Any Working Moms?



  • Miska8482
    Miska8482 Posts: 16 Member
    Hello. :) I work full time, 10 hour shifts.. And a mom to a 4 year old and a two year old. :) Feel free to add me..
  • MissMuggle
    MissMuggle Posts: 1
    Hi! I'm a mom just going back to work after 19 years and 7 children! I'm working 3 days a week 8 hour shifts as a receptionist in a women's heath office. How has MFP worked for you? I just signed up for it today because a colleague in the office loves it and I don't want to gain weight now that I won;t be able to walk as much as I like.
  • downinaggieland98
    downinaggieland98 Posts: 224 Member
    I work FT and I have a 20 month old. For you moms that work FT with more than one, my hat is off to you!! You are superwomen!!
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I work full time and have a 12 year old boy and 3 year old girl...and a husband who is as needy as them at times. LOL! If you'd like to send me a request I'll help you as much as I can. The more help I can get the BETTER! Good luck!
  • cjdb1121
    cjdb1121 Posts: 1
    Working mom of two boys (8 yrs and 4 yrs) and a menagerie of pets. I like to prep meals and throw them in the freezer and then dump and cook during the work week. :)
  • Stef836
    Stef836 Posts: 15 Member
    Working mom here. I have 2 boys, a full time 7am-5pm job and part time job (thankfully it is my own business) but I too am finding it hard to find time to plan my meals and just posted about it haha. I would the help, support and ideas.
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member
    Full time working mom of two, 5 yr old girl and 1 yr old boy. I try to incorporate them into my workout plans because I feel they hardly see me as it is. Even just doing my Kinect workout I encourage my 5 yr old to stay in the room and play or imitate me. I would love to take them on walks as well. I am slacking in the workout department due to exhaustion but will kick it up again!
    As for food, I enjoy cooking but what is convenient and like by all (husband included) doesn't always equate to healthy.
    I try to use my allrecipes app as frequently as possible as it does open up to new meals and ideas. It is easier to track my ingredients as well.

    One thing for moms of babies, babies love when you exercise. Lay down and put them on your legs, they get a kick out of leg lifts, and doing reps with weights is definitely not as fun as doing reps with giggling babies!
  • kirstenleo
    kirstenleo Posts: 23 Member
    I work 40-45 hours a week and 10 hours in the car total commute each week...three kids under the age of six (girl boy girl)...I'm luchy they even know who momma is :))

    Friend me...I can use all the support I can get too!!

    Good Luck to You
  • winninga
    winninga Posts: 77 Member
    Hi, I'm a 35 yo working mom of nine-year-old boy/girl twins. We have a very busy schedule. I work 50 miles away from home, and have to fit in my commute with making dinner, kids' activities, and my son's therapy sessions. My son is on the autism spectrum, and no day is ever the same. I know how you feel about trying to get everything in.

    Our YMCA recently built a new state of the art facility with an awesome aquatics area. On the days I go to the gym during the week, I drop them off at the kid zone while I do 30 minutes on whatever cardio machine I chose that day. After I'm done, we all go swimming. It's a win-win for everyone.

    I now have to make myself exercise. I've cancelled two bariatric surgeries. I've decided that I need to do this for myself. Everytime I start to talk myself out of exercising, I remind myself that it's either the treadmil or the operating table.

    I sent you a friend request. I'm looking for more friends as I've just recently really started to use MFP.
  • khawkin
    khawkin Posts: 39 Member
    Working mom here! Feel free to add me :D
  • cldwyer150
    cldwyer150 Posts: 20
    Mother of 2 very active kids ages 13 & 15. Both in Rep baseball and one in rep hockey. I work full-time and do the bulk of the driving to games and practices while trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and provide for my family....Lord give me strength! Please add me!
  • Neondragonfly
    Neondragonfly Posts: 58 Member

    I'm a working mum of 1 year old Anya. I've just started my weight loss journey and I'm looking for a working mum friend too.

    Did my first session of exercise yesterday. I'm due to do a session today but this time I'm home alone with Anya and so I'm gonna wait until she's gone to bed and then I'll do 15-30 mins of exercise.

    good luck with your journey,

    ciao 4 now

    Neon x
  • adstpier
    adstpier Posts: 4
    Hi! I’m a single Mum of 2, I work full time and run kids to sports/activities constantly! So hard to find the time I need lol I use my lunch hour at work to use our onsite gym and end up eating at my desk - not ideal but it is my only option most days!! I’m always trying to find an excuse not to hit the gym and need a push every now and then :D
  • mtmom
    mtmom Posts: 13
    HI! I'm a 36yo mother of three boys: 15, 9 and 5. I work 40-45 hrs a week, and hubby works seconds, so we are ships passing in the night! I find it SO hard to get the workouts in; choosing between housework and a workout on most nights. SO frustrated, and 30 pounds to go!