Sloppy Women at the Gym



  • hlcook
    hlcook Posts: 92 Member
    what kind of gyms do you all go to? lol

    I don't even have an opinion on what others wear or should not wear to the gym... and I put my hair in a pony tail because I hate it on my back when I work out.

    I wear what fits and what I can sweat in without it becoming uncomfortable.

    End of story :)
  • happythermia
    I pay an sh*tload for my gym membership. If one day I want to wear a cute yoga outfit, cool. If the next day I want to look like a hobo, cool.

    I'm not there for anyone else. Just me, so I don't really care.
  • Stephanie198907
    Stephanie198907 Posts: 163 Member
    Did someone come up to you tell they didn't like the way you look? I think people dress they want to at the gym, it's a matter of choice. If you look cute, I'm sure people think you look cute, but if someone wants to feel comfortable and burn some calories that's there choice too. Don't make assumptions.

    ^^^ what she said!

    Also, I can't afford cute workout clothes. Nike clothes are priced way outside of my budget.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Did someone come up to you tell they didn't like the way you look? I think people dress they want to at the gym, it's a matter of choice. If you look cute, I'm sure people think you look cute, but if someone wants to feel comfortable and burn some calories that's there choice too. Don't make assumptions.

    ^^^ what she said!

    Also, I can't afford cute workout clothes. Nike clothes are priced way outside of my budget.
    Wal-Mart and Target sales cute ones. No one said they had to be name brand
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    I am a 'sloppy' dresser at the gym through and through...

    I wear a plain coloured tee, black capri's and trainers. hair back, fringe in a quiff to get it out my face and no make up as I will (hopefully) sweat it all off anyway!

    I'm not confident in myself to wear 'pretty' gym clothes yet, and I'm there for a purpose so wear practical clothes.
    I admire the women who come and leave the gym looking like a model after a workout but I have neither the confidence, funds or occasion to!
  • valenief
    valenief Posts: 134 Member
    I get all my yoga pants and tanks at Wal-mart!
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    The fact that people equate appearance to the intesity of one's workout is just silly. I've seen women who don't care about their appearance just wondering around the gym not doing too much anything as well as dolled up ones. I've also seen women in full face face make-up be in the gym before I get there working out and still be working out after I well as one's not made up.

    And nobody says anything about a man's appearance when he goes to the gym.
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    The fact that people equate appearance to the intesity of one's workout is just silly. I've seen women who don't care about their appearance just wondering around the gym not doing too much anything as well as dolled up ones. I've also seen women in full face face make-up be in the gym before I get there working out and still be working out after I well as one's not made up.

    And nobody says anything about a man's appearance when he goes to the gym.

    we all pretty much dress the same, tho
  • kealambert
    kealambert Posts: 961 Member
    except me, i go as don draper
  • ladykate7
    ladykate7 Posts: 206 Member
    except me, i go as don draper


    I'd hold Don's jacket while he did a set on the bench press.
  • AmyOwl73
    AmyOwl73 Posts: 45 Member
    I always wondered how many women avoid going to the gym because they think their clothes aren't good enough, or they don't look 'cute'. I used to.
    Now, I really don't care... Other than clothes being clean. if my 'preferred' outfit (tank and yoga pants) isn't available, I just use whatever I don't mind sweating in... and I have really stopped caring whether my legs are shaved as well. I 'm there to work out, not model :D
  • taramaureen
    taramaureen Posts: 569 Member
    Honestly IDGAF what other people wear to the gym. Sometimes I look cute, sometimes I don't but I'll be damned if anyone tells me that looking sloppy shouldn't be allowed.
  • kellykat2
    kellykat2 Posts: 87 Member
    I can honestly tell you that the women who dress in sweats and large t shirts are there just to work out. They do not want to draw attention to themselves like all the girls in the cutsey outfits. I am not over weight, but I wear t shirts and running pants to the gym. I do not spend a lot of money on my workout clothes. I do not want the attention from the buff men. not that I'd ever get it being 51, but that is why I don't wear cutesy outfits. My friends and I believe that the girls who do go all out with their hair, make up, outfits are only there for the attention of the men working out. We are way beyond that. just my opinion. You asked.
  • BetrayedBeauty
    I pay an sh*tload for my gym membership. If one day I want to wear a cute yoga outfit, cool. If the next day I want to look like a hobo, cool.

    I'm not there for anyone else. Just me, so I don't really care.

    ^^ EXACTLY. No one should be criticizing others for one. And two, everyone is at a gym to work out.. whether that is their first, or 50th, priority. Not there to gossip and bicker about how others look that particular day xDD

    Sorry, but to me, this topic seems a bit "highschool gossip" to me. Then again, a lot of women are looking down on others with noses held high in the air.. Its a bit of a shame, but not my cup of tea persay :D
  • DaBaroness
    I am still fat...I would neither kick a dog nor subject anyone to my body in I have never been a person that shows off the wares..... I am comfortable in my grungy clothes,plus there will come a time when I will have to purchase new workout clothes or be faced with my pants falling off. no sense in spending money I don't have on lookin' purty

    AMEN!!!! NOBODY wants to see me in spandex!! I wear tees and sweats because I feel like when I wear that I'm worrying more about my workout then how I currently look lol! When I DO get to the point I can't be considered appalling in cute work out clothes THEN I'll spend the big bucks!
  • ktdid626
    ktdid626 Posts: 185 Member
    I met my current boyfriend of 3.5 years at a gym. I had no intention of talking to him, and blew him off a couple times. It wasn't until I ran into him in public that I really went for him. We were both dressed our best, and we hit it off. I guess you can say I met the man of my dreams looking like a slob! :)

    I find that on days when I feel I look terrible, I have men approach me. A guy likes to see a woman at her worst because if you look attractive to them with no makeup in the gym, you'll look attractive the morning after (they imagine) taking you home.

    I only wear eye liner and mascara. You never know who you will run into! I don't wear foundation or powder because it's just going to be wiped off on my clothes or towel, and I don't want it caking up my skin. I never wear matching outfits. Pretty girls in Indianapolis can wear anything and look great. Just old tees and a comfy pair of yoga pants is the standard. I can say this with confidence because I have been a member of three clubs in the last four years. It's all the same. Men still approach those girls too.

    Oh, and my boyfriend is a super buff personal trainer who all the girls gawk over. I was already overweight when he met me, and my weight has fluctuated ever since. (just last night he professed again how much he loves me and just wants me to be happy with myself.) Yes ladies, you can score these guys even if you arent a size 2 in your hot pink outfit. My boyfriend trains these women, and makes them look the way they desire. I say, keep wanting to look hot, and give my man a good reason to make few extra bucks! Love you crazy skinny chicks! Ha ha!
  • bighouse51
    bighouse51 Posts: 30 Member
    I think its hilarious reading all of the comments saying "I don't pay attention to anyone else and what they are wearing, I'm there to work!" ... That is crap. It's in our nature to look at others around us.. thing about the wreck on the interstate... more often than not, part of the biggest delay comes from those slowing down to 30 so they can gawk and they pass by... it's not like the majority go by at 75 mph saying, "I'm here to drive dammit!"... hell, I've heard of people getting to the airport earlier than necessary just so they can sit down and "people watch" while waiting for their flight!!

    And then there's MOTIVATION.

    And I want to say thank you to all the cute, hot, sexy, gorgeous, confident, flush cheeked, pony-tail wagging, hot pink top and skin tight yoga pants wearing women in the gym. Not only does your look provide you with the motivation to get in and stay in the gym... it also does wonders for MY motivation!!!

    Trust me, I'm in there to work too... but who doesn't perform better when placed in better surroundings...

    Call it what you want; but, the fact is... WORKING OUT + HOT PINK TUBE TOPS + YOGA PANTS = ONE HELLUVA WORKOUT for me. :)
  • SUSIE091
    SUSIE091 Posts: 42 Member
    LOL !! Big House i tend to wear black cut offs and a sports top will have look tomorr see what people r wearing

    lol !!
  • shaybethxo
    shaybethxo Posts: 153 Member
    I don't care what you wear at the gym as long as you're comfortable. Thus, you shouldn't care what everyone else wears. I still have 100lbs to lose so I will not subject anyone to watching me wobbling in lycra or 'cute' clothes. Maybe in 50lbs time I will ditch my 'ugly' clothes and wear something nice. But for now loose sweat paints and a t shirt does the job. :) I guess seeing the thin fit girls looking cute as they work out is motivation though cuz one day I'll be one of them!
  • keepitcroosh
    keepitcroosh Posts: 301 Member
    I did not know people judged so much on people who wear makeup and look 'nice' at the gym. To each his own, but i mean, i work all day and at night im not gonna go home, take my makeup off, take out my extentions, etc etc just to go work out at the gym.

    I agree with shaybethxo, ill wear tight bottoms , and a loose long top with my sports bra showing on the top and sides. I dont consider it 'nice' gym clothes, though, i think if a lot of people have achieved their goals, they might reward themselves with a cute gym outfit. I would anyway. It'll feel good and make you much more confident! I dont have anything against it.