Tried to eat more it does not work



  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I was eating more food as everyone was telling me to do so. But l have not loss any weight in the last 3 weeks by eating more. So now l am going back to eating under 1200 cals a day as l was losing the weight then without any problems.

    I think you do really need to listen to your body and that will let you know if you need more fuel or not.

    FINALLY! Someone who's making sense on this site! People keep telling me to eat more too. I just ignore them.

    me too! lol

    All l am doing it trying to get it right so that l am able to be healthy and fit to live longer that is all. And what is best for me..
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????

    I can't tell since you have locked your diary, but when it was open, I saw candy and cookies.


    I see that you are heating several healthy items each day in addition to a few things I that could be considered junk food (the instant single pizzas and the ice cream) but, just as important...the bottom of your diary has a sum total of your calories consumed, the recommended calories, and the difference between the two numbers. How can you allow there to be such a huge deficit between the recommended MFP plan and the actual amount consumed...and then say the plan doesn't work?

    I think you could do this if you just match the numbers quite a bit closer.

    I know I am just reiterating what has been posted previously by a few, but I would like to see you reach your weight loss goal and I think the plan for safe, effective weight loss has been laid out for you and you are simply not following it.

    I understand you are busy with kids and businesses and you fit a lot into your day. If I had your diet and your schedule, I believe I would actually enjoy eating the calories I needed to reach my daily goal. Again, just my opinion.

    Anyway, I hope you figure out what works for you and that you stay healthy and reach your ultimate weight goal with a smile.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Your Daily Summary

    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1200 1227 - 1803 -576
    News Feed — All Updates View Summary

    So how much should I have to eat today this is the daily summary for today..

    Another 1776, but you could make that much easier on yourself by not exercising as much. That also assumes you are measuring your burn correctly.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Your Daily Summary

    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1200 1227 - 1803 -576
    News Feed — All Updates View Summary

    So how much should I have to eat today this is the daily summary for today..

    Another 1776, but you could make that much easier on yourself by not exercising as much. That also assumes you are measuring your burn correctly.


    Yes it is measured right my exercise for today as it was a busy day with 2x DS and then walking everywhere that l had to do before easter day tomorrow..
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Your Daily Summary

    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1200 1227 - 1803 -576
    News Feed — All Updates View Summary

    So how much should I have to eat today this is the daily summary for today..

    Another 1776, but you could make that much easier on yourself by not exercising as much. That also assumes you are measuring your burn correctly.

    So how am l too do that when l am able to go to bed as it is 8pm and l go to bed at 9pm..I do not wish to eat that much before bed and l am not hungry after the big dinner l had
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member

    Your diary shows plenty of junk food, and very little food for a whole day. so your example is not the healthiest, at all.

    not sure were all this junk food is at????

    I can't tell since you have locked your diary, but when it was open, I saw candy and cookies.


    I see that you are heating several healthy items each day in addition to a few things I that could be considered junk food (the instant single pizzas and the ice cream) but, just as important...the bottom of your diary has a sum total of your calories consumed, the recommended calories, and the difference between the two numbers. How can you allow there to be such a huge deficit between the recommended MFP plan and the actual amount consumed...and then say the plan doesn't work?

    I think you could do this if you just match the numbers quite a bit closer.

    I know I am just reiterating what has been posted previously by a few, but I would like to see you reach your weight loss goal and I think the plan for safe, effective weight loss has been laid out for you and you are simply not following it.

    I understand you are busy with kids and businesses and you fit a lot into your day. If I had your diet and your schedule, I believe I would actually enjoy eating the calories I needed to reach my daily goal. Again, just my opinion.

    Anyway, I hope you figure out what works for you and that you stay healthy and reach your ultimate weight goal with a smile.

    The instant single pizzas and the ice cream is not really junk food to what l was eating like a block of chocolate everyday and then chips on top of that with take away fish and chips..
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Your Daily Summary

    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1200 1227 - 1803 -576
    News Feed — All Updates View Summary

    So how much should I have to eat today this is the daily summary for today..

    Another 1776, but you could make that much easier on yourself by not exercising as much. That also assumes you are measuring your burn correctly.

    So how am l too do that when l am able to go to bed as it is 8pm and l go to bed at 9pm..I do not wish to eat that much before bed and l am not hungry after the big dinner l had

    Then it isn't possible today, but you need to slowly work your way up to netting at least the 1200 MFP has set for you. You don't have to push it all in at the end of the day - start adding 100 calories here and there from the moment you wake up - and as I said, another 1776 on top of the 1227 you've already eaten would be almost impossible to eat back, so don't be afraid to cut back on your exercise by quite a bit and reduce the amount of calories you burn - you're doing a lot if you're measuring accurately.

    I know some have told you not to go for the junk, but I personally don't see a problem with a little to boost your calories, as long as the rest of your food is nutritional.
  • ladyraven68
    ladyraven68 Posts: 2,003 Member
    Your Daily Summary

    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1200 1227 - 1803 -576
    News Feed — All Updates View Summary

    So how much should I have to eat today this is the daily summary for today..

    Another 1776, but you could make that much easier on yourself by not exercising as much. That also assumes you are measuring your burn correctly.

    So how am l too do that when l am able to go to bed as it is 8pm and l go to bed at 9pm..I do not wish to eat that much before bed and l am not hungry after the big dinner l had

    you need to spread it out more and plan your day better - try logging everything the day before, and then you see exactly how much you need to add to each meal to get you higher so that you don't have a large amount left at teh end of the day.

    Increasing your calories does not mean eating a higher volume of foods - add olive oil/butter when you cook. Change low fat foods for their higher fat but less processed equivalents, add some grated cheese to your salads, add in some nuts and seeds.
  • stephenatl09
    stephenatl09 Posts: 186 Member
    LOL..I can't believe there are 16 pages of trying to talk someone into something when their mind seems to be made up already....
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Your Daily Summary

    Goal Food Exercise = Net
    1200 1227 - 1803 -576
    News Feed — All Updates View Summary

    So how much should I have to eat today this is the daily summary for today..

    Another 1776, but you could make that much easier on yourself by not exercising as much. That also assumes you are measuring your burn correctly.

    So how am l too do that when l am able to go to bed as it is 8pm and l go to bed at 9pm..I do not wish to eat that much before bed and l am not hungry after the big dinner l had

    you need to spread it out more and plan your day better - try logging everything the day before, and then you see exactly how much you need to add to each meal to get you higher so that you don't have a large amount left at teh end of the day.

    Increasing your calories does not mean eating a higher volume of foods - add olive oil/butter when you cook. Change low fat foods for their higher fat but less processed equivalents, add some grated cheese to your salads, add in some nuts and seeds.

    Thanks for that will be giving it a go..
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    LOL..I can't believe there are 16 pages of trying to talk someone into something when their mind seems to be made up already....

    Will you had to have a say that is why there is so many pages...
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member

    There's one other thing I wanted to ask. (Meant as curiosity, not as nastiness!)

    Some of your portion sizes are a bit odd. For example, yesterday dinner, you had 100g chicken, 25g rice, 1 tablespoon of carrots and 1 broccoli floret. Did you really measure all of these that precisely? That is an extremely small amount of carrots and broccoli.

    The reason I'm asking is that I have accidentally mislogged my food diary before when I chose the first serving size that came up. If this really is what you're eating, that's okay -- just you want to be sure that's correct when you try balancing calorie intake.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member

    There's one other thing I wanted to ask. (Meant as curiosity, not as nastiness!)

    Some of your portion sizes are a bit odd. For example, yesterday dinner, you had 100g chicken, 25g rice, 1 tablespoon of carrots and 1 broccoli floret. Did you really measure all of these that precisely? That is an extremely small amount of carrots and broccoli.

    The reason I'm asking is that I have accidentally mislogged my food diary before when I chose the first serving size that came up. If this really is what you're eating, that's okay -- just you want to be sure that's correct when you try balancing calorie intake.
    That and 100g of chicken isn't even a whole, good sized, breast. And 25g of rice after cooking is absolutely nothing at all. 60g of Basmati is 180g once it's cooked.
  • tabulator32
    tabulator32 Posts: 701 Member
    Thanks so much for all of your help you have been giving me..

    Looking forward to hearing how it goes a week or two from now.
  • lilojoke
    lilojoke Posts: 427 Member
    How much do you exercise? There needs to be a balance you can't expect to function if your eating 1200 day in and day out.

    are you not following the thread? 2-3 hours a day.

    Actually no because I have better things to do rather then follow some thread. ;)
  • melissa221979
    melissa221979 Posts: 34 Member
    All i want to say is I really hope you are not passing your unhealthy eating and exercise habits onto your children. Sadly I fear you may be
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I have now looked into a lot of things in the last couple of days..

    MY TDEE : 2390

    BMI: 30% - like to be (25%)

    RMR: 1527

    BMR : 1542

    Calories Burn per Day: 2600

    Body Fat: 31kgs

    Lean Body mass: 51kgs

    See now I have to come back because she has the info to lose fat but insists on losing lean mass!

    TDEE 2390-20%=1912!!!!

    OP would lose 1lb a week if she ate 1912 daily with proper macronutrients!
    Protein and Fat at 30% she would shed fat!!!

    Do this....
    And eat 1900 calories!

    Then work out 3 times a week!


    How much are you feeding your kids?
    If they arent eating 2k a day i'm calling your government!!!!!
  • alexbusnello
    alexbusnello Posts: 1,010 Member
    This happened to me, too. I started eating more three weeks ago and noticed I got fatter! So I'm going back to what use to do and how I use to eat. I want to build some lean, strong muscle but i also want to lose the fat I've gained in the past three weeks.
  • Mom0fTwo
    Mom0fTwo Posts: 326 Member
    What were you eating more of? If your body is used to such a low calorie intake (>1200) it can take more than 3 weeks for it to adjust to having more fuel.

    I was eating the 1200, plateaued after a couple months decided to up it to 1400, in 3 weeks I gained 4 lbs, I was freaking out, then week 4-5 I lost all 4 of what I gained plus 2 more lbs.....sooo it works :)
  • dswood
    dswood Posts: 12
    Careful with eating under 1200 calories...that is considered starvation mode. Your body will hold on to the fat to nourish itself. I agree- I never lost weight by eating more, but my trainer told me something that works.
    Your body has a great memory= it gets accustomed to your exercise routine and eating habits. She told me to shake it up by eating more calories than normal one day, then lower than normal the next.
    Also- remember that diet is not immediate.....I find that I can eat alot without gaining an ounce, but a few weeks later, it catches up with me!
    Good luck!