with her. It's what she likes. We both feel just fine about ourselves.
  • female_mcgiva
    Going to the gym should be about what exercised you do there and not what you or anyone else looks like. Don't flatter yourself by thinking all these other women are looking at you cause I bet they are just looking around while they do their work out. It is not all about you.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    If you're worried about your outfit, you aren't working out hard enough.
  • LittleMissRiiff
    I dress cute for myself. I don't do it to be eye candy. It helps with my self-esteem. But that's just me.
  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    I feel this is pertinent :D
  • imnotyourpal
    imnotyourpal Posts: 162 Member
    I feel this is pertinent :D

    Effing HILARIOUS!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    I'm just gonna get sweaty and gross anyway.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I feel this is pertinent :D
    edit. too many pics.

    Funny though!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i have entirely way too much going on in my life to worry about my work out clothes, or how i look when i work out. i'm just lucky i am able to GET out to work out!

    today was a perfect example of that. did my morning routine stuff. got the littles cleaned up so we could head to the gym. did my work out. got them and headed to pick up bday celebration stuff, groceries and gifts. my youngest took a header as we got to the store. literally ran and picked up the most basic necessities ( skipping bday stuff and gift!) and ran to the doc. waited but had to run and get the other kids from school then headed back to the doc. got cleared by doc, ran home, picked up, showered and finished just in time to let my mom in.

    that's a normal day. so, i'm not sure where in all of that i'm supposed to care how i look for the gym?

    no one knows what is going on in any one elses world....... until you do, maybe judging by appearance isn't the best choice of action........
  • michelleepotter
    michelleepotter Posts: 800 Member
    I work out in my pajamas, LOL. Of course, I am working out at home. I bought myself a cute little pink workout outfit, but I hate the idea of putting my PJs in the laundry, putting on my workout clothes and getting them all sweaty and putting *them* in the laundry, and then showering and getting dressed for the day (*another* outfit to go in the laundry!)

    Maybe it's because I have 7 kids, but I am very laundry-conscious!
  • drsnxtcompanion
    I work out at home but have a cute tank and shorts with a high pony. My 'beef' would be with the women who wear layers of makeup, curl their pony tail before going for a run, and jewelry. When I had a membership there was one lady in particular who wore a nice track suit (fine fine) and did the sitting bike for 10minutes with bangles, curled pony, so much makeup you could smell it and dangling earrings. Then she'd go to the locker room and leave. I know it's not the norm but man it was annoying all that bling to work out? :ohwell:

    I don't mind looking cute at the gym, sometimes. And as you progress the cuter you might want to look to show the progression, I get it. But some stuff just isn't necessary.
  • prism6
    prism6 Posts: 484 Member
    Are we done yet?