Tried to eat more it does not work



  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
  • fugaj01
    fugaj01 Posts: 171 Member
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    I have now looked into a lot of things in the last couple of days..

    MY TDEE : 2390

    BMI: 30% - like to be (25%)

    RMR: 1527

    BMR : 1542

    Calories Burn per Day: 2600

    Body Fat: 31kgs

    Lean Body mass: 51kgs

    The key is here. Use it.

    When you NET below your BMR... you are screwing yourself. Your body needs a minimum of protein & fat. Pay attention to this!!! Carbs are nonessential. Do not go below a 20% deficit. That means... eat between the high end of 2390 & the low end of 1912.

    AGAIN: Eat between 1912 and 2390. Boom. The miracles of the cosmos unraveled for you. Eat no less than 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass. Do NOT ignore this last part.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Will everyone l have been listening to you and have up my calories today and so far so good but l am feeling very fully though.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Will everyone l have been listening to you and have up my calories today and so far so good but l am feeling very fully though.

    1100 calories burned today by exercise (according to your logging)
    1500 RMR
    = 2600 TDEE so far
    You've eaten 1400, which leaves about 600 calories to be eaten.

    You have NOT met your goal of a minimum of 1900 calories, Tania. Actually, you need around 2000. You need to focus on hitting 1900 minimum, according to your TDEE calculation. To do this, you need to get a minimum of 112g of protein and around 50-60 grams of fat. After you get those, you can add in carbs... remember, carbs are nonessential but your body NEEDS a minimum of fat & protein for vital functions. Once you are feeding your body what it needs, it will begin to shed the fat, given that you remain consistently within your calorie deficit which seems to be 1900 - 2300 range.
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    Will everyone l have been listening to you and have up my calories today and so far so good but l am feeling very fully though.

    Scrolling through your diary, you have eaten more today, that's a great job! I would try to eat this amount for a few days before upping it.

    Since you're already getting in so much exercise with walking, I would suggest on the days you walk, don't do the JM DVD's. If you don't walk, do the DVD, but know you don't have to do it three times. Once is good enough. Even twice if you're going to be hardcore. But three times is really excess IMHO.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Will everyone l have been listening to you and have up my calories today and so far so good but l am feeling very fully though.

    Scrolling through your diary, you have eaten more today, that's a great job! I would try to eat this amount for a few days before upping it.

    Since you're already getting in so much exercise with walking, I would suggest on the days you walk, don't do the JM DVD's. If you don't walk, do the DVD, but know you don't have to do it three times. Once is good enough. Even twice if you're going to be hardcore. But three times is really excess IMHO.

    Sorry but l just love doing and will be always doing JM DVD 3 times daily...Love the way it makes me feel when l have finished it..
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Will everyone l have been listening to you and have up my calories today and so far so good but l am feeling very fully though.

    1100 calories burned today by exercise (according to your logging)
    1500 RMR
    = 2600 TDEE so far
    You've eaten 1400, which leaves about 600 calories to be eaten.

    You have NOT met your goal of a minimum of 1900 calories, Tania. Actually, you need around 2000. You need to focus on hitting 1900 minimum, according to your TDEE calculation. To do this, you need to get a minimum of 112g of protein and around 50-60 grams of fat. After you get those, you can add in carbs... remember, carbs are nonessential but your body NEEDS a minimum of fat & protein for vital functions. Once you are feeding your body what it needs, it will begin to shed the fat, given that you remain consistently within your calorie deficit which seems to be 1900 - 2300 range.

    Maybe you need to really check the food that l have eaten today ..
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Sorry but l just love doing and will be always doing JM DVD 3 times daily...Love the way it makes me feel when l have finished it..

    Considering JM herself has come out and said that 30DS is something you shouldn't be doing every day, I can safely guarantee you shouldn't be doing it three times a day.

    I think you need to talk to your doctor. There are a lot of warning signs in this thread from your posts. Exercising for hours on end and severely cutting your calories is almost always a sign of an ED. What you're doing is not healthy in the slightest and you are doing your body long term damage.
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    If it helped you the last time, then why are you here AGAIN?
  • Jenjaz1910
    Jenjaz1910 Posts: 447 Member
    I've read through this post and I hope that you've taken some points from it! I've started upping my calories in the past few weeks and didn't lose a lb (until today) its a long process but rather that than quick and make yourself ill. It's a lifestyle change for LIFE not a diet :) I've just looked through your food diary and I noticed apart from water and some milk at breakfast there don't seem to be any drinks? Do you only drink water throughout the day?! Just a thought! Good luck with your journey x
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    oh jesus.
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I've read through this post and I hope that you've taken some points from it! I've started upping my calories in the past few weeks and didn't lose a lb (until today) its a long process but rather that than quick and make yourself ill. It's a lifestyle change for LIFE not a diet :) I've just looked through your food diary and I noticed apart from water and some milk at breakfast there don't seem to be any drinks? Do you only drink water throughout the day?! Just a thought! Good luck with your journey x

    Yes only water all day that is all l drink..And if you will read it right you will see that l have changed
  • Jessiep91
    I was eating more food as everyone was telling me to do so. But l have not loss any weight in the last 3 weeks by eating more. So now l am going back to eating under 1200 cals a day as l was losing the weight then without any problems.

    I think you do really need to listen to your body and that will let you know if you need more fuel or not.

    Depending on how long you have been eating like this it could take longer than 3 weeks to repair your metabolism. You shouldn't net anything less than your BMR. If you gain or don't lose weight for a while, don't sweat it. Its not a race, it's a lifestyle change.

    My bmr is around 1500 as if I'm going to net even near that
    Keep it up, you will lose if you keep it up!!! I did!!

    It took a little over a month to see a change!!
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    I was eating more food as everyone was telling me to do so. But l have not loss any weight in the last 3 weeks by eating more. So now l am going back to eating under 1200 cals a day as l was losing the weight then without any problems.

    I think you do really need to listen to your body and that will let you know if you need more fuel or not.

    Depending on how long you have been eating like this it could take longer than 3 weeks to repair your metabolism. You shouldn't net anything less than your BMR. If you gain or don't lose weight for a while, don't sweat it. Its not a race, it's a lifestyle change.

    My bmr is around 1500 as if I'm going to net even near that
    Keep it up, you will lose if you keep it up!!! I did!!

    It took a little over a month to see a change!!

    Yes l know that now and am letting it go a bit longer to see if there is a change, but l am losing ins so that is great...
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    If it helped you the last time, then why are you here AGAIN?

    It helped me back when l was 20 and l am now 42 with 3 kids and not able to afforded to go back to Jenny Craig. The weight l put on was over the years from 29 until was l was 42 which is now and 3 kids later..
  • jsp2374
    jsp2374 Posts: 131 Member
    I actually meant to quote someone else. She was saying that what you did worked for her and yadayadayada. The point is that this for me a lifestyle change. I want to be fit and healthy at the end of the weight loss. Well as much as possible with a chronic disease that left me disabled. BTW I am in Australia as well. I have found putting nuts and sunflower seeds, things like that help me get my calories up where they need to be. I do occasionally on really bad pain days just throw the McCain Pizza in the over but I do try to avoid them for the most part. You can make up your own pizza with much better stuff on it. I made one this past week that ended up being just a little over 100 calories a slice. Now I am working on getting my sodium down.

    Eating more does work, you just have to be patient. I went and got all my numbers after reading some of Dan's posts. When you really sit there and read and think about it, it does make sense. Add me if you want.

    If it helped you the last time, then why are you here AGAIN?

    It helped me back when l was 20 and l am now 42 with 3 kids and not able to afforded to go back to Jenny Craig. The weight l put on was over the years from 29 until was l was 42 which is now and 3 kids later..
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    Hey Tania,

    Serious question. How are you measuring the grams of chicken/rice and the 1 tablespoon of carrots/1 floret of broccoli?
    The reason I ask is that these portions are a bit odd, and I would sure hate for you to be underestimating your calories eaten. Chicken and rice actually can add up.
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    Looked at your diary, eating more means eating more HEALTHY foods, not an excess of carbs and bread and takeout, lol.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    So glad youve posted this, good for you and I agree with you. I noticed that youre a single parent of 3, the same as me (therefore living a stressy life without a partner), and are early 40s the same age as me. I wonder if alot of the people posting about increasing calories are young enough to have healthy metabolisms and less stress in their lives? Once in your early 40s or menopause age (like myself) your metabolism slows right down.

    :smile: I was underweight for 4 years up until last summer when I gave up smoking (which was speeding up my metabolism and supressing my appetite), at the same time I was going through an early menopause and gained 30lb between september and october last year. I joined here in November and didnt lose weight until the end of December. I only started losing once I started exercising more! I was walking 2 or 3 miles a day plus a half hour workout dvd and it was only then, that my weight loss started! My cals were set at 1200 cals a day, I didnt eat back my exercise calories either and some days I would eat lower than 1200 to compensate for weekends where I would eat more.

    Everthing was ticking along nicely until people started to scrutinize my food diary and "advise me" to eat more. I found it very patronizing, particularly because the cals I put down on here are an estimate , I lead such a busy life that half the time I forget to log things. I too was advised to up my calories. I upped them and after 4 weeks I had gained a couple of pounds. I also cut back slightly on the walking as my little boy has been poorly alot so I havent been able to get out and about as much. Resulting in me putting on weight, then totally giving up and becoming disheartened with it all. Follow your own body and your intuition, your body will tell you if you need to eat more, best of luck :smile: :smile:

    I'm the single mom to two teenage girls. I have stress in my life. I am 36 (almost 37) and have been showing signs of early menopause for a couple years now. I have a healthy metabolism because I eat. Yes, I've done very low calorie diets in the past and learned my lesson. Now, I eat - 80% of what I eat is healthy and then I let myself live a little with the other 20%. I've been in maintenance for the last 18+ months and have been holding steady with my weight.

    You can lose weight severely restricting your calories, but at some point your body is going to revolt against what you're doing to it.

    So, there you have it - someone in nearly the same situation that you are in who is telling you to EAT. Your body NEEDS food. I often wonder why people view food as an enemy.

    Edited to add: I can easily lose weight while consuming 2100-2200 NET (not total, NET) calories a day. I can easily maintain while consuming 2300-2500 NET calories a day. I'm on the smaller side - 5'4" and 145-150lbs.