Real Women Have Curves



  • mykahlio1
    mykahlio1 Posts: 40 Member
    I think it really should say real women can have curves. Society for years has shown us models of stick figure anorexic looking women in magazines trying to tell us that is what beauty is. The reality is every woman is beautiful in one way or another and you don't have to be a toothpick to be beautiful. When my husband and I first started talking 18 years after high school I told him straight up I am a curvaceous woman. I could lose all the weight in the world and I will always have curves it's just my body structure and I love that I'm curvy I just want my curves to be healthier that's why I'm on Mfp. No matter if you have or don't have curves women need to be proud of who they are don't try to be like a picture in a magazine to be a real woman and be proud to be yourself.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    What is seems to be interpreted as is "Real women have rolls", because the women I see touting that phrase most often don't have curves. Unless you count rolls as being curves. If that's the case, then I'm happy being as unreal as can be.
  • GretelPetal91
    Women have vaginas.
    Without a doubt, I agree
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
  • ECA67
    ECA67 Posts: 806 Member
    I have curves, but I didn't ask for them any more than someone doesn't asked for their body type. I could lose weight to the point of unhealthyness (is that even a word??) and I would still have curves because of my bone structure. It's as silly as saying real women have blond hair and blue eyes.
    True for me ! I feel that what is real is unseen. " for mere man only sees with the eyes, but GOD sees what the heart is " what is in our mind and spirit truly make us who we are.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I'm really just tired of women constantly being compared to other women, especially based on appearance.

    If you live your life by these quotes, everything you feel about yourself is dependent upon someone else being inferior to you. The other problem with that is that you're also living with the idea that you're probably inferior to someone else. It's a fck'd up way to have to live your life.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Not all women are curvy, and they're still most definitely real. I find some slender women to have more appealing shapes than their curvier counterparts. The only other thing I will add is that fat =/= curvy. Curves are narrow waists and wide hips, full breasts, perky bums etc., not rolls.
  • reneegee23
    reneegee23 Posts: 233 Member
    I'd just like to ask everyone what their opinion on this statement is. Frankly, it's a phrase that has always really bothered me and I do not agree with it at all. What does it even mean? Real women have curves... what about women who DON'T have curves? What about women who are born with a petite frame, who will never weigh more than 110 lbs in their life, and are straight as a stick? Are they not considered "real women"? It's not like we can choose our body types, and I think it's unfair to exclude some females from being "real women" just because of their bodies. It's also used way too often as an excuse to be unhealthy. I am all about women having curves and loving their bodies no matter what - and being someone who has struggled with my weight for my whole life, I know the pressures society puts on you to be "perfect". But I don't think this phrase should automatically make it okay to eat unhealthy and continue to gain weight and raise your risk of heart attack & disease in the future.

    Essentially, overweight women know how much it hurts to be judged for being heavier - so let's not judge thin or petite women for being the way they are!

    That saying is a platitude, I wouldn't take it seriously.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Phrases like this are simply bull****.
  • mandasimba
    mandasimba Posts: 782 Member
    I'm not skinny, but I don't have curves - no boobs, no hips, but also, no waist. I'm a large rectangle. Where is love for us? You can be shapeless and bigger too :p

    Don't tell the boyfriend I'm not real, it might poke holes in his self esteem bucket.
  • josemanuel13
    josemanuel13 Posts: 4 Member
    as a man, women come in every shape, color, and size ... the only person who can define you as a women or not is yourself
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I don't like that statement. Yes, women with curves are beautiful, but so are athletic women, petite women etc.

    My sister-in-law uses this statement often in reference to herself. But she is like 300 pounds. That is not curvy, that is obese, and she is using that statement to stay in denial. :/