Women who don't accept male friend requests



  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    I'd rather have male friends than female friends usually. They aren't all "HEY YOU GO GIRL" when I gain 3lbs and ***** about it -_-
  • TinkrBelz
    TinkrBelz Posts: 888 Member
    I have it on my profile Female Request Only. I am married and have 5 sons (3 are teenagers) and 1 daughter. I am in a male world ALL OF THE TIME! Now, I love it! I am basically a guy at heart. I love sports, actions movies, farts, female jokes (go make me a sandwich), so I just wanted to have a place where I can be a girl and do my girl thing!

    Whine about my butt being too big, or what is this jiggly spot on my inner thigh, I am having my period so I am bloated, do my boobs look smaller?? Those sort of girl things that I think would be inappropriate to have with male friends.

    But, I get on the message boards and I love reading what our male MFP say and I learn a lot from them, I just wanted my wall to be just for my girl friends.
  • Blessedmommy_2x
    Blessedmommy_2x Posts: 419 Member
    I don't get this, "out of respect for my husband/boyfriend" this is a fitness site not a dating site...

    It's supposed to be strictly a fitness site... but that is debatable at times. It's not really for you "to get"... its a matter of personal preference, that's all.Not meant to offend anyone. In my case my hubby doesn't really care if I have guy friends on here, "I" choose not too.

    Honestly my MAIN reason for only having females is because we have more in common when it comes to losing weight. We struggle with similar things, and can relate with each other better. That's basically it.
  • Alicia_Monique
    Alicia_Monique Posts: 338 Member
    I would prefer to be friends with males because they are much less judgemental than women.

    But, if I had to guess why, I would say it's because maybe some of their pictures show a little much and they're uncomfortable/insecure with men they don't know seeing them?
  • kanmuri
    kanmuri Posts: 112
    If my boyfriend wasn't comfortable with me having male friends then he wouldn't be my boyfriend anymore. If one's bf forces them to delete male friends the guys has serious self-confidence issues.
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    I have found good sources of support male and female. I think other offer different perspectives as well on how they achieve goals, lose weight, nutrition and working out. I can understand why some women aren't comfortable with be friends with guys. Every friend request I tried to send has a message. Most of my friends on MFP are doing or have done P90X. That or they have a weight loss journey that is greater than 50 pounds. I check MFP more than Facebook. That is a good thing.
  • cat3nv
    cat3nv Posts: 389 Member
    Perhaps it is just to show respect to their husbands. I have male MFP friends, but I have also turned down male friend requests. If they send a message telling me I look pretty in my pic, or they only have female friends and talk sexy back and forth on their walls I have no need for that kind of friend.
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I don't care what race, gender, planet my friends come from, so long as they are civil to me, make some effort to keep occasional contact and are honest. A friend is a friend, especially in this strange land of the interwebs. I never came here expecting friends anyway, because I am in a different boat to many, with trying to find a healthy way of living after 2/3 of my life spent with eating issues of one kind or another, and having never been overweight by medical definition.
  • reaolliemama
    reaolliemama Posts: 489 Member
    I have guy friends, but I wonder if sometimes ladies don't accept requests from guys out of respect for their relationship? If my hubby was uncomfortable with my guy friends they'd be deleted. I'm glad he doesn't mind since they're all pretty awesome. :)

    ^^^THIS^^^ My husband is one of my MFP guy friends, and if he didn't want me to have other guy friends I wouldn't...just as he would not have other gals out of respect for me...
  • yeowiepower
    yeowiepower Posts: 31 Member
    have noticed there is a fair bit of sleeze on this site, which is unfortunate... but it is the internet afterall... each to their own to do whatever they need to, to reach their goals and feel comfortable about it...
  • kforrest1
    kforrest1 Posts: 16
    I'm always amazed at how many hang-ups women have.
  • beskimoosh
    beskimoosh Posts: 375 Member
    I can understand why some women don't feel comfortable with it, because I have had a few sleazy messages, but I just delete the guys that are like that, or deny them if they're obviously just looking for women.

    Some of my guy friends on here are the most supportive and lovely people tbh, and my boyfriend doesn't have a problem with me talking to men, so long as it's nothing out of line! I didn't realise people would deny men out of respect to their partner, me and my bpyfriend don't really have a relationship like that, but whatever works for the individual is what is important :)

    I've got no shame, I'll talk about anything to anyone on my friends list, it wouldn't stop me posting something!
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I don't really get the whole "out of respect to me SO" either.. I mean.. If a guy says something inappropriate then either ask him to stop or delete him.

    There is harmless flirting that goes on because we all motivate each other and improve each others confidence.. The more confident you are the more daring you feel so you make a little joke here and there.. There are a few guys I'm friends with who have told me I look good in pics or whatever.. Doesn't mean I'm gonna run off with them.

    Saying something like "looking good" when you change your pic is nothing.. Women say it to other women so why can't men?

    I think a lot of it is assumption based.. He said you look good so he's obviously a creep.. He's not just a nice guy.

    And I agree with kanmuri, if your man isn't happy with you talking to other guys then you need yourself a new man!
  • ScatteredThoughts
    ScatteredThoughts Posts: 3,562 Member
    I don't have male friends because I don't think men would understand the situation I'm in. Plus they all attach messages that say **** like "hey qt" or something else stupid. Men, tsk tsk.

    Really? Guess I didnt get the memo.

    More seriously, Ive seen a lot of unwanted attention given to females from men on various forums. Its one of the sad facts of the Internet. Never associate with anyone who gives you cause for concern.
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Sometimes I'm really happy that I'm not in a relationship. Hubby acting up over e-friends on a weight loss related page? That sure is a good one lol. :bigsmile:
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I have a few men on my list. They are all incredibly motivating and friendly. One of my biggest supporters AND motivators is an older gentleman. I look forward to his posts and seeing his progress. I am here for one purpose though, and that is to change my life through healthier eating and exercise. If you are hard working and encouraging, I want you as a friend no matter what your gender it.

    It is not a popularity contest for me, nor a flirt free for all. I've been sent some pretty inappropriate messages that I ignore. I am married and have respect for my husband. I have a few married women on my list with VERY revealing profile pics and lists full of men. They spend more of their time exchanging sexual innuendo than they do posting workouts, etc. To each is own, but that's just not why I am here.

    Some women aren't comfortable talking about periods, gas, bloating, etc. in front of men. They might feel restricted in what kind of progress pics they can share. They might be in a relationship and just aren't comfortable with it. It's their right.
  • NicoleAmesRN
    NicoleAmesRN Posts: 5 Member
    I think part of it is that the journey in weightloss for males and females is different. We metabolize very differently. Typically our physique and muscle mass is very different. And men don't go through the up and down body changes on a monthly basis that we go through either.
    I have no problem accepting guy friends, but I can see how it would be an issue. In my own personal life its really hard to watch how quickly my boyfriend, friends, and brothers can shed weight or get toned anytime they put their mind to it where as I've been struggling to lose weight for over a year. It's great to get their support, but sometimes it's discouraging that I can't stay caught up with them in my own journey.
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Golly, if my boyfriend minded something as innocuous as an internet friendship I'd consider him controlling and jealous and, most likely, end that relationship.
  • huracan_mery
    huracan_mery Posts: 47 Member
    All the guys who have added me as friends have been very respectful and oriented to their own goals. I am happy to add men as friends here. But on the message boards I gravitate toward the threads with productive conversation or shared background/interests and avoid the threads with people acting immature in general so maybe I'm self-selecting.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    It sounds quite pretentious to me. I wonder what their reaction would be if all the men put 'no females!' on their profile.

    LOL, I'm open to anyone :-)