Tips From a Cashier/Cashier Rant



  • thetruthrevealed
    First off, a person shouldn't have to do strength training in order to do a cashier's job. If someone has to do "strength training" in order to do a cashier's job then something is very very wrong. What I'm trying to say is a cashier should haven't to do any fancy exercise or go through strength training. I believe that customers have too many rights while checking out in a cashier's line while cashier's have very little if any rights as it pertains to customers. For example, if customers want to take the plastic bags from off the hooks please ask a cashier. But if you want to take the plastic bags with items in it from off the hooks then do NOT do this while a cashier is removing it off the hooks. Its weird because customers dont tell me that they would like to bag the groceries and they dont ask or tell me that they would like to be the ones to take the plastic bags from off the hooks. Some times i let them take it. And then they just stare at me and dont take it. So they play games. Another words throughout a transaction some customers will through a single transaction will take and sometimes grab plastic bags from off the hooks WHEN I AM IN THE PROCESS OF REMOVING THEM OFF THE HOOKS. i find it fascinating that the customers try to take the plastic bags from off the hooks AT THE SAME TIME I PUT MY HANDS ON THE BAG AND TAKE IT OFF THE HOOKS. and now when i dont put my hands on the plastic bags that are hanging on the hooks customers look at me waiting until i remove them. its like they dont want to take the bags from off the hooks unless i put my hands on them. its a stupid game they play.
  • msuspartan10
    msuspartan10 Posts: 72 Member
    I'll be honest, I didn't read all these pages but I'm going to respond anyway. Lol I've been a grocery cashier for about a year now and without a doubt it has left me a people hater and bitter. Some of the issues I have are petty annoyances and others are genuine issues with people being rude. I am very conscientious that I am doing my job properly but the majority of customers make it very difficult.

    I always smile and greet my customers, quickly bag the groceries as best I can. I do not know what your super special snowflake rules are for bagging so it's okay to let me know. But if you're micromanaging me (every item) please just do it yourself. When you unload your groceries all willy nilly, I tend to have a couple bags going - produce, meats, frozen, etc. If the bag is half full and spins toward you, YOU DON'T HAVE TO TAKE IT RIGHT THAT SECOND. As amused as I get by the positions people contort themselves into to pull the bags from underneath the little check writing shelf, if you wait, thirty more seconds, I will turn it for you so you can take it comfortably.

    Our bagging kiosk is circular. If you have a bunch of crap in your cart, please don't stop directly opposite me around the circle. It's not a big deal but it's like saying, I am trying to make your job more difficult. If you put your twelve packs in bar code side up, your cashier will love you.

    It is not our fault you cannot read a sign. You are not entitled to a discount because you refuse to read a sign. Just because there is a sale sign within sight distance of the item you are purchasing does not mean it is on sale. READ.

    Pet peeve - stop leaving your carts everywhere. It's lazy, annoying, and could be dangerous in the case of an emergency. And unload your own damn basket.

    Hand me the stuff you don't want. I promise, I won't get mad at you or make fun of you or make you pay double on all of your groceries if that box of pop tarts ends in my hand instead of hiding in the gum. We have to waste so much stuff because you don't want your meat, your cheese, your yogurt and are too... I don't know, embarrassed? Lazy? To hand it to me or take care of it yourself.

    The Link cards here rarely scan and we have to type them in manually. Just once, I'd love for someone to say "Can you please type this in?" Not "You have to do it" or "this don't scan".

    Please and thank you.

    I don't understand what's so hard about fast lanes/self check. Scan an item, put it in the bag, pay. Done. If you have two hundred dollars worth of stuff, please go to the long/unlimited self check lanes. The smaller ones say "limit 12" for a reason. Taking every other bag off does mess with the system and that's why you keep getting all those errors.

    IF YOU SHOP ON A SATURDAY YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT IN A LINE. Stop complaining about how busy it is and shop on another day. We have all 18 or so lanes open, there's literally nothing else we can do.

    ETA if you ask me to put paper in plastic, I am assuming that you're just trying to be difficult.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I know how you feel. I don't work as a cashier, but I do work at the front desk of a hotel and you wouldn't believe the amount of stupid people I talk to on a daily basis. Sometimes people will call me and say, "Can you give me the phone number to the Marriott in _________ (insert random city here)?" Like... why would I know that? I have to look it up on google. It's such an annoyance.

    Another thing: when you call the hotel, a recording plays with options at the end. Press 1 for reservations, 2 for directions, etc. People press 4 for the front desk and then say "Hi, can I make a reservation?" and of course I'm like "sure, I'll transfer you to reservations!" But seriously. LISTEN TO THE MENU.

    There's a lot more, but those are just two examples. Working in customer service can be really frustrating at times. I do enjoy my job, but there are just some really ignorant people in the world.. haha

    I worked in hotels for years. I could write a book on the stupid questions I have been asked and stupid things that went on.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    So they build a store with 25 cashier points and it gets really busy. so they put extra staff on and increase the cashier points from 7 to 9 leaving 16 closed.....and wonder why people get upset.

    This of course is the stores fault not the cashiers and I always treat people with respect unitl the demonstrate otherwise and then I flick their ears and karate chop their necks gently until they tell me to stop......then I keep doing it and annoy them.

    Subtle irritation is much better for the sould than all out confrontation.

    I go to work for the latter.

    Love and Peace to all cashiers (and karate chops and the hand of calm) xxx

    AKA, walmart. That place has 48 lines but no more thn 6 are ever open.
  • tlmcint
    tlmcint Posts: 74 Member
    I've spent many years in Customer service, as a simple respect and kindness issue, I would ask EVERYONE, to remember cashiers are people.. treat them as such!

    The one thing that truly would irk me and really make me feel "less than" is when a customer would be on their phone the entire transaction and never even make eye contact. No smile, no nothing... as if I wasn't worth paying any attention to at all.. I was just.. nothing to them.

    Please remember to at least make eye contact and smile at your cashier if you have to be on the phone.
  • SugarBaby71
    SugarBaby71 Posts: 3,630 Member
    I used to work for a local grocery store chain that was known for its' wild Christmas parties. One morning after the party I had the early shift... on the express. I was hung over, not the customers problem and I was okay... until I got 'HER'. We all knew her... we all avoided her like the plague. She drew my lucky number at my 'less than 10 items please' register and showed up with a cart. FULL.
    And then would not let me scan a single item... for fear the 'lasers' would poison her. No joke. :drinker:
  • thetruthrevealed
    Im not so sure if this ever happened to any of you, but alot of customers just cant stay still while im ringing up their register. They are constantly moving up and down my line. They are looking at the magazines, but mainly the candy and things along the line. Instead of standing in one place they would rather turn their back to me and look at the candy and stuff and not make any eye contact with me. I hear so many people say that you should look at a customer in their eyes and smile. Its not that i dont disagree with that. ITs just that it is not possible to look at a customer in their eyes when they are most of the time looking down with their eyes, (there head is not down but their eyes are looking down.) And in alot of situations customers have their backs turned towards me while im ringing up their register. people have a right to look at the candy and so forth. But dont tell me i have to look at a customer in their eyes when they dont even look at me. Customers grab the receipt out of my hand and they dont look at me. It seems to me that the customers are literally moving as they take it and sometimes grab it out of my hand (the receipt). For some strange reason the only time alot of customers look at me in my eyes is when they walk right up to me and ask me if i can scan the item that is in their hands.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    We all have jobs to do. We all probably have times when we don't like our jobs. But those customers you complain about don't owe anything to you. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't have a job at all. So, be a little appreciative of people who spend money at your store--whether or not they are nice to you.

    This pisses me off to no end. "if it wasn't for us you wouldn't.have as job" mentality. It may be true but just because I work at a job you deem low and unimportant does not mean I should be treated like a second class citizen. Not directed at you btw.

    But I work at a bank as a financial service rep. And that comes with its own head aches. All I ask is do not repeatedly overdraw your account every month then yell at me when you get 750 bucks in overdraft fees. And ask me to refund your fees every single time. We have at least 5 different ways to moniter your account. Pick one and look to see if you have the money before you swipe your card or write that check.

    Who cares if it pisses you off? It's the truth. The constant whining about your job is the problem with people today. Yes, I think everyone should be treated with respect. I do treat cashiers, and everyone else I deal with with respect. However, the fact that someone walks into your workplace and is having a bad day and treats you badly is not a reason for you to treat them badly, i.e. dropping their change. You are getting paid to treat them well. They are paying you to treat them well.

    If you don't want to deal with people, find a non-customer service job.

    Absolutely not. You treat me like crap and I am gonna treat you like crap. Simple as that. I couldn't care less that you have had a bad day, I didn't make your day bad.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    The constant whining about your job is the problem with people today.

    No. The problem with people today is the constant whining about what people write on message boards. :wink:

    basically this.
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    Gah. I was a cashier at Home Depot. My list?

    - Don't take your frustrations out on me because something in your house broke. I wasn't the one who broke it and I'm not the reason you've had to make your fifth trip out because you weren't sure what part you needed.
    - Just because I work at a home improvement store, it does not mean that I know everything about home improvement. Yes, I picked up some things working here, but I'm not a handy man so don't get pissy with me because I have no idea how to redo your plumbing system.
    - Quit complaining if I have to ask to see your ID when you purchase something that has an age requirement--I'm not trying to make you waste an extra second pulling out your ID and while you may very well be gorgeous, I'm not trying to gawk at your picture-- I'm trying to avoid a fine and job loss. Oh, and definitely don't spit at a cashier over this (yes, someone literally spat at my coworker for this).
    - While I'll gladly bag your stuff and even load it into your cart, I'm not going to walk you out and load up your car.
    - If you bought something and changed your mind, you have to go to the returns desk. Yes, I know I had just checked you out but my register does not have the capability to do a return-- that's why we have return desks.
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    As a cashier, your JOB is customer service. If you don't like doing it, find another job. There's nothing I hate more than having worked all day and then going to the store to pick up necessary items and getting attitude from the cashier because he/she doesn't want to be there any more. There are a lot of people out there who need a job and are willing to take a little 'crap" from people for a pay check. Let them have your job.

    Nice attitude. So, you are looking for a paid punching bag. And better yet one that is paid by someone else, well paid from customer funds, but really it's a shared cost, I sense you might be a commie or something (probably something as in you are something else, and I don't mean that in the nicest way possible). I gotta tell ya I don't mind so much being a punching bag, but I have a tendency to punch back and I have had customers thrown out. Not even the manager of a store is going to take all the crap all the time.
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    We all have jobs to do. We all probably have times when we don't like our jobs. But those customers you complain about don't owe anything to you. If it wasn't for them, you wouldn't have a job at all. So, be a little appreciative of people who spend money at your store--whether or not they are nice to you.

    This pisses me off to no end. "if it wasn't for us you wouldn't.have as job" mentality. It may be true but just because I work at a job you deem low and unimportant does not mean I should be treated like a second class citizen. Not directed at you btw.

    But I work at a bank as a financial service rep. And that comes with its own head aches. All I ask is do not repeatedly overdraw your account every month then yell at me when you get 750 bucks in overdraft fees. And ask me to refund your fees every single time. We have at least 5 different ways to moniter your account. Pick one and look to see if you have the money before you swipe your card or write that check.

    Who cares if it pisses you off? It's the truth. The constant whining about your job is the problem with people today. Yes, I think everyone should be treated with respect. I do treat cashiers, and everyone else I deal with with respect. However, the fact that someone walks into your workplace and is having a bad day and treats you badly is not a reason for you to treat them badly, i.e. dropping their change. You are getting paid to treat them well. They are paying you to treat them well.

    If you don't want to deal with people, find a non-customer service job.

    Absolutely not. You treat me like crap and I am gonna treat you like crap. Simple as that. I couldn't care less that you have had a bad day, I didn't make your day bad.

    I agree with you above poster. I get paid to do my job not to be nice to someone that treats me like dirt. I will be civil and direct if I need to be but I refuse to be nice to someone like that, unless I feel like my being nice will make them feel like crap.
    Thats like that BS people try to say about respecting your elders, I will give you an initial respect but if you don't return it then my respect for you goes away and you have to earn it back. You don't just get to have it because you are older than me.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    You're walking into the store anyway, bring a shopping cart or two along with you from the parking lot.

    um, what? no.

    (i am conscious of my own cart; i am not about to troll the parking lot looking for ones other people left, because, i don't work there?)

    pure laziness. I do this sometimes as I don't want the cart that I parked next to, due to lazy people, hitting my car so I just go ahead and wheel it inside and use it.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I used to be a cashier back in the day when kids could buy smokes for parents with a note supposedly written by a parent.
    The only bad thing I can remember are the teenagers who thought they could steal candy bars without even really hiding it because I was a teenager and shouldn't care. I kicked a lot of them after yelling at them and some were banned by the maanger thinking I wouldn't care if they came in on my shift. So glad it was corner store and the manager didn't mind if I yelled at people who deserved it (only shoplifters, I was nice to everyone else).
    Cashiers today, please don't act like you're doing me favour by honouring the sale price tag on the shelf for an item. I don't care if your register brought up a higher price, that isn't my problem. Do your job and give me the item for free as stated in the scanning code of practice which your store displays at the register and customer service desk. Hem and haw all you want, but see how you realized that you had no choice? All other cashiers at this store automatically go, ooops, sorry, looks like you get that item for free (or $10 off if it is over $10), not just try to make the price be what it was supposed to be. This lady actually acted all put out because I said "Scanning code of practice? It is free now, right?" and sighed, said "oh... alright..." then had attitude the rest of the transaction. This was today, might actually complain about this one.

    Yes, please complain because you got your item at the price you were supposed to get it instead of free. Wow.
  • moosegt35
    moosegt35 Posts: 1,296 Member
    *If you put an item on my belt that weighs more than 30lbs, don't expect me to lift it. Take note of my size, there is no way in hell I'll do that without breaking my back.

    :huh: All I can think about is that you need to start lifting. Seriously.
    Yeah, you try reaching across the belt and lifting something heavy that's an odd shape, then trying to turn and place it in someone's cart at another odd angle, or behind you on a table. Then do that 50 times a day.

    I have. I also worked at a steakhouse restaurant for 4 years carrying trays well over 30#, bending and twisting and shifting to get around. 30# is definitely workable. Strength training will fix that problem.

    Um, the OP barely weighs 100 pounds. Probably a little different for her.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member

    I realize I probably come off like a ***** but... being a cashier changes you. It shows you how people really are, makes you bitter. =p
    Any service job shows you how people really are.
  • erulasse
    erulasse Posts: 141 Member
    I've actually been called a C**T by a customer for having a closed till.

    People are disgusting.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I find emails and such like this just whining. Why? If you do not like your job or where you work it is simple....move on. If you are not happy being a cashier, go to college progress in life.

    Instead of emails like this I would rather read something like this.... to the last customer in the store when I was at the cash register, THANK YOU. It was you who made me realize what dead end job I had. Since then I moved on to college and now I am a high priced lawyer....
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    For me, these are the most divisive threads ever. Worse than the racial ones. May I kindly recommend this idea of a place to rant by cashiers be taken to a private group? Just for my own sanity. As a shopper. Okay as a shopaholic?
  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    I worked a Lowe's when I was younger. My biggest pet peeves were:

    Don't come around the register hover directly behind me in my personal space to make sure I scan everything at the correct price.

    We ask for ID for all credit card purchases. No, you aren't excluded. If it isn't your credit card you can't use it. No excuses. Threaten to call corporate all you want to have me fired all you want. It is their rules.

    At the time I was a 93 pound girl, you really expect me to load a 300 pound item for you in your car while you and your 5 friends watch?

    And everything else everyone else said.