Tried to eat more it does not work



  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Tania, why are you being so stubborn? And if everything is so wonderful and great for you, why are you on here posting about it? If you want input from others and take the time to post... why not try to take some of these things to heart?

    You are wasting yours and others' time if you come here, post what you think works, and then argue with everyone about it... WTF?

    You need to educate yourself on TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and RMR (resting metabolic rate). When you eat below your RMR you are screwing things up! Plain & simple.

    I am reading what everyone has been saying if you will look. I am not stubborn at all...I have educated myself with TDEE and RMR...That is why l have the post to read what another people have to say and then try something different and see if it works for me and my life..

    Ok, serious question for you.

    What do you think your actual TDEE is and what deficit are you aiming for?
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Tania, why are you being so stubborn? And if everything is so wonderful and great for you, why are you on here posting about it? If you want input from others and take the time to post... why not try to take some of these things to heart?

    You are wasting yours and others' time if you come here, post what you think works, and then argue with everyone about it... WTF?

    You need to educate yourself on TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) and RMR (resting metabolic rate). When you eat below your RMR you are screwing things up! Plain & simple.

    I am reading what everyone has been saying if you will look. I am not stubborn at all...I have educated myself with TDEE and RMR...That is why l have the post to read what another people have to say and then try something different and see if it works for me and my life..

    Ok, serious question for you.

    What do you think your actual TDEE is and what deficit are you aiming for?

    My TDEE is 2390 and l am aiming for around 1200-1400 calories a day
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I have now looked into a lot of things in the last couple of days..

    MY TDEE : 2390

    BMI: 30% - like to be (25%)

    RMR: 1527

    BMR : 1542

    Calories Burn per Day: 2600

    Body Fat: 31kgs

    Lean Body mass: 51kgs
  • moodymarble
    moodymarble Posts: 182 Member
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    How much do you exercise? There needs to be a balance you can't expect to function if your eating 1200 day in and day out.

    are you not following the thread? 2-3 hours a day.

    Am no l am not following the tread 2-3 hours a day..


    She meant the two to three hours per day as a response to how much you exercise each day. Not how long you are reading this forum thread.

  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    How much do you exercise? There needs to be a balance you can't expect to function if your eating 1200 day in and day out.

    are you not following the thread? 2-3 hours a day.

    Am no l am not following the tread 2-3 hours a day..


    She meant the two to three hours per day as a response to how much you exercise each day. Not how long you are reading this forum thread.


    Right thanks for that..Yes l do exercise 2-3 hours per day on some days it can be more due to going out and l have to walk everywhere..Like l did today and walked for 120 mins maybe more as l was out from 12-6pm and was walking most of the time
  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    If you "can't" eat more now, what makes you think you'll be able to eat more at a lower weight?
    because l will be doing it slowly not in all one go
    Why, then, will it not work to up it slowly now if it will work for maintenance later? You are contradicting yourself here. If you will gain when you up calories by 300 now, you will gain when you up calories by 300 later.

    I did not say l had gain weight l have not lost the weight l have stayed the same

    Then stick at it, it takes a while and that means months not days. I mean how long did it take for you to put the weight on? Your body needs time to change, it took mine a while.

    One thing that I'm not sure of is your height or weight, how much do you need to lose? Judging by your avatar not that much unless it's an older photo.

    You say when you get to your healthy weight you will eat a normal amount of calories but such a large jump could cause you to gain. In my experience of eating under for 7 years I kept the weight loss for two and gained for five, not because I was eating loads of food but because I was eating around 700-1500 more than when I was dieting. You won't be getting the nutrients you need and in a while you won't have the energy to exercise and will need to cut more calories to lose. I am telling you this from experience and not from just reading what everyone else says. I started this site eating under what I should but I changed my ways, I've been a member since mid January.

    Shows like The Biggest Loser make weight loss in to a competition especially the US version. They are under strict supervision vlcd work with people who have a serious amount to lose, like double their weight, if it's life threatening in a an immediate way to do it rather than in the long term. The weight loss is quick and it usually shows in their body tone so your looking at having a good body in theory but not in practice, no matter how much exercise you do it will show, you are also at risk of stretch marks which are caused when the body changes rapidly, not just when gaining but also losing.
  • caroleslaststand
    caroleslaststand Posts: 178 Member
    If your body gets used to eating so little, what do u think will happen when you start eating normal again? Not going to be able to maintain just gain! good luck on your journey and hopefully you can become a healthier you!

    I was eating only around 500 calories before so l am eating lots more and my body is happy now with this amount everyday.

    I tried to eat more and l just would be sick in the tummy with pain as l was putting to much food in my body. I will not be doing that any more.

    ultimately this is YOUR goal and YOUR challenge and YOUR life, you definitely need to do what you think is best for YOU. A 2000 calorie diet is what the average person should consume, that is what all nutrition labels are based on, sometimes that is not even enough.
    Before you blow everyone off I would consult a physician to ensure you are doing what’s right and healthy for your plan and diet. No use in losing all that weight just to get sick.

    Thanks l have seen my local physician and he agrees that l am to be on 1200 calories a day and workout at least for 1 hour a day but l do workout more because of my busy life.

    My doctor told me the same thing, I chose not to listen to her and ate about 1700 cals a day, I lost a lot of weight doing this. What made me mad is that after losing all this weight she would still tell me to eat 1200 calories :mad:

    I was told once that unless a Doctor chooses the field of practicing weightloss, regular studies for Doctors on weightloss adds up to very little, meaning they just follow the same old rules of thumb of eating less to lose weight. They haven't begun to explore the new theories, of fueling ours bodies to lose weight.

    This is so true. I was diagnosed with diabetes last year and handed a booklet with the 'recommended diet". I hadn't found MFP yet, but I knew it wasn't healthy to eat 1000 calories a day. I threw the booklet away, told the doc that she's pushing a diet that is going to ruin people's lives and that if she has patients who have been struggling with the diet, that should be a clue. She seemed embarrassed, but it's a standard procedure to give that diet to diabetics and she doesn't know any better. The only way I can show her that there's another way to do this is to show up for routine blood work in a few months and let her see what I accomplished. That is, if I get over this current hump and start losing again. It's not because I ate my calories. It's because I ate my calories for the next month in about 4 or 5 days. I do exaggerate, but I had a set back. It was not worth it and I'll do just about anything to keep it from happening again. I need a whole new approach to disappointment and depression.
  • EgyptianMushroom
    EgyptianMushroom Posts: 341 Member
    Here's my input while I read some of the links!

    I average about 1800-2200 calories on workout days and around 1700 on rest days. I upped it because after working out 45 minutes 6 days a week my metabolism was obnoxiously high and I always had the munchies. :laugh:

    I didn't see the scale budge until last week but I've been following the inches lost (13 as of last week) instead. It took about 3 weeks for the scale to drop.

    Whatever works for you in a healthy way, go for it!
    I just upped because I was hungry all the time. :flowerforyou:
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    If you "can't" eat more now, what makes you think you'll be able to eat more at a lower weight?
    because l will be doing it slowly not in all one go
    Why, then, will it not work to up it slowly now if it will work for maintenance later? You are contradicting yourself here. If you will gain when you up calories by 300 now, you will gain when you up calories by 300 later.

    I did not say l had gain weight l have not lost the weight l have stayed the same

    Then stick at it, it takes a while and that means months not days. I mean how long did it take for you to put the weight on? Your body needs time to change, it took mine a while.

    One thing that I'm not sure of is your height or weight, how much do you need to lose? Judging by your avatar not that much unless it's an older photo.

    You say when you get to your healthy weight you will eat a normal amount of calories but such a large jump could cause you to gain. In my experience of eating under for 7 years I kept the weight loss for two and gained for five, not because I was eating loads of food but because I was eating around 700-1500 more than when I was dieting. You won't be getting the nutrients you need and in a while you won't have the energy to exercise and will need to cut more calories to lose. I am telling you this from experience and not from just reading what everyone else says. I started this site eating under what I should but I changed my ways, I've been a member since mid January.

    Shows like The Biggest Loser make weight loss in to a competition especially the US version. They are under strict supervision vlcd work with people who have a serious amount to lose, like double their weight, if it's life threatening in a an immediate way to do it rather than in the long term. The weight loss is quick and it usually shows in their body tone so your looking at having a good body in theory but not in practice, no matter how much exercise you do it will show, you are also at risk of stretch marks which are caused when the body changes rapidly, not just when gaining but also losing.

    Thanks for this l will take this into account what you have said very much.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Here's my input while I read some of the links!

    I average about 1800-2200 calories on workout days and around 1700 on rest days. I upped it because after working out 45 minutes 6 days a week my metabolism was obnoxiously high and I always had the munchies. :laugh:

    I didn't see the scale budge until last week but I've been following the inches lost (13 as of last week) instead. It took about 3 weeks for the scale to drop.

    Whatever works for you in a healthy way, go for it!
    I just upped because I was hungry all the time. :flowerforyou:

    I am going to slowly up my calories intake but only slowly until l get use to it and see what happens as l am losing ins without any problems

    Waist from 110cms-88cms
    Hips from 120cms-99cms

    So going good with the ins..
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    I have now looked into a lot of things in the last couple of days..

    MY TDEE : 2390

    BMI: 30% - like to be (25%)

    RMR: 1527

    BMR : 1542

    Calories Burn per Day: 2600

    Body Fat: 31kgs

    Lean Body mass: 51kgs

    So, if your daily calorie burn is 2600, a sensible deficit under 2600 will result in weight loss

    Eating at 2100 will be a 500 calorie defict which should give you a lb a week loss
    Eating at 1600 calories, which is still over your BMR will give you a 1000 calorie deficit to lose 2lb per week,

    If you are currently eating 1200, that means a defict of 1400 means you should be losing 3lbs per week if it were just a matter of straight maths.

    Unfortunately eating at 1200 is actually less than 50% of your daily requirements and even according to the much quoted minnesota experiment, that is actually starvation eating.

    You need to reassess your exercise regime - take a rest day now and again, let your body and muscles repair.
    Make sure you are eating enought protein to mainatin your lean mass.

    Also, you may find this article usefull -

    Good luck.
  • runlaugheatpie
    runlaugheatpie Posts: 376 Member
    Okay, so don't eat back your exercise calories and don't eat enough for your body to do it's job. Why are you even posting about it then? Is eating too little working for you? Fabulous. Continue starving yourself then.

    I could not have answered this more brilliantly!!

    I get wanting to eat 1200 calories and if that works, it works for you. But NOT eating back calories burned (at least some) means you have NO FUEL for your body. Why not just drive your car around too without gas or oil, see how far you get.

    by the way, I have not read the entire thread (for those of you who find that irritating, sorry, no can do at this time)
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I haven't lost any weight in a couple of months by eating more, but I've lost two pants sizes. It works, just sometimes not the way you'd like (and weight isn't everything).
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Here's my input while I read some of the links!

    I average about 1800-2200 calories on workout days and around 1700 on rest days. I upped it because after working out 45 minutes 6 days a week my metabolism was obnoxiously high and I always had the munchies. :laugh:

    I didn't see the scale budge until last week but I've been following the inches lost (13 as of last week) instead. It took about 3 weeks for the scale to drop.

    Whatever works for you in a healthy way, go for it!
    I just upped because I was hungry all the time. :flowerforyou:

    I am going to slowly up my calories intake but only slowly until l get use to it and see what happens as l am losing ins without any problems

    Waist from 110cms-88cms
    Hips from 120cms-99cms

    So going good with the ins..

    The inches lost are a much better indicator of your progress than a number on a scale.
    keep measuring your body, and your fat%. Nodody sees the number on the scale, but everyone can see your body shape changing.

    Also, what activity level did you chose on MFP?

    All that exercise and walking you should be on an active level, definitely not sedentary.
  • Hoakiebs
    Hoakiebs Posts: 430 Member
    I've just checked your diary - I'm not sure why you think you are eating more.

    Some days you aren't even netting 500 calories.

    Go to reports, nutrition, net calories - it's the net calories that should be over 1200, you are way under.
    Actually, she's netting NEGATIVE calories on many days, and several hundred on others. This is just not a healthy way to go about it, and it's a good thing the site is not responsible for you decisions. It's easy to say what people are telling you isn't working when you've never even tried it, because you don't understand what we're saying.

    Here is an article you may want to read by a fitness expert:
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Here's my input while I read some of the links!

    I average about 1800-2200 calories on workout days and around 1700 on rest days. I upped it because after working out 45 minutes 6 days a week my metabolism was obnoxiously high and I always had the munchies. :laugh:

    I didn't see the scale budge until last week but I've been following the inches lost (13 as of last week) instead. It took about 3 weeks for the scale to drop.

    Whatever works for you in a healthy way, go for it!

    I just upped because I was hungry all the time. :flowerforyou:

    I am going to slowly up my calories intake but only slowly until l get use to it and see what happens as l am losing ins without any problems

    Waist from 110cms-88cms
    Hips from 120cms-99cms

    So going good with the ins..

    The inches lost are a much better indicator of your progress than a number on a scale.
    keep measuring your body, and your fat%. Nodody sees the number on the scale, but everyone can see your body shape changing.

    Also, what activity level did you chose on MFP?

    All that exercise and walking you should be on an active level, definitely not sedentary.

    Thanks so much for all of your help you have been giving me..
  • surferfreak07
    surferfreak07 Posts: 221 Member
    All I can say is your calorie intake scares me. I haven't read the other comments but I'm hoping somebody has pointed out that all you will be losing is LBM. If you keep eating like that you'll develop a damaged metabolism. I incresed my calories to 1800 4 weeks ago and I've lost 5.5 inches in that time!
  • mangozulu
    mangozulu Posts: 90 Member
    I was eating more food as everyone was telling me to do so. But l have not loss any weight in the last 3 weeks by eating more. So now l am going back to eating under 1200 cals a day as l was losing the weight then without any problems.

    I think you do really need to listen to your body and that will let you know if you need more fuel or not.

    FINALLY! Someone who's making sense on this site! People keep telling me to eat more too. I just ignore them.

    me too! lol
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Here's my input while I read some of the links!

    I average about 1800-2200 calories on workout days and around 1700 on rest days. I upped it because after working out 45 minutes 6 days a week my metabolism was obnoxiously high and I always had the munchies. :laugh:

    I didn't see the scale budge until last week but I've been following the inches lost (13 as of last week) instead. It took about 3 weeks for the scale to drop.

    Whatever works for you in a healthy way, go for it!
    I just upped because I was hungry all the time. :flowerforyou:

    I am going to slowly up my calories intake but only slowly until l get use to it and see what happens as l am losing ins without any problems

    Waist from 110cms-88cms
    Hips from 120cms-99cms

    So going good with the ins..

    The inches lost are a much better indicator of your progress than a number on a scale.
    keep measuring your body, and your fat%. Nodody sees the number on the scale, but everyone can see your body shape changing.

    Also, what activity level did you chose on MFP?

    All that exercise and walking you should be on an active level, definitely not sedentary.

    Your Daily Summary

    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1200 1227 - 1803 -576
    News Feed — All Updates View Summary

    So how much should I have to eat today this is the daily summary for today..