Tried to eat more it does not work



  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    It always surprises me when people say that they just can't fit in all of their calories alloted by MFP for the day. C'mon most of us are here because we ate too much/didn't exercise enough. STRANGE.
  • angelaclassact
    angelaclassact Posts: 66 Member
    I think you need to eat more whole foods and vegetables. And, what are you doing to burn so many calories? Do you wear a HRM? If not, I suggest investing in one. The 'estimates' on MFP for activity don't seem to be accurate. And while a HRM isn't 100% accurate, it is more accurate than the estimates on MFP. That being said, your body needs fuel for the activity, so feed it, don't starve it.

    Also, if you've been 'starving' yourself for awhile, it is going to take awhile for your metabolism to bounce back.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    I had the same problem. When I was eating more, I was at a plateau. Then I began cross checking it with other data. I checked Health Canada to see what I should be eating for someone my age and my activity level. The recommendation was 1650 calories, which is where the automated MFP had set me at. But at 204 lbs, I needed to lose, not maintain.

    Health Canada:

    So I went on line, and found a few websites that recommended that I eat 1200 calories. So I re-set MFP at 1250, and if I stick to eating between 1200 and 1300, I lose. And to lose, I NEED to exercise, but not eat back the calories.

    I figure that eating at a 400 calorie deficit, and losing slowly is what I need to do. I eat healthy, whole foods all cooked from scratch and not empty calories, so that I am not hungry. This is unlike WW where I was hungry all the time, lost 30 pounds, and was so ravenous when I reached goal that I gained everything back at the rate of 2 lbs per month.

    So, the lesson from all this, is what works if you are a 62 year old mainly sedentary senior is probably not suited for a super-active working mom of 30. So, check out different sources and find out what you need.

    Thanks l totally agree with you.

    What works for someone young does not work for someone at my age...

    I'm 51 and female. It's working for me. 17 lbs so far.
    I don't even do any exercise really. Just a walk here and there. Very sporadic.
    I love eating 2000 calories per day AND losing weight.

    This is the approximate calorie level that it will take for me to maintain my goal weight and activity level.
    Eating this way now makes things more comfortable and will be effortless to ease in to maintenance. I'll already have had lots of practice.

    Why not start to eat like your future self, now?
  • reddi2roll
    reddi2roll Posts: 356 Member
    I've just checked your diary - I'm not sure why you think you are eating more.

    Some days you aren't even netting 500 calories.

    Go to reports, nutrition, net calories - it's the net calories that should be over 1200, you are way under.

    Thank you for that info. I didn't know that was there. Good to know.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member

    I am not sure what you are on, but l am not killing myself.

    I have been to Jenny Craig and they had me on 1200 calories a day with 1 hour of exercise..

    Doing the same as if l was still with Jenny Craig

    I am fit and very health by all blood test done and a full check up with my doctor..

    Did Jennie Craig have you eating half your calories as junk food, or was it nutritious food?
    did they have you exercising 2-3 hours a day?

    Sorry, but you're not doing the same as if you were still with JC.
    Agreed.. I'm not here to rag on you but looking at your diary... I think you are WAY over training..3x a day 30 day shred is too much IMO.. are you training for the Olympics or what? Especially for the amount of calories you are eating ,which probably would be the right amount if you were only doing your 30 day shred once a day and taking at least one rest day a week.Honestly I am really suprised you are able to function at that level....sorry I don't mean to sound harsh but I am really wondering why you feel the need to push yourself so hard.. I know that shows like the biggest loser encourages this kind of very little calories and work out like mad and it works.. on tv.. short term..but how are they doing 5 years later.. how is their health???.I personally don't feel that is a healthy way of losing weight long term. I am not a doctor just an ex yo-yo dieter that went to extremes to lose only to gain it all back + more and wreaked my metabolism and my health..
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    I have a serious question for the OP:

    What is your plan once you reach your goal weight? Do you plan on your calories in to equal the calories you burn by exercising? (I'm using the information you presented earlier, how you need to burn 500 more calories by exercise than you consume, to be at a deficit). :smile:

    I plan on eating around 2200 calories once up at my goal weight, but will not be doing it all in one go will slowly eat more everyday to get the the calories goal.

    If you "can't" eat more now, what makes you think you'll be able to eat more at a lower weight?
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    It always surprises me when people say that they just can't fit in all of their calories alloted by MFP for the day. C'mon most of us are here because we ate too much/didn't exercise enough. STRANGE.

    No l did not eat to much l was only eating back in the day around 500-700 calories until l got onto this site and started to put in what l was eating per day as l thought l was eating to much back then, but l wasn't. I was exercising a lot as l have too..WALK car
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I have a serious question for the OP:

    What is your plan once you reach your goal weight? Do you plan on your calories in to equal the calories you burn by exercising? (I'm using the information you presented earlier, how you need to burn 500 more calories by exercise than you consume, to be at a deficit). :smile:

    I plan on eating around 2200 calories once up at my goal weight, but will not be doing it all in one go will slowly eat more everyday to get the the calories goal.

    If you "can't" eat more now, what makes you think you'll be able to eat more at a lower weight?

    because l will be doing it slowly not in all one go
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    But what I really want to know is how you are burning consistently more than 1000 calories, often over 1500, a day with exercise. Wow, you must exercise for hours! I am truly curious and would love to know.
  • Birder150
    Birder150 Posts: 677 Member
    You could eat at your goal weight maintenance level now and lose weight comfortably and not have to make a transition in to maintenance.
    You'll already be well practiced at it by the time you reach it.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member

    I am not sure what you are on, but l am not killing myself.

    I have been to Jenny Craig and they had me on 1200 calories a day with 1 hour of exercise..

    Doing the same as if l was still with Jenny Craig

    I am fit and very health by all blood test done and a full check up with my doctor..

    Did Jennie Craig have you eating half your calories as junk food, or was it nutritious food?
    did they have you exercising 2-3 hours a day?

    Sorry, but you're not doing the same as if you were still with JC.
    Agreed.. I'm not here to rag on you but looking at your diary... I think you are WAY over training..3x a day 30 day shred is too much IMO.. are you training for the Olympics or what? Especially for the amount of calories you are eating ,which probably would be the right amount if you were only doing your 30 day shred once a day and taking at least one rest day a week.Honestly I am really suprised you are able to function at that level....sorry I don't mean to sound harsh but I am really wondering why you feel the need to push yourself so hard.. I know that shows like the biggest loser encourages this kind of very little calories and work out like mad and it works.. on tv.. short term..but how are they doing 5 years later.. how is their health???.I personally don't feel that is a healthy way of losing weight long term. I am not a doctor just and ex yo-yo dieter that went to extremes to lose only to gain it all back + more and wreaked my metabolism and my health..

    I love to exercise it makes me feel good and gives me lots of energy for the day as l do it at 5 am in the morning before the kids are out of bed..And l do not think you are being harsh at all.

    I feel so good within myself and so much stronger that l just love doing it.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    But what I really want to know is how you are burning consistently more than 1000 calories, often over 1500, a day with exercise. Wow, you must exercise for hours! I am truly curious and would love to know.

    I workout 2-3 hours per day and if l need to go out which l do everyday l have to walk to the shops or the school for the kids..Do not own a car..
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    If you "can't" eat more now, what makes you think you'll be able to eat more at a lower weight?
    because l will be doing it slowly not in all one go
    Why, then, will it not work to up it slowly now if it will work for maintenance later? You are contradicting yourself here. If you will gain when you up calories by 300 now, you will gain when you up calories by 300 later.
  • Nucky719
    Nucky719 Posts: 143
    It always surprises me when people say that they just can't fit in all of their calories alloted by MFP for the day. C'mon most of us are here because we ate too much/didn't exercise enough. STRANGE.

  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    If you "can't" eat more now, what makes you think you'll be able to eat more at a lower weight?
    because l will be doing it slowly not in all one go
    Why, then, will it not work to up it slowly now if it will work for maintenance later? You are contradicting yourself here. If you will gain when you up calories by 300 now, you will gain when you up calories by 300 later.

    I did not say l had gain weight l have not lost the weight l have stayed the same
  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    But what I really want to know is how you are burning consistently more than 1000 calories, often over 1500, a day with exercise. Wow, you must exercise for hours! I am truly curious and would love to know.

    I workout 2-3 hours per day and if l need to go out which l do everyday l have to walk to the shops or the school for the kids..Do not own a car..
    Thanks for that, that explains it. Good luck to you and well done for remaining a lady amongst all of the comments you are receiving.
  • chicpeach
    chicpeach Posts: 302 Member
    It is wise to make the effort to adjust to eating more calories while losing weight. If you continue to under eat in order to lose weight, what do you expect will happen when you're at goal weight?

    I can tell you: the weight will pack on. Why? You won't have the muscle mass to support healthy eating. It's important to retain your lean body mass as much as possible while losing weight so that you can maintain your goal weight once you get there.
  • dalgal26
    dalgal26 Posts: 781 Member
    Talk to your doctor...... and then the two of you, make a decision based on what is right for YOUR body. Every person is different. Some exercise more, some have better metabolisms, some eat different foods. Even our individual health issues play an important role in how we lose weight. You have to find what is unique to you and your situation.:smile:

    I listen, I take it all in, but at the end of the day, I trust what works for me. Only you know your body and what works for it. :smile:

    Wishing you great success in your journey to a healthier you! You can do this! :flowerforyou:
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Talk to your doctor...... and then the two of you, make a decision based on what is right for YOUR body. Every person is different. Some exercise more, some have better metabolisms, some eat different foods. Even our individual health issues play an important role in how we lose weight. You have to find what is unique to you and your situation.:smile:

    I listen, I take it all in, but at the end of the day, I trust what works for me. Only you know your body and what works for it. :smile:

    Wishing you great success in your journey to a healthier you! You can do this! :flowerforyou:

    That is why l did post this to listen to another people and see what works for them and what they are doing. And yes the only why is to listen to your body and feed it when you need too.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    First of all I don't think losing 38 lbs since I've been on here is fast or unhealthy! I'm not down and depressed and l am losing ins. So if you like and can consume 2000 calories a day more power to you.

    The thing with me is that since dieting my stomach has shrunk, so forcing myself to eat more (hence, stretch my stomach back out) just to statisfy MFP's goals which they think is right for me is downright crazy!! If I'm not hungry I'm not going to eat just to push my numbers back up. That's it.