Sexual orientation



  • AmberJslimsAWAY
    AmberJslimsAWAY Posts: 2,468 Member
    Nope! I don't care what "scientific studies" show, I'm a straight as an arrow female. I don't watch porn and even close my eyes or look away when two people of the same sex start to kiss.

    I'm sorry, but are you 5?

    :laugh: :love:
  • sdrawkcabynot
    sdrawkcabynot Posts: 466 Member
    haha it's true, girls don't admit it. They "THINK" it's something else. Sometimes if you ask a girl if she's bi she'd tell you no, but then a week later she tells you she had a girlfriend.

    Ask a girl this, "if you where watching an adult film, would you rather watch guy on guy action, or girl on girl action." This was done in a study. No one liked the guy on guy action, everyone liked the girl on girl action. This was tested with both sexes.

    Sexuality is more on a spectrum. Guys are either very straight or very gay, not really in between. Girls fall in to the between category.

    NO one likes guy on guy........???? *whistles, walks off in to sunset*

    Walkin next you off into the sunset. Hahahah.

    I sense a new MFP group.

    Girls who like guys who like guys.

    LOL. Could just hang out in the FB group Girls who like boys who like boys.

    Hey - i know a couple of the guys on that tv show! lol
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I think you are bisexual if you have sex with both men and women. I do not think you are bisexual if you have solely kissed one or two women. That's not sex, at least not where I am from. You are bi-curious if that's all you are doing.

    But that's absurd. Men and women can be pretty sure they're straight long before they've ever had sex with the opposite sex. I'm a total virgin but my pornography collection would seem to indicate that I'm quite bisexual.

    Ha Ha. Well I stand corrected. Apparently if you have a porn collection that indicates you are bisexual, you must be!

    I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. Honest. I'm just trying to make out your logic, because your logic would seem to lead to that one is asexual until they've had sex.

    Really?? cuz I didnt get that from post at all. Actually I dont see the word asexual even in what was said at all either....
    HHmm.... am I missing something??
  • Vicky_Is_In_Glee
    Im bi. And checked it.
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member

    Funny, I totally agree with the spectrum but think its less gender specifc, males and females can fall anywhere on it. I certainly have bi tendencies.

    My biggest point here though (and something I have never shared before) is that I LOVE guy on guy porn.

    doesn't everyone love guy on guy porn? It is soooo much more erotic than straight porn!
  • MystiqueASAP
  • 76tech
    76tech Posts: 1,455 Member
    haha it's true, girls don't admit it. They "THINK" it's something else. Sometimes if you ask a girl if she's bi she'd tell you no, but then a week later she tells you she had a girlfriend.

    Ask a girl this, "if you where watching an adult film, would you rather watch guy on guy action, or girl on girl action." This was done in a study. No one liked the guy on guy action, everyone liked the girl on girl action. This was tested with both sexes.

    Sexuality is more on a spectrum. Guys are either very straight or very gay, not really in between. Girls fall in to the between category.

    NO one likes guy on guy........???? *whistles, walks off in to sunset*

    Walkin next you off into the sunset. Hahahah.

    I sense a new MFP group.

    Girls who like guys who like guys.

    LOL. Could just hang out in the FB group Girls who like boys who like boys.

    Hey - i know a couple of the guys on that tv show! lol

    oh wow, it's actually a show.

    i thought i was being witty, i had no idea this was even a thing.

    (i don't watch tv much...)
  • EndofEternity
    I think you are bisexual if you have sex with both men and women. I do not think you are bisexual if you have solely kissed one or two women. That's not sex, at least not where I am from. You are bi-curious if that's all you are doing.

    But that's absurd. Men and women can be pretty sure they're straight long before they've ever had sex with the opposite sex. I'm a total virgin but my pornography collection would seem to indicate that I'm quite bisexual.

    Ha Ha. Well I stand corrected. Apparently if you have a porn collection that indicates you are bisexual, you must be!

    I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. Honest. I'm just trying to make out your logic, because your logic would seem to lead to that one is asexual until they've had sex.

    Really?? cuz I didnt get that from post at all. Actually I dont see the word asexual even in what was said at all either....
    HHmm.... am I missing something??

    Well if you have to have sex with both genders to make sure you're bi, it would seem sensible that you'd have to have sex with the opposite sex to make sure you're straight, the same sex to make sure you're gay, etc. The logic of that would mean if you're a virgin, you're asexual. I really doubt that's what she means but that's why I'm asking for a clarification.
  • judypriv
    judypriv Posts: 206 Member
    I think more women see sexuality as fluid. I also think more women will love another person due to their attributes rather then their sex/attractiveness. I also think as women get older they are more honest about their sexuality. I am straight and married but I would not have NOT been with a woman if I had fallen for one, just never happened nor did I ever find one that I felt that way for.
  • skinnybysummer24
    I am a lesbian trapped in a man's body. True story.

    You sir just made my life.
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    Anyone who believes that to be true either does not know they definition of bisexuality, or does not think logically. There's no way, anyone could think every single 18+ year old woman on the entire Earth is bi. That makes zero sense to even fathom.

    But wouldn't it be awesome? It would be.
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    I guess everyone's gonna do their own thing and be who they are. Unfortunately social stigma tends to keep us from really being who we are a lot of the time, but hopefully someday that will fade away and we'll all just be ourselves. *shrug*
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I think you are bisexual if you have sex with both men and women. I do not think you are bisexual if you have solely kissed one or two women. That's not sex, at least not where I am from. You are bi-curious if that's all you are doing.

    But that's absurd. Men and women can be pretty sure they're straight long before they've ever had sex with the opposite sex. I'm a total virgin but my pornography collection would seem to indicate that I'm quite bisexual.

    Ha Ha. Well I stand corrected. Apparently if you have a porn collection that indicates you are bisexual, you must be!

    I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. Honest. I'm just trying to make out your logic, because your logic would seem to lead to that one is asexual until they've had sex.

    I see what you are saying now. When I made this comment initially, I just meant that being bi-sexual means you have sex with both sexes. Being bi-sexual is not based on whether or not you'd have a relationship with the same sex or an emotional connection with the same sex. It means you have physical relations with them (and emotional or not, but you actually have sex with them). You can lean one way or another prior to having sex. You can be attracted to both. But I don't think you can put the actual label on it until you have done it. Prior to having sex with a woman, I would say I was attracted to them but had I never acted on it I would not have called myself bi-sexual.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Anyone who believes that to be true either does not know they definition of bisexuality, or does not think logically. There's no way, anyone could think every single 18+ year old woman on the entire Earth is bi. That makes zero sense to even fathom.

    But wouldn't it be awesome? It would be.

  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    haha it's true, girls don't admit it. They "THINK" it's something else. Sometimes if you ask a girl if she's bi she'd tell you no, but then a week later she tells you she had a girlfriend.

    Ask a girl this, "if you where watching an adult film, would you rather watch guy on guy action, or girl on girl action." This was done in a study. No one liked the guy on guy action, everyone liked the girl on girl action. This was tested with both sexes.

    Sexuality is more on a spectrum. Guys are either very straight or very gay, not really in between. Girls fall in to the between category.

    This survey question and the conclusion drawn from it are pretty much ridiculous. You give an either or choice and draw conclusions from the answer. It could be that neither choice is great but one is more attractive than the other. If you were asked rather you would prefer to die from HIV in a gutter after being brutally gang raped every day for 5 years or commit suicide, I am imagine the overwhelming choice would be suicide. Would you conclude from the answers to this question that people are predisposed to suicide?
  • EndofEternity
    I think you are bisexual if you have sex with both men and women. I do not think you are bisexual if you have solely kissed one or two women. That's not sex, at least not where I am from. You are bi-curious if that's all you are doing.

    But that's absurd. Men and women can be pretty sure they're straight long before they've ever had sex with the opposite sex. I'm a total virgin but my pornography collection would seem to indicate that I'm quite bisexual.

    Ha Ha. Well I stand corrected. Apparently if you have a porn collection that indicates you are bisexual, you must be!

    I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. Honest. I'm just trying to make out your logic, because your logic would seem to lead to that one is asexual until they've had sex.

    I see what you are saying now. When I made this comment initially, I just meant that being bi-sexual means you have sex with both sexes. Being bi-sexual is not based on whether or not you'd have a relationship with the same sex or an emotional connection with the same sex. It means you have physical relations with them (and emotional or not, but you actually have sex with them). You can lean one way or another prior to having sex. You can be attracted to both. But I don't think you can put the actual label on it until you have done it. Prior to having sex with a woman, I would say I was attracted to them but had I never acted on it I would not have called myself bi-sexual.

    Okay, that's fair. I disagree that you can't embrace a label until you've had sex because I think that's ultimately the individual's decision, but I'm glad you clarified.
  • skinnybysummer24
    Nope! I don't care what "scientific studies" show, I'm a straight as an arrow female. I don't watch porn and even close my eyes or look away when two people of the same sex start to kiss.

    Wow, offensive. I hope you and your husband or something kiss in public and someone is just like 'ew, that man and woman are kissing' because that's how you're coming off as to the same sex couple. I'm bi. I can love and appreciate the bodies of both men and women. I've known since I was 12. For you to say something like that, well. I could say something extremely offensive about something dear to you, but i won't.

    My god why can't same-sex couples get a chance to just be happy without being judged?
  • Panda_Path
    Panda_Path Posts: 86 Member
    I am pansexual. This means I can get aroused by every combination of gender/sex/genitals there is. I made a chart once, and I think the total number of combinations was around 16.

    How I see it, your sexual orientation is based on what you want to have sex with. Just a penis or just a vagina turns you on? Heterosexual/homosexual. Vaginas AND penises turn you on? Bisexual (bi=2). Vaginas, penises, AND genitals that belong to a transgendered person that are in an in-between zone or genitals that might not really even be there or that do not fit neatly into a category? Pansexual (pan=all).

    If you are a woman and like feminine men you are NOT bisexual. You still like that penis. Also, some homosexual people would not be interested in having sex with a transgendered person, even if that person looks the same sex/gender. It's all about the groin, and what turns you on. Some people simply do not get sexually aroused at all, those people are asexual.
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,366 Member
    I think more women see sexuality as fluid. I also think more women will love another person due to their attributes rather then their sex/attractiveness. I also think as women get older they are more honest about their sexuality. I am straight and married but I would not have NOT been with a woman if I had fallen for one, just never happened nor did I ever find one that I felt that way for.

    I have to agree with what your saying on the bases that I didnt fall for my first girlfriend until I was 21.
    Was the type of girl that most of the straight females on here say they are.... I loved the female body but was never sexually attracted to a female.
    It wasnt something I ever expected to happen but it happened.
    At some point I had to let myself be okay with the fact that I liked a women. We dated for awhile and I even fell in love with her. That relationship didnt last and I dated my ex boyfriend for a few years but along the way I gained feelings for a 2nd female but it never worked out in my favor (she was lesbian so it wasnt a "straight" turn down. lol). Even though I have only been sexually and emotionally attracted to 2 females in my life I still have found to call myself pansexual because I have learned that its not the gender that ive fallen in love with the personality of the person inside that body.
    I am single now and ive come across a few females and males who have grabbed my attention.
    My preference for gender, there isnt one.
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    Nope! I don't care what "scientific studies" show, I'm a straight as an arrow female. I don't watch porn and even close my eyes or look away when two people of the same sex start to kiss.

    :sad: Oh how sad for you.
    Do you watch straight people kiss? Are you anti-gay or just anti-kissing?