Team UK: Week 4 and 5



  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    wow that looks healthy! and very yummy to, its great to see your plans working for you, im managing to *slowly* get back on track

    hope you have a great holiday!
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Katie - Im trying to clean eat at the moment... "Trying" to avoid processed food like chocolate, cake and that sort.. Its because of my holiday.. somehow i have managed quite well so far.. just a few more lbs to go... And i know this holiday will ruin it a bit.. But i will try my hardest to use the gym!

    The company that i work for is a big American Defence company, and we have a few visitors over from the USA for a meeting at our work.. Needless to say everyone is all spruced up looking their best!! :happy:
    We have about 15 people in the meeting and lunch has just arrive.. WOW :sick: It looks amazing.. There are mini scones, Mini Cheesecakes, Sandwiches up to your eyeballs... Salmon on scewers, mini yorkshire puddings!!?? lol er chicken satay stick.. AND LEMON CAKE! ha ha!! I have been really good with not giving into temptation recently and im not going to let it slip today.. Hopefully with you all keeping me sain i will not touch a thing... OK maybe a bit of cooked salmon but thats as far as im going:tongue:

    Lorro - I know i drink so much water anyways so its fine!! Lol i have so much energy during the day and when im working out BOY do i work out!! Feels amazing! Def feeling the results... Just a shame when im hitting my peek of fitness im going on holiday to Aiya Napa!! NOT good to avoid alcohol!!!:drinker:

    I try and burn at least 400 cals at the gym or more.. and never usually eat them back.. I do allow myself a little more food... i also have a good friend at work who does a lot of fitness and taught me some good lessons! :bigsmile:

    I think im going for a run after work with my collegue.. and then hit the gym for a bit before i see (this guy) that i've been dating for a few weeks now... Not sure what we are doing.. may end up at a pub.... HOLY COW im goign on a bit!

    Thought i would get in as much as possible before i go on holiday!! Only half a day tomorrow at work! Yippeee :o)

    Love Kat x x x :flowerforyou:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    You must be looking forward to your holiday so much Kat!!

    I'm still managing to come in a couple of hundred cals under target, but it is sooo hard on days with no exercise to offset :sad: I need a day to rest though as my thighs are definitely aching!! Food:
    B - porridge
    L - 3 slices bread, zero point soup
    D - balsamic chicken and rice
    the only exercise is a couple of hundred cals from breastfeeding.
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    I know i cant wait!! Got those few final bits to do tomorrow afternoon in town and then im all set to go!!

    Woopeee... and now that the weathers not so good this weekend its made me even happier! ha ha!

  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    You must be looking forward to your holiday so much Kat!!

    I'm still managing to come in a couple of hundred cals under target, but it is sooo hard on days with no exercise to offset :sad: I need a day to rest though as my thighs are definitely aching!! Food:
    B - porridge
    L - 3 slices bread, zero point soup
    D - balsamic chicken and rice
    the only exercise is a couple of hundred cals from breastfeeding.

    WOW Breastfeeding byrns calories!!! :noway:
    I am genuinley shocked.

    Kat, your doing so well!
    Are you going for a week or two?
    I cant remeber :grumble:

    Apologies to all for my bad typing! I didnt realise in my last post.

    Bacon And Cheese buttie for mid moring snack today! whoops!
    but it was only small! :laugh:

  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Im going for a run after work... About 20 mins i think.. and then going to the gym... so 500cals burnt here i come!! fingers crossed!! Unless i give up after my run and just go straight home!!!!

    Hope you have all had good days?
    food wise have you all made the right decisions?

    Katherine :heart:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    I only got 4 hours sleep after my nightshift and went into a mad house cleaning frenzy, it didn't stop there, I made two meals and did the ironing so logged all that then I decided I wasn't tired enough so I went to the gym for a 90 min work out, I have just returned and feel absolutely brilliant. I have burnt 1,476 cal. and consumed 660 cal. which still allows me 2,016 to play with tonight for my nightshift. Not hungry just yet, might make a banana milkshake in a minute just to satisfy a sweet tooth :tongue:

    Back later, going to get my work gear on :wink:
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    It's 5:25am, have 35 min. of work to do then I can go to bed :yawn: I only managed to eat a small pot of yoghurt with some crunchie nut flakes, back to the drawing board when I get up, need to figure out how to make the most of my calorie intake.

    Hope you all have a great Thursday :flowerforyou:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Rikki - feeding a newborn burns 500 cals per day!! Now he is eating too its less, I'm guessing around 200 cals as he has 4 feeds per day, but every little helps! :laugh: It kind of makes sense it uses cals as you have to make milk and that contains fat which comes from you logically!

    Helen - make sure you are eating enough!

    Kat - boo for the weather changing tomorrow, though its always nicer to go on holiday when you know its rubbish here! :laugh:

    I'm doing ok, kept on track yesterday. Today's plan (stuck to thus far)
    B - porridge
    L - pasta with tomato sauce
    D - unknown - going to a friends -- uh oh! Am going to eat some zero point soup to stave off hunger before I go and eat as little as possible
    also going for a 30 minute jog :drinker:
  • RikkiLeigh
    RikkiLeigh Posts: 22
    Day 3 - Wednesday
    Rest day on all accounts!
    Day 4 - thursday
    Calories yes i think ive stayed within
    Water- No but i will have by this evening
    Exercise yes - 30 Minutes
    Strength - yes the whole lot
    Slendertone - Not sure yet will post about tomrrow!

    Kat if you get on b4 yu go - Have a great time! im so jelous!
    Breakfast today - Was bran fkales and my normal lemon Tea
    Lunch was a pack of cous cous and 2 tuna and sweetcorn sandwiches on WW Bread
    Dinner - Egg White omlette! Yummm
    Hows everyone else doing on this fine day :happy:
  • JueDrop
    JueDrop Posts: 1
    Hi All

    Im Julie :smile:
    Im from England - And im also Rikki's Mum
    I see she said id be Joining you :happy:

    How is everyone __x
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    welcome to the group!
    i'm good thank you, how are you?

    well you all know how i've been failing at the exercise part of my diet? well im starting Jillian Michaels 30 day shred tomorrow, so hopefully i will stick to it.
    ive been really bad with my food today, its that time of the month and i just want to eat everything lol
  • glittergirlamy14
    glittergirlamy14 Posts: 50 Member
    Hello everyone,

    I'm being very bad right now - watching Big Brother and eating some dairy milk! It's a big bar and 30 cals a square, and I've had 5.

    Cereal with skimmed milk and a cup of apple juice (have this pretty much every morning except when my flatmates drink all the mik! Grrrr! :mad: )
    Salad with a small bit of dressing and a packet of Hula Hoops
    Peanut Butter Sandwich

    Katherine, I'm guessing you won't read this now but don't worry about drinking on holiday, you can just dance it all off!
    Welcome Rikki's mum!
    Katie, what does the 30 day shred include?
    Helen, I understand your shift dilemma, I never feel hungry on this shift I'm on this week, although it's only a 12-8! Get some raisins and nuts and nibble on them, I can always eat things like that when I don't feel hungry but I know I should eat.

    Not done any exercise today, just my usual walk to work and back. Had about a 10 minute walk at lunch when I went to buy my salad but that's about it! The Dairy Milk has dragged me to sit on the couch now :frown: I won't eat anymore of it though!!

    Amy x
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Hi Everyone! :smile:

    Welcome Julie :flowerforyou: , I've been wondering if you would join.

    Rikki it sounds like you are going great with your challenge. I've not been exercising for a few days but have been sticking to the diet and the scales are still going in the right direction.

    Has anyone seen cinnamon? She's disappeared. Come back, Cinn!!! :sad:

    Amy, I watched BB too - it would have been improved by choc :tongue:

    Shoppie, that explains why I gained when my daughter stopped breastfeeding (well, that and all the choc :happy: )
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    Welcome Julie!

    I am really chuffed as I stayed on track yesterday! I had my zero point soup, then a tiny piece of cottage pie and some green beans when at my friend's house Yay me!

    Today's plan:
    B - porridge
    L - salad with chicken but no dressing
    D - Tesco light choices ready meal and this week's treat which will be a curly qurly :happy:
    am doing a 45 min swim, in which ime I should hopefully swim 80 lengths :drinker:
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    i watched BB last night too :p my mum and i ate a whole bag of monkey nuts >.<

    amy the 30 day shred does 3min strength, 2 min cardio, 1min abs, 3times as interval training so you only do each move/activity for 30-40sec

    i did it this morning and oh my gosh! it is A LOT harder than it looks!! but i got through it, and i WILL keep up with doing it
  • Bulletproof_Helen
    Bulletproof_Helen Posts: 209 Member
    Good idea Amy, will get in some unsalted nuts and some dried fruit to nibble on :happy: I have more nightshifts next weekend (3 of them in total)

    I have been following Bob Harper (Biggest Loser Aus/U.S) on facebook and he gives us challenges to do, the one that stuck out this week for me is to have plenty of fibre, pears are a great source and so are raspberries, will pop into morrisons after I have been to the gym to get another box, they are delicious :tongue:

    Yesterday diet went a lot better, had nearly 1100 calories :happy: I am getting there girls :laugh: My stomach has shrunk which is great so now eat smaller portions and more fruit during day and evening just to nibble on. Just wish my belly bum, hips and thighs would shrink :laugh:

    Have a great Friday everyone :flowerforyou: :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Katie I looked for the 30 day shred dvd but all the copies I found were in the format for North America. Have you found a UK version?

    I am setting Helen a challenge: eat 1200 calories! Lol. Send me your FB name if you like Helen :smile: I'll look out for Bob Harper

    Enjoy the weekend everyone :drinker: WHERE did the sun go? :frown:
  • shoppie
    shoppie Posts: 618 Member
    lorro - I am defo in mourning for the sun! Hope it comes back soon!

    I have stayed on track - yay!!! Its my SIL's 40th today, so I knew there'd be some naughtiness tonight, so today was:
    B - porridge
    L - baked potato, WW tuna, peppers
    D - 2 roast potatoes, lots of veg, small portion roast lamb, small sllice of birthday cake

    No booze at all, and I went for a 3 mile run before coming up to my in-laws - so I have come in well within my cals based on the extra earned from exercise - its actually only around 1300 total which isn't bad at all considering the dinner - it is the tiny calories in the rest of the day that keeps it ok-ish.

    If I can stay on track tomorrow it will be the first time I've made it through a whole week on track since I sort of went off-piste in March!!!
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I like your new pic shoppie, reminds me I will be on the beach in Spain in 6 weeks! Yay! :happy: Well done for staying on track. I didn't last night. I went about 200 over maintenance, but I'm hoping I can make up for it today.