The "Sissifying" of America...



  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I think the only real solution is... "Thunderdome!"

    2 kids enter.. 1 kid leaves....
    loser gets a blue ribbon pinned directly to their chest?

    Yep.. as they are feeding his remains to the dogs.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I think the only real solution is... "Thunderdome!"

    2 kids enter.. 1 kid leaves....
    loser gets a blue ribbon branded directly to their chest?

  • RicSnyder
    RicSnyder Posts: 129 Member
    I can’t imagine where I would be without the fear and hatred of losing?
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    This is exactly why so many kids have snowflake syndrome.

    I can't wait to see what our future generations look like; it's going to be one big cluster fu@k of puss!es and whiny little b!tches sitting around wondering why success doesn't come knocking on their door.

  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    It is known as "The duming down of America"

  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    This topic has reminded me of an article I read which talks about how best to motivate children:

    The essence of the article is that "Praising children's intelligence harms motivation and it harms performance." It's better to praise the child for effort than to tell them they're smart, talented etc This encourages them to keep working and trying to improve.
  • rayleansout
    rayleansout Posts: 234
    this is not just about kids - ITS ABOUT THE FUTURE OF AMERICA - there are those who want to make everyone weak so they maintian power over all., - wake up people!
  • amac1072
    amac1072 Posts: 11 Member
    i disagree.

    and my kid is awesome.

    the only way you become a winner is to not let the failures beat you down and keep trying. What is the saying? Edison didn't fail 500 times, he found 500 ways to not make a lightbulb work.

    And had he been sufficiently rewarded for those 500 failures, he might never have found the need to go on to find the one success.

    BS. What you guys are talking about is about giving kids posivibes even when they don't win like it's some crime against humanity. My son always gets told he did good even when he fails because i'm not gonna emotionally abuse him for not being the best at everything. Trying, and continuing to try, is what matters.

    "i can't believe you didn't win the spelling bee! (which, btw, they don't have anymore.) you're a GD IDIOT! i can't believe i raised a moron like you! you can't do anything right!" = emotional abuse

    "i know you're disappointed, but hey--you did your best, and now you know what you need to work on, so next time, you can do better." = positive enforcement without coddling

    i hope you understand the difference now.
  • thefuzz1290
    thefuzz1290 Posts: 777 Member
    I completely understand your point of view. In fact, when I first read this I whole-heartedly agreed with all of your claims. However, I started thinking about my own childhood experiences in school and I started to understand the other side. I was bullied...profusely by my peers, and I think that if my teachers spent a little more time encouraging me, perhaps I'd have a little more self-esteem? I don't know? Maybe. Of course, I'm an adult now and I'm in charge of building/owning myself but when I was young I didn't understand all of the negativity towards me. It was really hard to get through.

    Its not your teacher's responsibility to teach you self esteem, its your parents. When my daughter is old enough to understand, she will be told she will not be punished at home if she stands up to being bullied, or someone else being bullied. Basically she better not start the fight, but she's allowed to finish it. My daughter, at 3 years old, learned that not everyone can win. She was involved in a cake walk at our church and her number wasn't picked, she whined that she didn't win, and all I told her was, "Sometimes people win, sometimes people don't." She said, "Okay," and was fine the rest of the night.

    By coddling kids and not being honest, you're doing more harm than not "uplifting their self-esteem." When your child fails, its your job as a parent to tell them to try harder. The word "can't" is a swear word in my house for that reason. If my daughter says, "I can't," I make her try anyways.

    Great video about famous failures:
  • raydot
    raydot Posts: 14
    I feel the same way about bullying. SUDDENLY bullying is a huge problem in America. Well, I was bullied for being fat and what happened to me? I became a sassy, hilarious, fat chick who is friends to many a gay (just like most of the fat chicks I know). I didn't go kill myself or any of that crap. Kids are friggin terrible. They will always be vicious but the difference between today's children and older generations is that they don't have the coping skills to get over someone calling them "gay" or "fat *kitten*".

    When I was younger, we lost every single soccer game in our league. We were losers, but it didn't stop us from playing, we just tried harder. When I got third place in the science fair I came up with a more bad-*kitten* project for next year and got first place. There were winners and losers and the losers wanted to be winners so they tried harder, got better, ran faster or whatever.

    Now I'm losing weight and I have two degrees, one being a bachelors in nursing from the hardest program in the southeast United States because I was bullied and I was a loser and I had something to prove. Now those bullies are the beer-bellied frat boys with nothing better to do than go work at their dad's landscaping company because they have no skills. :drinker:

    Again, it's not the same as it was before. The internet has turned kids *nasty*. Downright disgusting. With the introduction of facebook and ****, kids are confused about what is appropriate and what is too far. There has always been bullying. But today, with the anonymity one can obtain when sitting at a computer, it turns into "please just kill yourself you pathetic f*ggot" over and over and over again. And it carries on into real life.

    I agree with a lot of things said here. But there's a difference between being the unpopular/fat/ugly kid in high school that learned to be interesting because people called them out or didn't get invited to parties, and attracting this bizarrely disgusting group of kids who systematically decimates certain individuals for no reasons, provoking them to take their own lives. It's not the same. I was rarely bullied in school but if I could be brought to tears seeing a total stranger get chewed out unprovoked then it's not the same as being called "a fat *kitten*".
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    In my kids schools they don't give students "F's" anymore they get "U" for unsatisfactory. I guess because the word fail is too harsh for the kids. Bull FAILED. Do better.
    How old are your kids?

    They are 11 and 13.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    I think the only real solution is... "Thunderdome!"

    2 kids enter.. 1 kid leaves....
    loser gets a blue ribbon branded directly to their corpse?


    Double Fixed.
  • amac1072
    amac1072 Posts: 11 Member
    I don't necessarily disagree with you OP, but what is the value of losing?

    haven't checked to see if OP responded to this, but here's my take: the value of losing is learning to accept and recover from disappointment. learning that getting what one wants--to win a game, get a good grade, whatever--requires effort.
  • lexlowe
    lexlowe Posts: 908 Member
    What are people doing to De-Sissifying America?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    What's the point of winning if everybody gets one of these.


    I'm seriously starting to think that you people don't understand the psychology of developing brains.

    From which psychological theory of development are you stating this?

    Even psychoanalytic, psychosocial, humanistic, and cognitive theories assess development based on overall experiences and the ability to cope with failure.
  • Sp1nGoddess
    Sp1nGoddess Posts: 1,138 Member
  • HotBodUnderConstruction
    I completely understand your point of view. In fact, when I first read this I whole-heartedly agreed with all of your claims. However, I started thinking about my own childhood experiences in school and I started to understand the other side. I was bullied...profusely by my peers, and I think that if my teachers spent a little more time encouraging me, perhaps I'd have a little more self-esteem? I don't know? Maybe. Of course, I'm an adult now and I'm in charge of building/owning myself but when I was young I didn't understand all of the negativity towards me. It was really hard to get through.

    Its not your teacher's responsibility to teach you self esteem, its your parents. When my daughter is old enough to understand, she will be told she will not be punished at home if she stands up to being bullied, or someone else being bullied. Basically she better not start the fight, but she's allowed to finish it. My daughter, at 3 years old, learned that not everyone can win. She was involved in a cake walk at our church and her number wasn't picked, she whined that she didn't win, and all I told her was, "Sometimes people win, sometimes people don't." She said, "Okay," and was fine the rest of the night.

    By coddling kids and not being honest, you're doing more harm than not "uplifting their self-esteem." When your child fails, its your job as a parent to tell them to try harder. The word "can't" is a swear word in my house for that reason. If my daughter says, "I can't," I make her try anyways.

    Great video about famous failures:

    Thank you, very much for clarifying for me that my parents failed. Obviously, I am very well aware the role parents are supposed to play in the development of a child's self-esteem. I was simply reflecting on an unhappy childhood and wishing someone had been there for me to at least talk to. I was not making some grand statement about what the overarching role teachers should play based on my own personal experience. I was only sharing. I'm in school currently working toward my PhD so clearly I got over it.
  • Meaganandcheese
    Meaganandcheese Posts: 525 Member
    I think the only real solution is... "Thunderdome!"

    2 kids enter.. 1 kid leaves....

    Sooooo ... you read Hunger Games as nonfiction, then?
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I think the only real solution is... "Thunderdome!"

    2 kids enter.. 1 kid leaves....
    loser gets a blue ribbon branded directly to their corpse, and a gold medal awarded to the owner of the dog that devoured the corpse?


    Double Fixed.

    Triple fixed.
  • iHEARTcardiacnurses
    iHEARTcardiacnurses Posts: 437 Member
    Again, it's not the same as it was before. The internet has turned kids *nasty*. Downright disgusting.

    Like I said. Kids are vicious. Now instead of getting the **** beaten out of you and your glasses snapped in half, you get slammed on the internet. Either way, you're getting a beat down whether it be physical or emotional.

    This is a prime example of parents not being parents and instead being friends. Be strict. HELL, my mom used to whoop me with a wooden spoon when I didn't do what she asked. I didn't even know the damn things were used for cooking until I was 10! My mom was never my best friend when I was growing up. She was a disciplinarian and that part of her still comes out even though I've grown up.

    Now my friends are having kids and saying "You go do what your little heart desires" and their kids are total pansies.